AJ Simmons 2001
Locke's Position
- the only way to lose one's natural liberty is by giving one's own consent to becoming a member of the body politic.
- because so few people actually expressly consent to a political authority, tacit consent is required
- tacit consent is given by enjoying the benefits of authority, including residence.
- tacit consent generates the same kinds of obligations as express consent
- but both residents and aliens give tacit consent by enjoying the benefits of authority.
- so why aren't aliens members of the body politic?
@article{simmons2009denisons, title={'Denisons' and'Aliens': Locke's Problem of Political Consent}, author={Simmons, Alan}, journal={Denisons' and'Aliens': Locke's Problem of Political Consent (February 16, 2009)}, year={2009} }