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HAAS Code of Conduct


Maximize Signal-to-Noise Ratio

  1. DON'T WASTE TIME: Before you post, commit, or comment, make sure that your contribution is not going to waste anyone's time. Low effort and low value contributions will be removed. Repeat offenses will result in a ban. This reduces NOISE.
  2. ADD VALUE: You should be seeking to maximize value added to the collective. Optimize your contributions to be succint, impactful, meaningful, and helpful. This boosts SIGNAL.
  3. DO NO HARM: Zero tolerance for insults, trolling, moving the goalposts, and frivolous debates. Reduces noise and removes disruptors.

For more information, check out the original C3P0 below. Participation in this project and community is a privilege, not a right. Act accordingly.

Don't Waste Time

Time is our most scarce resource and is a proxy for everything else important; cognitive energy, and so on. Optimize your contributions to be a good use of time. That means you should expend your time wisely, and ensure that the time spent reading your contribution is also a good use of time.

Good Uses of Time:

  • High quality posts that are well thought out, well structured, easy to read, and not gigantic walls of text. LESS IS MORE.
  • Demonstrations that quickly and succinctly convey the most information in the least amount of time.
  • Examples that quickly convey how and why things work

Bad Uses of Time:

  • Debating, arguing, and quibbling over details or superfluous topics
  • Moving the goalposts, changing the scope, or naysaying
  • Walls of text, personal opinions, irrelevant contributions

Add Value

The key here is to optimize value-add. If you don't have something particularly valuable to add, don't add anything. But, if you do have something valuable to add, please do so immediately and in an manner optimized for best use of time.

Valuable Additions:

  • Solve problems
  • Add code
  • Share resources
  • Increase collective's understanding

Do No Harm

This is boilerplate anti-trolling, flaming, and griefing. This behavior will result in an immediate irrevocable ban. Removing dirsuptors results in better signal to noise ratio.


Collaborative Culture Community Policy: Zero Tolerance

I. Preamble: Understanding the Present

The Collaborative Culture Community Policy Zero Tolerance (C3P0) arises
from a critical understanding of contemporary digital culture. We
recognize the pervasive influence of engagement-driven algorithms in our
online spaces, which often amplify and incentivize toxic competition,
harmful behaviors, and low-quality interactions. These algorithms, in
their relentless pursuit of engagement metrics, often prioritize volume
over value, controversy over collaboration, and outrage over

II. Vision: Imagining a Better Future

The C3P0 puts forth a vision for online communities that depart from these
harmful norms and instead, place the well-being of their participants at
their core. We envision digital spaces where the time, energy, and
emotional well-being of participants are respected, where interactions are
thoughtful, where discussions are fruitful, and where the digital
experience is marked by empathy, respect, and understanding. We
acknowledge that this approach may result in lower engagement levels
quantitatively, but qualitatively, it promises to elevate the online
experience and create a more meaningful, inclusive, and enjoyable digital

III. Intent: Shaping the Change

To bring this vision into reality, the C3P0 sets out a clear policy and
practical guidelines designed to nurture a healthier digital culture. The
policy underscores the crucial shift away from metrics-driven engagement
towards a values-driven engagement that prioritizes collaborative and
constructive participation. It establishes clear expectations, upholds
transparency, and enforces accountability. In doing so, we intend to
challenge the status quo, encourage digital platforms and creators to
adopt these principles, and ultimately, play our part in fixing the
internet, one digital community at a time.

IV. Potential Impact: An Unexpected Upside

While it's easy to assume that enforcing stricter community guidelines may
suppress activity and thereby reduce engagement, historical and
sociological patterns suggest otherwise. Just as the ban on smoking in
public spaces, which was initially perceived as detrimental to businesses
such as bars and restaurants, eventually increased their patronage, we
believe a similar pattern may emerge in online communities.

By instituting these guidelines and pushing harmful behaviors to the
fringes, we may be able to create a more inviting environment. When online
spaces become more respectful, more inclusive, and more value-driven, they
also become more appealing to a broader audience.

In essence, this is an appeal to quality over quantity: a smaller number
of high-quality, respectful interactions over a large volume of toxic
engagements. Yet, it's not only the quality that might improve - the
quantity might as well.

By creating safer spaces online, we may actually foster deeper, more
meaningful interactions. We could attract more diverse voices,
perspectives, and ideas, which would otherwise be pushed out by toxic
behaviors. And so, paradoxically, by striving to create a more wholesome,
respectful environment - even if it means enforcing stricter guidelines
and seeing some decline in immediate engagement - we might actually drive
up engagement in the long run.

In this way, the C3P0 isn't just an ethical and moral approach to digital
community management - it could also be a smarter, more sustainable
approach to fostering vibrant, engaging, and diverse online communities.
It's a win-win for everyone: a healthier, more enjoyable experience for
users, and a more engaged, diverse, and respectful community for platforms
and creators.

V. Theory and Principles

To embody our values and vision, we have identified several guiding
principles which serve as the backbone of our policy:

A. Privilege of Participation
  Engagement in our online community is a privilege, not a right. This
  distinction underscores the need for every member to contribute positively
  and constructively. Our community is not an inalienable public square but
  a collective space built on shared norms and respect. It invites
  individuals who uphold these values, enrich discussions, and respect
  fellow participants. Those unable or unwilling to abide by these standards
  may forfeit the privilege of participating in our community.

B. Right to Consent
  Every member of our community possesses the fundamental right to consent
  to how they're treated. This principle asserts that one's online presence
  doesn't imply an open invitation for harassment, abuse, or unwanted
  attention. It repudiates the notion that by merely being online,
  individuals are 'asking for' or 'exposing themselves to' potential harm.
  We respect and uphold the rights of our members to engage in a manner that
  they feel comfortable with, putting their safety and well-being over
  superficial metrics of engagement.

C. Time Vampirism
  Time vampirism refers to behaviors that drain the collective energy and
  time of our community. These behaviors, such as trolling, engaging in
  baseless arguments, and continually shifting the goalposts, detract from
  meaningful engagement and waste the valuable time of our members. We
  consider time a precious commodity and take a strong stance against
  practices that misuse or squander it.

D. Collaborative Culture
  We foster a culture of collaboration rather than competition. Many online
  platforms promote competition, driving engagement through conflict and
  outrage. This often results in divisive, harmful spaces that discourage
  genuine discourse. In contrast, our community encourages collective
  growth, mutual learning, and supportive interactions. We believe that a
  collaborative environment, where members uplift and learn from each other,
  leads to richer, more positive experiences.

E. Constructive Participation
  Constructive participation is the cornerstone of our community. We expect
  all members to contribute in a manner that is thoughtful, respectful, and
  aligned with the community's purpose. This involves listening to others,
  providing insightful input, staying on-topic, and treating all
  participants with kindness. Constructive participation recognizes and
  appreciates the diversity of our community, fostering an environment where
  different perspectives can be shared and valued without fear of hostility
  or derision.

F. Accountability
  Accountability is central to the functioning of a healthy, respectful, and
  collaborative online community. Existing algorithms and policies on many
  online platforms often fall short in this regard, allowing harmful
  behaviors to persist under the guise of 'free speech' or engagement. This
  approach not only undermines the quality of interactions but can also have
  severe mental health repercussions for users exposed to such behaviors.
  Our policy asserts that accountability should be paramount in any online
  community. Members should take responsibility for their actions, comments,
  and the effect they have on others.

G. Consequences
  Just as in real life, there must be consequences for actions that harm or
  disrupt the community. All too often, online platforms allow harmful
  behaviors to go unchecked, breeding a toxic environment that discourages
  meaningful engagement and collaboration. We stand firm against this trend.
  Actions that violate the standards and guidelines of our community, such
  as bullying, harassment, or any form of harm, must be met with clear,
  swift, and appropriate consequences. These may range from warnings and
  temporary suspensions to permanent bans, depending on the severity and
  frequency of the violation. By enforcing consequences, we aim to create an
  online environment that mirrors the respect, responsibility, and
  accountability expected in our everyday offline interactions.

The C3P0 is a bold step towards fostering a healthier, more supportive,
and collaborative internet culture. By implementing this policy, we aspire
to redirect the internet away from harmful practices and towards a
community that values respect, collaboration, and constructive
participation above all.

VI. The Golden Rule: Don't Waste Time

Time is the most precious commodity we possess, and within the context of
our policy, it becomes the 'new algorithm,' the key metric guiding our
community interactions. Our golden rule enshrines this concept: Don't
waste anyone's time.

This principle acknowledges that every second spent within our community
is valuable 'signal.' It reflects our commitment to maximize the
'signal-to-noise' ratio in our community interactions. By 'signal,' we
mean meaningful, valuable contributions that enrich discussions and foster
a sense of community. 'Noise,' on the other hand, encompasses behaviors
and content that waste time, distract from meaningful engagement, or
disrupt the constructive community environment.

This golden rule is inherently subjective and contextual, reflecting the
varied nature of discussions and dynamics across diverse internet
communities. What might be considered 'noise' or time-wasting in one
context might be acceptable in another. For instance, a light-hearted meme
may be a distraction in a focused technical discussion, but in a casual
conversation, it might foster a sense of community and fun.

Our golden rule encourages every member to ponder before posting: Does
this contribution act as a valuable signal? Does it respect the time of
others and align with the community's purpose? This perspective flips the
conventional understanding of engagement on its head, with time and
'signal' quality becoming the critical factors over mere quantity.

We trust our community members to understand and exercise this principle
effectively. We are not seeking to micromanage, but rather to foster a
culture where time, as the new algorithm, is respected and valued. By
promoting a high signal-to-noise ratio, we aim to nurture a collaborative
environment marked by meaningful engagement, mutual respect, and valuable

VII. Time-Wasting Behaviors: Reducing Noise

The C3P0 defines certain behaviors as 'noise' within our community, which
tend to detract from the quality of interactions and waste the valuable
time of our members. Here, we offer a non-exhaustive list of behaviors
that are generally considered 'time-wasting'. Understanding these
behaviors can help our community members better adhere to our golden rule:
Don't waste anyone's time.

A. Trolling
  Trolling refers to intentionally disruptive actions aimed at provoking
  negative reactions, derailing discussions, or sowing discord within the
  community. This behavior serves no constructive purpose and wastes the
  community's time by redirecting attention away from valuable discourse.

B. Baseless Arguing
  Engaging in arguments without any substantial basis or evidence, often for
  the sake of arguing, is another form of time-wasting behavior. This not
  only detracts from meaningful discussions but also creates a hostile
  environment that discourages constructive participation.

C. Shifting the Goalposts
  This behavior involves continually changing the criteria or standards in a
  discussion once they have been met. It results in endless debates that
  waste time and stifle the productive exchange of ideas. It also includes
  'whataboutism' and other red herrings.

D. Armchair Debating
  Participating in debates about complex subjects without appropriate
  knowledge, understanding, or consideration of expert opinions is often
  unproductive and may mislead other community members, thus wasting their
  time. This also includes 'oneupmanship' and sophistry.

E. Disingenuous Behaviors
  Any form of dishonesty, such as misrepresentation of facts, misleading
  other members, or feigning ignorance to provoke a reaction, is considered
  time-wasting. Authenticity and honesty are essential in creating a
  community built on trust and mutual respect.

F. Harassing Behaviors
  Any actions that involve persistent unwanted attention, bullying, or
  infringement on another member's right to consent are strictly considered
  time-wasting and disrespectful. Our community places a high value on the
  emotional well-being of all members, and harassment of any form will not
  be tolerated.

By clearly identifying these behaviors, we aim to promote self-awareness
among our members. We expect everyone in our community to refrain from
these time-wasting behaviors, to contribute positively to the
signal-to-noise ratio, and to respect the golden rule. We hope this
contributes to a collaborative, respectful, and engaging environment where
each interaction is a good use of everyone's time.

VIII. Good Uses of Time: Amplifying Signal

Following our Golden Rule, we want to emphasize behaviors that contribute
positively to our community's signal-to-noise ratio. These behaviors, or
'good uses of time,' are actively encouraged as they align with our vision
of cultivating a respectful, collaborative, and engaging online
environment. Again, this list isn't exhaustive but serves as an
illustration of potentially beneficial behaviors:

A. Thoughtful Participation
  Taking the time to craft well-thought-out responses, comments, or posts
  that contribute to the topic at hand is highly valued. Thoughtful
  participation fosters meaningful discussions and is a respectful use of
  everyone's time.

B. Active Listening
  Active listening involves engaging with others' ideas, showing
  understanding, and responding constructively. This behavior demonstrates
  respect for others' time and effort in sharing their thoughts and fosters
  an environment of mutual learning.

C. Respectful Disagreement
  Disagreements are inevitable in any community, but it's important to
  handle them respectfully. Expressing disagreement in a thoughtful,
  respectful manner that focuses on the idea rather than the person is a
  productive use of time and enriches discussions.

D. Asking Insightful Questions
  Asking insightful questions can stimulate discussion, encourage deeper
  thought, and promote mutual learning. These questions are often open-ended
  and invite others to share their perspectives, experiences, or expertise.

E. Sharing Knowledge
  Sharing relevant information, expertise, or experiences that contribute to
  a discussion is highly encouraged. It adds value to conversations and is a
  good use of everyone's time.

F. Constructive Feedback
  Providing constructive feedback helps others improve, fosters mutual
  growth, and strengthens the community. Remember to focus on the behavior
  or the idea, not the person, and to communicate your feedback in a
  respectful, supportive manner.

By promoting these behaviors, we aim to cultivate a community environment
that values quality over quantity, respects each other's time, and fosters
meaningful, engaging interactions. We encourage all members to practice
these behaviors and contribute positively to the community's
signal-to-noise ratio. In this way, every interaction within our community
becomes a valuable signal, and a respectful use of everyone's time.

IX. Consequences: Upholding Accountability

Consequences for time-wasting or harmful behavior serve to uphold
accountability and maintain the respect, safety, and integrity of our
community. It is important to note that the capacity to enforce certain
consequences will depend on the specific capabilities of various digital
platforms. While we acknowledge this variability, the following is a
general guideline for understanding the potential consequences of
violating our policy. Again, this list is not exhaustive but offers a
range of possible actions:

A. Warning
  Initial minor offenses might result in a warning. This serves as an
  opportunity for the offender to acknowledge their misstep and correct
  their behavior.

B. Temporary Suspension or Timeout
  Repeated offenses or more severe misbehavior may result in temporary
  suspension or a timeout. This punitive measure offers the offender a
  period of reflection and the chance to reconsider their actions.

C. Permanent Ban
  In cases of extremely disruptive behavior or in the event of serious,
  repeat offenses, a permanent ban may be enforced. This ensures the safety
  and well-being of the rest of the community.

D. Removal of Content
  Certain offenses may necessitate the removal of the offender's content.
  This can range from a single inappropriate comment to an entire thread,
  depending on the severity of the violation.

While the application of these consequences may vary from platform to
platform, the core principle remains the same: enforcing accountability
for harmful behaviors. We recognize that not all platforms allow for the
full range of these consequences, often providing only more extreme
measures like blocking or banning. In such cases, we encourage communities
to be judicious but firm in their enforcement.

It's crucial to emphasize that the goal of these consequences isn't to
punish but to uphold the integrity, safety, and respect of our online
community. The same principle applies in various offline scenarios: flight
attendants wouldn't hesitate to enforce smoking prohibitions on a plane,
or if someone lit up a cigarette in a restaurant, they would be asked to
leave. These actions aren't seen as punishments, but as necessary measures
to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone else present.

Likewise, the C3P0 policy sees the enforcement of consequences as a
commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and collaborative online
community. One person's noxious behavior can make the digital environment
unsafe and unpleasant for everyone else. By implementing consequences,
we're not punishing individuals but safeguarding the collective wellbeing
of our community. In this way, we are making the internet a better place
for everyone.

X. Guidelines for Moderators: How to Use C3P0 Fairly

The role of a moderator in implementing the C3P0 policy is crucial. It is
a challenging role that requires sensitivity, discernment, and a deep
understanding of our shared values and principles. The following
guidelines are designed to assist moderators in their role, ensuring that
they uphold the spirit of our policy while also encouraging lively,
constructive participation.

A. Balance
  The goal of our policy is not to suppress discussion or create
  an environment of fear. While we adopt a Zero Tolerance stance towards
  harmful behaviors, it is equally important to balance this with an
  encouraging, inclusive atmosphere for genuine, well-meaning participants.
  It's critical to foster an environment where users feel free to express
  themselves, debate, and share ideas without fear of undue reprisal. The
  aim should be to strike a balance where all users feel safe and heard, but
  not silenced.

B. Transparency
  Being transparent about the rules, decisions, and actions
  taken is crucial for fostering trust within the community. When enforcing
  consequences, explain the reason clearly, citing the specific violation of
  the policy. This clarity will not only help the individual understand
  their misstep but also serve as a learning opportunity for the rest of the
  community. Openly communicate any changes or updates to the community
  guidelines, and provide reasons behind these modifications. Additionally,
  consider creating a publicly accessible log of moderation actions (while
  maintaining user privacy), which can demonstrate your commitment to
  fairness and accountability.

C. Consistency and Fairness
  Treat all members of the community with equal
  respect and fairness, regardless of their status or popularity. Ensure
  that the policy is applied consistently to everyone. Avoid showing
  favoritism or bias, as this can damage the trust and harmony within the
  community. For instance, a new user violating the guidelines should
  receive the same treatment as a seasoned member. In cases of rule
  violation, communicate clearly about the infringement, the relevant
  section of the policy it contravenes, and the subsequent action taken. By
  doing so, you demonstrate transparency and uphold the principle of

D. Proactive Engagement
  Anticipate potential issues and respond to them
  before they escalate. This could involve addressing emerging conflicts,
  clarifying misunderstandings, or reiterating community guidelines as
  necessary. Being proactive also means guiding discussions constructively
  to prevent them from spiraling into negativity or toxicity. For instance,
  if you observe a conversation heating up, consider stepping in with a
  reminder about respectful dialogue or steering the conversation back on
  track. This proactive approach can maintain a positive environment and
  prevent the need for punitive measures.

E. Diplomacy and Empathy
  The essence of moderation is not in the exercise
  of power, but in diplomacy and empathy. When enforcing guidelines,
  approach the situation with understanding and tact. Aim to guide rather
  than chastise, keeping in mind that your goal is to foster a respectful,
  constructive community. Before taking action, consider the context, the
  user's history, and the potential for misunderstanding. If possible,
  privately communicate with the user in question to address the issue,
  explaining the violation and the necessity for the guideline. This
  diplomatic approach can help resolve issues without resorting to public
  penalties, which should be used as a last resort.

Always remember that there is a person behind each username, with their
own experiences, perspectives, and feelings. Strive to foster a supportive
and understanding atmosphere where everyone feels respected and heard.
While firmness is necessary to maintain order and respect, it should
always be balanced with empathy and respect for individual dignity.

The goal of the C3P0 is not just to penalize harmful behavior but to
actively encourage a positive, respectful, and collaborative culture. As a
moderator, your role is pivotal in shaping the tone and culture of the
community. Your fair and balanced approach to implementing this policy
will be key in creating an online space where everyone feels valued,
respected, and free to contribute.