If you are considering contributing, thanks!
The steps below outline the formats expected to be consistent with the existing commits.
Before writing any code:
- raise an issue
- discuss the problem
Once it's been agreed what should be done:
- fork the
branch - work on your code
To submit your code:
- make a pull request
- make sure the PR title is in the present tense, ie "Add thing"
- in the description, either:
- tag the issue
- use the
Closes #xxx
form to automatically close the issue
- if the code is complex, explain what you've done and why
For all changes:
- update the package.json version using semantic versioning (minor: feature, patch: fix)
- update the changelog, including:
[version] - date
of change(s) - as many are neededdescription
of change(s) - one per line(#nn)
PR id in brackets- fixes/closes #nn
issue(s) id after
If you are submitting a new plugin:
- read the plugins document
- make sure to include tests as outlined in the above document
- update the integrations document with a brief description