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fslp - feasible sequential linear programming: a prototypical implementation

A prototypical implementation of the recently proposed Feasible Sequential Linear Programming (FSLP) algorithm.

Installation on Linux

In order to use the solver you need to install the following dependencies:

  • The protoypical solver is written in python3. Therefore, get a recent python3 version
  • Install casadi. You can follow the instructions on the casadi website.

The easiest way is done by

pip install casadi
  • Get CPLEX version 12.8 from the IBM website. Version 12.8 is the latest release that is compatible with casadi. CPLEX needs to be interfaced with casadi. If you compile casadi from source, please check out the following link for assistance to interface the solver
  • The HiGHs solver is available through the CasADi develop branch

Usage of the Solver

The optimization problem should be modelled in the following form:

$$\begin{split} \min_{x \in R^n} \quad &f\\\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad &lbg <= g <= ubg,\\\ &lbx <= x <= ubx \end{split}$$

where x is a symbolic casadi vector and f, g are symbolic casadi expressions. The bounds lbg, ubg, lbx, ubx are numeric casadi vectors.

IMPORTANT: The solver needs to be initialized at a feasible point, such that it works correctly!

Example Problem

We want to solve the following NLP:

$$\begin{split} \min_{x \in R^2}\quad &x_2\\\ \mathrm{s.t.}\quad &x_2 >= x_1^2\\\ &x_2 >= 0.1x_1 + 0.06 \end{split}$$

the algorithm is initialized at the point

FSLP can be used as follows:

# import statements
import casadi as cs
from fslp import fslp

# Create symbolic expression and bound vectors
x = cs.MX.sym('x', 2)
f = x[1]
g = cs.vertcat(x[1] - x[0]**2, x[1] - 0.1*x[0] - 0.06)
lbg = cs.vertcat(0, 0)
ubg = cs.vertcat(cs.inf, cs.inf)
lbx = -cs.inf
ubx = cs.inf
x0 = cs.vertcat(2, 10)

# Create problem dict
problem_dict = {}
problem_dict['x'] = x
problem_dict['f'] = f
problem_dict['g'] = g

# Create initialization dictionary
init_dict = {}
init_dict['lbx'] = lbx
init_dict['ubx'] = ubx
init_dict['lbg'] = lbg
init_dict['ubg'] = ubg
init_dict['x0'] = x0

# Create options dictionary
opts = {}
opts['lpsol'] = 'cplex'
opts['lpsol_opts'] = {'verbose': False,
                      'tol': 1e-9,
                      'qp_method': 2,
                      'warm_start': True,
                      'dep_check': 2,
                      'cplex': {'CPXPARAM_Simplex_Display': 0,
                                'CPXPARAM_ScreenOutput': 0}}
opts['max_iter'] = 45
opts['optim_tol'] = 1e-12

# Create FSLP solver and solve problem
feasible_solver = fslp.FSLP_Method()
x_sol, f_sol = feasible_solver.solve(problem_dict, init_dict, opts)

OCP example

For the implementation of an OCP with casadi's Opti stack, please have a look into the following example.

The feasible initialization was achieved by introducing slack variables on the initial and terminal constraint.


The algorithm is described in:

A Feasible Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm with Application to Time-Optimal Path Planning Problems David Kiessling, Andrea Zanelli, Armin Nurkanović, Joris Gillis, Moritz Diehl, Melanie Zeilinger, Goele Pipeleers, Jan Swevers published in the Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


For questions, remarks, bugs please send an email to: