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conference year title citationCount
CHI 1 Scale effects in steering law tasks 29 81100509407: Johnny Accot|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|
CHI 1 Accuracy measures for evaluating computer pointing devices 93 81100367406: I. Scott MacKenzie|81100358954: Tatu Kauppinen|81100199031: Miika Silfverberg|
CHI 1 Laser pointer interaction 89 81410595121: Dan R. Olsen|81332518387: Travis Nielsen|
CHI 1 Listen reader: an electronically augmented paper-based book 54 81100005666: Maribeth Back|81332493853: Jonathan Cohen|81332501009: Rich Gold|81100010024: Steve Harrison|81100078779: Scott Minneman|
CHI 1 Exploiting interactivity, influence, space and time to explore non-linear drama in virtual worlds 10 81100554242: Mike Craven|81542123356: Ian Taylor|81100638532: Adam Drozd|81100542016: Jim Purbrick|81100557223: Chris Greenhalgh|81100619971: Steve Benford|81100364452: Mike Fraser|81100260889: John Bowers|81100228951: Kai-Mikael|81408601767: Bernd Lintermann|81332504327: Michael Hoch|
CHI 1 Orchestrating a mixed reality performance 31 81100296314: Boriana Koleva|81542123356: Ian Taylor|81100619971: Steve Benford|81100364452: Mike Fraser|81100557223: Chris Greenhalgh|81100504057: Holger Schn|81100561154: Dirk vom Lehn|81100164455: Christian Heath|81100463317: Ju Row-Farr|81100312947: Matt Adams|
CHI 1 Cookies and Web browser design: toward realizing informed consent online 25 81100351532: Lynette I. Millett|81100636215: Batya Friedman|81100373505: Edward Felten|
CHI 1 Empirically validated web page design metrics 49 81100296046: Melody Y. Ivory|81100335844: Rashmi R. Sinha|81100612246: Marti A. Hearst|
CHI 1 What makes Web sites credible?: a report on a large quantitative study 120 81452616406: B. J. Fogg|81100280809: Jonathan Marshall|81100342488: Othman Laraki|81100578560: Alex Osipovich|81100153571: Chris Varma|81100350049: Nicholas Fang|81100339687: Jyoti Paul|81100141598: Akshay Rangnekar|81100456453: John Shon|81332530745: Preeti Swani|81100446411: Marissa Treinen|
CHI 1 Improving the performance of the cyberlink mental interface with “yes / no program” 6 81100175531: Eamon Doherty|81100175348: Gilbert Cockton|81100198998: Chris Bloor|81100643688: Dennis Benigno|
CHI 1 Responding to subtle, fleeting changes in the user's internal state 16 81332532709: Wataru Tsukahara|81100632992: Nigel Ward|
CHI 1 An “independent visual background” reduced balance disturbance envoked by visual scene motion: implication for alleviating simulator sickness 2 81100369572: Henry Been-Lirn Duh|81100170435: Donald E. Parker|81100270213: Thomas A. Furness|
CHI 1 Layered participatory analysis: new developments in the CARD technique 17 81332517372: Michael J. Muller|
CHI 1 Building a human factors “knowledge shelf” as a collaborative information tool for designers 0 81100478551: Brian H. Philips|81100275460: Moin Rahman|81339506713: Jari Jrvinen|
CHI 1 Global-software development lifecycle: an exploratory study 26 81100426389: Alvin W. Yeo|
CHI 1 Ignoring perfect knowledge in-the-world for imperfect knowledge in-the-head 9 81100400779: Wayne D. Gray|81100244379: Wai-Tat Fu|
CHI 1 Predicting the effects of in-car interfaces on driver behavior using a cognitive architecture 14 81100289294: Dario D. Salvucci|
CHI 1 Towards demystification of direct manipulation: cognitive modeling charts the gulf of execution 3 81100254452: David Kieras|81100569254: David Meyer|81100032930: James Ballas|
CHI 1 Visualization components for persistent conversations 62 81100077378: Marc A. Smith|81542582156: Andrew T. Fiore|
CHI 1 Time Aura: interfaces for pacing 5 81100538787: Lena Mamykina|81100331104: Elizabeth Mynatt|81100295906: Michael A. Terry|
CHI 1 Doom as an interface for process management 25 81100133918: Dennis Chao|
CHI 1 Shall we mix synthetic speech and human speech?: impact on users' performance, perception, and attitude 9 81100009981: Li Gong|81452599494: Jennifer Lai|
CHI 1 Effects of spatial audio on memory, comprehension, and preference during desktop conferences 17 81100522643: Jessica J. Baldis|
CHI 1 Quiet calls: talking silently on mobile phones 30 81100407787: Les Nelson|81100274421: Sara Bly|81100318754: Tomas Sokoler|
CHI 1 The audio notebook: paper and pen interaction with structured speech 58 81100180551: Lisa Stifelman|81100365992: Barry Arons|81100444749: Chris Schmandt|
CHI 1 Does organisation by similarity assist image browsing? 84 81100347361: Kerry Rodden|81100470296: Wojciech Basalaj|81100094737: David Sinclair|81344500170: Kenneth Wood|
CHI 1 Using thumbnails to search the Web 62 81100327302: Allison Woodruff|81100067252: Andrew Faulring|81100414889: Ruth Rosenholtz|81100423179: Julie Morrsion|81100252735: Peter Pirolli|
CHI 1 On the road and on the Web?: comprehension of synthetic and human speech while driving 9 81452599499: Jennifer Lai|81100100757: Karen Cheng|81407594358: Paul Green|81100633125: Omer Tsimhoni|
CHI 1 Accordion summarization for end-game browsing on PDAs and cellular phones 44 81100501214: Orkut Buyukkokten|81100308969: Hector Garcia-Molina|81100130120: Andreas Paepcke|
CHI 1 ConNexus to awarenex: extending awareness to mobile users 108 81405592014: John C. Tang|81310499777: Nicole Yankelovich|81385592906: James Begole|81328490974: Max Van Kleek|81414609896: Francis Li|81414617247: Janak Bhalodia|
CHI 1 Beyond command knowledge: identifying and teaching strategic knowledge for using complex computer applications 7 81100435759: Suresh K. Bhavnani|81100564883: Frederick Reif|81100482886: Bonnie E. John|
CHI 1 Teachers as simulation programmers: minimalist learning and reuse 5 81335496622: Mary Beth Rosson|81332526317: Cheryl D. Seals|
CHI 1 Locus of feedback control in computer-based tutoring: impact on learning rate, achievement and attitudes 31 81100192841: Albert T. Corbett|81363598414: John R. Anderson|
CHI 1 Sensetable: a wireless object tracking platform for tangible user interfaces 91 81100339352: James Patten|81100363076: Hiroshi Ishii|81332504228: Jim Hines|81100297437: Gian Pangaro|
CHI 1 Surface drawing: creating organic 3D shapes with the hand and tangible tools 63 81100001340: Steven Schkolne|81100420528: Michael Pruett|81100117380: Peter Schrö|
CHI 1 DataTiles: a modular platform for mixed physical and graphical interactions 80 81100008564: Jun Rekimoto|81100226633: Brygg Ullmer|81100154483: Haruo Oba|
CHI 1 Optimizing search by showing results in context 84 81100134501: Susan Dumais|81100506242: Edward Cutrell|81540489656: Hao Chen|
CHI 1 Robust annotation positioning in digital documents 32 81332491415: A. J. Bernheim Brush|81100187010: David Bargeron|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|81100025873: J. J. Cadiz|
CHI 1 Reading of electronic documents: the usability of linear, fisheye, and overview+detail interfaces 47 81100047223: Kasper Hornb|81100265136: Erik Fr|
CHI 1 Eye gaze patterns in conversations: there is more to conversational agents than meets the eyes 90 81100497077: Roel Vertegaal|81100136322: Robert Slagter|81100545115: Gerrit van der Veer|81100266861: Anton Nijholt|
CHI 1 The impact of eye gaze on communication using humanoid avatars 56 81100051968: Maia Garau|81100615391: Mel Slater|81100302046: Simon Bee|81100499004: Martina Angela Sasse|
CHI 1 The dynamics of mass online marketplaces: a case study of an online auction 6 81100617612: Jungpil Hahn|
CHI 1 Digital family portraits: supporting peace of mind for extended family members 178 81100331104: Elizabeth D. Mynatt|81100302436: Jim Rowan|81100526497: Sarah Craighill|81100068716: Annie Jacobs|
CHI 1 Social navigation of food recipes 26 81100551494: Martin Svensson|81341491415: Kristina|81100629235: Jarmo Laaksolahti|81100020339: Annika Waern|
CHI 1 Chinese input with keyboard and eye-tracking: an anatomical study 25 81100233343: Jingtao Wang|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|81339530542: Hui Su|
CHI 1 Model for unistroke writing time 13 81100311272: Poika Isokoski|
CHI 1 Text input for mobile devices: comparing model prediction to actual performance 64 81100415127: Christina L. James|81332522999: Kelly M. Reischel|
CHI 1 Better home shopping or new democracy?: evaluating community network outcomes 13 81350576124: John M. Carroll|81335496622: Mary Beth Rosson|
CHI 1 Identity construction environments: supporting a virtual therapeutic community of pediatric patients undergoing dialysis 15 81100457566: Marina U. Bers|81100139403: Joseph Gonzalez-Heydrich|81100152567: David Ray DeMaso|
CHI 1 GeneyTM: designing a collaborative activity for the palmTM handheld computer 43 81538105656: Arman Danesh|81100519232: Kori Inkpen|81538470456: Felix Lau|81100206506: Keith Shu|81100170154: Kellogg Booth|
CHI 1 Relational agents: a model and implementation of building user trust 63 81100360895: Timothy Bickmore|81100435029: Justine Cassell|
CHI 1 An empirical study of human Web assistants: implications for user support in Web information systems 13 81100216445: Johan Aberg|81100181796: Nahid Shahmehri|
CHI 1 Social presence in Web surveys 1 81100333345: Mick P. Couper|81100538591: Roger Tourangeau|81100632144: Darby M. Steiger|
CHI 1 Exploring 3D navigation: combining speed-coupled flying with orbiting 63 81100255664: Desney S. Tan|81452612822: George G. Robertson|81100280834: Mary Czerwinski|
CHI 1 Reaching movements to augmented and graphic objects in virtual environments 11 81100341017: Andrea H. Mason|81100480460: Masuma A. Walji|81100385764: Elaine J. Lee|81100367227: Christine L. MacKenzie|
CHI 1 3D or not 3D?: evaluating the effect of the third dimension in a document management system 34 81100607754: Andy Cockburn|81100017816: Bruce McKenzie|
CHI 1 Automating camera management for lecture room environments 16 81100525820: Qiong Liu|81100018204: Yong Rui|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|81100025873: J. J. Cadiz|
CHI 1 Viewing meeting captured by an omni-directional camera 17 81100018204: Yong Rui|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|81100025873: J. J. Cadiz|
CHI 1 Partitioning digital worlds: focal and peripheral awareness in multiple monitor use 118 81100031531: Jonathan Grudin|
CHI 1 Folk computing: revisiting oral tradition as a scaffold for co-present communities 5 81100002852: Rick Borovoy|81100001812: Brian Silverman|81100371481: Tim Gorton|81100510429: Matt Notowidigdo|81100013114: Brian Knep|81331502299: Mitchel Resnick|81332509115: Jeff Klann|
CHI 1 Designing palaver tree online: supporting social roles in a community of oral history 16 81332497475: Jason B. Ellis|81100562702: Amy S. Bruckman|
CHI 1 Classroom collaboration in the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling 59 81100250935: Danae Stanton|81100371655: Victor Bayon|81100165082: Helen Neale|81100403313: Ahmed Ghali|81100619971: Steve Benford|81100349341: Sue Cobb|81100067150: Rob Ingram|81409593242: Claire O'Malley|81100533516: John Wilson|81100377785: Tony Pridmore|
CHI 1 Using information scent to model user information needs and actions and the Web 103 81100330316: Ed H. Chi|81100252735: Peter Pirolli|81100107326: Kim Chen|81100299516: James Pitkow|
CHI 1 Information scent as a driver of Web behavior graphs: results of a protocol analysis method for Web usability 42 81406592524: Stuart K. Card|81100252735: Peter Pirolli|81100269681: Mija Van Der Wege|81100423179: Julie B. Morrison|81100651314: Robert W. Reeder|81100097460: Pamela K. Schraedley|81100595029: Jenea Boshart|
CHI 1 Visual information foraging in a focus + context visualization 46 81100252735: Peter Pirolli|81406592524: Stuart K. Card|81100269681: Mija M. Van Der Wege|
CHI 1 The notification collage: posting information to public and personal displays 110 81100197069: Saul Greenberg|81100065366: Michael Rounding|
CHI 1 Single display privacyware: augmenting public displays with private information 37 81100596912: Garth B. D. Shoemaker|81100519232: Kori M. Inkpen|
CHI 1 Linking public spaces: technical and social issues 34 81100269038: Gavin Jancke|81100190815: Gina Danielle Venolia|81100031531: Jonathan Grudin|81100025873: J. J. Cadiz|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|
CHI 1 Casablanca: designing social communication devices for the home 103 81100031847: Debby Hindus|81100420884: Scott D. Mainwaring|81100382213: Nicole Leduc|81100589811: Anna Elizabeth Hagstr|81100076840: Oliver Bayley|
CHI 2 Where do web sites come from?: capturing and interacting with design history 38 81100364989: Scott R. Klemmer|81100624565: Michael Thomsen|81100268477: Ethan Phelps-Goodman|81452595293: Robert Lee|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 2 The augurscope: a mixed reality interface for outdoors 31 81100504057: Holger Schn|81100296314: Boriana Koleva|81100138797: Martin Flintham|81100364452: Mike Fraser|81328488768: Shahram Izadi|81100487744: Paul Chandler|81332499007: Malcolm Foster|81100619971: Steve Benford|81100557223: Chris Greenhalgh|81100347821: Tom Rodden|
CHI 2 Movement model, hits distribution and learning in virtual keyboarding 25 81408591988: Shumin Zhai|81100265477: Alison Sue|81100509407: Johnny Accot|
CHI 2 Comparison of two touchpad-based methods for numeric entry 9 81100311272: Poika Isokoski|81100039309: Mika Kki|
CHI 2 Interacting at a distance: measuring the performance of laser pointers and other devices 86 81100013136: Brad A. Myers|81100498912: Rishi Bhatnagar|81100204766: Jeffrey Nichols|81100174074: Choon Hong Peck|81408591772: Dave Kong|81100162232: Robert Miller|81100466414: A. Chris Long|
CHI 2 Messages embedded in gaze of interface agents --- impression management with agent's gaze 27 81100096770: Atsushi Fukayama|81328489815: Takehiko Ohno|81100515996: Naoki Mukawa|81341496249: Minako Sawaki|81100399958: Norihiro Hagita|
CHI 2 Leveraging the asymmetric sensitivity of eye contact for videoconference 27 81100109603: Milton Chen|
CHI 2 Acquisition of expanding targets 80 81100605090: Michael McGuffin|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|
CHI 2 Quantitative analysis of scrolling techniques 47 81100519448: Ken Hinckley|81100506242: Edward Cutrell|81100366024: Steve Bathiche|81100177145: Tim Muss|
CHI 2 More than dotting the i's --- foundations for crossing-based interfaces 105 81100509407: Johnny Accot|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|
CHI 2 A Case Study to Distill Structural Scaffolding Guidelines for Scaffolded Software Environments 11 81100211248: Chris Quintana|81100169181: Joseph Krajcik|81332528788: Elliot Soloway|
CHI 2 Notification for shared annotation of digital documents 15 81332491415: A. J. Bernheim Brush|81100187010: David Bargeron|81100031531: Jonathan Grudin|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|
CHI 2 "I'd be overwhelmed, but it's just one more thing to do": availability and interruption in research management 85 81100566859: James M. Hudson|81100285123: Jim Christensen|81100457150: Wendy A. Kellogg|81100235869: Thomas Erickson|
CHI 2 Comparing voodoo dolls and HOMER: exploring the importance of feedback in virtual environments 7 81100303065: Jeffrey S. Pierce|81100493478: Randy Pausch|
CHI 2 SmartSkin: an infrastructure for freehand manipulation on interactive surfaces 222 81100008564: Jun Rekimoto|
CHI 2 Creating principal 3D curves with digital tape drawing 32 81100477897: Tovi Grossman|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|81332510496: Gordon Kurtenbach|81100585120: George Fitzmaurice|81100345201: Azam Khan|81452616426: Bill Buxton|
CHI 2 Adaptive testing: effects on user performance 2 81100250252: Eva Jettmar|81100153283: Clifford Nass|
CHI 2 Effects of four computer-mediated communications channels on trust development 75 81100632322: Nathan Bos|81350567367: Judy Olson|81100246470: Darren Gergle|81100178543: Gary Olson|81416597588: Zach Wright|
CHI 2 Trust without touch: jumpstarting long-distance trust with initial social activities 40 81100581049: Jun Zheng|81310499626: Elizabeth Veinott|81100632322: Nathan Bos|81350567367: Judith S. Olson|81100178543: Gary M. Olson|
CHI 2 Automating CPM-GOMS 16 81100482886: Bonnie John|81100219909: Alonso Vera|81100048363: Michael Matessa|81100402556: Michael Freed|81100413393: Roger Remington|
CHI 2 Investigating human-computer optimization 20 81100544371: Stacey D. Scott|81100469781: Neal Lesh|81100421259: Gunnar W. Klau|
CHI 2 An evaluation of a multiple interface design solution for bloated software 47 81100232506: Joanna McGrenere|81100448368: Ronald M. Baecker|81100170154: Kellogg S. Booth|
CHI 2 Introducing instant messaging and chat in the workplace 53 81100340340: James D. Herbsleb|81539530556: David L. Atkins|81100397726: David G. Boyer|81100210197: Mark Handel|81100269378: Thomas A. Finholt|
CHI 2 Hubbub: a sound-enhanced mobile instant messenger that supports awareness and opportunistic interactions 55 81100495075: Ellen Isaacs|81100444640: Alan Walendowski|81100282129: Dipti Ranganthan|
CHI 2 When conventions collide: the tensions of instant messaging attributed 31 81100147309: Amy Voida|81100527449: Wendy C. Newstetter|81100331104: Elizabeth D. Mynatt|
CHI 2 Women take a wider view 51 81100280834: Mary Czerwinski|81100255664: Desney S. Tan|81452612822: George G. Robertson|
CHI 2 Evaluating the effectiveness of spatial memory in 2D and 3D physical and virtual environments 36 81100607754: Andy Cockburn|81100017816: Bruce McKenzie|
CHI 2 Learning where to look: location learning in graphical user interfaces 22 81100623912: Brian D. Ehret|
CHI 2 SmartSkip: consumer level browsing and skipping of digital video content 26 81100090466: Steven M. Drucker|81100626173: Asta Glatzer|81100374908: Steven De Mar|81100190928: Curtis Wong|
CHI 2 How knowledge workers use the web 64 81100309669: Abigail J. Sellen|81100545376: Rachel Murphy|81547611256: Kate L. Shaw|
CHI 2 Applying patterns of cooperative interaction to work (re)design: e-government and planning 10 81100390624: David Martin|81100589917: Mark Rouncefield|81100335980: Ian Sommerville|
CHI 2 Separating the swarm: categorization methods for user sessions on the web 22 81100465553: Jeffrey Heer|81100330316: Ed H. Chi|
CHI 2 Popout prism: adding perceptual principles to overview+detail document interfaces 16 81100623883: Bongwon Suh|81100327302: Allison Woodruff|81100414889: Ruth Rosenholtz|81100136888: Alyssa Glass|
CHI 2 Keeping things in context: a comparative evaluation of focus plus context screens, overviews, and zooming 84 81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|81423596141: Nathaniel Good|81100464780: Victoria Bellotti|81100097460: Pamela Schraedley|
CHI 2 Improving focus targeting in interactive fisheye views 67 81100275704: Carl Gutwin|
CHI 2 SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable 40 81100318557: Steve Whittaker|81100166665: Julia Hirschberg|81100346993: Brian Amento|81100218855: Litza Stark|81100615985: Michiel Bacchiani|81546277456: Philip Isenhour|81100039671: Larry Stead|81100041699: Gary Zamchick|81100493208: Aaron Rosenberg|
CHI 2 A comparative study of speech in the call center: natural language call routing vs. touch-tone menus 7 81100059950: Bernhard Suhm|81100457553: Josh Bers|81452607784: Dan McCarthy|81100306905: Barbara Freeman|81100255813: David Getty|81100408150: Katherine Godfrey|81329491340: Pat Peterson|
CHI 2 Gestural and audio metaphors as a means of control for mobile devices 87 81100551162: Antti Pirhonen|81100359199: Stephen Brewster|81100474693: Christopher Holguin|
CHI 2 Physical programming: designing tools for children to create physical interactive environments 39 81100272823: Jaime Montemayor|81100365303: Allison Druin|81100450870: Allison Farber|81100025684: Sante Simms|81309487092: Wayne Churaman|81100263935: Allison D'Amour|
CHI 2 A visual language for sketching large and complex interactive designs 17 81471640432: James Lin|81100624565: Michael Thomsen|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 2 Specifying preferences based on user history 9 81100276946: Loren Terveen|81100456738: Jessica McMackin|81100346993: Brian Amento|81100454370: Will Hill|
CHI 2 Observed behavior and perceived value of authors in usenet newsgroups: bridging the gap 27 81542582156: Andrew T. Fiore|81100194756: Scott Lee Tiernan|81100077378: Marc A. Smith|
CHI 2 Diffusing information in organizational settings: learning from experience 12 81100017597: Dave Snowdon|81100014484: Antonietta Grasso|
CHI 2 A tangible interface for organizing information using a grid 43 81100438120: Robert J. K. Jacob|81100363076: Hiroshi Ishii|81100297437: Gian Pangaro|81100339352: James Patten|
CHI 2 Cognitive cubes: a tangible user interface for cognitive assessment 21 81339528031: Ehud Sharlin|81100329599: Yuichi Itoh|81100375996: Benjamin Watson|81100273942: Yoshifumi Kitamura|81100069190: Steve Sutphen|81100527195: Lili Liu|
CHI 2 Illuminating clay: a 3-D tangible interface for landscape analysis 81 81100561284: Ben Piper|81100413643: Carlo Ratti|81100363076: Hiroshi Ishii|
CHI 2 Designing online banner advertisements: should we animate? 17 81100209051: Michelle E. Bayles|
CHI 2 Statistical profiles of highly-rated web sites 24 81100296046: Melody Y. Ivory|81100612246: Marti A. Hearst|
CHI 2 HutchWorld: clinical study of computer-mediated social support for cancer patients and their caregivers 15 81100243264: Shelly Farnham|81100098093: Lili Cheng|81100387775: Linda Stone|81100420717: Melora Zaner-Godsey|81100442250: Christopher Hibbeln|81100405791: Karen Syrjala|81100622014: Ann Marie Clark|81100570897: Janet Abrams|
CHI 2 Design as a minority discipline in a software company: toward requirements for a community of practice 12 81332517372: Michael J. Muller|81408592702: Kenneth Carey|
CHI 2 Designing for improved social responsibility, user participation and content in on-line communities 12 81444595062: Sean Uberoi Kelly|81100047102: Christopher Sung|81100243264: Shelly Farnham|
CHI 2 Unremarkable computing 105 81100030964: Peter Tolmie|81332522318: James Pycock|81100427087: Tim Diggins|81100609167: Allan MacLean|81100161020: Alain Karsenty|
CHI 2 Comparing paper and tangible, multimodal tools 14 81100073964: David R. McGee|81100149852: Philip R. Cohen|81418595068: R. Matthews Wesson|81100002452: Sheilah Horman|
CHI 2 Making sense of sensing systems: five questions for designers and researchers 96 81100464780: Victoria Bellotti|81100005666: Maribeth Back|81100595699: W. Keith Edwards|81328488487: Rebecca E. Grinter|81100433710: Austin Henderson|81100368185: Cristina Lopes|
CHI 2 Polyarchy visualization: visualizing multiple intersecting hierarchies 20 81452612822: George Robertson|81100193517: Kim Cameron|81100280834: Mary Czerwinski|81100066066: Daniel Robbins|
CHI 2 Sotto voce: exploring the interplay of conversation and mobile audio spaces 60 81100590142: Paul M. Aoki|81328488487: Rebecca E. Grinter|81100325648: Amy Hurst|81343506379: Margaret H. Szymanski|81343506925: James D. Thornton|81100327302: Allison Woodruff|
CHI 2 Age-old practices in the 'new world': a study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users 71 81100517358: Alex S. Taylor|81452613064: Richard Harper|
CHI 2 Finding others online: reputation systems for social online spaces 21 81350577066: Carlos Jensen|81100603640: John Davis|81100243264: Shelly Farnham|
CHI 2 Groupware walkthrough: adding context to groupware usability evaluation 32 81100573952: David Pinelle|81100275704: Carl Gutwin|
CHI 2 Cognitive walkthrough for the web 43 81100037866: Marilyn Hughes Blackmon|81100564360: Peter G. Polson|81100005173: Muneo Kitajima|81100349845: Clayton Lewis|
CHI 3 Peephole displays: pen interaction on spatially aware handheld computers 104 81100560074: Ka-Ping Yee|
CHI 3 The evolution of buildings and implications for the design of ubiquitous domestic environments 41 81100347821: Tom Rodden|81100619971: Steve Benford|
CHI 3 Technology probes: inspiring design for and with families 266 81100324121: Hilary Hutchinson|81100236706: Wendy Mackay|81100069016: Bo Westerlund|81100083927: Benjamin B. Bederson|81100365303: Allison Druin|81100041782: Catherine Plaisant|81100644686: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon|81100322683: Stephane Conversy|81100485377: Helen Evans|81100463796: Heiko Hansen|81100029990: Nicolas Roussel|81100382904: Bjrn Eiderbck|
CHI 3 Design and user evaluation of a joystick-operated full-screen magnifier 3 81100649048: Sri Kurniawan|81100194297: Alasdair King|81405592857: David Gareth Evans|81100360877: Paul Blenkhorn|
CHI 3 Older adults and visual impairment: what do exposure times and accuracy tell us about performance gains associated with multimodal feedback? 13 81100032079: Julie A. Jacko|81100544081: Ingrid U. Scott|81100159930: Francois Sainfort|81100469717: Leon Barnard|81100595586: Paula J. Edwards|81100522263: V. Kathlene Emery|81100135399: Thitima Kongnakorn|81100267268: Kevin P. Moloney|81100168552: Brynley S. Zorich|
CHI 3 Multiple haptic targets for motion-impaired computer users 14 81100582390: Faustina Hwang|81100330096: Simeon Keates|81100182446: Patrick Langdon|81100051919: P. John Clarkson|
CHI 3 Semi-public displays for small, co-located groups 60 81100080130: Elaine M. Huang|81100331104: Elizabeth D. Mynatt|
CHI 3 Designing novel interactional workspaces to support face to face consultations 23 81100347821: Tom Rodden|81100173923: Yvonne Rogers|81100441911: John Halloran|81542123356: Ian Taylor|
CHI 3 Social coordination around a situated display appliance 20 81452615958: Kent O'Hara|81100036324: Mark Perry|81536946656: Simon Lewis|
CHI 3 Comparative effectiveness of augmented reality in object assembly 30 81100640678: Arthur Tang|81408594090: Charles Owen|81100082338: Frank Biocca|81100176370: Weimin Mou|
CHI 3 Information use of service technicians in difficult cases 5 81100323311: Yutaka Yamauchi|81100590648: Jack Whalen|81100435652: Daniel G. Bobrow|
CHI 3 Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories 37 81100364989: Scott R. Klemmer|81100495774: Jamey Graham|81410591859: Gregory J. Wolff|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 3 Shorthand writing on stylus keyboard 75 81408591988: Shumin Zhai|81100362804: Per-Ola Kristensson|
CHI 3 High precision touch screen interaction 78 81385593166: Pr-Anders Albinsson|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|
CHI 3 Metrics for text entry research: an evaluation of MSD and KSPC, and a new unified error metric 86 81100181833: R. William Soukoreff|81100367406: I. Scott MacKenzie|
CHI 3 Shiny happy people building trust?: photos on e-commerce websites and consumer trust 32 81100305214: Jens Riegelsberger|81100499004: M. Angela Sasse|81100383349: John D. McCarthy|
CHI 3 Unpacking "privacy" for a networked world 236 81100610626: Leysia Palen|81100521529: Paul Dourish|
CHI 3 Usability and privacy: a study of Kazaa P2P file-sharing 44 81423596141: Nathaniel S. Good|81100000912: Aaron Krekelberg|
CHI 3 Electronic voting system usability issues 21 81100083927: Benjamin B. Bederson|81409593205: Bongshin Lee|81332527335: Robert M. Sherman|81100545016: Paul S. Herrnson|81100338513: Richard G. Niemi|
CHI 3 Usability and biometric verification at the ATM interface 25 81100191442: Lynne Coventry|81100647415: Antonella De Angeli|81100449044: Graham Johnson|
CHI 3 Can you see what i hear?: the design and evaluation of a peripheral sound display for the deaf 9 81100134045: F. Wai-ling Ho-Ching|81100650762: Jennifer Mankoff|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 3 Heuristic evaluation of ambient displays 130 81100650762: Jennifer Mankoff|81100327371: Anind K. Dey|81343495056: Gary Hsieh|81319495216: Julie Kientz|81100586721: Scott Lederer|81100499551: Morgan Ames|
CHI 3 Human on-line response to target expansion 42 81408591988: Shumin Zhai|81100322683: Stephane Conversy|81100644686: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon|81100143867: Yves Guiard|
CHI 3 An interface for creating and manipulating curves using a high degree-of-freedom curve input device 19 81100477897: Tovi Grossman|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|81335497253: Karan Singh|
CHI 3 Refining Fitts' law models for bivariate pointing 52 81100509407: Johnny Accot|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|
CHI 3 Fisheyes are good for large steering tasks 32 81100275704: Carl Gutwin|81100133304: Amy Skopik|
CHI 3 Women go with the (optical) flow 28 81100255664: Desney S. Tan|81100280834: Mary Czerwinski|81452612822: George Robertson|
CHI 3 With similar visual angles, larger displays improve spatial performance 42 81100255664: Desney S. Tan|81100246470: Darren Gergle|81100126432: Peter Scupelli|81100493478: Randy Pausch|
CHI 3 Design-oriented human-computer interaction 73 81100018490: Daniel Fallman|
CHI 3 Ambiguity as a resource for design 223 81100104022: William W. Gaver|81350578663: Jacob Beaver|81100619971: Steve Benford|
CHI 3 Sense and sensibility: evaluation and interactive art 45 81341491415: Kristina|81100397464: Phoebe Sengers|81100100427: Gerd Andersson|
CHI 3 Cognitive strategies and eye movements for searching hierarchical computer displays 29 81100426680: Anthony J. Hornof|81100229966: Tim Halverson|
CHI 3 Predicting human interruptibility with sensors: a Wizard of Oz feasibility study 84 81328488846: Scott Hudson|81100142271: James Fogarty|81100336339: Christopher Atkeson|81100367734: Daniel Avrahami|81100492013: Jodi Forlizzi|81100476487: Sara Kiesler|81388599173: Johnny Lee|81548022688: Jie Yang|
CHI 3 Simple cognitive modeling in a complex cognitive architecture 23 81100289294: Dario D. Salvucci|81536794756: Frank J. Lee|
CHI 3 Hardware companions?: what online AIBO discussion forums reveal about the human-robotic relationship 35 81100636215: Batya Friedman|81408592441: Peter H. Kahn|81100338676: Jennifer Hagman|
CHI 3 Media inequality in conversation: how people behave differently when interacting with computers and people 21 81100537961: Nicole Shechtman|81100479679: Leonard M. Horowitz|
CHI 3 Designing social presence of social actors in human computer interaction 26 81100389859: Kwan Min Lee|81100153283: Clifford Nass|
CHI 3 The challenges of user-centered design and evaluation for infrastructure 27 81100595699: W. Keith Edwards|81100464780: Victoria Bellotti|81100327371: Anind K. Dey|81406594629: Mark W. Newman|
CHI 3 Harnessing curiosity to increase correctness in end-user programming 26 81333491829: Aaron Wilson|81100337865: Margaret Burnett|81100022759: Laura Beckwith|81100149095: Orion Granatir|81100005466: Ledah Casburn|81452601376: Curtis Cook|81543670056: Mike Durham|81100252594: Gregg Rothermel|
CHI 3 Are informal tools better?: comparing DEMAIS, pencil and paper, and authorware for early multimedia design 38 81100615948: Brian P. Bailey|81100049091: Joseph A. Konstan|
CHI 3 Pocket PiCoMap: a case study in designing and assessing a handheld concept mapping tool for learners 6 81100570840: Kathleen Luchini|81100211248: Chris Quintana|81332528788: Elliot Soloway|
CHI 3 Navigating in a mobile XHTML application 31 81100306087: Anne Kaikkonen|81100443285: Virpi Roto|
CHI 3 Mobile computing in the retail arena 38 81100281927: Erica Newcomb|81100415136: Toni Pashley|81100573160: John Stasko|
CHI 3 Taking email to task: the design and evaluation of a task management centered email tool 122 81100464780: Victoria Bellotti|81100116901: Nicolas Ducheneaut|81100328785: Mark Howard|81452608837: Ian Smith|
CHI 3 UMEA: translating interaction histories into project contexts 81 81100567382: Victor Kaptelinin|
CHI 3 Understanding sequence and reply relationships within email conversations: a mixed-model visualization 31 81100190815: Gina Danielle Venolia|81100495977: Carman Neustaedter|
CHI 3 Using pixel rewrites for shape-rich interaction 1 81100649937: George W. Furnas|81100337837: Yan Qu|
CHI 3 The kinedit system: affective messages using dynamic texts 13 81100492013: Jodi Forlizzi|81388599173: Johnny Lee|81328488846: Scott Hudson|
CHI 3 Reflowing digital ink annotations 21 81100187010: David Bargeron|81100624219: Tomer Moscovich|
CHI 3 Strategy hubs: next-generation domain portals with search procedures 10 81100435759: Suresh K. Bhavnani|81100522024: Bichakjian K. Christopher|81336490026: Timothy M. Johnson|81100060639: Roderick J. Little|81100174065: Frederick A. Peck|81336492537: Jennifer L. Schwartz|81100169387: Victor J. Strecher|
CHI 3 Faceted metadata for image search and browsing 263 81100560074: Ka-Ping Yee|81100563089: Kirsten Swearingen|81100475948: Kevin Li|81100612246: Marti Hearst|
CHI 3 How do people manage their digital photographs? 158 81100347361: Kerry Rodden|81344500170: Kenneth R. Wood|
CHI 3 Things happening in the brain while humans learn to use new tools 3 81100273942: Yoshifumi Kitamura|81100449901: Yoshihisa Yamaguchi|81100638062: Imamizu Hiroshi|81100339162: Fumio Kishino|81452610559: Mitsuo Kawato|
CHI 3 The mad hatter's cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations 25 81100590142: Paul M. Aoki|81100185743: Matthew Romaine|81343506379: Margaret H. Szymanski|81343506925: James D. Thornton|81100531718: Daniel Wilson|81100327302: Allison Woodruff|
CHI 3 Mobile phones for the next generation: device designs for teenagers 29 81100128576: Sara Berg|81100517358: Alex S. Taylor|81452613064: Richard Harper|
CHI 3 Wan2tlk?: everyday text messaging 51 81328488487: Rebecca Grinter|81332497353: Margery Eldridge|
CHI 3 A design tool for camera-based interaction 26 81100158845: Jerry Fails|81410595121: Dan Olsen|
CHI 3 Videography for telepresentations 12 81100018204: Yong Rui|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|81100031531: Jonathan Grudin|
CHI 3 A low-latency lip-synchronized videoconferencing system 4 81100109603: Milton Chen|
CHI 3 Multimodal 'eyes-free' interaction techniques for wearable devices 68 81100359199: Stephen Brewster|81100261006: Joanna Lumsden|81100405925: Marek Bell|81100012107: Malcolm Hall|81100367757: Stuart Tasker|
CHI 3 Halo: a technique for visualizing off-screen objects 122 81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|81100414889: Ruth Rosenholtz|
CHI 3 The bull's-eye: a framework for web application user interface design guidelines 8 81100374752: Betsy Beier|81100253714: Misha W. Vaughan|
CHI 3 Repairing usability problems identified by the cognitive walkthrough for the web 14 81100037866: Marilyn Hughes Blackmon|81100005173: Muneo Kitajima|81100564360: Peter G. Polson|
CHI 3 The bloodhound project: automating discovery of web usability issues using the InfoScentπ simulator 40 81100330316: Ed H. Chi|81100104467: Adam Rosien|81100205527: Gesara Supattanasiri|81100005383: Amanda Williams|81100506986: Christiaan Royer|81540376156: Celia Chow|81100038403: Erica Robles|81100457431: Brinda Dalal|81100119126: Julie Chen|81100572058: Steve Cousins|
CHI 3 Effects of head-mounted and scene-oriented video systems on remote collaboration on physical tasks 35 81100583820: Susan R. Fussell|81100057970: Leslie D. Setlock|81328489038: Robert E. Kraut|
CHI 3 GAZE-2: conveying eye contact in group video conferencing using eye-controlled camera direction 41 81100497077: Roel Vertegaal|81100290429: Ivo Weevers|81341496878: Changuk Sohn|81455605565: Chris Cheung|
CHI 3 The impact of avatar realism and eye gaze control on perceived quality of communication in a shared immersive virtual environment 54 81100051968: Maia Garau|81100615391: Mel Slater|81100355462: Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy|81100506656: Andrea Brogni|81100501447: Anthony Steed|81100499004: M. Angela Sasse|
CHI 3 iStuff: a physical user interface toolkit for ubiquitous computing environments 67 81405596165: Rafael Ballagas|81452607037: Meredith Ringel|81100388123: Maureen Stone|81100443423: Jan Borchers|
CHI 3 XWand: UI for intelligent spaces 57 81350567780: Andrew Wilson|81339527454: Steven Shafer|
CHI 3 Two worlds apart: bridging the gap between physical and virtual media for distributed design collaboration 18 81100584715: Katherine M. Everitt|81100364989: Scott R. Klemmer|81452595293: Robert Lee|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 3 Exertion interfaces: sports over a distance for social bonding and fun 109 81100260236: Florian Mueller|81100392019: Stefan Agamanolis|81100496593: Rosalind Picard|
CHI 3 Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games 86 81100138797: Martin Flintham|81100619971: Steve Benford|81452600078: Rob Anastasi|81100617719: Terry Hemmings|81100143427: Andy Crabtree|81100557223: Chris Greenhalgh|81100616051: Nick Tandavanitj|81100312947: Matt Adams|81100463317: Ju Row-Farr|
CHI 3 Lessons from the lighthouse: collaboration in a shared mixed reality system 56 81100013375: Barry Brown|81100028343: Ian MacColl|81100086432: Matthew Chalmers|81100190450: Areti Galani|81100659202: Cliff Randell|81100501447: Anthony Steed|
CHI 3 Is seeing believing?: how recommender system interfaces affect users' opinions 83 81100288358: Dan Cosley|81451599001: Shyong K. Lam|81100448030: Istvan Albert|81100049091: Joseph A. Konstan|81100096968: John Riedl|
CHI 3 Recommending collaboration with social networks: a comparative evaluation 48 81406596787: David W. McDonald|
CHI 4 Acquiring in situ training data for context-aware ubiquitous computing applications 14 81100009538: Stephen S. Intille|81100450985: Ling Bao|81100435014: Emmanuel Munguia Tapia|81100022967: John Rondoni|
CHI 4 Analysis of combinatorial user effect in international usability tests 18 81100048163: Effie Lai-Chong Law|81100608447: Ebba Thora Hvannberg|
CHI 4 Animaatiokone: an installation for creating clay animation 2 81100307069: Perttu inen|81100574122: Mikko Lindholm|81100535232: Ari Nyknen|81100619329: Johanna ysniemi|
CHI 4 Breaking the book: translating the chemistry lab book into a pervasive computing lab environment 20 81311483103: m. c. schraefel|81100163669: Gareth V. Hughes|81100012263: Hugo R. Mills|81452616265: Graham Smith|81537370456: Terry R. Payne|81100478323: Jeremy Frey|
CHI 4 a CAPpella: programming by demonstration of context-aware applications 65 81100327371: Anind K. Dey|81100149748: Raffay Hamid|81548114764: Chris Beckmann|81100475536: Ian Li|81542414456: Daniel Hsu|
CHI 4 <i>Caretta</i>: a system for supporting face-to-face collaboration by integrating personal and shared spaces 44 81100344146: Masanori Sugimoto|81331494616: Kazuhiro Hosoi|81100071502: Hiromichi Hashizume|
CHI 4 Categorical imperative <i>NOT</i>: facial affect is perceived <i>continuously</i> 8 81100092251: Diane J. Schiano|81100368808: Sheryl M. Ehrlich|81100130516: Kyle Sheridan|
CHI 4 Cluster-based find and replace 1 81100162232: Robert C. Miller|81100280945: Alisa M. Marshall|
CHI 4 Collision warning design to mitigate driver distraction 11 81100429734: John D. Lee|81100537816: Joshua D. Hoffman|81100592584: Elizabeth Hayes|
CHI 4 Combining 2D and 3D views for orientation and relative position tasks 10 81100424672: Melanie Tory|81332516480: Torsten Moller|81350572592: M. Stella Atkins|81100325769: Arthur E. Kirkpatrick|
CHI 4 A comparison of consecutive and concurrent input text entry techniques for mobile phones 21 81100606762: Daniel Wigdor|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|
CHI 4 A comparison of static, adaptive, and adaptable menus 66 81100170743: Leah Findlater|81100232506: Joanna McGrenere|
CHI 4 Computational GOMS modeling of a complex team task: lessons learned 7 81100254452: David E. Kieras|81100500153: Thomas P. Santoro|
CHI 4 Connecting time-oriented data and information to a coherent interactive visualization 23 81100497370: Ragnar Bade|81100578137: Stefan Schlechtweg|81100255622: Silvia Miksch|
CHI 4 "Constant, constant, multi-tasking craziness": managing multiple working spheres 128 81100613506: Victor M. Gonzalez|81100279599: Gloria Mark|
CHI 4 A constraint satisfaction approach to predicting skilled interactive cognition 7 81100219909: Alonso Vera|81100489674: Andrew Howes|81100329457: Michael McCurdy|81100350115: Richard L. Lewis|
CHI 4 Deception and design: the impact of communication technology on lying behavior 30 81100212035: Jeffrey T. Hancock|81100334243: Jennifer Thom-Santelli|81100458316: Thompson Ritchie|
CHI 4 Design guidelines for learner-centered handheld tools 14 81100570840: Kathleen Luchini|81100211248: Chris Quintana|81332528788: Elliot Soloway|
CHI 4 Designing a compelling user interface for morphing 0 81100196786: David Vronay|81547550356: Shuo Wang|
CHI 4 Designing the whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior 84 81100500360: Andrew J. Ko|81100013136: Brad A. Myers|
CHI 4 Designing to support awareness: a predictive, composite model 4 81100088014: Rachid Hourizi|81100449440: Peter Johnson|
CHI 4 DiamondSpin: an extensible toolkit for around-the-table interaction 141 81100343583: Chia Shen|81100297884: Fredric D. Vernier|81100584798: Clifton Forlines|81452607037: Meredith Ringel|
CHI 4 A diary study of task switching and interruptions 141 81100280834: Mary Czerwinski|81100323543: Eric Horvitz|81100288565: Susan Wilhite|
CHI 4 Dual ecologies of robot as communication media: thoughts on coordinating orientations and projectability 12 81100072975: Hideaki Kuzuoka|81100620653: Keiichi Yamazaki|81100620449: Akiko Yamazaki|81100105767: Jun'ichi Kosaka|81100136743: Yasuko Suga|81100164455: Christian Heath|
CHI 4 Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple project trajectories 8 81100583820: Susan R. Fussell|81100476487: Sara Kiesler|81100057970: Leslie D. Setlock|81100126432: Peter Scupelli|
CHI 4 Energy-aware user interfaces: an evaluation of user acceptance 23 81100646522: Tim Harter|81100034167: Sander Vroegindeweij|81100311217: Erik Geelhoed|81312482998: Meera Manahan|81100282144: Parthasarathy Ranganathan|
CHI 4 Examining the robustness of sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility 53 81100142271: James Fogarty|81328488846: Scott E. Hudson|81452599499: Jennifer Lai|
CHI 4 Exploring PC-telephone convergence with the enhanced telephony prototype 8 81100025873: JJ Cadiz|81100299392: Attila Narin|81100269038: Gavin Jancke|81452611908: Anoop Gupta|81100205383: Michael Boyle|
CHI 4 The familiar stranger: anxiety, comfort, and play in public places 80 81100513321: Eric Paulos|81350578588: Elizabeth Goodman|
CHI 4 Fan-out: measuring human control of multiple robots 16 81410595121: Dan R. Olsen|81539676956: Stephen Bart Wood|
CHI 4 Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures 30 81100289712: Anatole Lcuyer|81100178417: Jean-Marie Burkhardt|81100126583: Laurent Etienne|
CHI 4 Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: the humanistic research strategy 13 81100333050: Antti Oulasvirta|
CHI 4 Flat volume control: improving usability by hiding the volume control hierarchy in the user interface 1 81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|81100291916: John Pruitt|81538558256: Steve Ball|
CHI 4 Gummi: a bendable computer 66 81100155716: Carsten Schwesig|81100593278: Ivan Poupyrev|81100500926: Eijiro Mori|
CHI 4 If not now, when?: the effects of interruption at different moments within task execution 67 81100324367: Piotr D. Adamczyk|81100615948: Brian P. Bailey|
CHI 4 IM here: public instant messaging on large, shared displays for workgroup interactions 27 81100080130: Elaine M. Huang|81100589296: Daniel M. Russell|81100265477: Alison E. Sue|
CHI 4 Impact of interruption style on end-user debugging 16 81100303456: T. J. Robertson|81100496311: Shrinu Prabhakararao|81100337865: Margaret Burnett|81452601376: Curtis Cook|81100330147: Joseph R. Ruthruff|81100022759: Laura Beckwith|81100214428: Amit Phalgune|
CHI 4 Improving speech playback using time-compression and speech recognition 12 81100014051: Sunil Vemuri|81100370425: Philip DeCamp|81100458252: Walter Bender|81100444749: Chris Schmandt|
CHI 4 I/O brush: drawing with everyday objects as ink 76 81100335135: Kimiko Ryokai|81100564488: Stefan Marti|81100363076: Hiroshi Ishii|
CHI 4 Isolating the effects of visual impairment: exploring the effect of AMD on the utility of multimodal feedback 5 81100032079: Julie A. Jacko|81100469717: Leon Barnard|81100135399: Thitima Kongnakorn|81100267268: Kevin P. Moloney|81100595586: Paula J. Edwards|81100522263: V. Kathlene Emery|81100159930: Francois Sainfort|
CHI 4 Labeling images with a computer game 407 81100069810: Luis von Ahn|81100650586: Laura Dabbish|
CHI 4 Manipulating music: multimodal interaction for DJs 22 81100164979: Timothy Beamish|81100608981: Karon Maclean|81327488395: Sidney Fels|
CHI 4 Master usability scaling: magnitude estimation and master scaling applied to usability measurement 10 81540206056: Mick McGee|
CHI 4 Model-based evaluation of cell phone menu interaction 27 81452610940: Robert St. Amant|81547892656: Thomas E. Horton|81341495549: Frank E. Ritter|
CHI 4 Model for non-expert text entry speed on 12-button phone keypads 20 81100311577: Andriy Pavlovych|81100214718: Wolfgang Stuerzlinger|
CHI 4 Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields 6 81100002187: Barry A. Po|81100550016: Brian D. Fisher|81100170154: Kellogg S. Booth|
CHI 4 Multiblending: displaying overlapping windows simultaneously without the drawbacks of alpha blending 30 81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|81100275704: Carl Gutwin|
CHI 4 One-hundred days in an activity-centric collaboration environment based on shared objects 35 81332517372: Michael J. Muller|81100543332: Werner Geyer|81100297942: Beth Brownholtz|81338491410: Eric Wilcox|81100086599: David R. Millen|
CHI 4 Off-task behavior in the cognitive tutor classroom: when students "game the system" 64 81436593472: Ryan Shaun Baker|81100192841: Albert T. Corbett|81100484653: Kenneth R. Koedinger|81100167916: Angela Z. Wagner|
CHI 4 Orchestrating a mixed reality game 'on the ground' 39 81100143427: Andy Crabtree|81100619971: Steve Benford|81100347821: Tom Rodden|81100557223: Chris Greenhalgh|81100138797: Martin Flintham|81452600078: Rob Anastasi|81100638532: Adam Drozd|81100312947: Matt Adams|81100463317: Ju Row-Farr|81100616051: Nick Tandavanitj|81100501447: Anthony Steed|
CHI 4 Papier-Mache: toolkit support for tangible input 66 81100364989: Scott R. Klemmer|81319496410: Jack Li|81471640432: James Lin|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 4 The participatory design of a sound and image enhanced daily planner for people with aphasia 45 81100235288: Karyn Moffatt|81100232506: Joanna McGrenere|81100323196: Barbara Purves|81339509657: Maria Klawe|
CHI 4 The perfect search engine is not enough: a study of orienteering behavior in directed search 138 81100167805: Jaime Teevan|81550973056: Christine Alvarado|81100017207: Mark S. Ackerman|81100337812: David R. Karger|
CHI 4 Performance of menu-augmented soft keyboards 15 81100311272: Poika Isokoski|
CHI 4 Persistence matters: making the most of chat in tightly-coupled work 15 81100246470: Darren Gergle|81100086599: David R. Millen|81328489038: Robert E. Kraut|81100583820: Susan R. Fussell|
CHI 4 Physically large displays improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks 21 81100255664: Desney S. Tan|81100246470: Darren Gergle|81100126432: Peter G. Scupelli|81100493478: Randy Pausch|
CHI 4 Pointing at trivariate targets in 3D environments 27 81100477897: Tovi Grossman|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|
CHI 4 Predictive human performance modeling made easy 58 81100482886: Bonnie E. John|81100188366: Konstantine Prevas|81100289294: Dario D. Salvucci|81100484653: Ken Koedinger|
CHI 4 Presiding over accidents: system direction of human action 8 81100465553: Jeffrey Heer|81423596141: Nathaniel S. Good|81100563781: Ana Ramirez|81100601574: Marc Davis|81100650762: Jennifer Mankoff|
CHI 4 Privacy policies as decision-making tools: an evaluation of online privacy notices 54 81350577066: Carlos Jensen|81100305183: Colin Potts|
CHI 4 Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems 30 81100085970: Dag Svanaes|81100514727: Gry Seland|
CHI 4 Pressure widgets 104 81100092787: Gonzalo Ramos|81100064270: Matthew Boulos|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|
CHI 4 RAW: conveying minimally-mediated impressions of everyday life with an audio-photographic tool 6 81100106817: Joë|81100392019: Stefan Agamanolis|81100431441: Matthew Karau|
CHI 4 Revealing delay in collaborative environments 22 81100275704: Carl Gutwin|81100619971: Steve Benford|81100456294: Jeff Dyck|81100364452: Mike Fraser|81100223814: Ivan Vaghi|81100557223: Chris Greenhalgh|
CHI 4 Robotic camera control for remote exploration 9 81100163569: Stephen Hughes|81100349943: Michael Lewis|
CHI 4 Semantic pointing: improving target acquisition with control-display ratio adaptation 106 81100594604: Renaud Blanch|81100143867: Yves Guiard|81100644686: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon|
CHI 4 Semantic speech editing 8 81100318557: Steve Whittaker|81100346993: Brian Amento|
CHI 4 Sharp or smooth?: comparing the effects of quantization vs. frame rate for streamed video 33 81100383349: John D. McCarthy|81100499004: M. Angela Sasse|81100239551: Dimitrios Miras|
CHI 4 Slash(dot) and burn: distributed moderation in a large online conversation space 62 81320491642: Cliff Lampe|81100225915: Paul Resnick|
CHI 4 Social and temporal structures in everyday collaboration 38 81309487122: Danyel Fisher|81100521529: Paul Dourish|
CHI 4 A social proxy for distributed tasks: design and evaluation of a working prototype 11 81100235869: Thomas Erickson|81406595842: Wei Huang|81100064306: Catalina Danis|81100457150: Wendy A. Kellogg|
CHI 4 A study of digital ink in lecture presentation 41 81371591530: Richard J. Anderson|81100304666: Crystal Hoyer|81100161409: Steven A. Wolfman|81350589236: Ruth Anderson|
CHI 4 Studying cooperation and conflict between authors with <i>history flow</i> visualizations 176 81100539968: Fernanda B. Vigas|81100331534: Martin Wattenberg|81100301891: Kushal Dave|
CHI 4 "Stuff goes into the computer and doesn't come out": a cross-tool study of personal information management 84 81100655637: Richard Boardman|81100499004: M. Angela Sasse|
CHI 4 A suggestive interface for image guided 3D sketching 37 81100049057: Steve Tsang|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|81335497253: Karan Singh|81100330306: Abhishek Ranjan|
CHI 4 Supporting social presence through lightweight photo sharing on and off the desktop 51 81100398596: Scott Counts|81100199539: Eric Fellheimer|
CHI 4 Tapping vs. circling selections on pen-based devices: evidence for different performance-shaping factors 18 81100643154: Sachi Mizobuchi|81100007762: Michiaki Yasumura|
CHI 4 Telemurals: linking remote spaces with social catalysts 23 81100150985: Karrie Karahalios|81100223099: Judith Donath|
CHI 4 Telepresence control of the NASA/DARPA robonaut on a mobility platform 3 81100451355: S. M. Goza|81100182322: R. O. Ambrose|81100653291: M. A. Diftler|81100038478: I. M. Spain|
CHI 4 Think different: increasing online community participation using uniqueness and group dissimilarity 46 81100575572: Pamela J. Ludford|81100288358: Dan Cosley|81100071523: Dan Frankowski|81100276946: Loren Terveen|
CHI 4 TNT: a numeric keypad based text input method 23 81100643284: Magnus Ingmarsson|81100009412: David Dinka|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|
CHI 4 Topobo: a constructive assembly system with kinetic memory 109 81100381813: Hayes Solos Raffle|81100008987: Amanda J. Parkes|81100363076: Hiroshi Ishii|
CHI 4 Transcendent communication: location-based guidance for large-scale public spaces 14 81100225472: Hideyuki Nakanishi|81325488901: Satoshi Koizumi|81330492654: Toru Ishida|81321492840: Hideaki Ito|
CHI 4 Trust and mistrust of online health sites 37 81100236514: Elizabeth Sillence|81100277550: Pam Briggs|81100206925: Lesley Fishwick|81100116577: Peter Harris|
CHI 4 Twiddler typing: one-handed chording text entry for mobile phones 38 81100493601: Kent Lyons|81100175439: Thad Starner|81100050542: Daniel Plaisted|81100405512: James Fusia|81100493573: Amanda Lyons|81100093188: Aaron Drew|81100489952: E. W. Looney|
CHI 4 Ubiquitous computing for firefighters: field studies and prototypes of large displays for incident command 21 81100606322: Xiaodong Jiang|81408598366: Jason I. Hong|81100499212: Leila A. Takayama|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 4 Understanding the micronote lifecycle: improving mobile support for informal note taking 21 81100221474: Min Lin|81100142970: Wayne G. Lutters|81409598196: Tina S. Kim|
CHI 4 Unintended effects: varying icon spacing changes users' visual search strategy 8 81100122064: Sarah P. Everett|81341488770: Michael D. Byrne|
CHI 4 The usability of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games: designing for new users 13 81100526368: Steve Cornett|
CHI 4 Variation in element and action: supporting simultaneous development of alternative solutions 28 81100295906: Michael Terry|81100331104: Elizabeth D. Mynatt|81100497202: Kumiyo Nakakoji|81410591776: Yasuhiro Yamamoto|
CHI 4 Virtual guiding avatar: an effective procedure to reduce simulator sickness in virtual environments 3 81471640432: James J. W. Lin|81100099317: Habib Abi-Rached|81350576893: Michal Lahav|
CHI 4 WaveLens: a new view onto Internet search results 16 81100372905: Tim Paek|81100134501: Susan Dumais|81100356745: Ron Logan|
CHI 4 What a to-do: studies of task management towards the design of a personal task list manager 65 81100464780: Victoria Bellotti|81100457431: Brinda Dalal|81423596141: Nathaniel Good|81544146256: Peter Flynn|81100435652: Daniel G. Bobrow|81100116901: Nicolas Ducheneaut|
CHI 5 Collective efficacy as a measure of community 15 81350576124: John M. Carroll|81335496622: Mary Beth Rosson|81342517609: Jingying Zhou|
CHI 5 How oversight improves member-maintained communities 28 81100288358: Dan Cosley|81100071523: Dan Frankowski|81100476487: Sara Kiesler|81100276946: Loren Terveen|81100096968: John Riedl|
CHI 5 Grounding needs: achieving common ground via lightweight chat in large, distributed, ad-hoc groups 9 81100651315: Jeremy P. Birnholtz|81100269378: Thomas A. Finholt|81100200032: Daniel B. Horn|81392591402: Sung Joo Bae|
CHI 5 Tool for accurately predicting website navigation problems, non-problems, problem severity, and effectiveness of repairs 33 81100037866: Marilyn Hughes Blackmon|81100005173: Muneo Kitajima|81100564360: Peter G. Polson|
CHI 5 Is your web page accessible?: a comparative study of methods for assessing web page accessibility for the blind 38 81100650762: Jennifer Mankoff|81100253314: Holly Fait|81100264872: Tu Tran|
CHI 5 A comparison of LSA, wordNet and PMI-IR for predicting user click behavior 8 81392593767: Ishwinder Kaur|81100426680: Anthony J. Hornof|
CHI 5 Modeling and improving selection in cascading pull-down menus using Fitts' law, the steering law and force fields 41 81100415845: David Ahlstrm|
CHI 5 Tuning and testing scrolling interfaces that automatically zoom 28 81100607754: Andy Cockburn|81100570565: Joshua Savage|81100272682: Andrew Wallace|
CHI 5 Location disclosure to social relations: why, when, & what people want to share 150 81100459425: Sunny Consolvo|81452608837: Ian E. Smith|81100545675: Tara Matthews|81100478916: Anthony LaMarca|81100413072: Jason Tabert|81416600019: Pauline Powledge|
CHI 5 Privacy and proportionality: adapting legal evaluation techniques to inform design in ubiquitous computing 20 81100415680: Giovanni Iachello|81100251687: Gregory D. Abowd|
CHI 5 Who gets to know what when: configuring privacy permissions in an awareness application 46 81100485151: Sameer Patil|81452599499: Jennifer Lai|
CHI 5 Saving and using encountered information: implications for electronic periodicals 15 81100281009: Catherine C. Marshall|81100274421: Sara Bly|
CHI 5 Documents at Hand: Learning from Paper to Improve Digital Technologies 25 81100543139: Olha Bondarenko|81320490798: Ruud Janssen|
CHI 5 Findex: search result categories help users when document ranking fails 36 81100039309: Mika Kki|
CHI 5 Use of eye movements as feedforward training for a synthetic aircraft inspection task 8 81100177881: Sajay Sadasivan|81100210715: Joel S. Greenstein|81100279634: Anand K. Gramopadhye|81100175263: Andrew T. Duchowski|
CHI 5 EyeWindows: evaluation of eye-controlled zooming windows for focus selection 28 81100268044: David Fono|81100497077: Roel Vertegaal|
CHI 5 EyeDraw: enabling children with severe motor impairments to draw with their eyes 22 81100426680: Anthony J. Hornof|81100369055: Anna Cavender|
CHI 5 Six themes of the communicative appropriation of photographic images 18 81100147309: Amy Voida|81100331104: Elizabeth D. Mynatt|
CHI 5 Making space for stories: ambiguity in the design of personal communication systems 61 81100590142: Paul M. Aoki|81100327302: Allison Woodruff|
CHI 5 Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing 58 81100147309: Amy Voida|81328488487: Rebecca E. Grinter|81100116901: Nicolas Ducheneaut|81100595699: W. Keith Edwards|81406594629: Mark W. Newman|
CHI 5 AppLens and launchTile: two designs for one-handed thumb use on small devices 41 81100168208: Amy K. Karlson|81100083927: Benjamin B. Bederson|81100631185: John SanGiovanni|
CHI 5 Alphabetically constrained keypad designs for text entry on mobile devices 18 81100009780: Jun Gong|81100048540: Peter Tarasewich|
CHI 5 Conversing with the user based on eye-gaze patterns 46 81100507433: Pernilla Qvarfordt|81408591988: Shumin Zhai|
CHI 5 Effects of task properties, partner actions, and message content on eye gaze patterns in a collaborative task 10 81100177074: Jiazhi Ou|81100059735: Lui Min Oh|81548022688: Jie Yang|81100583820: Susan R. Fussell|
CHI 5 Individual differences in multimodal integration patterns: what are they and why do they exist? 18 81100656112: Sharon Oviatt|81100062088: Rebecca Lunsford|81100413045: Rachel Coulston|
CHI 5 tranSticks: physically manipulatable virtual connections 9 81100046144: Yuji Ayatsuka|81100008564: Jun Rekimoto|
CHI 5 Discrete acceleration and personalised tiling as brain?body interface paradigms for neurorehabilitation 6 81100517821: Paul Gnanayutham|81100198998: Chris Bloor|81100175348: Gilbert Cockton|
CHI 5 Effectiveness of directional vibrotactile cuing on a building-clearing task 17 81100438849: Robert W. Lindeman|81100481379: John L. Sibert|81100366933: Erick Mendez-Mendez|81543071456: Sachin Patil|81100097264: Daniel Phifer|
CHI 5 The bubble cursor: enhancing target acquisition by dynamic resizing of the cursor's activation area 128 81100477897: Tovi Grossman|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|
CHI 5 Comparing cursor orientations for mouse, pointer, and pen interaction 7 81100002187: Barry A. Po|81100550016: Brian D. Fisher|81100170154: Kellogg S. Booth|
CHI 5 Snap-and-go: helping users align objects without the modality of traditional snapping 20 81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|81100506242: Edward Cutrell|81100519448: Ken Hinckley|81100396031: Adam Eversole|
CHI 5 Towards an index of opportunity: understanding changes in mental workload during task execution 28 81343495796: Shamsi T. Iqbal|81100324367: Piotr D. Adamczyk|81100580845: Xianjun Sam Zheng|81100615948: Brian P. Bailey|
CHI 5 No task left behind?: examining the nature of fragmented work 72 81100279599: Gloria Mark|81100613506: Victor M. Gonzalez|81320490126: Justin Harris|
CHI 5 Examining task engagement in sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility 28 81100142271: James Fogarty|81100500360: Andrew J. Ko|81100540612: Htet Htet Aung|81100340293: Elspeth Golden|81100640633: Karen P. Tang|81328488846: Scott E. Hudson|
CHI 5 Urban probes: encountering our emerging urban atmospheres 37 81100513321: Eric Paulos|81363590769: Tom Jenkins|
CHI 5 DeDe: design and evaluation of a context-enhanced mobile messaging system 21 81318489912: Younghee Jung|81100558662: Per Persson|81100402263: Jan Blom|
CHI 5 The vacuum: facilitating the manipulation of distant objects 48 81100387188: Anastasia Bezerianos|81100503904: Ravin Balakrishnan|
CHI 5 A comparison of techniques for multi-display reaching 43 81100377766: Miguel A. Nacenta|81361598222: Dzmitry Aliakseyeu|81100277483: Sriram Subramanian|81100275704: Carl Gutwin|
CHI 5 Extensible input handling in the subArctic toolkit 11 81328488846: Scott E. Hudson|81100650762: Jennifer Mankoff|81452608837: Ian Smith|
CHI 5 Comparing usability problems and redesign proposals as input to practical systems development 17 81100047223: Kasper Hornbk|81100265136: Erik|
CHI 5 A method to standardize usability metrics into a single score 35 81100263219: Jeff Sauro|81100031934: Erika Kindlund|
CHI 5 Supporting efficient development of cognitive models at multiple skill levels: exploring recent advances in constraint-based modeling 7 81100374934: Irene Tollinger|81100350115: Richard L. Lewis|81100329457: Michael McCurdy|81100374936: Preston Tollinger|81100219909: Alonso Vera|81100489674: Andrew Howes|81100023369: Laura Pelton|
CHI 5 prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization 145 81100465553: Jeffrey Heer|81406592524: Stuart K. Card|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 5 Visualization of mappings between schemas 27 81452612822: George G. Robertson|81100280834: Mary P. Czerwinski|81100142948: John E. Churchill|
CHI 5 Improving aviation safety with information visualization: a flight simulation study 3 81100094107: Cecilia R. Aragon|81100612246: Marti A. Hearst|
CHI 5 Design and analysis of delimiters for selection-action pen gesture phrases in scriboli 71 81100519448: Ken Hinckley|81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|81100092787: Gonzalo Ramos|81100301845: Francois Guimbretiere|
CHI 5 Experimental analysis of mode switching techniques in pen-based user interfaces 68 81350580013: Yang Li|81100519448: Ken Hinckley|81543102456: Zhiwei Guan|81100103519: James A. Landay|
CHI 5 Mediating intimacy: designing technologies to support strong-tie relationships 85 81100490463: Frank Vetere|81100536739: Martin R. Gibbs|81100515636: Jesper Kjeldskov|81100328802: Steve Howard|81100260236: Florian 'Floyd' Mueller|81100224964: Sonja Pedell|81100223171: Karen Mecoles|81100581975: Marcus Bunyan|
CHI 5 Toward subtle intimate interfaces for mobile devices using an EMG controller 20 81100088903: Enrico Costanza|81100662683: Samuel A. Inverso|81328487657: Rebecca Allen|
CHI 5 Emotions and heart rate while sitting on a chair 40 81384603768: Jenni Anttonen|81339531194: Veikko Surakka|
CHI 5 A visual recipe book for persons with language impairments 13 81539945456: Kimberly Tee|81100235288: Karyn Moffatt|81100170743: Leah Findlater|81100507080: Eve MacGregor|81100232506: Joanna McGrenere|81100323196: Barbara Purves|81327488395: Sidney S. Fels|
CHI 5 Participatory design of an orientation aid for amnesics 20 81100657783: Mike Wu|81100448368: Ron Baecker|81543129856: Brian Richards|
CHI 5 Digital Family Portrait Field Trial: Support for Aging in Place 78 81100302436: Jim Rowan|81100331104: Elizabeth D. Mynatt|
CHI 5 Livenotes: a system for cooperative and augmented note-taking in lectures 44 81100222950: Matthew Kam|81100233343: Jingtao Wang|81100098292: Alastair Iles|81100271605: Eric Tse|81328487987: Jane Chiu|81430599887: Daniel Glaser|81100424146: Orna Tarshish|81100415489: John Canny|
CHI 5 Stencils-based tutorials: design and evaluation 36 81100607695: Caitlin Kelleher|81100493478: Randy Pausch|
CHI 5 StudioBRIDGE: using group, location, and event information to bridge online and offline encounters for co-located learning groups 4 81100560047: Susan Yee|81100159425: Kat S. Park|
CHI 5 Calling while driving: effects of providing remote traffic context 8 81100156639: Mike Schneider|81100476487: Sara Kiesler|
CHI 5 Studying the effectiveness of MOVE: a contextually optimized in-vehicle navigation system 14 81452600527: Joonhwan Lee|81100492013: Jodi Forlizzi|81328488846: Scott E. Hudson|
CHI 5 Distract-R: rapid prototyping and evaluation of in-vehicle interfaces 10 81100289294: Dario D. Salvucci|81328491196: Mark Zuber|81100070891: Ekaterina Beregovaia|81100421673: Daniel Markley|
CHI 5 Paper windows: interaction techniques for digital paper 70 81328488680: David Holman|81100497077: Roel Vertegaal|81100505459: Mark Altosaar|81100424154: Nikolaus Troje|81100478137: Derek Johns|
CHI 5 Fluid integration of rotation and translation 60 81100607003: Russell Kruger|81452616781: Sheelagh Carpendale|81100544371: Stacey D. Scott|81100640680: Anthony Tang|
CHI 5 A study on the manipulation of 2D objects in a projector/camera-based augmented reality environment 14 81100147302: Stephen Voida|81100011274: Mark Podlaseck|81100449782: Rick Kjeldsen|81100364954: Claudio Pinhanez|
CHI 5 Exploring technology adoption and use through the lens of residential mobility 13 81100288406: Irina A. Shklovski|81100420884: Scott D. Mainwaring|
CHI 5 Waterbot: exploring feedback and persuasive techniques at the sink 41 81100017972: Ernesto Arroyo|81100186035: Leonardo Bonanni|81100525482: Ted Selker|
CHI 5 Artful systems in the home 88 81100517358: Alex S. Taylor|81100231799: Laurel Swan|
CHI 5 Applying the lessons of the attack on the world trade center, 11th September 2001, to the design and use of interactive evacuation simulations 7 81100451083: C. W. Johnson|
CHI 5 A qualitative cross-national study of cultural influences on mobile data service design 22 81350594298: Boreum Choi|81452593533: Inseong Lee|81406599725: Jinwoo Kim|81414597360: Yunsuk Jeon|
CHI 5 Learning user interest for image browsing on small-form-factor devices 17 81385598345: Xing Xie|81410592346: Hao Liu|81100210119: Simon Goumaz|81350592994: Wei-Ying Ma|
CHI 5 Summary thumbnails: readable overviews for small screen web browsers 62 81316489615: Heidi Lam|81100137268: Patrick Baudisch|
CHI 5 Understanding email use: predicting action on a message 28 81100650586: Laura A. Dabbish|81328489038: Robert E. Kraut|81100583820: Susan Fussell|81100476487: Sara Kiesler|
CHI 5 How to make secure email easier to use 8 81100415667: Simson L. Garfinkel|81100256486: David Margrave|81100243653: Jeffrey I. Schiller|81100299928: Erik Nordlander|81100162232: Robert C. Miller|
CHI 5 Designing human friendly human interaction proofs (HIPs) 29 81100301174: Kumar Chellapilla|81100470644: Kevin Larson|81100027001: Patrice Simard|81100280834: Mary Czerwinski|
CHI 5 Life on the edge: supporting collaboration in location-based experiences 52 81100619971: Steve Benford|81311485174: Duncan Rowland|81100138797: Martin Flintham|81100638532: Adam Drozd|81100351909: Richard Hull|81100283085: Josephine Reid|81100423199: Jo Morrison|81430615966: Keri Facer|
CHI 5 Improving orchestral conducting systems in public spaces: examining the temporal characteristics and conceptual models of conducting gestures 8 81100385689: Eric Lee|81100334933: Marius Wolf|81100443423: Jan Borchers|
CHI 5 Designing the spectator experience 103 81100228688: Stuart Reeves|81100619971: Steve Benford|81409593242: Claire O'Malley|81100364452: Mike Fraser|
CHI 5 Values at play: design tradeoffs in socially-oriented game design 23 81100538614: Mary Flanagan|81100308687: Daniel C. Howe|81100104436: Helen Nissenbaum|
CHI 5 Feature congestion: a measure of display clutter 21 81100414889: Ruth Rosenholtz|81100485034: Yuanzhen Li|81100259124: Jonathan Mansfield|81100054519: Zhenlan Jin|
CHI 5 Improving revisitation in fisheye views with visit wear 20 81100133304: Amy Skopik|81100275704: Carl Gutwin|
CHI 5 Martial arts in artificial reality 31 81100307069: Perttuinen|81100391905: Tommi Ilmonen|81100619329: Johanna Hysniemi|81100574122: Mikko Lindholm|81100535232: Ari Nyknen|
CHI 5 Spotlight: directing users' attention on large displays 22 81100345201: Azam Khan|81100153192: Justin Matejka|81100585120: George Fitzmaurice|81332510496: Gordon Kurtenbach|
CHI 5 MultiView: spatially faithful group video conferencing 22 81410594440: David Nguyen|81100415489: John Canny|
CHI 5 Less visible and wireless: two experiments on the effects of microphone type on users' performance and perception 4 81100212554: QianYing Wang|81100153283: Clifford Nass|
CHI 5 Children and emerging wireless technologies: investigating the potential for spatial practice 12 81100006469: Morris Williams|81100554724: Owain Jones|81100524289: Constance Fleuriot|81100373510: Lucy Wood|
CHI 5 Testing the media equation with children 5 81332493266: Sonia Chiasson|81100275704: Carl Gutwin|
CHI 5 Camera talk: making the camera a partial participant 3 81100168814: K. K. Lamberty|81452618006: Janet L. Kolodner|
CHI 5 The syntax or the story behind it?: a usability study of student work with computer-based programming environments in elementary science 0 81100584026: Loucas Louca|
CHI 5 Extending tangible interfaces for education: digital montessori-inspired manipulatives 73 81100224720: Oren Zuckerman|81100463111: Saeed Arida|81331502299: Mitchel Resnick|
CHI 5 Effectiveness of end-user debugging software features: are there gender issues? 31 81100022759: Laura Beckwith|81100337865: Margaret Burnett|81100387125: Susan Wiedenbeck|81452601376: Curtis Cook|81100522442: Shraddha Sorte|81100061557: Michelle Hastings|
CHI 5 Patterns of media use in an activity-centric collaborative environment 10 81100086599: David R. Millen|81332517372: Michael J. Muller|81100543332: Werner Geyer|81338491410: Eric Wilcox|81100297942: Beth Brownholtz|
CHI 5 Assessing differential usage of usenet social accounting meta-data 11 81332491415: A.J. Bernheim Brush|81100219062: Xiaoqing Wang|81100229167: Tammara Combs Turner|81100077378: Marc A. Smith|
CHI 5 When participants do the capturing: the role of media in diary studies 57 81405594119: Scott Carter|81100650762: Jennifer Mankoff|
CHI 5 Using context-aware computing to reduce the perceived burden of interruptions from mobile devices 57 81100317467: Joyce Ho|81100009538: Stephen S. Intille|
CHI 5 Interaction in 4-second bursts: the fragmented nature of attentional resources in mobile HCI 125 81100333050: Antti Oulasvirta|81100452612: Sakari Tamminen|81100443285: Virpi Roto|81100519153: Jaana Kuorelahti|