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File metadata and controls

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Spring & Angular based shopping cart application


Write an application that simulates a shopping cart. The following entities will be used:

  • BaseEntity<ID> (id: ID)
  • Product extends BaseEntity<Long> (name: String, price: Integer, stock: Integer, lineltems: SetsLineltem>)
  • Lineltem (product: Product, order. Order, quantity: Integer)
  • Order extends BaseEntity<Long> (dete: Date, totalPrice: Integer, contactinfo: Contactinfo, status: Enum, lineltems: Set<Lineltem>)
  • Contactinfo(email: String, address: String)
  • Constraints: is unique; is unique, may be of any Date/Time API type such that both date and time are recorded

When visiting the address http:/localhost:4200/store/products the following elements will be shown:

  • A Cart: <no-of-items> link or button showing the number of items in the cart
  • A list of products in the following format: <product-name> - <price> - <add-to-cart-button> When clicking on the add-to-cart button the product is added to the cart and is incremented

When accessing the 'cart link/button' the following elements are shown:

  • The Cart: <no-of-items>
  • A list of selected products in the following format: <product-name> <quantity-textfield>
  • An Email label and an email-textfield
  • An Address label and an address-textfield
  • A checkout button

The quantity-textfields are editable and will initially display information according to the user selection in the previous screen. The <no-of-items> will always show the sum of the elements in the quantity-textfields. When leaving the email textfield a request is made to the backend and an new order (with all the filled in information) is added to the db with the status CART. When clicking the checkout-button a request is made to the backend and:

  • The address is added to the db
  • The status is changed to SUBMITTED