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Persistent profiles in Leiningen 2.

Sometimes you need to write software that behaves differently depending on the context it is being used in. For example, when I write a web service, I want the servlet to open additional ports and output additional debugging information on errors when I am working on developing it, but not when I push it into production. In short, I want build profiles.

Configleaf originally added this functionality to Leiningen

  1. Leiningen 2 now has a native profile capability that is even more powerful than what Configleaf provided. Now with version 0.4.0, Configleaf for Leiningen 2 just fills in the missing features in Leiningen 2's profile support:
  • Persistent ("sticky") profiles, which can be set and remain in effect until unset.
  • Profiles are extended into the project itself by having the final project map made available to the project's code in a configurable namespace. This project map is also available to built JARs.


The first step is learning about Leiningen's profiles, in the "Profiles" section. Configleaf only provides user interface to turn profiles on and off, and to make them available to the code in the project itself, so you need to understand how they work.

Sticky profiles

The only user-operable way of controlling profiles in use is using Leiningen's built-in with-profile task, which requires you to list all the profiles you'd like to have in effect for the task that is given as its argument.

When configleaf is installed, you can get a list of the currently active profiles by doing lein profiles:

David$ lein profiles

Current sticky profiles:

Here, Configleaf has modified the built in profiles task to also print out the currently active sticky profiles. In this case, since none have been set, there are no current sticky profiles. We can set a few profiles using the set-profile task:

David$ lein set-profile test stage
Warning: Unknown profile :stage is being set active.
Current sticky profiles: #{:test :stage}

Now two profiles have been set to active, :test and :stage. Configleaf has warned that it cannot find any profile called :stage, as it isn't present in the project map. But it has still set the profile to stick.

If we set :stage by mistake, we can unset that profile using the unset-profile command:

David$ lein unset-profile stage
Current sticky profiles: #{:test}

If we wish to remove all sticky profiles at once, we can simply call unset-profile with the --all flag:

David$ lein unset-profile --all
All profiles unset.
David$ lein profiles

Current sticky profiles:

Note that none of this is modifying the project map. It is simply stashing a bit of state that will be automatically applied when you run Leiningen tasks. This state is stored in the file .configleaf/current in your project root. This file can be deleted at any time with no ill effect (other than unsticking all the profiles that were set.

Finally, note that the built-in with-profile task still works the same as it ever did. Any profiles it sets are added to the set of sticky profiles already in effect, as sticky profiles are as if there is an implicit with-profile with those tasks.

Project map access

The second half of Configleaf is making the project map, with all active profiles merged in, available to the project itself, in addition to within leiningen's own process. It does this in part by outputting a Clojure source file into a location of your choice (by default {first of :source-paths project key}/cfg/current.clj) that contains the project map. Any code that is interested in the project map, whether it is running in Leiningen, in your project, or in a JAR built by Leiningen with Configleaf installed, can access it by loading that namespace and accessing the project variable in it.

As an example, suppose you run the repl or swank task:

David$ lein swank
Connection opened on localhost port 4005.

Then within the SLIME repl, you can do the following:

user> (use 'cfg.current)
user> (prn project)
{:compile-path "/Users/David/Documents/Development/Clojure/configleaf/target/classes", :group "configleaf", ...}

So we can see that we were able to use the cfg.current namespace and find the entire project map in the project var from that namespace. As you would expect, you can now write code that requires the cfg.current namespace and changes its behavior based on its contents. This code will continue to work even when a JAR is built from this project. The project map available in the JAR will be based on the configurations that were included when the JAR was built (either through sticky profiles or the with-profile task or none, depending on which is the case).


You can change the behavior of Configleaf by setting some values in the project map. Configleaf's configuration goes in the :configleaf key, which should contain a map of option names to their values. Here are the current keys:

  • :config-source-path - Set this key to the path to the source directory to output the project map namespace into. Note that this is the location of the source directory, not the full path of the file the namespae is in; that will be named automatically based on the namespace's name. By default, this value will be the first entry in the :source-paths key in the project.
  • :namespace - Set this key to the name of the namespace, as a symbol, that you want the project map to be output to. By default, this has the value 'cfg.current.
  • :verbose - Set this key to true if you'd like Configleaf to print out which profiles are included whenever a task is run. By default, this key is false.
  • :never-sticky - When present, this should be a vector containing a list of profile name keys that should never be set sticky. For example, you can put your production profile in this key to make sure you don't accidentally set yourself into a production profile.

So for example, if the project map has the following map in the :configleaf key:

:configleaf {:config-source-path "src/main/clojure"
             :namespace 'myproject.config
             :verbose true}

Then the project map will be at myproject.config/project, which is in the file src/main/clojure/myproject/config.clj. When you run the command:

David$ lein with-profile test profiles
Performing task with-profile with profiles (:dev :user :default)
Performing task 'profiles' with profile(s): 'test'
Performing task profiles with profiles (:test)

Current sticky profiles:

Here you can see the verbose statements of Configleaf mixed in with the statement output by the with-profile task. First the with-profile task has its profiles output by Configleaf, before it runs. Only the default Leiningen profiles are in effect when it runs. Then it prints out its statement that it is running the profiles task with the test profile. Then Configleaf prints out the profiles in effect when the profiles task runs; just the test profile. At the end, you can see that there were no sticky profiles in effect. If we add the prod profile as a sticky profile:

David$ lein set-profile prod
Performing task set-profile with profiles (:dev :user :default)
Current sticky profiles: #{:prod}
David$ lein with-profile test profiles
Performing task with-profile with profiles (:dev :user :default)
Performing task 'profiles' with profile(s): 'test'
Performing task profiles with profiles (:test :prod)

Current sticky profiles: #{:prod}

Here we can see that the prod profile was added to the running of the profiles task because it was set sticky, and the test profile was added by the with-profile task.

Since all of this extra output is controled by the :verbose key in the :configleaf configuration map, you can actually make yourself a profile that has the :verbose key to true in a :configleaf map, and then set that profile to by sticky:

;; In project.clj...
:profiles {:verbose-configleaf {:configleaf {:verbose true}}}


David$ lein set-profile verbose-configleaf

will make it so that you can switch Configleaf from verbose output to quiet output by setting or unsetting the verbose-configleaf profile.

David$ lein set-profile verbose-configleaf
Current sticky profiles: #{:prod :verbose-configleaf}
David$ lein jar
Performing task jar with profiles (:dev :user :default :prod :verbose-configleaf)
Created /Users/David/Documents/Development/Clojure/configleaf/target/configleaf-0.4.0.jar


To install Configleaf, add the following to your project map as a plugin:

[configleaf "0.4.6"]

Then add the following key-value pair in the top level of your project map:

:hooks [configleaf.hooks]

That is all you need. But you will probably also want to add two directories to your .gitignore file. The first is the directory .configleaf, which will be in the same directory as your project.clj. This directory holds the currently active profile. The second is the namespace that is automatically generated by Configleaf with your profile values. In most of the examples above, you'd want to add "src/cfg/current.clj" or possibly "src/cfg" to your .gitignore, if there are no other files you will have in src/cfg that you wish to check into git.


  • Version 0.4.6

    • Implement the :never-sticky configuration key.
  • Version 0.4.5

    • Bug fixes; remove one of the hooks which is no longer necessary in lein2. Don't use earlier 0.4 series versions (harm is bounded to extra files being added to JARs or lein tasks failing).
  • Version 0.4.3

    • Minor update to also add configleaf itself to dependencies, fixes similar bugs.
  • Version 0.4.2

    • Minor update to automatically add leiningen-core to dependencies, fixes certain tasks were hooked but ran in project.
  • Version 0.4.1

    • Minor update to ensure that project map metadata is baked along with the project map.
  • Version 0.4.0

    • Extensive rewrite to work with Leiningen 2.
  • Version 0.3.0

    • Renamed and reorganized the project map. Should be easier to explain and use now.
  • Version 0.2.0

    • Addition of Java system properties to configurations.
    • Changes to configuration map format to allow system properties.


Copyright (C) 2011

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.