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SNPcompR (SNPcompare) is an R package made for bacterial comparative genomics. It offers functionality to:

  1. Compare mutations among highly similar genomes.
  2. Characterize each identified mutation by type (indel, SNP etc.).
  3. Identifies the outcome of each mutation (non-synonymous, synonymous, frameshift etc.), as well as the post-mutation translation product.
  4. Generate visualizations of mutations.

In order to obtain such results, the following files should be provided as input:
i. A multi-VCF file of a set of highly similar genomes (Can be derived from multiple VCF files, see Input Generation), generated using the same reference genome.

ii. An annotated reference genome, provided in long GFF3 format (annotation + FASTA).


Install SNPcompR via devtools:


SNP-compR requires the following R packages:

  • dplyr
  • tidyr
  • magrittr
  • stringr
  • vcfR
  • ape
  • Biostrings
  • ggplot2
  • ggtree
  • stats
  • grDevices
    They will be installed automatically if not already installed.

Input Generation

In order to compare a set of highly similar bacterial genomes, first select an appropriate reference genome. This could be either a publicly available whole genome that is close enough to your genomes, or your own fragmented genome. However, if you choose to use a fragmented genome, it is highly recommended to re-align the fragmented genome to a whole genome before any variant calling is done. After selecting a reference genome, the next step is to perform variant calling. This can be achieved by many tools such as FreeBayes. The goal is to generate a set of VCF files. Using Samtools, compress and index all VCF files:

for file in *.vcf; do bgzip $file; done; for file in *.vcf.gz; do tabix -p vcf $file; done

Using BCFtools, merge all VCF files into a multi-VCF file

bcftools merge -m all *.vcf.gz > merged.vcf;bcftools norm -f /path/to/reference/fasta -m - merged.vcf > norm_merged.vcf

The norm_merged.vcf file contains a multi-VCF file with all mutation sites normalized (multiple mutations at the same site are counted in different lines), and is the desired input for this tool. /path/to/reference/fasta is the path to the fasta file of your reference genome. A separate annotated reference genome (in either long GFF3 format, containing both annotation and FASTA data, or a short GFF3 format file with a FASTA file) must be provided as input.

Running SNPcompR

You can either run SNPcompR as a do-it-all script, or manually call its functions however you wish.

Do-it-all script

Under construction...

Calling separate functions

Input data

The input data will be

                dna_name=paste(concat_dna_name,"_contigs",sep = "")
  • The VCF data will be stored at variable "vcf_name" in global environment (which is vcf by default).
  • The annotation will be stored into the variable "gff_name" (which gff by default) and FASTA into "concat_dna_name" (concatenated DNA, dna by default) and "dna_name" (DNA in contigs, dna_contigs by default).
  • When dna_path is NA (default), a long GFF3 file will be expected. Alternatively, you can specify dna_path to input a short GFF3 file and a FASTA file, in which case, the provided GFF3 will be interpreted as a short GFF3 file, and the FASTA components will be ignored.

SNP analysis


The main function. Takes in VCF and GFF data, and outputs a dataframe that records all CDS-altering mutations, identifies their outcomes (non-synonymous, synonymous, frameshift etc.), and predicts the post-mutation translation product. Intergenic mutations will be ignored. Here are the descriptions of its input arguments:

  • vcf vcfR object, ideally generated from FreeBayes. Defaults to global environment object 'vcf'.
  • gff Reference sequence annotation GFF3 feature table. Ideally generated by Bakta. Defaults to global environment object 'gff'.
  • dna_c Reference concatenated DNA sequence, DNAString object. Defaults to global environment object 'dna'.
  • dnaContigs Reference fragmented DNA sequence, DNAString object. Defaults to global environment object 'dna_contigs'.
  • virulence BETA. Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, marks all virulence genes, which is indicated by the description of the translation productin the gff file.
  • remove_consensus if a mutation should be removed had all the genomes contained that same mutation. Defaults to FALSE and only works when count is TRUE.
  • count if the presence absence of the loci should be counted, defaults to FALSE.
  • fix_contig_name BETA. Defaults to NA.If the contig names on the GFF file and the VCF file does not match, you can provide a vector of fixed contig names, which matches the names on the gff file. Contig names on the VCF and the dnaContigs will be changed accordingly.

When given a suspected subpopulation, fst_ is able to calculate the FST of all mutation loci from an output sheet of the main function vcgff_gen(). FST is calculated using the following equation:
FST equation

  • mut_table Output sheet from the main function vcgff_gen().
  • subpop_vector A vector that records the suspected subpopulation that would be examined for FST. The vector should be numerical, in the order of the column name that appeared in the mut_table.

SNP visualization

draw_SNP_phylo( mut_table,
                GGTR=as.phylo(htree(mut_table)) %>% ggtree(ladderize = F)+geom_tiplab(align = T)+geom_rootpoint()+ xlim_tree(5.5),

This is a visualization function to draw SNP distributions by position in the form of sliding windows.

  • mut_table Output sheet from the main function vcgff_gen().
  • half If mutations that exactly half of the genomes have should be inverted, defaults to FALSE
  • range The range of the DNA region to be plotted, defaults to c(0,2000000)
  • win size of the sliding window, defaults to range_length/200
  • GGTR A ggtree object of the genomes wished to be drawn. A tree will be automatically drawn from mut_table, if no tree is given.
  • Size Text size, defaults to 7

Expected results

  • The expected results for the main function, vcgff_gen should be a large dataframe that stores all identified non-intergenic mutations. Each row is an identified mutation. Columns 1-28 records the properties of the mutations, such as start and end positions, expected outcome and product etc. Columns 29+ records the presence and absence of these mutations in all isolates. One example of the output dataframe can be seen here.
  • The expected results for fst_ should be an altered version of the aforementioned dataframe, with FST and other data added.
  • The expected results for draw_SNP_phylo should look like this: draw_SNP_phylo plot