diff --git a/Directory.Build.props b/Directory.Build.props index cdd2ff2..74f879c 100644 --- a/Directory.Build.props +++ b/Directory.Build.props @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - 1.1.256 + 1.1.258 latest enable davidxuang diff --git a/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs b/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs index d1f84de..72729f8 100644 --- a/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs +++ b/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs @@ -2408,125 +2408,127 @@ public enum Symbol : int VideoAdd = 0xF3852, VideoBackgroundEffect = 0xF3858, VideoBackgroundEffectHorizontal = 0xF385E, - VideoChat = 0xF3864, - VideoClip = 0xF386A, - VideoClipMultiple = 0xF3870, - VideoClipOff = 0xF3876, - VideoClipOptimize = 0xF387C, - VideoClipWand = 0xF3882, - VideoOff = 0xF3888, - VideoPerson = 0xF388E, - VideoPersonCall = 0xF3894, - VideoPersonClock = 0xF389A, - VideoPersonOff = 0xF38A0, - VideoPersonPulse = 0xF38A6, - VideoPersonSparkle = 0xF38AC, - VideoPersonSparkleOff = 0xF38B2, - VideoPersonStar = 0xF38B8, - VideoPersonStarOff = 0xF38BE, - VideoPlayPause = 0xF38C4, - VideoProhibited = 0xF38CA, - VideoRecording = 0xF38D0, - VideoSecurity = 0xF38D6, - VideoSwitch = 0xF38DC, - VideoSync = 0xF38E2, - ViewDesktop = 0xF38E8, - ViewDesktopMobile = 0xF38EE, - VirtualNetwork = 0xF38F4, - VirtualNetworkToolbox = 0xF38FA, - Voicemail = 0xF3900, - VoicemailArrowBack = 0xF3906, - VoicemailArrowForward = 0xF390C, - VoicemailArrowSubtract = 0xF3912, - VoicemailShield = 0xF3918, - VoicemailSubtract = 0xF391E, - Vote = 0xF3924, - WalkieTalkie = 0xF392A, - Wallet = 0xF3930, - WalletCreditCard = 0xF3936, - Wallpaper = 0xF393C, - Wand = 0xF3942, - Warning = 0xF3948, - WarningLockOpen = 0xF394E, - WarningShield = 0xF3954, - Washer = 0xF395A, - Water = 0xF3960, - WeatherBlowingSnow = 0xF3966, - WeatherCloudy = 0xF396C, - WeatherDrizzle = 0xF3972, - WeatherDuststorm = 0xF3978, - WeatherFog = 0xF397E, - WeatherHailDay = 0xF3984, - WeatherHailNight = 0xF398A, - WeatherHaze = 0xF3990, - WeatherMoon = 0xF3996, - WeatherMoonOff = 0xF399C, - WeatherPartlyCloudyDay = 0xF39A2, - WeatherPartlyCloudyNight = 0xF39A8, - WeatherRain = 0xF39AE, - WeatherRainShowersDay = 0xF39B4, - WeatherRainShowersNight = 0xF39BA, - WeatherRainSnow = 0xF39C0, - WeatherSnow = 0xF39C6, - WeatherSnowShowerDay = 0xF39CC, - WeatherSnowShowerNight = 0xF39D2, - WeatherSnowflake = 0xF39D8, - WeatherSqualls = 0xF39DE, - WeatherSunny = 0xF39E4, - WeatherSunnyHigh = 0xF39EA, - WeatherSunnyLow = 0xF39F0, - WeatherThunderstorm = 0xF39F6, - WebAsset = 0xF39FC, - Whiteboard = 0xF3A02, - WhiteboardOff = 0xF3A08, - Wifi1 = 0xF3A0E, - Wifi2 = 0xF3A14, - Wifi3 = 0xF3A1A, - Wifi4 = 0xF3A20, - WifiLock = 0xF3A26, - WifiOff = 0xF3A2C, - WifiSettings = 0xF3A32, - WifiWarning = 0xF3A38, - Window = 0xF3A3E, - WindowAd = 0xF3A44, - WindowAdOff = 0xF3A4A, - WindowAdPerson = 0xF3A50, - WindowApps = 0xF3A56, - WindowArrowUp = 0xF3A5C, - WindowBrush = 0xF3A62, - WindowBulletList = 0xF3A68, - WindowBulletListAdd = 0xF3A6E, - WindowColumnOneFourthLeft = 0xF3A74, - WindowColumnOneFourthLeftFocusLeft = 0xF3A7A, - WindowColumnOneFourthLeftFocusTop = 0xF3A80, - WindowConsole = 0xF3A86, - WindowDatabase = 0xF3A8C, - WindowDevEdit = 0xF3A92, - WindowDevTools = 0xF3A98, - WindowEdit = 0xF3A9E, - WindowFingerprint = 0xF3AA4, - WindowHeaderHorizontal = 0xF3AAA, - WindowHeaderHorizontalOff = 0xF3AB0, - WindowHeaderVertical = 0xF3AB6, - WindowInprivate = 0xF3ABC, - WindowInprivateAccount = 0xF3AC2, - WindowLocationTarget = 0xF3AC8, - WindowMultiple = 0xF3ACE, - WindowMultipleSwap = 0xF3AD4, - WindowNew = 0xF3ADA, - WindowPlay = 0xF3AE0, - WindowSettings = 0xF3AE6, - WindowShield = 0xF3AEC, - WindowText = 0xF3AF2, - WindowWrench = 0xF3AF8, - Wrench = 0xF3AFE, - WrenchScrewdriver = 0xF3B04, - WrenchSettings = 0xF3B0A, - XboxConsole = 0xF3B10, - XboxController = 0xF3B16, - XboxControllerError = 0xF3B1C, - Xray = 0xF3B22, - ZoomFit = 0xF3B28, - ZoomIn = 0xF3B2E, - ZoomOut = 0xF3B34, + VideoBluetooth = 0xF3864, + VideoChat = 0xF386A, + VideoClip = 0xF3870, + VideoClipMultiple = 0xF3876, + VideoClipOff = 0xF387C, + VideoClipOptimize = 0xF3882, + VideoClipWand = 0xF3888, + VideoOff = 0xF388E, + VideoPerson = 0xF3894, + VideoPersonCall = 0xF389A, + VideoPersonClock = 0xF38A0, + VideoPersonOff = 0xF38A6, + VideoPersonPulse = 0xF38AC, + VideoPersonSparkle = 0xF38B2, + VideoPersonSparkleOff = 0xF38B8, + VideoPersonStar = 0xF38BE, + VideoPersonStarOff = 0xF38C4, + VideoPlayPause = 0xF38CA, + VideoProhibited = 0xF38D0, + VideoRecording = 0xF38D6, + VideoSecurity = 0xF38DC, + VideoSwitch = 0xF38E2, + VideoSync = 0xF38E8, + VideoUsb = 0xF38EE, + ViewDesktop = 0xF38F4, + ViewDesktopMobile = 0xF38FA, + VirtualNetwork = 0xF3900, + VirtualNetworkToolbox = 0xF3906, + Voicemail = 0xF390C, + VoicemailArrowBack = 0xF3912, + VoicemailArrowForward = 0xF3918, + VoicemailArrowSubtract = 0xF391E, + VoicemailShield = 0xF3924, + VoicemailSubtract = 0xF392A, + Vote = 0xF3930, + WalkieTalkie = 0xF3936, + Wallet = 0xF393C, + WalletCreditCard = 0xF3942, + Wallpaper = 0xF3948, + Wand = 0xF394E, + Warning = 0xF3954, + WarningLockOpen = 0xF395A, + WarningShield = 0xF3960, + Washer = 0xF3966, + Water = 0xF396C, + WeatherBlowingSnow = 0xF3972, + WeatherCloudy = 0xF3978, + WeatherDrizzle = 0xF397E, + WeatherDuststorm = 0xF3984, + WeatherFog = 0xF398A, + WeatherHailDay = 0xF3990, + WeatherHailNight = 0xF3996, + WeatherHaze = 0xF399C, + WeatherMoon = 0xF39A2, + WeatherMoonOff = 0xF39A8, + WeatherPartlyCloudyDay = 0xF39AE, + WeatherPartlyCloudyNight = 0xF39B4, + WeatherRain = 0xF39BA, + WeatherRainShowersDay = 0xF39C0, + WeatherRainShowersNight = 0xF39C6, + WeatherRainSnow = 0xF39CC, + WeatherSnow = 0xF39D2, + WeatherSnowShowerDay = 0xF39D8, + WeatherSnowShowerNight = 0xF39DE, + WeatherSnowflake = 0xF39E4, + WeatherSqualls = 0xF39EA, + WeatherSunny = 0xF39F0, + WeatherSunnyHigh = 0xF39F6, + WeatherSunnyLow = 0xF39FC, + WeatherThunderstorm = 0xF3A02, + WebAsset = 0xF3A08, + Whiteboard = 0xF3A0E, + WhiteboardOff = 0xF3A14, + Wifi1 = 0xF3A1A, + Wifi2 = 0xF3A20, + Wifi3 = 0xF3A26, + Wifi4 = 0xF3A2C, + WifiLock = 0xF3A32, + WifiOff = 0xF3A38, + WifiSettings = 0xF3A3E, + WifiWarning = 0xF3A44, + Window = 0xF3A4A, + WindowAd = 0xF3A50, + WindowAdOff = 0xF3A56, + WindowAdPerson = 0xF3A5C, + WindowApps = 0xF3A62, + WindowArrowUp = 0xF3A68, + WindowBrush = 0xF3A6E, + WindowBulletList = 0xF3A74, + WindowBulletListAdd = 0xF3A7A, + WindowColumnOneFourthLeft = 0xF3A80, + WindowColumnOneFourthLeftFocusLeft = 0xF3A86, + WindowColumnOneFourthLeftFocusTop = 0xF3A8C, + WindowConsole = 0xF3A92, + WindowDatabase = 0xF3A98, + WindowDevEdit = 0xF3A9E, + WindowDevTools = 0xF3AA4, + WindowEdit = 0xF3AAA, + WindowFingerprint = 0xF3AB0, + WindowHeaderHorizontal = 0xF3AB6, + WindowHeaderHorizontalOff = 0xF3ABC, + WindowHeaderVertical = 0xF3AC2, + WindowInprivate = 0xF3AC8, + WindowInprivateAccount = 0xF3ACE, + WindowLocationTarget = 0xF3AD4, + WindowMultiple = 0xF3ADA, + WindowMultipleSwap = 0xF3AE0, + WindowNew = 0xF3AE6, + WindowPlay = 0xF3AEC, + WindowSettings = 0xF3AF2, + WindowShield = 0xF3AF8, + WindowText = 0xF3AFE, + WindowWrench = 0xF3B04, + Wrench = 0xF3B0A, + WrenchScrewdriver = 0xF3B10, + WrenchSettings = 0xF3B16, + XboxConsole = 0xF3B1C, + XboxController = 0xF3B22, + XboxControllerError = 0xF3B28, + Xray = 0xF3B2E, + ZoomFit = 0xF3B34, + ZoomIn = 0xF3B3A, + ZoomOut = 0xF3B40, } diff --git a/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf b/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf index 14c37bd..af97654 100644 Binary files a/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf and b/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf differ diff --git a/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf b/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf index 24b2715..fb22379 100644 Binary files a/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf and b/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf differ diff --git a/seagull-icons/upstream b/seagull-icons/upstream index fca7147..3255f2f 160000 --- a/seagull-icons/upstream +++ b/seagull-icons/upstream @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit fca714765ea2832387a38f98ff1e058e0ba7f95e +Subproject commit 3255f2fb16d92d3fb7927841db6b6f851e4e1b31