diff --git a/Directory.Build.props b/Directory.Build.props index 05569ab..c7b17ea 100644 --- a/Directory.Build.props +++ b/Directory.Build.props @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - 1.1.247 + 1.1.249 latest enable davidxuang diff --git a/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs b/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs index 6b65ed4..189a06d 100644 --- a/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs +++ b/FluentIcons.Common/Symbol.cs @@ -945,1573 +945,1579 @@ public enum Symbol : int Edit = 0xF1608, EditArrowBack = 0xF160E, EditLineHorizontal3 = 0xF1614, - EditOff = 0xF161A, - EditPerson = 0xF1620, - EditProhibited = 0xF1626, - EditSettings = 0xF162C, - Elevator = 0xF1632, - Emoji = 0xF1638, - EmojiAdd = 0xF163E, - EmojiAngry = 0xF1644, - EmojiEdit = 0xF164A, - EmojiHand = 0xF1650, - EmojiHint = 0xF1656, - EmojiLaugh = 0xF165C, - EmojiMeh = 0xF1662, - EmojiMeme = 0xF1668, - EmojiMultiple = 0xF166E, - EmojiSad = 0xF1674, - EmojiSadSlight = 0xF167A, - EmojiSmileSlight = 0xF1680, - EmojiSparkle = 0xF1686, - EmojiSurprise = 0xF168C, - Engine = 0xF1692, - EqualCircle = 0xF1698, - EqualOff = 0xF169E, - Eraser = 0xF16A4, - EraserMedium = 0xF16AA, - EraserSegment = 0xF16B0, - EraserSmall = 0xF16B6, - EraserTool = 0xF16BC, - ErrorCircle = 0xF16C2, - ErrorCircleSettings = 0xF16C8, - ExpandUpLeft = 0xF16CE, - ExpandUpRight = 0xF16D4, - ExtendedDock = 0xF16DA, - Eye = 0xF16E0, - EyeLines = 0xF16E6, - EyeOff = 0xF16EC, - EyeTracking = 0xF16F2, - EyeTrackingOff = 0xF16F8, - Eyedropper = 0xF16FE, - EyedropperOff = 0xF1704, - FStop = 0xF170A, - FastAcceleration = 0xF1710, - FastForward = 0xF1716, - Fax = 0xF171C, - Feed = 0xF1722, - Filmstrip = 0xF1728, - FilmstripImage = 0xF172E, - FilmstripPlay = 0xF1734, - FilmstripSplit = 0xF173A, - Filter = 0xF1740, - FilterAdd = 0xF1746, - FilterDismiss = 0xF174C, - FilterSync = 0xF1752, - Fingerprint = 0xF1758, - Fire = 0xF175E, - Fireplace = 0xF1764, - FixedWidth = 0xF176A, - Flag = 0xF1770, - FlagCheckered = 0xF1776, - FlagClock = 0xF177C, - FlagOff = 0xF1782, - FlagPride = 0xF1788, - FlagPrideIntersexInclusiveProgress = 0xF178E, - FlagPridePhiladelphia = 0xF1794, - FlagPrideProgress = 0xF179A, - Flash = 0xF17A0, - FlashAdd = 0xF17A6, - FlashAuto = 0xF17AC, - FlashCheckmark = 0xF17B2, - FlashFlow = 0xF17B8, - FlashOff = 0xF17BE, - FlashPlay = 0xF17C4, - FlashSettings = 0xF17CA, - FlashSparkle = 0xF17D0, - Flashlight = 0xF17D6, - FlashlightOff = 0xF17DC, - FlipHorizontal = 0xF17E2, - FlipVertical = 0xF17E8, - Flow = 0xF17EE, - Flowchart = 0xF17F4, - FlowchartCircle = 0xF17FA, - Fluent = 0xF1800, - Fluid = 0xF1806, - Folder = 0xF180C, - FolderAdd = 0xF1812, - FolderArrowLeft = 0xF1818, - FolderArrowRight = 0xF181E, - FolderArrowUp = 0xF1824, - FolderBriefcase = 0xF182A, - FolderGlobe = 0xF1830, - FolderLightning = 0xF1836, - FolderLink = 0xF183C, - FolderList = 0xF1842, - FolderMail = 0xF1848, - FolderOpen = 0xF184E, - FolderOpenVertical = 0xF1854, - FolderPeople = 0xF185A, - FolderPerson = 0xF1860, - FolderProhibited = 0xF1866, - FolderSearch = 0xF186C, - FolderSwap = 0xF1872, - FolderSync = 0xF1878, - FolderZip = 0xF187E, - FontDecrease = 0xF1884, - FontIncrease = 0xF188A, - FontSpaceTrackingIn = 0xF1890, - FontSpaceTrackingOut = 0xF1896, - Food = 0xF189C, - FoodApple = 0xF18A2, - FoodCake = 0xF18A8, - FoodCarrot = 0xF18AE, - FoodChickenLeg = 0xF18B4, - FoodEgg = 0xF18BA, - FoodFish = 0xF18C0, - FoodGrains = 0xF18C6, - FoodPizza = 0xF18CC, - FoodToast = 0xF18D2, - Form = 0xF18D8, - FormMultiple = 0xF18DE, - FormNew = 0xF18E4, - Fps120 = 0xF18EA, - Fps240 = 0xF18F0, - Fps30 = 0xF18F6, - Fps60 = 0xF18FC, - Fps960 = 0xF1902, - Frame = 0xF1908, - FullScreenMaximize = 0xF190E, - FullScreenMinimize = 0xF1914, - GameChat = 0xF191A, - Games = 0xF1920, - GanttChart = 0xF1926, - Gas = 0xF192C, - GasPump = 0xF1932, - Gather = 0xF1938, - Gauge = 0xF193E, - GaugeAdd = 0xF1944, - Gavel = 0xF194A, - GavelProhibited = 0xF1950, - Gesture = 0xF1956, - Gif = 0xF195C, - Gift = 0xF1962, - GiftCard = 0xF1968, - GiftCardAdd = 0xF196E, - GiftCardArrowRight = 0xF1974, - GiftCardMoney = 0xF197A, - GiftCardMultiple = 0xF1980, - GiftOpen = 0xF1986, - Glance = 0xF198C, - GlanceHorizontal = 0xF1992, - GlanceHorizontalSparkles = 0xF1998, - Glasses = 0xF199E, - GlassesOff = 0xF19A4, - Globe = 0xF19AA, - GlobeAdd = 0xF19B0, - GlobeArrowForward = 0xF19B6, - GlobeArrowUp = 0xF19BC, - GlobeClock = 0xF19C2, - GlobeDesktop = 0xF19C8, - GlobeError = 0xF19CE, - GlobeLocation = 0xF19D4, - GlobePerson = 0xF19DA, - GlobeProhibited = 0xF19E0, - GlobeSearch = 0xF19E6, - GlobeShield = 0xF19EC, - GlobeStar = 0xF19F2, - GlobeSurface = 0xF19F8, - GlobeSync = 0xF19FE, - GlobeVideo = 0xF1A04, - GlobeWarning = 0xF1A0A, - Grid = 0xF1A10, - GridDots = 0xF1A16, - GridKanban = 0xF1A1C, - Group = 0xF1A22, - GroupDismiss = 0xF1A28, - GroupList = 0xF1A2E, - GroupReturn = 0xF1A34, - Guardian = 0xF1A3A, - Guest = 0xF1A40, - GuestAdd = 0xF1A46, - Guitar = 0xF1A4C, - HandDraw = 0xF1A52, - HandLeft = 0xF1A58, - HandLeftChat = 0xF1A5E, - HandOpenHeart = 0xF1A64, - HandPoint = 0xF1A6A, - HandRight = 0xF1A70, - HandRightOff = 0xF1A76, - HandWave = 0xF1A7C, - Handshake = 0xF1A82, - HapticStrong = 0xF1A88, - HapticWeak = 0xF1A8E, - HardDrive = 0xF1A94, - HatGraduation = 0xF1A9A, - HatGraduationAdd = 0xF1AA0, - HatGraduationSparkle = 0xF1AA6, - Hd = 0xF1AAC, - Hdr = 0xF1AB2, - HdrOff = 0xF1AB8, - Headphones = 0xF1ABE, - HeadphonesSoundWave = 0xF1AC4, - Headset = 0xF1ACA, - HeadsetAdd = 0xF1AD0, - HeadsetVr = 0xF1AD6, - Heart = 0xF1ADC, - HeartBroken = 0xF1AE2, - HeartCircle = 0xF1AE8, - HeartCircleHint = 0xF1AEE, - HeartOff = 0xF1AF4, - HeartPulse = 0xF1AFA, - HeartPulseCheckmark = 0xF1B00, - HeartPulseError = 0xF1B06, - HeartPulseWarning = 0xF1B0C, - Hexagon = 0xF1B12, - HexagonSparkle = 0xF1B18, - HexagonThree = 0xF1B1E, - Highlight = 0xF1B24, - HighlightAccent = 0xF1B2A, - HighlightLink = 0xF1B30, - Highway = 0xF1B36, - History = 0xF1B3C, - HistoryDismiss = 0xF1B42, - Home = 0xF1B48, - HomeAdd = 0xF1B4E, - HomeCheckmark = 0xF1B54, - HomeDatabase = 0xF1B5A, - HomeGarage = 0xF1B60, - HomeHeart = 0xF1B66, - HomeMore = 0xF1B6C, - HomePerson = 0xF1B72, - HomeSplit = 0xF1B78, - Hourglass = 0xF1B7E, - HourglassHalf = 0xF1B84, - HourglassOneQuarter = 0xF1B8A, - HourglassThreeQuarter = 0xF1B90, - Icons = 0xF1B96, - Image = 0xF1B9C, - ImageAdd = 0xF1BA2, - ImageAltText = 0xF1BA8, - ImageArrowBack = 0xF1BAE, - ImageArrowCounterclockwise = 0xF1BB4, - ImageArrowForward = 0xF1BBA, - ImageBorder = 0xF1BC0, - ImageCircle = 0xF1BC6, - ImageCopy = 0xF1BCC, - ImageEdit = 0xF1BD2, - ImageGlobe = 0xF1BD8, - ImageMultiple = 0xF1BDE, - ImageMultipleOff = 0xF1BE4, - ImageOff = 0xF1BEA, - ImageProhibited = 0xF1BF0, - ImageReflection = 0xF1BF6, - ImageSearch = 0xF1BFC, - ImageShadow = 0xF1C02, - ImageSparkle = 0xF1C08, - ImageSplit = 0xF1C0E, - ImageStack = 0xF1C14, - ImageTable = 0xF1C1A, - ImmersiveReader = 0xF1C20, - Important = 0xF1C26, - Incognito = 0xF1C2C, - Info = 0xF1C32, - InfoShield = 0xF1C38, - InkStroke = 0xF1C3E, - InkStrokeArrowDown = 0xF1C44, - InkStrokeArrowUpDown = 0xF1C4A, - InkingTool = 0xF1C50, - InkingToolAccent = 0xF1C56, - InprivateAccount = 0xF1C5C, - Insert = 0xF1C62, - IosChevronRight = 0xF1C68, - Iot = 0xF1C6E, - IotAlert = 0xF1C74, - Javascript = 0xF1C7A, - Joystick = 0xF1C80, - Key = 0xF1C86, - KeyCommand = 0xF1C8C, - KeyMultiple = 0xF1C92, - KeyReset = 0xF1C98, - Keyboard = 0xF1C9E, - Keyboard123 = 0xF1CA4, - KeyboardDock = 0xF1CAA, - KeyboardLayoutFloat = 0xF1CB0, - KeyboardLayoutOneHandedLeft = 0xF1CB6, - KeyboardLayoutResize = 0xF1CBC, - KeyboardLayoutSplit = 0xF1CC2, - KeyboardShift = 0xF1CC8, - KeyboardShiftUppercase = 0xF1CCE, - KeyboardTab = 0xF1CD4, - Laptop = 0xF1CDA, - LaptopBriefcase = 0xF1CE0, - LaptopDismiss = 0xF1CE6, - LaptopPerson = 0xF1CEC, - LaptopSettings = 0xF1CF2, - LaptopShield = 0xF1CF8, - LaserTool = 0xF1CFE, - Lasso = 0xF1D04, - LauncherSettings = 0xF1D0A, - Layer = 0xF1D10, - LayerDiagonal = 0xF1D16, - LayerDiagonalAdd = 0xF1D1C, - LayerDiagonalPerson = 0xF1D22, - LayerDiagonalSparkle = 0xF1D28, - LayoutCellFour = 0xF1D2E, - LayoutCellFourFocusBottomLeft = 0xF1D34, - LayoutCellFourFocusBottomRight = 0xF1D3A, - LayoutCellFourFocusTopLeft = 0xF1D40, - LayoutCellFourFocusTopRight = 0xF1D46, - LayoutColumnFour = 0xF1D4C, - LayoutColumnFourFocusCenterLeft = 0xF1D52, - LayoutColumnFourFocusCenterRight = 0xF1D58, - LayoutColumnFourFocusLeft = 0xF1D5E, - LayoutColumnFourFocusRight = 0xF1D64, - LayoutColumnOneThirdLeft = 0xF1D6A, - LayoutColumnOneThirdRight = 0xF1D70, - LayoutColumnOneThirdRightHint = 0xF1D76, - LayoutColumnThree = 0xF1D7C, - LayoutColumnThreeFocusCenter = 0xF1D82, - LayoutColumnThreeFocusLeft = 0xF1D88, - LayoutColumnThreeFocusRight = 0xF1D8E, - LayoutColumnTwo = 0xF1D94, - LayoutColumnTwoFocusLeft = 0xF1D9A, - LayoutColumnTwoFocusRight = 0xF1DA0, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeft = 0xF1DA6, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeftFocusBottomLeft = 0xF1DAC, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeftFocusRight = 0xF1DB2, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeftFocusTopLeft = 0xF1DB8, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitRight = 0xF1DBE, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitRightFocusBottomRight = 0xF1DC4, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitRightFocusLeft = 0xF1DCA, - LayoutColumnTwoSplitRightFocusTopRight = 0xF1DD0, - LayoutRowFour = 0xF1DD6, - LayoutRowFourFocusBottom = 0xF1DDC, - LayoutRowFourFocusCenterBottom = 0xF1DE2, - LayoutRowFourFocusCenterTop = 0xF1DE8, - LayoutRowFourFocusTop = 0xF1DEE, - LayoutRowThree = 0xF1DF4, - LayoutRowThreeFocusBottom = 0xF1DFA, - LayoutRowThreeFocusCenter = 0xF1E00, - LayoutRowThreeFocusTop = 0xF1E06, - LayoutRowTwo = 0xF1E0C, - LayoutRowTwoFocusBottom = 0xF1E12, - LayoutRowTwoFocusTop = 0xF1E18, - LayoutRowTwoFocusTopSettings = 0xF1E1E, - LayoutRowTwoSplitBottom = 0xF1E24, - LayoutRowTwoSplitBottomFocusBottomLeft = 0xF1E2A, - LayoutRowTwoSplitBottomFocusBottomRight = 0xF1E30, - LayoutRowTwoSplitBottomFocusTop = 0xF1E36, - LayoutRowTwoSplitTop = 0xF1E3C, - LayoutRowTwoSplitTopFocusBottom = 0xF1E42, - LayoutRowTwoSplitTopFocusTopLeft = 0xF1E48, - LayoutRowTwoSplitTopFocusTopRight = 0xF1E4E, - LeafOne = 0xF1E54, - LeafThree = 0xF1E5A, - LeafTwo = 0xF1E60, - LearningApp = 0xF1E66, - Library = 0xF1E6C, - Lightbulb = 0xF1E72, - LightbulbCheckmark = 0xF1E78, - LightbulbCircle = 0xF1E7E, - LightbulbFilament = 0xF1E84, - LightbulbPerson = 0xF1E8A, - Likert = 0xF1E90, - Line = 0xF1E96, - LineDashes = 0xF1E9C, - LineFlowDiagonalUpRight = 0xF1EA2, - LineHorizontal1 = 0xF1EA8, - LineHorizontal1Dashes = 0xF1EAE, - LineHorizontal2DashesSolid = 0xF1EB4, - LineHorizontal3 = 0xF1EBA, - LineHorizontal4 = 0xF1EC0, - LineHorizontal4Search = 0xF1EC6, - LineHorizontal5 = 0xF1ECC, - LineHorizontal5Error = 0xF1ED2, - LineStyle = 0xF1ED8, - LineThickness = 0xF1EDE, - Link = 0xF1EE4, - LinkAdd = 0xF1EEA, - LinkDismiss = 0xF1EF0, - LinkEdit = 0xF1EF6, - LinkMultiple = 0xF1EFC, - LinkPerson = 0xF1F02, - LinkSquare = 0xF1F08, - LinkToolbox = 0xF1F0E, - List = 0xF1F14, - ListBar = 0xF1F1A, - ListBarTree = 0xF1F20, - ListBarTreeOffset = 0xF1F26, - Live = 0xF1F2C, - LiveOff = 0xF1F32, - LocalLanguage = 0xF1F38, - Location = 0xF1F3E, - LocationAdd = 0xF1F44, - LocationAddLeft = 0xF1F4A, - LocationAddRight = 0xF1F50, - LocationAddUp = 0xF1F56, - LocationArrow = 0xF1F5C, - LocationArrowLeft = 0xF1F62, - LocationArrowRight = 0xF1F68, - LocationArrowUp = 0xF1F6E, - LocationDismiss = 0xF1F74, - LocationLive = 0xF1F7A, - LocationOff = 0xF1F80, - LocationRipple = 0xF1F86, - LocationTargetSquare = 0xF1F8C, - LockClosed = 0xF1F92, - LockClosedKey = 0xF1F98, - LockMultiple = 0xF1F9E, - LockOpen = 0xF1FA4, - LockShield = 0xF1FAA, - Lottery = 0xF1FB0, - Luggage = 0xF1FB6, - Mail = 0xF1FBC, - MailAdd = 0xF1FC2, - MailAlert = 0xF1FC8, - MailAllRead = 0xF1FCE, - MailAllUnread = 0xF1FD4, - MailArrowClockwise = 0xF1FDA, - MailArrowDoubleBack = 0xF1FE0, - MailArrowDown = 0xF1FE6, - MailArrowForward = 0xF1FEC, - MailArrowUp = 0xF1FF2, - MailAttach = 0xF1FF8, - MailCheckmark = 0xF1FFE, - MailClock = 0xF2004, - MailCopy = 0xF200A, - MailDismiss = 0xF2010, - MailEdit = 0xF2016, - MailError = 0xF201C, - MailInbox = 0xF2022, - MailInboxAdd = 0xF2028, - MailInboxAll = 0xF202E, - MailInboxArrowDown = 0xF2034, - MailInboxArrowRight = 0xF203A, - MailInboxArrowUp = 0xF2040, - MailInboxCheckmark = 0xF2046, - MailInboxDismiss = 0xF204C, - MailLink = 0xF2052, - MailList = 0xF2058, - MailMultiple = 0xF205E, - MailOff = 0xF2064, - MailOpenPerson = 0xF206A, - MailPause = 0xF2070, - MailProhibited = 0xF2076, - MailRead = 0xF207C, - MailReadMultiple = 0xF2082, - MailRewind = 0xF2088, - MailSettings = 0xF208E, - MailShield = 0xF2094, - MailTemplate = 0xF209A, - MailUnread = 0xF20A0, - MailWarning = 0xF20A6, - Mailbox = 0xF20AC, - Map = 0xF20B2, - MapDrive = 0xF20B8, - Markdown = 0xF20BE, - MatchAppLayout = 0xF20C4, - MathFormatLinear = 0xF20CA, - MathFormatProfessional = 0xF20D0, - MathFormula = 0xF20D6, - MathSymbols = 0xF20DC, - Maximize = 0xF20E2, - MeetNow = 0xF20E8, - Megaphone = 0xF20EE, - MegaphoneCircle = 0xF20F4, - MegaphoneLoud = 0xF20FA, - MegaphoneOff = 0xF2100, - Mention = 0xF2106, - MentionArrowDown = 0xF210C, - MentionBrackets = 0xF2112, - Merge = 0xF2118, - Mic = 0xF211E, - MicOff = 0xF2124, - MicProhibited = 0xF212A, - MicPulse = 0xF2130, - MicPulseOff = 0xF2136, - MicRecord = 0xF213C, - MicSettings = 0xF2142, - MicSparkle = 0xF2148, - MicSync = 0xF214E, - Microscope = 0xF2154, - Midi = 0xF215A, - MobileOptimized = 0xF2160, - Mold = 0xF2166, - Molecule = 0xF216C, - Money = 0xF2172, - MoneyCalculator = 0xF2178, - MoneyDismiss = 0xF217E, - MoneyHand = 0xF2184, - MoneyOff = 0xF218A, - MoneySettings = 0xF2190, - MoreCircle = 0xF2196, - MoreHorizontal = 0xF219C, - MoreVertical = 0xF21A2, - MountainLocationBottom = 0xF21A8, - MountainLocationTop = 0xF21AE, - MountainTrail = 0xF21B4, - MoviesAndTv = 0xF21BA, - Multiplier12x = 0xF21C0, - Multiplier15x = 0xF21C6, - Multiplier18x = 0xF21CC, - Multiplier1x = 0xF21D2, - Multiplier2x = 0xF21D8, - Multiplier5x = 0xF21DE, - Multiselect = 0xF21E4, - MusicNote1 = 0xF21EA, - MusicNote2 = 0xF21F0, - MusicNote2Play = 0xF21F6, - MusicNoteOff1 = 0xF21FC, - MusicNoteOff2 = 0xF2202, - MyLocation = 0xF2208, - Navigation = 0xF220E, - NavigationLocationTarget = 0xF2214, - NavigationPlay = 0xF221A, - NavigationUnread = 0xF2220, - NetworkCheck = 0xF2226, - New = 0xF222C, - News = 0xF2232, - Next = 0xF2238, - NextFrame = 0xF223E, - Note = 0xF2244, - NoteAdd = 0xF224A, - NoteEdit = 0xF2250, - NotePin = 0xF2256, - Notebook = 0xF225C, - NotebookAdd = 0xF2262, - NotebookArrowCurveDown = 0xF2268, - NotebookError = 0xF226E, - NotebookEye = 0xF2274, - NotebookLightning = 0xF227A, - NotebookQuestionMark = 0xF2280, - NotebookSection = 0xF2286, - NotebookSectionArrowRight = 0xF228C, - NotebookSubsection = 0xF2292, - NotebookSync = 0xF2298, - Notepad = 0xF229E, - NotepadEdit = 0xF22A4, - NotepadPerson = 0xF22AA, - NotepadSparkle = 0xF22B0, - NumberCircle0 = 0xF22B6, - NumberCircle1 = 0xF22BC, - NumberCircle2 = 0xF22C2, - NumberCircle3 = 0xF22C8, - NumberCircle4 = 0xF22CE, - NumberCircle5 = 0xF22D4, - NumberCircle6 = 0xF22DA, - NumberCircle7 = 0xF22E0, - NumberCircle8 = 0xF22E6, - NumberCircle9 = 0xF22EC, - NumberRow = 0xF22F2, - NumberSymbol = 0xF22F8, - NumberSymbolDismiss = 0xF22FE, - NumberSymbolSquare = 0xF2304, - Open = 0xF230A, - OpenFolder = 0xF2310, - OpenOff = 0xF2316, - Options = 0xF231C, - Organization = 0xF2322, - OrganizationHorizontal = 0xF2328, - Orientation = 0xF232E, - Oval = 0xF2334, - Oven = 0xF233A, - PaddingDown = 0xF2340, - PaddingLeft = 0xF2346, - PaddingRight = 0xF234C, - PaddingTop = 0xF2352, - PageFit = 0xF2358, - PaintBrush = 0xF235E, - PaintBrushArrowDown = 0xF2364, - PaintBrushArrowUp = 0xF236A, - PaintBrushSparkle = 0xF2370, - PaintBrushSubtract = 0xF2376, - PaintBucket = 0xF237C, - Pair = 0xF2382, - PanelBottom = 0xF2388, - PanelBottomContract = 0xF238E, - PanelBottomExpand = 0xF2394, - PanelLeft = 0xF239A, - PanelLeftAdd = 0xF23A0, - PanelLeftContract = 0xF23A6, - PanelLeftDefault = 0xF23AC, - PanelLeftExpand = 0xF23B2, - PanelLeftFocusRight = 0xF23B8, - PanelLeftHeader = 0xF23BE, - PanelLeftHeaderAdd = 0xF23C4, - PanelLeftHeaderKey = 0xF23CA, - PanelLeftKey = 0xF23D0, - PanelLeftText = 0xF23D6, - PanelLeftTextAdd = 0xF23DC, - PanelLeftTextDismiss = 0xF23E2, - PanelRight = 0xF23E8, - PanelRightAdd = 0xF23EE, - PanelRightContract = 0xF23F4, - PanelRightCursor = 0xF23FA, - PanelRightExpand = 0xF2400, - PanelRightGallery = 0xF2406, - PanelSeparateWindow = 0xF240C, - PanelTopContract = 0xF2412, - PanelTopExpand = 0xF2418, - PanelTopGallery = 0xF241E, - Password = 0xF2424, - Patch = 0xF242A, - Patient = 0xF2430, - Pause = 0xF2436, - PauseCircle = 0xF243C, - PauseOff = 0xF2442, - PauseSettings = 0xF2448, - Payment = 0xF244E, - PaymentWireless = 0xF2454, - Pen = 0xF245A, - PenDismiss = 0xF2460, - PenOff = 0xF2466, - PenProhibited = 0xF246C, - PenSparkle = 0xF2472, - Pentagon = 0xF2478, - People = 0xF247E, - PeopleAdd = 0xF2484, - PeopleAudience = 0xF248A, - PeopleCall = 0xF2490, - PeopleChat = 0xF2496, - PeopleCheckmark = 0xF249C, - PeopleCommunity = 0xF24A2, - PeopleCommunityAdd = 0xF24A8, - PeopleEdit = 0xF24AE, - PeopleError = 0xF24B4, - PeopleEye = 0xF24BA, - PeopleList = 0xF24C0, - PeopleLock = 0xF24C6, - PeopleMoney = 0xF24CC, - PeopleProhibited = 0xF24D2, - PeopleQueue = 0xF24D8, - PeopleSearch = 0xF24DE, - PeopleSettings = 0xF24E4, - PeopleStar = 0xF24EA, - PeopleSubtract = 0xF24F0, - PeopleSwap = 0xF24F6, - PeopleSync = 0xF24FC, - PeopleTeam = 0xF2502, - PeopleTeamAdd = 0xF2508, - PeopleTeamDelete = 0xF250E, - PeopleTeamToolbox = 0xF2514, - PeopleToolbox = 0xF251A, - Person = 0xF2520, - Person5 = 0xF2526, - Person6 = 0xF252C, - PersonAccounts = 0xF2532, - PersonAdd = 0xF2538, - PersonAlert = 0xF253E, - PersonAlertOff = 0xF2544, - PersonArrowBack = 0xF254A, - PersonArrowLeft = 0xF2550, - PersonArrowRight = 0xF2556, - PersonAvailable = 0xF255C, - PersonBoard = 0xF2562, - PersonCall = 0xF2568, - PersonChat = 0xF256E, - PersonCircle = 0xF2574, - PersonClock = 0xF257A, - PersonDelete = 0xF2580, - PersonDesktop = 0xF2586, - PersonEdit = 0xF258C, - PersonFeedback = 0xF2592, - PersonHeart = 0xF2598, - PersonHome = 0xF259E, - PersonInfo = 0xF25A4, - PersonKey = 0xF25AA, - PersonLightbulb = 0xF25B0, - PersonLightning = 0xF25B6, - PersonLink = 0xF25BC, - PersonLock = 0xF25C2, - PersonMail = 0xF25C8, - PersonMoney = 0xF25CE, - PersonNote = 0xF25D4, - PersonPasskey = 0xF25DA, - PersonPill = 0xF25E0, - PersonProhibited = 0xF25E6, - PersonQuestionMark = 0xF25EC, - PersonRibbon = 0xF25F2, - PersonRunning = 0xF25F8, - PersonSearch = 0xF25FE, - PersonSettings = 0xF2604, - PersonSquare = 0xF260A, - PersonSquareCheckmark = 0xF2610, - PersonStar = 0xF2616, - PersonStarburst = 0xF261C, - PersonSubtract = 0xF2622, - PersonSuport = 0xF2628, - PersonSupport = 0xF262E, - PersonSwap = 0xF2634, - PersonSync = 0xF263A, - PersonTag = 0xF2640, - PersonTentative = 0xF2646, - PersonVoice = 0xF264C, - PersonWalking = 0xF2652, - PersonWarning = 0xF2658, - PersonWrench = 0xF265E, - Phone = 0xF2664, - PhoneAdd = 0xF266A, - PhoneArrowRight = 0xF2670, - PhoneChat = 0xF2676, - PhoneCheckmark = 0xF267C, - PhoneDesktop = 0xF2682, - PhoneDesktopAdd = 0xF2688, - PhoneDismiss = 0xF268E, - PhoneEdit = 0xF2694, - PhoneEraser = 0xF269A, - PhoneFooterArrowDown = 0xF26A0, - PhoneHeaderArrowUp = 0xF26A6, - PhoneKey = 0xF26AC, - PhoneLaptop = 0xF26B2, - PhoneLinkSetup = 0xF26B8, - PhoneLock = 0xF26BE, - PhonePageHeader = 0xF26C4, - PhonePagination = 0xF26CA, - PhoneScreenTime = 0xF26D0, - PhoneShake = 0xF26D6, - PhoneSpanIn = 0xF26DC, - PhoneSpanOut = 0xF26E2, - PhoneSpeaker = 0xF26E8, - PhoneStatusBar = 0xF26EE, - PhoneTablet = 0xF26F4, - PhoneUpdate = 0xF26FA, - PhoneUpdateCheckmark = 0xF2700, - PhoneVerticalScroll = 0xF2706, - PhoneVibrate = 0xF270C, - PhotoFilter = 0xF2712, - Pi = 0xF2718, - PictureInPicture = 0xF271E, - PictureInPictureEnter = 0xF2724, - PictureInPictureExit = 0xF272A, - Pill = 0xF2730, - Pin = 0xF2736, - PinGlobe = 0xF273C, - PinOff = 0xF2742, - Pipeline = 0xF2748, - PipelineAdd = 0xF274E, - PipelineArrowCurveDown = 0xF2754, - PipelinePlay = 0xF275A, - Pivot = 0xF2760, - PlantCattail = 0xF2766, - PlantGrass = 0xF276C, - PlantRagweed = 0xF2772, - Play = 0xF2778, - PlayCircle = 0xF277E, - PlayCircleHint = 0xF2784, - PlayCircleSparkle = 0xF278A, - PlaySettings = 0xF2790, - PlayingCards = 0xF2796, - PlugConnected = 0xF279C, - PlugConnectedAdd = 0xF27A2, - PlugConnectedCheckmark = 0xF27A8, - PlugConnectedSettings = 0xF27AE, - PlugDisconnected = 0xF27B4, - PointScan = 0xF27BA, - Poll = 0xF27C0, - PollHorizontal = 0xF27C6, - PollOff = 0xF27CC, - PortHdmi = 0xF27D2, - PortMicroUsb = 0xF27D8, - PortUsbA = 0xF27DE, - PortUsbC = 0xF27E4, - PositionBackward = 0xF27EA, - PositionForward = 0xF27F0, - PositionToBack = 0xF27F6, - PositionToFront = 0xF27FC, - Power = 0xF2802, - Predictions = 0xF2808, - Premium = 0xF280E, - PremiumPerson = 0xF2814, - PresenceAvailable = 0xF281A, - PresenceAway = 0xF2820, - PresenceBlocked = 0xF2826, - PresenceBusy = 0xF282C, - PresenceDnd = 0xF2832, - PresenceOffline = 0xF2838, - PresenceOof = 0xF283E, - PresenceUnknown = 0xF2844, - Presenter = 0xF284A, - PresenterOff = 0xF2850, - PreviewLink = 0xF2856, - Previous = 0xF285C, - PreviousFrame = 0xF2862, - Print = 0xF2868, - PrintAdd = 0xF286E, - Production = 0xF2874, - ProductionCheckmark = 0xF287A, - Prohibited = 0xF2880, - ProhibitedMultiple = 0xF2886, - ProhibitedNote = 0xF288C, - ProjectionScreen = 0xF2892, - ProjectionScreenDismiss = 0xF2898, - ProjectionScreenText = 0xF289E, - Prompt = 0xF28A4, - ProtocolHandler = 0xF28AA, - Pulse = 0xF28B0, - PulseSquare = 0xF28B6, - PuzzleCube = 0xF28BC, - PuzzleCubePiece = 0xF28C2, - PuzzlePiece = 0xF28C8, - PuzzlePieceShield = 0xF28CE, - QrCode = 0xF28D4, - Question = 0xF28DA, - QuestionCircle = 0xF28E0, - QuizNew = 0xF28E6, - Radar = 0xF28EC, - RadarCheckmark = 0xF28F2, - RadarRectangleMultiple = 0xF28F8, - RadioButton = 0xF28FE, - Ram = 0xF2904, - RatingMature = 0xF290A, - RatioOneToOne = 0xF2910, - ReOrder = 0xF2916, - ReOrderDotsHorizontal = 0xF291C, - ReOrderDotsVertical = 0xF2922, - ReadAloud = 0xF2928, - ReadingList = 0xF292E, - ReadingListAdd = 0xF2934, - ReadingModeMobile = 0xF293A, - RealEstate = 0xF2940, - Receipt = 0xF2946, - ReceiptAdd = 0xF294C, - ReceiptBag = 0xF2952, - ReceiptCube = 0xF2958, - ReceiptMoney = 0xF295E, - ReceiptPlay = 0xF2964, - ReceiptSearch = 0xF296A, - ReceiptSparkles = 0xF2970, - Record = 0xF2976, - RecordStop = 0xF297C, - RectangleLandscape = 0xF2982, - RectangleLandscapeHintCopy = 0xF2988, - RectangleLandscapeSparkle = 0xF298E, - RectangleLandscapeSync = 0xF2994, - RectangleLandscapeSyncOff = 0xF299A, - RectanglePortraitLocationTarget = 0xF29A0, - Recycle = 0xF29A6, - RemixAdd = 0xF29AC, - Remote = 0xF29B2, - Rename = 0xF29B8, - Reorder = 0xF29BE, - Replay = 0xF29C4, - Resize = 0xF29CA, - ResizeImage = 0xF29D0, - ResizeLarge = 0xF29D6, - ResizeSmall = 0xF29DC, - ResizeTable = 0xF29E2, - ResizeVideo = 0xF29E8, - Reward = 0xF29EE, - Rewind = 0xF29F4, - Rhombus = 0xF29FA, - Ribbon = 0xF2A00, - RibbonAdd = 0xF2A06, - RibbonOff = 0xF2A0C, - RibbonStar = 0xF2A12, - Road = 0xF2A18, - RoadCone = 0xF2A1E, - Rocket = 0xF2A24, - RotateLeft = 0xF2A2A, - RotateRight = 0xF2A30, - Router = 0xF2A36, - RowTriple = 0xF2A3C, - Rss = 0xF2A42, - Ruler = 0xF2A48, - Run = 0xF2A4E, - Sanitize = 0xF2A54, - Save = 0xF2A5A, - SaveArrowRight = 0xF2A60, - SaveCopy = 0xF2A66, - SaveEdit = 0xF2A6C, - SaveImage = 0xF2A72, - SaveMultiple = 0xF2A78, - SaveSearch = 0xF2A7E, - SaveSync = 0xF2A84, - Savings = 0xF2A8A, - ScaleFill = 0xF2A90, - ScaleFit = 0xF2A96, - Scales = 0xF2A9C, - Scan = 0xF2AA2, - ScanCamera = 0xF2AA8, - ScanDash = 0xF2AAE, - ScanObject = 0xF2AB4, - ScanPerson = 0xF2ABA, - ScanTable = 0xF2AC0, - ScanText = 0xF2AC6, - ScanThumbUp = 0xF2ACC, - ScanThumbUpOff = 0xF2AD2, - ScanType = 0xF2AD8, - ScanTypeCheckmark = 0xF2ADE, - ScanTypeOff = 0xF2AE4, - Scratchpad = 0xF2AEA, - ScreenCut = 0xF2AF0, - ScreenPerson = 0xF2AF6, - ScreenSearch = 0xF2AFC, - Screenshot = 0xF2B02, - ScreenshotRecord = 0xF2B08, - Script = 0xF2B0E, - Search = 0xF2B14, - SearchInfo = 0xF2B1A, - SearchSettings = 0xF2B20, - SearchShield = 0xF2B26, - SearchSparkle = 0xF2B2C, - SearchSquare = 0xF2B32, - SearchVisual = 0xF2B38, - Seat = 0xF2B3E, - SeatAdd = 0xF2B44, - SelectAllOff = 0xF2B4A, - SelectAllOn = 0xF2B50, - SelectObject = 0xF2B56, - SelectObjectSkew = 0xF2B5C, - SelectObjectSkewDismiss = 0xF2B62, - SelectObjectSkewEdit = 0xF2B68, - Send = 0xF2B6E, - SendBeaker = 0xF2B74, - SendClock = 0xF2B7A, - SendCopy = 0xF2B80, - SendPerson = 0xF2B86, - SerialPort = 0xF2B8C, - Server = 0xF2B92, - ServerLink = 0xF2B98, - ServerMultiple = 0xF2B9E, - ServerPlay = 0xF2BA4, - ServiceBell = 0xF2BAA, - Settings = 0xF2BB0, - SettingsChat = 0xF2BB6, - SettingsCogMultiple = 0xF2BBC, - ShapeExclude = 0xF2BC2, - ShapeIntersect = 0xF2BC8, - ShapeOrganic = 0xF2BCE, - ShapeSubtract = 0xF2BD4, - ShapeUnion = 0xF2BDA, - Shapes = 0xF2BE0, - Share = 0xF2BE6, - ShareAndroid = 0xF2BEC, - ShareCloseTray = 0xF2BF2, - ShareIos = 0xF2BF8, - ShareMultiple = 0xF2BFE, - ShareScreenPerson = 0xF2C04, - ShareScreenPersonOverlay = 0xF2C0A, - ShareScreenPersonOverlayInside = 0xF2C10, - ShareScreenPersonP = 0xF2C16, - ShareScreenStart = 0xF2C1C, - ShareScreenStop = 0xF2C22, - Shield = 0xF2C28, - ShieldAdd = 0xF2C2E, - ShieldBadge = 0xF2C34, - ShieldCheckmark = 0xF2C3A, - ShieldDismiss = 0xF2C40, - ShieldDismissShield = 0xF2C46, - ShieldError = 0xF2C4C, - ShieldGlobe = 0xF2C52, - ShieldKeyhole = 0xF2C58, - ShieldLock = 0xF2C5E, - ShieldPerson = 0xF2C64, - ShieldPersonAdd = 0xF2C6A, - ShieldProhibited = 0xF2C70, - ShieldQuestion = 0xF2C76, - ShieldTask = 0xF2C7C, - Shifts = 0xF2C82, - Shifts30Minutes = 0xF2C88, - ShiftsActivity = 0xF2C8E, - ShiftsAdd = 0xF2C94, - ShiftsAvailability = 0xF2C9A, - ShiftsCheckmark = 0xF2CA0, - ShiftsDay = 0xF2CA6, - ShiftsOpen = 0xF2CAC, - ShiftsProhibited = 0xF2CB2, - ShiftsQuestionMark = 0xF2CB8, - ShiftsTeam = 0xF2CBE, - ShoppingBag = 0xF2CC4, - ShoppingBagAdd = 0xF2CCA, - ShoppingBagArrowLeft = 0xF2CD0, - ShoppingBagDismiss = 0xF2CD6, - ShoppingBagPause = 0xF2CDC, - ShoppingBagPercent = 0xF2CE2, - ShoppingBagPlay = 0xF2CE8, - ShoppingBagTag = 0xF2CEE, - Shortpick = 0xF2CF4, - Showerhead = 0xF2CFA, - SidebarSearch = 0xF2D00, - SignOut = 0xF2D06, - Signature = 0xF2D0C, - Sim = 0xF2D12, - SkipBack10 = 0xF2D18, - SkipForward10 = 0xF2D1E, - SkipForward30 = 0xF2D24, - SkipForwardTab = 0xF2D2A, - SlashForward = 0xF2D30, - Sleep = 0xF2D36, - SlideAdd = 0xF2D3C, - SlideArrowRight = 0xF2D42, - SlideEraser = 0xF2D48, - SlideGrid = 0xF2D4E, - SlideHide = 0xF2D54, - SlideLayout = 0xF2D5A, - SlideLink = 0xF2D60, - SlideMicrophone = 0xF2D66, - SlideMultiple = 0xF2D6C, - SlideMultipleArrowRight = 0xF2D72, - SlideMultipleSearch = 0xF2D78, - SlidePlay = 0xF2D7E, - SlideRecord = 0xF2D84, - SlideSearch = 0xF2D8A, - SlideSettings = 0xF2D90, - SlideSize = 0xF2D96, - SlideText = 0xF2D9C, - SlideTextCall = 0xF2DA2, - SlideTextCursor = 0xF2DA8, - SlideTextEdit = 0xF2DAE, - SlideTextMultiple = 0xF2DB4, - SlideTextPerson = 0xF2DBA, - SlideTextSparkle = 0xF2DC0, - SlideTransition = 0xF2DC6, - Smartwatch = 0xF2DCC, - SmartwatchDot = 0xF2DD2, - Snooze = 0xF2DD8, - SoundSource = 0xF2DDE, - SoundWaveCircle = 0xF2DE4, - Space3d = 0xF2DEA, - Spacebar = 0xF2DF0, - Sparkle = 0xF2DF6, - SparkleCircle = 0xF2DFC, - SpatulaSpoon = 0xF2E02, - Speaker0 = 0xF2E08, - Speaker1 = 0xF2E0E, - Speaker2 = 0xF2E14, - SpeakerBluetooth = 0xF2E1A, - SpeakerBox = 0xF2E20, - SpeakerEdit = 0xF2E26, - SpeakerMute = 0xF2E2C, - SpeakerOff = 0xF2E32, - SpeakerSettings = 0xF2E38, - SpeakerUsb = 0xF2E3E, - SpinnerIos = 0xF2E44, - SplitHint = 0xF2E4A, - SplitHorizontal = 0xF2E50, - SplitVertical = 0xF2E56, - Sport = 0xF2E5C, - SportAmericanFootball = 0xF2E62, - SportBaseball = 0xF2E68, - SportBasketball = 0xF2E6E, - SportHockey = 0xF2E74, - SportSoccer = 0xF2E7A, - Square = 0xF2E80, - SquareAdd = 0xF2E86, - SquareArrowForward = 0xF2E8C, - SquareDismiss = 0xF2E92, - SquareDovetailJoint = 0xF2E98, - SquareEraser = 0xF2E9E, - SquareHint = 0xF2EA4, - SquareHintApps = 0xF2EAA, - SquareHintArrowBack = 0xF2EB0, - SquareHintHexagon = 0xF2EB6, - SquareHintSparkles = 0xF2EBC, - SquareMultiple = 0xF2EC2, - SquareShadow = 0xF2EC8, - SquaresNested = 0xF2ECE, - Stack = 0xF2ED4, - StackAdd = 0xF2EDA, - StackArrowForward = 0xF2EE0, - StackStar = 0xF2EE6, - StackVertical = 0xF2EEC, - Stamp = 0xF2EF2, - Star = 0xF2EF8, - StarAdd = 0xF2EFE, - StarArrowBack = 0xF2F04, - StarArrowRight = 0xF2F0A, - StarArrowRightEnd = 0xF2F10, - StarArrowRightStart = 0xF2F16, - StarCheckmark = 0xF2F1C, - StarDismiss = 0xF2F22, - StarEdit = 0xF2F28, - StarEmphasis = 0xF2F2E, - StarHalf = 0xF2F34, - StarLineHorizontal3 = 0xF2F3A, - StarOff = 0xF2F40, - StarOneQuarter = 0xF2F46, - StarProhibited = 0xF2F4C, - StarSettings = 0xF2F52, - StarThreeQuarter = 0xF2F58, - Status = 0xF2F5E, - Step = 0xF2F64, - Steps = 0xF2F6A, - Stethoscope = 0xF2F70, - Sticker = 0xF2F76, - StickerAdd = 0xF2F7C, - Stop = 0xF2F82, - Storage = 0xF2F88, - StoreMicrosoft = 0xF2F8E, - Stream = 0xF2F94, - StreamInput = 0xF2F9A, - StreamInputOutput = 0xF2FA0, - StreamOutput = 0xF2FA6, - StreetSign = 0xF2FAC, - StyleGuide = 0xF2FB2, - SubGrid = 0xF2FB8, - Subtitles = 0xF2FBE, - Subtract = 0xF2FC4, - SubtractCircle = 0xF2FCA, - SubtractCircleArrowBack = 0xF2FD0, - SubtractCircleArrowForward = 0xF2FD6, - SubtractParentheses = 0xF2FDC, - SubtractSquare = 0xF2FE2, - SubtractSquareMultiple = 0xF2FE8, - SurfaceEarbuds = 0xF2FEE, - SurfaceHub = 0xF2FF4, - SwimmingPool = 0xF2FFA, - SwipeDown = 0xF3000, - SwipeRight = 0xF3006, - SwipeUp = 0xF300C, - Symbols = 0xF3012, - SyncOff = 0xF3018, - Syringe = 0xF301E, - System = 0xF3024, - Tab = 0xF302A, - TabAdd = 0xF3030, - TabArrowLeft = 0xF3036, - TabDesktop = 0xF303C, - TabDesktopArrowClockwise = 0xF3042, - TabDesktopArrowLeft = 0xF3048, - TabDesktopBottom = 0xF304E, - TabDesktopClock = 0xF3054, - TabDesktopCopy = 0xF305A, - TabDesktopImage = 0xF3060, - 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TagMultiple = 0xF3216, - TagOff = 0xF321C, - TagQuestionMark = 0xF3222, - TagReset = 0xF3228, - TagSearch = 0xF322E, - TapDouble = 0xF3234, - TapSingle = 0xF323A, - Target = 0xF3240, - TargetAdd = 0xF3246, - TargetArrow = 0xF324C, - TargetDismiss = 0xF3252, - TargetEdit = 0xF3258, - TaskList = 0xF325E, - TaskListAdd = 0xF3264, - TaskListSquare = 0xF326A, - TaskListSquareAdd = 0xF3270, - TaskListSquareDatabase = 0xF3276, - TaskListSquarePerson = 0xF327C, - TaskListSquareSettings = 0xF3282, - TasksApp = 0xF3288, - Teaching = 0xF328E, - TeardropBottomRight = 0xF3294, - Teddy = 0xF329A, - Temperature = 0xF32A0, - Tent = 0xF32A6, - TetrisApp = 0xF32AC, - Text = 0xF32B2, - TextAdd = 0xF32B8, - TextAddSpaceAfter = 0xF32BE, - TextAddSpaceBefore = 0xF32C4, - TextAddT = 0xF32CA, - TextAlignCenter = 0xF32D0, - TextAlignCenterRotate270 = 0xF32D6, - TextAlignCenterRotate90 = 0xF32DC, - TextAlignDistributed = 0xF32E2, - TextAlignDistributedEvenly = 0xF32E8, - TextAlignDistributedVertical = 0xF32EE, 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UsbPlug = 0xF3786, - UsbStick = 0xF378C, - Vault = 0xF3792, - VehicleBicycle = 0xF3798, - VehicleBus = 0xF379E, - VehicleCab = 0xF37A4, - VehicleCableCar = 0xF37AA, - VehicleCar = 0xF37B0, - VehicleCarCollision = 0xF37B6, - VehicleCarParking = 0xF37BC, - VehicleCarProfile = 0xF37C2, - VehicleCarProfileClock = 0xF37C8, - VehicleMotorcycle = 0xF37CE, - VehicleShip = 0xF37D4, - VehicleSubway = 0xF37DA, - VehicleSubwayClock = 0xF37E0, - VehicleTractor = 0xF37E6, - VehicleTruck = 0xF37EC, - VehicleTruckBag = 0xF37F2, - VehicleTruckCube = 0xF37F8, - VehicleTruckProfile = 0xF37FE, - Video = 0xF3804, - Video360 = 0xF380A, - Video360Off = 0xF3810, - VideoAdd = 0xF3816, - VideoBackgroundEffect = 0xF381C, - VideoBackgroundEffectHorizontal = 0xF3822, - VideoChat = 0xF3828, - VideoClip = 0xF382E, - VideoClipMultiple = 0xF3834, - VideoClipOff = 0xF383A, - VideoClipOptimize = 0xF3840, - VideoClipWand = 0xF3846, - VideoOff = 0xF384C, - VideoPerson = 0xF3852, - VideoPersonCall = 0xF3858, - VideoPersonClock = 0xF385E, - VideoPersonOff = 0xF3864, - VideoPersonPulse = 0xF386A, - VideoPersonSparkle = 0xF3870, - VideoPersonSparkleOff = 0xF3876, - VideoPersonStar = 0xF387C, - VideoPersonStarOff = 0xF3882, - VideoPlayPause = 0xF3888, - VideoProhibited = 0xF388E, - VideoRecording = 0xF3894, - VideoSecurity = 0xF389A, - VideoSwitch = 0xF38A0, - VideoSync = 0xF38A6, - ViewDesktop = 0xF38AC, - ViewDesktopMobile = 0xF38B2, - VirtualNetwork = 0xF38B8, - VirtualNetworkToolbox = 0xF38BE, - Voicemail = 0xF38C4, - VoicemailArrowBack = 0xF38CA, - VoicemailArrowForward = 0xF38D0, - VoicemailArrowSubtract = 0xF38D6, - VoicemailShield = 0xF38DC, - VoicemailSubtract = 0xF38E2, - Vote = 0xF38E8, - WalkieTalkie = 0xF38EE, - Wallet = 0xF38F4, - WalletCreditCard = 0xF38FA, - Wallpaper = 0xF3900, - Wand = 0xF3906, - Warning = 0xF390C, - WarningShield = 0xF3912, - Washer = 0xF3918, - Water = 0xF391E, - WeatherBlowingSnow = 0xF3924, - WeatherCloudy = 0xF392A, - WeatherDrizzle = 0xF3930, - WeatherDuststorm = 0xF3936, - WeatherFog = 0xF393C, - WeatherHailDay = 0xF3942, - WeatherHailNight = 0xF3948, - WeatherHaze = 0xF394E, - WeatherMoon = 0xF3954, - WeatherMoonOff = 0xF395A, - WeatherPartlyCloudyDay = 0xF3960, - WeatherPartlyCloudyNight = 0xF3966, - WeatherRain = 0xF396C, - WeatherRainShowersDay = 0xF3972, - WeatherRainShowersNight = 0xF3978, - WeatherRainSnow = 0xF397E, - WeatherSnow = 0xF3984, - WeatherSnowShowerDay = 0xF398A, - WeatherSnowShowerNight = 0xF3990, - WeatherSnowflake = 0xF3996, - WeatherSqualls = 0xF399C, - WeatherSunny = 0xF39A2, - WeatherSunnyHigh = 0xF39A8, - WeatherSunnyLow = 0xF39AE, - WeatherThunderstorm = 0xF39B4, - WebAsset = 0xF39BA, - Whiteboard = 0xF39C0, - WhiteboardOff = 0xF39C6, - Wifi1 = 0xF39CC, - Wifi2 = 0xF39D2, - Wifi3 = 0xF39D8, - Wifi4 = 0xF39DE, - WifiLock = 0xF39E4, - WifiOff = 0xF39EA, - WifiSettings = 0xF39F0, - WifiWarning = 0xF39F6, - Window = 0xF39FC, - WindowAd = 0xF3A02, - WindowAdOff = 0xF3A08, - WindowAdPerson = 0xF3A0E, - WindowApps = 0xF3A14, - WindowArrowUp = 0xF3A1A, - WindowBulletList = 0xF3A20, - WindowBulletListAdd = 0xF3A26, - WindowConsole = 0xF3A2C, - WindowDatabase = 0xF3A32, - WindowDevEdit = 0xF3A38, - WindowDevTools = 0xF3A3E, - WindowEdit = 0xF3A44, - WindowFingerprint = 0xF3A4A, - WindowHeaderHorizontal = 0xF3A50, - WindowHeaderHorizontalOff = 0xF3A56, - WindowHeaderVertical = 0xF3A5C, - WindowInprivate = 0xF3A62, - WindowInprivateAccount = 0xF3A68, - WindowLocationTarget = 0xF3A6E, - WindowMultiple = 0xF3A74, - WindowMultipleSwap = 0xF3A7A, - WindowNew = 0xF3A80, - WindowPlay = 0xF3A86, - WindowSettings = 0xF3A8C, - WindowShield = 0xF3A92, - WindowText = 0xF3A98, - WindowWrench = 0xF3A9E, - Wrench = 0xF3AA4, - WrenchScrewdriver = 0xF3AAA, - WrenchSettings = 0xF3AB0, - XboxConsole = 0xF3AB6, - XboxController = 0xF3ABC, - XboxControllerError = 0xF3AC2, - Xray = 0xF3AC8, - ZoomFit = 0xF3ACE, - ZoomIn = 0xF3AD4, - ZoomOut = 0xF3ADA, + EditLock = 0xF161A, + EditOff = 0xF1620, + EditPerson = 0xF1626, + EditProhibited = 0xF162C, + EditSettings = 0xF1632, + Elevator = 0xF1638, + Emoji = 0xF163E, + EmojiAdd = 0xF1644, + EmojiAngry = 0xF164A, + EmojiEdit = 0xF1650, + EmojiHand = 0xF1656, + EmojiHint = 0xF165C, + EmojiLaugh = 0xF1662, + EmojiMeh = 0xF1668, + EmojiMeme = 0xF166E, + EmojiMultiple = 0xF1674, + EmojiSad = 0xF167A, + EmojiSadSlight = 0xF1680, + EmojiSmileSlight = 0xF1686, + EmojiSparkle = 0xF168C, + EmojiSurprise = 0xF1692, + Engine = 0xF1698, + EqualCircle = 0xF169E, + EqualOff = 0xF16A4, + Eraser = 0xF16AA, + EraserMedium = 0xF16B0, + EraserSegment = 0xF16B6, + EraserSmall = 0xF16BC, + EraserTool = 0xF16C2, + ErrorCircle = 0xF16C8, + ErrorCircleSettings = 0xF16CE, + ExpandUpLeft = 0xF16D4, + ExpandUpRight = 0xF16DA, + ExtendedDock = 0xF16E0, + Eye = 0xF16E6, + EyeLines = 0xF16EC, + EyeOff = 0xF16F2, + EyeTracking = 0xF16F8, + EyeTrackingOff = 0xF16FE, + Eyedropper = 0xF1704, + EyedropperOff = 0xF170A, + FStop = 0xF1710, + FastAcceleration = 0xF1716, + FastForward = 0xF171C, + Fax = 0xF1722, + Feed = 0xF1728, + Filmstrip = 0xF172E, + FilmstripImage = 0xF1734, + FilmstripPlay = 0xF173A, + FilmstripSplit = 0xF1740, + Filter = 0xF1746, + FilterAdd = 0xF174C, + FilterDismiss = 0xF1752, + FilterSync = 0xF1758, + Fingerprint = 0xF175E, + Fire = 0xF1764, + Fireplace = 0xF176A, + FixedWidth = 0xF1770, + Flag = 0xF1776, + FlagCheckered = 0xF177C, + FlagClock = 0xF1782, + FlagOff = 0xF1788, + FlagPride = 0xF178E, + FlagPrideIntersexInclusiveProgress = 0xF1794, + FlagPridePhiladelphia = 0xF179A, + FlagPrideProgress = 0xF17A0, + Flash = 0xF17A6, + FlashAdd = 0xF17AC, + FlashAuto = 0xF17B2, + FlashCheckmark = 0xF17B8, + FlashFlow = 0xF17BE, + FlashOff = 0xF17C4, + FlashPlay = 0xF17CA, + FlashSettings = 0xF17D0, + FlashSparkle = 0xF17D6, + Flashlight = 0xF17DC, + FlashlightOff = 0xF17E2, + FlipHorizontal = 0xF17E8, + FlipVertical = 0xF17EE, + Flow = 0xF17F4, + Flowchart = 0xF17FA, + FlowchartCircle = 0xF1800, + Fluent = 0xF1806, + Fluid = 0xF180C, + Folder = 0xF1812, + FolderAdd = 0xF1818, + FolderArrowLeft = 0xF181E, + FolderArrowRight = 0xF1824, + FolderArrowUp = 0xF182A, + FolderBriefcase = 0xF1830, + FolderGlobe = 0xF1836, + FolderLightning = 0xF183C, + FolderLink = 0xF1842, + FolderList = 0xF1848, + FolderMail = 0xF184E, + FolderOpen = 0xF1854, + FolderOpenVertical = 0xF185A, + FolderPeople = 0xF1860, + FolderPerson = 0xF1866, + FolderProhibited = 0xF186C, + FolderSearch = 0xF1872, + FolderSwap = 0xF1878, + FolderSync = 0xF187E, + FolderZip = 0xF1884, + FontDecrease = 0xF188A, + FontIncrease = 0xF1890, + FontSpaceTrackingIn = 0xF1896, + FontSpaceTrackingOut = 0xF189C, + Food = 0xF18A2, + FoodApple = 0xF18A8, + FoodCake = 0xF18AE, + FoodCarrot = 0xF18B4, + FoodChickenLeg = 0xF18BA, + FoodEgg = 0xF18C0, + FoodFish = 0xF18C6, + FoodGrains = 0xF18CC, + FoodPizza = 0xF18D2, + FoodToast = 0xF18D8, + Form = 0xF18DE, + FormMultiple = 0xF18E4, + FormNew = 0xF18EA, + Fps120 = 0xF18F0, + Fps240 = 0xF18F6, + Fps30 = 0xF18FC, + Fps60 = 0xF1902, + Fps960 = 0xF1908, + Frame = 0xF190E, + FullScreenMaximize = 0xF1914, + FullScreenMinimize = 0xF191A, + GameChat = 0xF1920, + Games = 0xF1926, + GanttChart = 0xF192C, + Gas = 0xF1932, + GasPump = 0xF1938, + Gather = 0xF193E, + Gauge = 0xF1944, + GaugeAdd = 0xF194A, + Gavel = 0xF1950, + GavelProhibited = 0xF1956, + Gesture = 0xF195C, + Gif = 0xF1962, + Gift = 0xF1968, + GiftCard = 0xF196E, + GiftCardAdd = 0xF1974, + GiftCardArrowRight = 0xF197A, + GiftCardMoney = 0xF1980, + GiftCardMultiple = 0xF1986, + GiftOpen = 0xF198C, + Glance = 0xF1992, + GlanceHorizontal = 0xF1998, + GlanceHorizontalSparkles = 0xF199E, + Glasses = 0xF19A4, + GlassesOff = 0xF19AA, + Globe = 0xF19B0, + GlobeAdd = 0xF19B6, + GlobeArrowForward = 0xF19BC, + GlobeArrowUp = 0xF19C2, + GlobeClock = 0xF19C8, + GlobeDesktop = 0xF19CE, + GlobeError = 0xF19D4, + GlobeLocation = 0xF19DA, + GlobePerson = 0xF19E0, + GlobeProhibited = 0xF19E6, + GlobeSearch = 0xF19EC, + GlobeShield = 0xF19F2, + GlobeStar = 0xF19F8, + GlobeSurface = 0xF19FE, + GlobeSync = 0xF1A04, + GlobeVideo = 0xF1A0A, + GlobeWarning = 0xF1A10, + Grid = 0xF1A16, + GridDots = 0xF1A1C, + GridKanban = 0xF1A22, + Group = 0xF1A28, + GroupDismiss = 0xF1A2E, + GroupList = 0xF1A34, + GroupReturn = 0xF1A3A, + Guardian = 0xF1A40, + Guest = 0xF1A46, + GuestAdd = 0xF1A4C, + Guitar = 0xF1A52, + HandDraw = 0xF1A58, + HandLeft = 0xF1A5E, + HandLeftChat = 0xF1A64, + HandOpenHeart = 0xF1A6A, + HandPoint = 0xF1A70, + HandRight = 0xF1A76, + HandRightOff = 0xF1A7C, + HandWave = 0xF1A82, + Handshake = 0xF1A88, + HapticStrong = 0xF1A8E, + HapticWeak = 0xF1A94, + HardDrive = 0xF1A9A, + HatGraduation = 0xF1AA0, + HatGraduationAdd = 0xF1AA6, + HatGraduationSparkle = 0xF1AAC, + Hd = 0xF1AB2, + Hdr = 0xF1AB8, + HdrOff = 0xF1ABE, + Headphones = 0xF1AC4, + HeadphonesSoundWave = 0xF1ACA, + Headset = 0xF1AD0, + HeadsetAdd = 0xF1AD6, + HeadsetVr = 0xF1ADC, + Heart = 0xF1AE2, + HeartBroken = 0xF1AE8, + HeartCircle = 0xF1AEE, + HeartCircleHint = 0xF1AF4, + HeartOff = 0xF1AFA, + HeartPulse = 0xF1B00, + HeartPulseCheckmark = 0xF1B06, + HeartPulseError = 0xF1B0C, + HeartPulseWarning = 0xF1B12, + Hexagon = 0xF1B18, + HexagonSparkle = 0xF1B1E, + HexagonThree = 0xF1B24, + Highlight = 0xF1B2A, + HighlightAccent = 0xF1B30, + HighlightLink = 0xF1B36, + Highway = 0xF1B3C, + History = 0xF1B42, + HistoryDismiss = 0xF1B48, + Home = 0xF1B4E, + HomeAdd = 0xF1B54, + HomeCheckmark = 0xF1B5A, + HomeDatabase = 0xF1B60, + HomeGarage = 0xF1B66, + HomeHeart = 0xF1B6C, + HomeMore = 0xF1B72, + HomePerson = 0xF1B78, + HomeSplit = 0xF1B7E, + Hourglass = 0xF1B84, + HourglassHalf = 0xF1B8A, + HourglassOneQuarter = 0xF1B90, + HourglassThreeQuarter = 0xF1B96, + Icons = 0xF1B9C, + Image = 0xF1BA2, + ImageAdd = 0xF1BA8, + ImageAltText = 0xF1BAE, + ImageArrowBack = 0xF1BB4, + ImageArrowCounterclockwise = 0xF1BBA, + ImageArrowForward = 0xF1BC0, + ImageBorder = 0xF1BC6, + ImageCircle = 0xF1BCC, + ImageCopy = 0xF1BD2, + ImageEdit = 0xF1BD8, + ImageGlobe = 0xF1BDE, + ImageMultiple = 0xF1BE4, + ImageMultipleOff = 0xF1BEA, + ImageOff = 0xF1BF0, + ImageProhibited = 0xF1BF6, + ImageReflection = 0xF1BFC, + ImageSearch = 0xF1C02, + ImageShadow = 0xF1C08, + ImageSparkle = 0xF1C0E, + ImageSplit = 0xF1C14, + ImageStack = 0xF1C1A, + ImageTable = 0xF1C20, + ImmersiveReader = 0xF1C26, + Important = 0xF1C2C, + Incognito = 0xF1C32, + Info = 0xF1C38, + InfoShield = 0xF1C3E, + InkStroke = 0xF1C44, + InkStrokeArrowDown = 0xF1C4A, + InkStrokeArrowUpDown = 0xF1C50, + InkingTool = 0xF1C56, + InkingToolAccent = 0xF1C5C, + InprivateAccount = 0xF1C62, + Insert = 0xF1C68, + IosChevronRight = 0xF1C6E, + Iot = 0xF1C74, + IotAlert = 0xF1C7A, + Javascript = 0xF1C80, + Joystick = 0xF1C86, + Key = 0xF1C8C, + KeyCommand = 0xF1C92, + KeyMultiple = 0xF1C98, + KeyReset = 0xF1C9E, + Keyboard = 0xF1CA4, + Keyboard123 = 0xF1CAA, + KeyboardDock = 0xF1CB0, + KeyboardLayoutFloat = 0xF1CB6, + KeyboardLayoutOneHandedLeft = 0xF1CBC, + KeyboardLayoutResize = 0xF1CC2, + KeyboardLayoutSplit = 0xF1CC8, + KeyboardShift = 0xF1CCE, + KeyboardShiftUppercase = 0xF1CD4, + KeyboardTab = 0xF1CDA, + Laptop = 0xF1CE0, + LaptopBriefcase = 0xF1CE6, + LaptopDismiss = 0xF1CEC, + LaptopPerson = 0xF1CF2, + LaptopSettings = 0xF1CF8, + LaptopShield = 0xF1CFE, + LaserTool = 0xF1D04, + Lasso = 0xF1D0A, + LauncherSettings = 0xF1D10, + Layer = 0xF1D16, + LayerDiagonal = 0xF1D1C, + LayerDiagonalAdd = 0xF1D22, + LayerDiagonalPerson = 0xF1D28, + LayerDiagonalSparkle = 0xF1D2E, + LayoutCellFour = 0xF1D34, + LayoutCellFourFocusBottomLeft = 0xF1D3A, + LayoutCellFourFocusBottomRight = 0xF1D40, + LayoutCellFourFocusTopLeft = 0xF1D46, + LayoutCellFourFocusTopRight = 0xF1D4C, + LayoutColumnFour = 0xF1D52, + LayoutColumnFourFocusCenterLeft = 0xF1D58, + LayoutColumnFourFocusCenterRight = 0xF1D5E, + LayoutColumnFourFocusLeft = 0xF1D64, + LayoutColumnFourFocusRight = 0xF1D6A, + LayoutColumnOneThirdLeft = 0xF1D70, + LayoutColumnOneThirdRight = 0xF1D76, + LayoutColumnOneThirdRightHint = 0xF1D7C, + LayoutColumnThree = 0xF1D82, + LayoutColumnThreeFocusCenter = 0xF1D88, + LayoutColumnThreeFocusLeft = 0xF1D8E, + LayoutColumnThreeFocusRight = 0xF1D94, + LayoutColumnTwo = 0xF1D9A, + LayoutColumnTwoFocusLeft = 0xF1DA0, + LayoutColumnTwoFocusRight = 0xF1DA6, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeft = 0xF1DAC, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeftFocusBottomLeft = 0xF1DB2, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeftFocusRight = 0xF1DB8, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitLeftFocusTopLeft = 0xF1DBE, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitRight = 0xF1DC4, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitRightFocusBottomRight = 0xF1DCA, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitRightFocusLeft = 0xF1DD0, + LayoutColumnTwoSplitRightFocusTopRight = 0xF1DD6, + LayoutRowFour = 0xF1DDC, + LayoutRowFourFocusBottom = 0xF1DE2, + LayoutRowFourFocusCenterBottom = 0xF1DE8, + LayoutRowFourFocusCenterTop = 0xF1DEE, + LayoutRowFourFocusTop = 0xF1DF4, + LayoutRowThree = 0xF1DFA, + LayoutRowThreeFocusBottom = 0xF1E00, + LayoutRowThreeFocusCenter = 0xF1E06, + LayoutRowThreeFocusTop = 0xF1E0C, + LayoutRowTwo = 0xF1E12, + LayoutRowTwoFocusBottom = 0xF1E18, + LayoutRowTwoFocusTop = 0xF1E1E, + LayoutRowTwoFocusTopSettings = 0xF1E24, + LayoutRowTwoSettings = 0xF1E2A, + LayoutRowTwoSplitBottom = 0xF1E30, + LayoutRowTwoSplitBottomFocusBottomLeft = 0xF1E36, + LayoutRowTwoSplitBottomFocusBottomRight = 0xF1E3C, + LayoutRowTwoSplitBottomFocusTop = 0xF1E42, + LayoutRowTwoSplitTop = 0xF1E48, + LayoutRowTwoSplitTopFocusBottom = 0xF1E4E, + LayoutRowTwoSplitTopFocusTopLeft = 0xF1E54, + LayoutRowTwoSplitTopFocusTopRight = 0xF1E5A, + LeafOne = 0xF1E60, + LeafThree = 0xF1E66, + LeafTwo = 0xF1E6C, + LearningApp = 0xF1E72, + Library = 0xF1E78, + Lightbulb = 0xF1E7E, + LightbulbCheckmark = 0xF1E84, + LightbulbCircle = 0xF1E8A, + LightbulbFilament = 0xF1E90, + LightbulbPerson = 0xF1E96, + Likert = 0xF1E9C, + Line = 0xF1EA2, + LineDashes = 0xF1EA8, + LineFlowDiagonalUpRight = 0xF1EAE, + LineHorizontal1 = 0xF1EB4, + LineHorizontal1Dashes = 0xF1EBA, + LineHorizontal2DashesSolid = 0xF1EC0, + LineHorizontal3 = 0xF1EC6, + LineHorizontal4 = 0xF1ECC, + LineHorizontal4Search = 0xF1ED2, + LineHorizontal5 = 0xF1ED8, + LineHorizontal5Error = 0xF1EDE, + LineStyle = 0xF1EE4, + LineThickness = 0xF1EEA, + Link = 0xF1EF0, + LinkAdd = 0xF1EF6, + LinkDismiss = 0xF1EFC, + LinkEdit = 0xF1F02, + LinkMultiple = 0xF1F08, + LinkPerson = 0xF1F0E, + LinkSquare = 0xF1F14, + LinkToolbox = 0xF1F1A, + List = 0xF1F20, + ListBar = 0xF1F26, + ListBarTree = 0xF1F2C, + ListBarTreeOffset = 0xF1F32, + Live = 0xF1F38, + LiveOff = 0xF1F3E, + LocalLanguage = 0xF1F44, + Location = 0xF1F4A, + LocationAdd = 0xF1F50, + LocationAddLeft = 0xF1F56, + LocationAddRight = 0xF1F5C, + LocationAddUp = 0xF1F62, + LocationArrow = 0xF1F68, + LocationArrowLeft = 0xF1F6E, + LocationArrowRight = 0xF1F74, + LocationArrowUp = 0xF1F7A, + LocationDismiss = 0xF1F80, + LocationLive = 0xF1F86, + LocationOff = 0xF1F8C, + LocationRipple = 0xF1F92, + LocationTargetSquare = 0xF1F98, + LockClosed = 0xF1F9E, + LockClosedKey = 0xF1FA4, + LockMultiple = 0xF1FAA, + LockOpen = 0xF1FB0, + LockShield = 0xF1FB6, + Lottery = 0xF1FBC, + Luggage = 0xF1FC2, + Mail = 0xF1FC8, + MailAdd = 0xF1FCE, + MailAlert = 0xF1FD4, + MailAllRead = 0xF1FDA, + MailAllUnread = 0xF1FE0, + MailArrowClockwise = 0xF1FE6, + MailArrowDoubleBack = 0xF1FEC, + MailArrowDown = 0xF1FF2, + MailArrowForward = 0xF1FF8, + MailArrowUp = 0xF1FFE, + MailAttach = 0xF2004, + MailCheckmark = 0xF200A, + MailClock = 0xF2010, + MailCopy = 0xF2016, + MailDismiss = 0xF201C, + MailEdit = 0xF2022, + MailError = 0xF2028, + MailInbox = 0xF202E, + MailInboxAdd = 0xF2034, + MailInboxAll = 0xF203A, + MailInboxArrowDown = 0xF2040, + MailInboxArrowRight = 0xF2046, + MailInboxArrowUp = 0xF204C, + MailInboxCheckmark = 0xF2052, + MailInboxDismiss = 0xF2058, + MailLink = 0xF205E, + MailList = 0xF2064, + MailMultiple = 0xF206A, + MailOff = 0xF2070, + MailOpenPerson = 0xF2076, + MailPause = 0xF207C, + MailProhibited = 0xF2082, + MailRead = 0xF2088, + MailReadMultiple = 0xF208E, + MailRewind = 0xF2094, + MailSettings = 0xF209A, + MailShield = 0xF20A0, + MailTemplate = 0xF20A6, + MailUnread = 0xF20AC, + MailWarning = 0xF20B2, + Mailbox = 0xF20B8, + Map = 0xF20BE, + MapDrive = 0xF20C4, + Markdown = 0xF20CA, + MatchAppLayout = 0xF20D0, + MathFormatLinear = 0xF20D6, + MathFormatProfessional = 0xF20DC, + MathFormula = 0xF20E2, + MathSymbols = 0xF20E8, + Maximize = 0xF20EE, + MeetNow = 0xF20F4, + Megaphone = 0xF20FA, + MegaphoneCircle = 0xF2100, + MegaphoneLoud = 0xF2106, + MegaphoneOff = 0xF210C, + Mention = 0xF2112, + MentionArrowDown = 0xF2118, + MentionBrackets = 0xF211E, + Merge = 0xF2124, + Mic = 0xF212A, + MicOff = 0xF2130, + MicProhibited = 0xF2136, + MicPulse = 0xF213C, + MicPulseOff = 0xF2142, + MicRecord = 0xF2148, + MicSettings = 0xF214E, + MicSparkle = 0xF2154, + MicSync = 0xF215A, + Microscope = 0xF2160, + Midi = 0xF2166, + MobileOptimized = 0xF216C, + Mold = 0xF2172, + Molecule = 0xF2178, + Money = 0xF217E, + MoneyCalculator = 0xF2184, + MoneyDismiss = 0xF218A, + MoneyHand = 0xF2190, + MoneyOff = 0xF2196, + MoneySettings = 0xF219C, + MoreCircle = 0xF21A2, + MoreHorizontal = 0xF21A8, + MoreVertical = 0xF21AE, + MountainLocationBottom = 0xF21B4, + MountainLocationTop = 0xF21BA, + MountainTrail = 0xF21C0, + MoviesAndTv = 0xF21C6, + Multiplier12x = 0xF21CC, + Multiplier15x = 0xF21D2, + Multiplier18x = 0xF21D8, + Multiplier1x = 0xF21DE, + Multiplier2x = 0xF21E4, + Multiplier5x = 0xF21EA, + Multiselect = 0xF21F0, + MusicNote1 = 0xF21F6, + MusicNote2 = 0xF21FC, + MusicNote2Play = 0xF2202, + MusicNoteOff1 = 0xF2208, + MusicNoteOff2 = 0xF220E, + MyLocation = 0xF2214, + Navigation = 0xF221A, + NavigationLocationTarget = 0xF2220, + NavigationPlay = 0xF2226, + NavigationUnread = 0xF222C, + NetworkCheck = 0xF2232, + New = 0xF2238, + News = 0xF223E, + Next = 0xF2244, + NextFrame = 0xF224A, + Note = 0xF2250, + NoteAdd = 0xF2256, + NoteEdit = 0xF225C, + NotePin = 0xF2262, + Notebook = 0xF2268, + NotebookAdd = 0xF226E, + NotebookArrowCurveDown = 0xF2274, + NotebookError = 0xF227A, + NotebookEye = 0xF2280, + NotebookLightning = 0xF2286, + NotebookQuestionMark = 0xF228C, + NotebookSection = 0xF2292, + NotebookSectionArrowRight = 0xF2298, + NotebookSubsection = 0xF229E, + NotebookSync = 0xF22A4, + Notepad = 0xF22AA, + NotepadEdit = 0xF22B0, + NotepadPerson = 0xF22B6, + NotepadSparkle = 0xF22BC, + NumberCircle0 = 0xF22C2, + NumberCircle1 = 0xF22C8, + NumberCircle2 = 0xF22CE, + NumberCircle3 = 0xF22D4, + NumberCircle4 = 0xF22DA, + NumberCircle5 = 0xF22E0, + NumberCircle6 = 0xF22E6, + NumberCircle7 = 0xF22EC, + NumberCircle8 = 0xF22F2, + NumberCircle9 = 0xF22F8, + NumberRow = 0xF22FE, + NumberSymbol = 0xF2304, + NumberSymbolDismiss = 0xF230A, + NumberSymbolSquare = 0xF2310, + Open = 0xF2316, + OpenFolder = 0xF231C, + OpenOff = 0xF2322, + Options = 0xF2328, + Organization = 0xF232E, + OrganizationHorizontal = 0xF2334, + Orientation = 0xF233A, + Oval = 0xF2340, + Oven = 0xF2346, + PaddingDown = 0xF234C, + PaddingLeft = 0xF2352, + PaddingRight = 0xF2358, + PaddingTop = 0xF235E, + PageFit = 0xF2364, + PaintBrush = 0xF236A, + PaintBrushArrowDown = 0xF2370, + PaintBrushArrowUp = 0xF2376, + PaintBrushSparkle = 0xF237C, + PaintBrushSubtract = 0xF2382, + PaintBucket = 0xF2388, + Pair = 0xF238E, + PanelBottom = 0xF2394, + PanelBottomContract = 0xF239A, + PanelBottomExpand = 0xF23A0, + PanelLeft = 0xF23A6, + PanelLeftAdd = 0xF23AC, + PanelLeftContract = 0xF23B2, + PanelLeftDefault = 0xF23B8, + PanelLeftExpand = 0xF23BE, + PanelLeftFocusRight = 0xF23C4, + PanelLeftHeader = 0xF23CA, + PanelLeftHeaderAdd = 0xF23D0, + PanelLeftHeaderKey = 0xF23D6, + PanelLeftKey = 0xF23DC, + PanelLeftText = 0xF23E2, + PanelLeftTextAdd = 0xF23E8, + PanelLeftTextDismiss = 0xF23EE, + PanelRight = 0xF23F4, + PanelRightAdd = 0xF23FA, + PanelRightContract = 0xF2400, + PanelRightCursor = 0xF2406, + PanelRightExpand = 0xF240C, + PanelRightGallery = 0xF2412, + PanelSeparateWindow = 0xF2418, + PanelTopContract = 0xF241E, + PanelTopExpand = 0xF2424, + PanelTopGallery = 0xF242A, + Password = 0xF2430, + Patch = 0xF2436, + Patient = 0xF243C, + Pause = 0xF2442, + PauseCircle = 0xF2448, + PauseOff = 0xF244E, + PauseSettings = 0xF2454, + Payment = 0xF245A, + PaymentWireless = 0xF2460, + Pen = 0xF2466, + PenDismiss = 0xF246C, + PenOff = 0xF2472, + PenProhibited = 0xF2478, + PenSparkle = 0xF247E, + Pentagon = 0xF2484, + People = 0xF248A, + PeopleAdd = 0xF2490, + PeopleAudience = 0xF2496, + PeopleCall = 0xF249C, + PeopleChat = 0xF24A2, + PeopleCheckmark = 0xF24A8, + PeopleCommunity = 0xF24AE, + PeopleCommunityAdd = 0xF24B4, + PeopleEdit = 0xF24BA, + PeopleError = 0xF24C0, + PeopleEye = 0xF24C6, + PeopleList = 0xF24CC, + PeopleLock = 0xF24D2, + PeopleMoney = 0xF24D8, + PeopleProhibited = 0xF24DE, + PeopleQueue = 0xF24E4, + PeopleSearch = 0xF24EA, + PeopleSettings = 0xF24F0, + PeopleStar = 0xF24F6, + PeopleSubtract = 0xF24FC, + PeopleSwap = 0xF2502, + PeopleSync = 0xF2508, + PeopleTeam = 0xF250E, + PeopleTeamAdd = 0xF2514, + PeopleTeamDelete = 0xF251A, + PeopleTeamToolbox = 0xF2520, + PeopleToolbox = 0xF2526, + Person = 0xF252C, + Person5 = 0xF2532, + Person6 = 0xF2538, + PersonAccounts = 0xF253E, + PersonAdd = 0xF2544, + PersonAlert = 0xF254A, + PersonAlertOff = 0xF2550, + PersonArrowBack = 0xF2556, + PersonArrowLeft = 0xF255C, + PersonArrowRight = 0xF2562, + PersonAvailable = 0xF2568, + PersonBoard = 0xF256E, + PersonBoardAdd = 0xF2574, + PersonCall = 0xF257A, + PersonChat = 0xF2580, + PersonCircle = 0xF2586, + PersonClock = 0xF258C, + PersonDelete = 0xF2592, + PersonDesktop = 0xF2598, + PersonEdit = 0xF259E, + PersonFeedback = 0xF25A4, + PersonHeart = 0xF25AA, + PersonHome = 0xF25B0, + PersonInfo = 0xF25B6, + PersonKey = 0xF25BC, + PersonLightbulb = 0xF25C2, + PersonLightning = 0xF25C8, + PersonLink = 0xF25CE, + PersonLock = 0xF25D4, + PersonMail = 0xF25DA, + PersonMoney = 0xF25E0, + PersonNote = 0xF25E6, + PersonPasskey = 0xF25EC, + PersonPill = 0xF25F2, + PersonProhibited = 0xF25F8, + PersonQuestionMark = 0xF25FE, + PersonRibbon = 0xF2604, + PersonRunning = 0xF260A, + PersonSearch = 0xF2610, + PersonSettings = 0xF2616, + PersonSquare = 0xF261C, + PersonSquareAdd = 0xF2622, + PersonSquareCheckmark = 0xF2628, + PersonStar = 0xF262E, + PersonStarburst = 0xF2634, + PersonSubtract = 0xF263A, + PersonSuport = 0xF2640, + PersonSupport = 0xF2646, + PersonSwap = 0xF264C, + PersonSync = 0xF2652, + PersonTag = 0xF2658, + PersonTentative = 0xF265E, + PersonVoice = 0xF2664, + PersonWalking = 0xF266A, + PersonWarning = 0xF2670, + PersonWrench = 0xF2676, + Phone = 0xF267C, + PhoneAdd = 0xF2682, + PhoneArrowRight = 0xF2688, + PhoneChat = 0xF268E, + PhoneCheckmark = 0xF2694, + PhoneDesktop = 0xF269A, + PhoneDesktopAdd = 0xF26A0, + PhoneDismiss = 0xF26A6, + PhoneEdit = 0xF26AC, + PhoneEraser = 0xF26B2, + PhoneFooterArrowDown = 0xF26B8, + PhoneHeaderArrowUp = 0xF26BE, + PhoneKey = 0xF26C4, + PhoneLaptop = 0xF26CA, + PhoneLinkSetup = 0xF26D0, + PhoneLock = 0xF26D6, + PhonePageHeader = 0xF26DC, + PhonePagination = 0xF26E2, + PhoneScreenTime = 0xF26E8, + PhoneShake = 0xF26EE, + PhoneSpanIn = 0xF26F4, + PhoneSpanOut = 0xF26FA, + PhoneSpeaker = 0xF2700, + PhoneStatusBar = 0xF2706, + PhoneTablet = 0xF270C, + PhoneUpdate = 0xF2712, + PhoneUpdateCheckmark = 0xF2718, + PhoneVerticalScroll = 0xF271E, + PhoneVibrate = 0xF2724, + PhotoFilter = 0xF272A, + Pi = 0xF2730, + PictureInPicture = 0xF2736, + PictureInPictureEnter = 0xF273C, + PictureInPictureExit = 0xF2742, + Pill = 0xF2748, + Pin = 0xF274E, + PinGlobe = 0xF2754, + PinOff = 0xF275A, + Pipeline = 0xF2760, + PipelineAdd = 0xF2766, + PipelineArrowCurveDown = 0xF276C, + PipelinePlay = 0xF2772, + Pivot = 0xF2778, + PlantCattail = 0xF277E, + PlantGrass = 0xF2784, + PlantRagweed = 0xF278A, + Play = 0xF2790, + PlayCircle = 0xF2796, + PlayCircleHint = 0xF279C, + PlayCircleSparkle = 0xF27A2, + PlaySettings = 0xF27A8, + PlayingCards = 0xF27AE, + PlugConnected = 0xF27B4, + PlugConnectedAdd = 0xF27BA, + PlugConnectedCheckmark = 0xF27C0, + PlugConnectedSettings = 0xF27C6, + PlugDisconnected = 0xF27CC, + PointScan = 0xF27D2, + Poll = 0xF27D8, + PollHorizontal = 0xF27DE, + PollOff = 0xF27E4, + PortHdmi = 0xF27EA, + PortMicroUsb = 0xF27F0, + PortUsbA = 0xF27F6, + PortUsbC = 0xF27FC, + PositionBackward = 0xF2802, + PositionForward = 0xF2808, + PositionToBack = 0xF280E, + PositionToFront = 0xF2814, + Power = 0xF281A, + Predictions = 0xF2820, + Premium = 0xF2826, + PremiumPerson = 0xF282C, + PresenceAvailable = 0xF2832, + PresenceAway = 0xF2838, + PresenceBlocked = 0xF283E, + PresenceBusy = 0xF2844, + PresenceDnd = 0xF284A, + PresenceOffline = 0xF2850, + PresenceOof = 0xF2856, + PresenceTentative = 0xF285C, + PresenceUnknown = 0xF2862, + Presenter = 0xF2868, + PresenterOff = 0xF286E, + PreviewLink = 0xF2874, + Previous = 0xF287A, + PreviousFrame = 0xF2880, + Print = 0xF2886, + PrintAdd = 0xF288C, + Production = 0xF2892, + ProductionCheckmark = 0xF2898, + Prohibited = 0xF289E, + ProhibitedMultiple = 0xF28A4, + ProhibitedNote = 0xF28AA, + ProjectionScreen = 0xF28B0, + ProjectionScreenDismiss = 0xF28B6, + ProjectionScreenText = 0xF28BC, + Prompt = 0xF28C2, + ProtocolHandler = 0xF28C8, + Pulse = 0xF28CE, + PulseSquare = 0xF28D4, + PuzzleCube = 0xF28DA, + PuzzleCubePiece = 0xF28E0, + PuzzlePiece = 0xF28E6, + PuzzlePieceShield = 0xF28EC, + QrCode = 0xF28F2, + Question = 0xF28F8, + QuestionCircle = 0xF28FE, + QuizNew = 0xF2904, + Radar = 0xF290A, + RadarCheckmark = 0xF2910, + RadarRectangleMultiple = 0xF2916, + RadioButton = 0xF291C, + Ram = 0xF2922, + RatingMature = 0xF2928, + RatioOneToOne = 0xF292E, + ReOrder = 0xF2934, + ReOrderDotsHorizontal = 0xF293A, + ReOrderDotsVertical = 0xF2940, + ReadAloud = 0xF2946, + ReadingList = 0xF294C, + ReadingListAdd = 0xF2952, + ReadingModeMobile = 0xF2958, + RealEstate = 0xF295E, + Receipt = 0xF2964, + ReceiptAdd = 0xF296A, + ReceiptBag = 0xF2970, + ReceiptCube = 0xF2976, + ReceiptMoney = 0xF297C, + ReceiptPlay = 0xF2982, + ReceiptSearch = 0xF2988, + ReceiptSparkles = 0xF298E, + Record = 0xF2994, + RecordStop = 0xF299A, + RectangleLandscape = 0xF29A0, + RectangleLandscapeHintCopy = 0xF29A6, + RectangleLandscapeSparkle = 0xF29AC, + RectangleLandscapeSync = 0xF29B2, + RectangleLandscapeSyncOff = 0xF29B8, + RectanglePortraitLocationTarget = 0xF29BE, + Recycle = 0xF29C4, + RemixAdd = 0xF29CA, + Remote = 0xF29D0, + Rename = 0xF29D6, + Reorder = 0xF29DC, + Replay = 0xF29E2, + Resize = 0xF29E8, + ResizeImage = 0xF29EE, + ResizeLarge = 0xF29F4, + ResizeSmall = 0xF29FA, + ResizeTable = 0xF2A00, + ResizeVideo = 0xF2A06, + Reward = 0xF2A0C, + Rewind = 0xF2A12, + Rhombus = 0xF2A18, + Ribbon = 0xF2A1E, + RibbonAdd = 0xF2A24, + RibbonOff = 0xF2A2A, + RibbonStar = 0xF2A30, + Road = 0xF2A36, + RoadCone = 0xF2A3C, + Rocket = 0xF2A42, + RotateLeft = 0xF2A48, + RotateRight = 0xF2A4E, + Router = 0xF2A54, + RowTriple = 0xF2A5A, + Rss = 0xF2A60, + Ruler = 0xF2A66, + Run = 0xF2A6C, + Sanitize = 0xF2A72, + Save = 0xF2A78, + SaveArrowRight = 0xF2A7E, + SaveCopy = 0xF2A84, + SaveEdit = 0xF2A8A, + SaveImage = 0xF2A90, + SaveMultiple = 0xF2A96, + SaveSearch = 0xF2A9C, + SaveSync = 0xF2AA2, + Savings = 0xF2AA8, + ScaleFill = 0xF2AAE, + ScaleFit = 0xF2AB4, + Scales = 0xF2ABA, + Scan = 0xF2AC0, + ScanCamera = 0xF2AC6, + ScanDash = 0xF2ACC, + ScanObject = 0xF2AD2, + ScanPerson = 0xF2AD8, + ScanTable = 0xF2ADE, + ScanText = 0xF2AE4, + ScanThumbUp = 0xF2AEA, + ScanThumbUpOff = 0xF2AF0, + ScanType = 0xF2AF6, + ScanTypeCheckmark = 0xF2AFC, + ScanTypeOff = 0xF2B02, + Scratchpad = 0xF2B08, + ScreenCut = 0xF2B0E, + ScreenPerson = 0xF2B14, + ScreenSearch = 0xF2B1A, + Screenshot = 0xF2B20, + ScreenshotRecord = 0xF2B26, + Script = 0xF2B2C, + Search = 0xF2B32, + SearchInfo = 0xF2B38, + SearchSettings = 0xF2B3E, + SearchShield = 0xF2B44, + SearchSparkle = 0xF2B4A, + SearchSquare = 0xF2B50, + SearchVisual = 0xF2B56, + Seat = 0xF2B5C, + SeatAdd = 0xF2B62, + SelectAllOff = 0xF2B68, + SelectAllOn = 0xF2B6E, + SelectObject = 0xF2B74, + SelectObjectSkew = 0xF2B7A, + SelectObjectSkewDismiss = 0xF2B80, + SelectObjectSkewEdit = 0xF2B86, + Send = 0xF2B8C, + SendBeaker = 0xF2B92, + SendClock = 0xF2B98, + SendCopy = 0xF2B9E, + SendPerson = 0xF2BA4, + SerialPort = 0xF2BAA, + Server = 0xF2BB0, + ServerLink = 0xF2BB6, + ServerMultiple = 0xF2BBC, + ServerPlay = 0xF2BC2, + ServiceBell = 0xF2BC8, + Settings = 0xF2BCE, + SettingsChat = 0xF2BD4, + SettingsCogMultiple = 0xF2BDA, + ShapeExclude = 0xF2BE0, + ShapeIntersect = 0xF2BE6, + ShapeOrganic = 0xF2BEC, + ShapeSubtract = 0xF2BF2, + ShapeUnion = 0xF2BF8, + Shapes = 0xF2BFE, + Share = 0xF2C04, + ShareAndroid = 0xF2C0A, + ShareCloseTray = 0xF2C10, + ShareIos = 0xF2C16, + ShareMultiple = 0xF2C1C, + ShareScreenPerson = 0xF2C22, + ShareScreenPersonOverlay = 0xF2C28, + ShareScreenPersonOverlayInside = 0xF2C2E, + ShareScreenPersonP = 0xF2C34, + ShareScreenStart = 0xF2C3A, + ShareScreenStop = 0xF2C40, + Shield = 0xF2C46, + ShieldAdd = 0xF2C4C, + ShieldBadge = 0xF2C52, + ShieldCheckmark = 0xF2C58, + ShieldDismiss = 0xF2C5E, + ShieldDismissShield = 0xF2C64, + ShieldError = 0xF2C6A, + ShieldGlobe = 0xF2C70, + ShieldKeyhole = 0xF2C76, + ShieldLock = 0xF2C7C, + ShieldPerson = 0xF2C82, + ShieldPersonAdd = 0xF2C88, + ShieldProhibited = 0xF2C8E, + ShieldQuestion = 0xF2C94, + ShieldTask = 0xF2C9A, + Shifts = 0xF2CA0, + Shifts30Minutes = 0xF2CA6, + ShiftsActivity = 0xF2CAC, + ShiftsAdd = 0xF2CB2, + ShiftsAvailability = 0xF2CB8, + ShiftsCheckmark = 0xF2CBE, + ShiftsDay = 0xF2CC4, + ShiftsOpen = 0xF2CCA, + ShiftsProhibited = 0xF2CD0, + ShiftsQuestionMark = 0xF2CD6, + ShiftsTeam = 0xF2CDC, + ShoppingBag = 0xF2CE2, + ShoppingBagAdd = 0xF2CE8, + ShoppingBagArrowLeft = 0xF2CEE, + ShoppingBagDismiss = 0xF2CF4, + ShoppingBagPause = 0xF2CFA, + ShoppingBagPercent = 0xF2D00, + ShoppingBagPlay = 0xF2D06, + ShoppingBagTag = 0xF2D0C, + Shortpick = 0xF2D12, + Showerhead = 0xF2D18, + SidebarSearch = 0xF2D1E, + SignOut = 0xF2D24, + Signature = 0xF2D2A, + Sim = 0xF2D30, + SkipBack10 = 0xF2D36, + SkipForward10 = 0xF2D3C, + SkipForward30 = 0xF2D42, + SkipForwardTab = 0xF2D48, + SlashForward = 0xF2D4E, + Sleep = 0xF2D54, + SlideAdd = 0xF2D5A, + SlideArrowRight = 0xF2D60, + SlideEraser = 0xF2D66, + SlideGrid = 0xF2D6C, + SlideHide = 0xF2D72, + SlideLayout = 0xF2D78, + SlideLink = 0xF2D7E, + SlideMicrophone = 0xF2D84, + SlideMultiple = 0xF2D8A, + SlideMultipleArrowRight = 0xF2D90, + SlideMultipleSearch = 0xF2D96, + SlidePlay = 0xF2D9C, + SlideRecord = 0xF2DA2, + SlideSearch = 0xF2DA8, + SlideSettings = 0xF2DAE, + SlideSize = 0xF2DB4, + SlideText = 0xF2DBA, + SlideTextCall = 0xF2DC0, + SlideTextCursor = 0xF2DC6, + SlideTextEdit = 0xF2DCC, + SlideTextMultiple = 0xF2DD2, + SlideTextPerson = 0xF2DD8, + SlideTextSparkle = 0xF2DDE, + SlideTransition = 0xF2DE4, + Smartwatch = 0xF2DEA, + SmartwatchDot = 0xF2DF0, + Snooze = 0xF2DF6, + SoundSource = 0xF2DFC, + SoundWaveCircle = 0xF2E02, + Space3d = 0xF2E08, + Spacebar = 0xF2E0E, + Sparkle = 0xF2E14, + SparkleCircle = 0xF2E1A, + SpatulaSpoon = 0xF2E20, + Speaker0 = 0xF2E26, + Speaker1 = 0xF2E2C, + Speaker2 = 0xF2E32, + SpeakerBluetooth = 0xF2E38, + SpeakerBox = 0xF2E3E, + SpeakerEdit = 0xF2E44, + SpeakerMute = 0xF2E4A, + SpeakerOff = 0xF2E50, + SpeakerSettings = 0xF2E56, + SpeakerUsb = 0xF2E5C, + SpinnerIos = 0xF2E62, + SplitHint = 0xF2E68, + SplitHorizontal = 0xF2E6E, + SplitVertical = 0xF2E74, + Sport = 0xF2E7A, + SportAmericanFootball = 0xF2E80, + SportBaseball = 0xF2E86, + SportBasketball = 0xF2E8C, + SportHockey = 0xF2E92, + SportSoccer = 0xF2E98, + Square = 0xF2E9E, + SquareAdd = 0xF2EA4, + SquareArrowForward = 0xF2EAA, + SquareDismiss = 0xF2EB0, + SquareDovetailJoint = 0xF2EB6, + SquareEraser = 0xF2EBC, + SquareHint = 0xF2EC2, + SquareHintApps = 0xF2EC8, + SquareHintArrowBack = 0xF2ECE, + SquareHintHexagon = 0xF2ED4, + SquareHintSparkles = 0xF2EDA, + SquareMultiple = 0xF2EE0, + SquareShadow = 0xF2EE6, + SquaresNested = 0xF2EEC, + Stack = 0xF2EF2, + StackAdd = 0xF2EF8, + StackArrowForward = 0xF2EFE, + StackStar = 0xF2F04, + StackVertical = 0xF2F0A, + Stamp = 0xF2F10, + Star = 0xF2F16, + StarAdd = 0xF2F1C, + StarArrowBack = 0xF2F22, + StarArrowRight = 0xF2F28, + StarArrowRightEnd = 0xF2F2E, + StarArrowRightStart = 0xF2F34, + StarCheckmark = 0xF2F3A, + StarDismiss = 0xF2F40, + StarEdit = 0xF2F46, + StarEmphasis = 0xF2F4C, + StarHalf = 0xF2F52, + StarLineHorizontal3 = 0xF2F58, + StarOff = 0xF2F5E, + StarOneQuarter = 0xF2F64, + StarProhibited = 0xF2F6A, + StarSettings = 0xF2F70, + StarThreeQuarter = 0xF2F76, + Status = 0xF2F7C, + Step = 0xF2F82, + Steps = 0xF2F88, + Stethoscope = 0xF2F8E, + Sticker = 0xF2F94, + StickerAdd = 0xF2F9A, + Stop = 0xF2FA0, + Storage = 0xF2FA6, + StoreMicrosoft = 0xF2FAC, + Stream = 0xF2FB2, + StreamInput = 0xF2FB8, + StreamInputOutput = 0xF2FBE, + StreamOutput = 0xF2FC4, + StreetSign = 0xF2FCA, + StyleGuide = 0xF2FD0, + SubGrid = 0xF2FD6, + Subtitles = 0xF2FDC, + Subtract = 0xF2FE2, + SubtractCircle = 0xF2FE8, + SubtractCircleArrowBack = 0xF2FEE, + SubtractCircleArrowForward = 0xF2FF4, + SubtractParentheses = 0xF2FFA, + SubtractSquare = 0xF3000, + SubtractSquareMultiple = 0xF3006, + SurfaceEarbuds = 0xF300C, + SurfaceHub = 0xF3012, + SwimmingPool = 0xF3018, + SwipeDown = 0xF301E, + SwipeRight = 0xF3024, + SwipeUp = 0xF302A, + Symbols = 0xF3030, + SyncOff = 0xF3036, + Syringe = 0xF303C, + System = 0xF3042, + Tab = 0xF3048, + TabAdd = 0xF304E, + TabArrowLeft = 0xF3054, + TabDesktop = 0xF305A, + TabDesktopArrowClockwise = 0xF3060, + TabDesktopArrowLeft = 0xF3066, + TabDesktopBottom = 0xF306C, + TabDesktopClock = 0xF3072, + TabDesktopCopy = 0xF3078, + TabDesktopImage = 0xF307E, + TabDesktopLink = 0xF3084, + TabDesktopMultiple = 0xF308A, + TabDesktopMultipleAdd = 0xF3090, + TabDesktopMultipleBottom = 0xF3096, + TabDesktopMultipleSparkle = 0xF309C, + TabDesktopNewPage = 0xF30A2, + TabDesktopSearch = 0xF30A8, + TabGroup = 0xF30AE, + TabInPrivate = 0xF30B4, + TabInprivateAccount = 0xF30BA, + TabProhibited = 0xF30C0, + TabShieldDismiss = 0xF30C6, + Table = 0xF30CC, + TableAdd = 0xF30D2, + TableArrowUp = 0xF30D8, + TableBottomRow = 0xF30DE, + TableCalculator = 0xF30E4, + TableCellEdit = 0xF30EA, + TableCellsMerge = 0xF30F0, + TableCellsSplit = 0xF30F6, + TableChecker = 0xF30FC, + TableColumnTopBottom = 0xF3102, + TableCopy = 0xF3108, + TableCursor = 0xF310E, + TableDeleteColumn = 0xF3114, + TableDeleteRow = 0xF311A, + TableDismiss = 0xF3120, + TableEdit = 0xF3126, + TableFreezeColumn = 0xF312C, + TableFreezeColumnAndRow = 0xF3132, + TableFreezeRow = 0xF3138, + TableImage = 0xF313E, + TableInsertColumn = 0xF3144, + TableInsertRow = 0xF314A, + TableLightning = 0xF3150, + TableLink = 0xF3156, + TableLock = 0xF315C, + TableMoveAbove = 0xF3162, + TableMoveBelow = 0xF3168, + TableMoveLeft = 0xF316E, + TableMoveRight = 0xF3174, + TableMultiple = 0xF317A, + TableOffset = 0xF3180, + TableOffsetAdd = 0xF3186, + TableOffsetLessThanOrEqualTo = 0xF318C, + TableOffsetSettings = 0xF3192, + TableResizeColumn = 0xF3198, + TableResizeRow = 0xF319E, + TableSearch = 0xF31A4, + TableSettings = 0xF31AA, + TableSimple = 0xF31B0, + TableSimpleCheckmark = 0xF31B6, + TableSimpleExclude = 0xF31BC, + TableSimpleInclude = 0xF31C2, + TableSimpleMultiple = 0xF31C8, + TableSparkle = 0xF31CE, + TableSplit = 0xF31D4, + TableStackAbove = 0xF31DA, + TableStackBelow = 0xF31E0, + TableStackLeft = 0xF31E6, + TableStackRight = 0xF31EC, + TableSwitch = 0xF31F2, + Tablet = 0xF31F8, + TabletLaptop = 0xF31FE, + TabletSpeaker = 0xF3204, + Tabs = 0xF320A, + Tag = 0xF3210, + TagCircle = 0xF3216, + TagDismiss = 0xF321C, + TagError = 0xF3222, + TagLock = 0xF3228, + TagLockAccent = 0xF322E, + TagMultiple = 0xF3234, + TagOff = 0xF323A, + TagQuestionMark = 0xF3240, + TagReset = 0xF3246, + TagSearch = 0xF324C, + TapDouble = 0xF3252, + TapSingle = 0xF3258, + Target = 0xF325E, + TargetAdd = 0xF3264, + TargetArrow = 0xF326A, + TargetDismiss = 0xF3270, + TargetEdit = 0xF3276, + TaskList = 0xF327C, + TaskListAdd = 0xF3282, + TaskListSquare = 0xF3288, + TaskListSquareAdd = 0xF328E, + TaskListSquareDatabase = 0xF3294, + TaskListSquarePerson = 0xF329A, + TaskListSquareSettings = 0xF32A0, + TasksApp = 0xF32A6, + Teaching = 0xF32AC, + TeardropBottomRight = 0xF32B2, + Teddy = 0xF32B8, + Temperature = 0xF32BE, + Tent = 0xF32C4, + TetrisApp = 0xF32CA, + Text = 0xF32D0, + TextAdd = 0xF32D6, + TextAddSpaceAfter = 0xF32DC, + TextAddSpaceBefore = 0xF32E2, + TextAddT = 0xF32E8, + TextAlignCenter = 0xF32EE, + TextAlignCenterRotate270 = 0xF32F4, + TextAlignCenterRotate90 = 0xF32FA, + TextAlignDistributed = 0xF3300, + TextAlignDistributedEvenly = 0xF3306, + TextAlignDistributedVertical = 0xF330C, + TextAlignJustify = 0xF3312, + TextAlignJustifyLow = 0xF3318, + TextAlignJustifyLowRotate270 = 0xF331E, + TextAlignJustifyLowRotate90 = 0xF3324, + TextAlignJustifyRotate270 = 0xF332A, + TextAlignJustifyRotate90 = 0xF3330, + TextAlignLeft = 0xF3336, + TextAlignLeftRotate270 = 0xF333C, + TextAlignLeftRotate90 = 0xF3342, + TextAlignRight = 0xF3348, + TextAlignRightRotate270 = 0xF334E, + TextAlignRightRotate90 = 0xF3354, + TextArrowDownRightColumn = 0xF335A, + TextAsterisk = 0xF3360, + TextBaseline = 0xF3366, + TextBold = 0xF336C, + TextBoxSettings = 0xF3372, + TextBulletList = 0xF3378, + TextBulletListAdd = 0xF337E, + TextBulletListCheckmark = 0xF3384, + TextBulletListDismiss = 0xF338A, + TextBulletListRotate90 = 0xF3390, + TextBulletListSquare = 0xF3396, + TextBulletListSquareClock = 0xF339C, + TextBulletListSquareEdit = 0xF33A2, + TextBulletListSquarePerson = 0xF33A8, + TextBulletListSquareSearch = 0xF33AE, + TextBulletListSquareSettings = 0xF33B4, + TextBulletListSquareShield = 0xF33BA, + TextBulletListSquareSparkle = 0xF33C0, + TextBulletListSquareToolbox = 0xF33C6, + TextBulletListSquareWarning = 0xF33CC, + TextBulletListTree = 0xF33D2, + TextCaseLowercase = 0xF33D8, + TextCaseTitle = 0xF33DE, + TextCaseUppercase = 0xF33E4, + TextChangeCase = 0xF33EA, + TextClearFormatting = 0xF33F0, + TextCollapse = 0xF33F6, + TextColor = 0xF33FC, + TextColorAccent = 0xF3402, + TextColumnOne = 0xF3408, + TextColumnOneNarrow = 0xF340E, + TextColumnOneSemiNarrow = 0xF3414, + TextColumnOneWide = 0xF341A, + TextColumnOneWideLightning = 0xF3420, + TextColumnThree = 0xF3426, + TextColumnTwo = 0xF342C, + TextColumnTwoLeft = 0xF3432, + TextColumnTwoRight = 0xF3438, + TextColumnWide = 0xF343E, + TextContinuous = 0xF3444, + TextDensity = 0xF344A, + TextDescription = 0xF3450, + TextDirectionHorizontal = 0xF3456, + TextDirectionHorizontalLeft = 0xF345C, + TextDirectionHorizontalRight = 0xF3462, + TextDirectionRotate270Right = 0xF3468, + TextDirectionRotate315Right = 0xF346E, + TextDirectionRotate45Right = 0xF3474, + TextDirectionRotate90 = 0xF347A, + TextDirectionRotate90Left = 0xF3480, + TextDirectionRotate90Right = 0xF3486, + TextDirectionVertical = 0xF348C, + TextEditStyle = 0xF3492, + TextEffects = 0xF3498, + TextEffectsSparkle = 0xF349E, + TextExpand = 0xF34A4, + TextField = 0xF34AA, + TextFirstLine = 0xF34B0, + TextFont = 0xF34B6, + TextFontInfo = 0xF34BC, + TextFontSize = 0xF34C2, + TextFootnote = 0xF34C8, + TextGrammarArrowLeft = 0xF34CE, + TextGrammarArrowRight = 0xF34D4, + TextGrammarCheckmark = 0xF34DA, + TextGrammarDismiss = 0xF34E0, + TextGrammarError = 0xF34E6, + TextGrammarLightning = 0xF34EC, + TextGrammarSettings = 0xF34F2, + TextGrammarWand = 0xF34F8, + TextHanging = 0xF34FE, + TextHeader1 = 0xF3504, + TextHeader1Lines = 0xF350A, + TextHeader1LinesCaret = 0xF3510, + TextHeader2 = 0xF3516, + TextHeader2Lines = 0xF351C, + TextHeader2LinesCaret = 0xF3522, + TextHeader3 = 0xF3528, + TextHeader3Lines = 0xF352E, + TextHeader3LinesCaret = 0xF3534, + TextIndentDecrease = 0xF353A, + TextIndentDecreaseRotate270 = 0xF3540, + TextIndentDecreaseRotate90 = 0xF3546, + TextIndentIncrease = 0xF354C, + TextIndentIncreaseRotate270 = 0xF3552, + TextIndentIncreaseRotate90 = 0xF3558, + TextItalic = 0xF355E, + TextLineSpacing = 0xF3564, + TextMore = 0xF356A, + TextNumberFormat = 0xF3570, + TextNumberList = 0xF3576, + TextNumberListRotate270 = 0xF357C, + TextNumberListRotate90 = 0xF3582, + TextParagraph = 0xF3588, + TextParagraphDirection = 0xF358E, + TextParagraphDirectionLeft = 0xF3594, + TextParagraphDirectionRight = 0xF359A, + TextPeriodAsterisk = 0xF35A0, + TextPositionBehind = 0xF35A6, + TextPositionFront = 0xF35AC, + TextPositionLine = 0xF35B2, + TextPositionSquare = 0xF35B8, + TextPositionSquareLeft = 0xF35BE, + TextPositionSquareRight = 0xF35C4, + TextPositionThrough = 0xF35CA, + TextPositionTight = 0xF35D0, + TextPositionTopBottom = 0xF35D6, + TextProofingTools = 0xF35DC, + TextQuote = 0xF35E2, + TextSortAscending = 0xF35E8, + TextSortDescending = 0xF35EE, + TextStrikethrough = 0xF35F4, + TextSubscript = 0xF35FA, + TextSuperscript = 0xF3600, + TextT = 0xF3606, + TextUnderline = 0xF360C, + TextUnderlineCharacterU = 0xF3612, + TextUnderlineDouble = 0xF3618, + TextWholeWord = 0xF361E, + TextWordCount = 0xF3624, + TextWrap = 0xF362A, + TextWrapOff = 0xF3630, + Textbox = 0xF3636, + TextboxAlignBottom = 0xF363C, + TextboxAlignBottomCenter = 0xF3642, + TextboxAlignBottomLeft = 0xF3648, + TextboxAlignBottomRight = 0xF364E, + TextboxAlignBottomRotate90 = 0xF3654, + TextboxAlignCenter = 0xF365A, + TextboxAlignMiddle = 0xF3660, + TextboxAlignMiddleLeft = 0xF3666, + TextboxAlignMiddleRight = 0xF366C, + TextboxAlignMiddleRotate90 = 0xF3672, + TextboxAlignTop = 0xF3678, + TextboxAlignTopCenter = 0xF367E, + TextboxAlignTopLeft = 0xF3684, + TextboxAlignTopRight = 0xF368A, + TextboxAlignTopRotate90 = 0xF3690, + TextboxMore = 0xF3696, + TextboxRotate90 = 0xF369C, + TextboxSettings = 0xF36A2, + Thinking = 0xF36A8, + ThumbDislike = 0xF36AE, + ThumbLike = 0xF36B4, + ThumbLikeDislike = 0xF36BA, + TicketDiagonal = 0xF36C0, + TicketHorizontal = 0xF36C6, + TimeAndWeather = 0xF36CC, + TimePicker = 0xF36D2, + Timeline = 0xF36D8, + Timer = 0xF36DE, + Timer10 = 0xF36E4, + Timer2 = 0xF36EA, + Timer3 = 0xF36F0, + TimerOff = 0xF36F6, + ToggleLeft = 0xF36FC, + ToggleMultiple = 0xF3702, + ToggleRight = 0xF3708, + Toolbox = 0xF370E, + TooltipQuote = 0xF3714, + TopSpeed = 0xF371A, + Translate = 0xF3720, + TranslateAuto = 0xF3726, + TranslateOff = 0xF372C, + Transmission = 0xF3732, + TransparencySquare = 0xF3738, + TrayItemAdd = 0xF373E, + TrayItemRemove = 0xF3744, + TreeDeciduous = 0xF374A, + TreeEvergreen = 0xF3750, + Triangle = 0xF3756, + TriangleDown = 0xF375C, + TriangleLeft = 0xF3762, + TriangleRight = 0xF3768, + TriangleUp = 0xF376E, + Trophy = 0xF3774, + TrophyLock = 0xF377A, + TrophyOff = 0xF3780, + Tv = 0xF3786, + TvArrowRight = 0xF378C, + TvUsb = 0xF3792, + Umbrella = 0xF3798, + UninstallApp = 0xF379E, + UsbPlug = 0xF37A4, + UsbStick = 0xF37AA, + Vault = 0xF37B0, + VehicleBicycle = 0xF37B6, + VehicleBus = 0xF37BC, + VehicleCab = 0xF37C2, + VehicleCableCar = 0xF37C8, + VehicleCar = 0xF37CE, + VehicleCarCollision = 0xF37D4, + VehicleCarParking = 0xF37DA, + VehicleCarProfile = 0xF37E0, + VehicleCarProfileClock = 0xF37E6, + VehicleMotorcycle = 0xF37EC, + VehicleShip = 0xF37F2, + VehicleSubway = 0xF37F8, + VehicleSubwayClock = 0xF37FE, + VehicleTractor = 0xF3804, + VehicleTruck = 0xF380A, + VehicleTruckBag = 0xF3810, + VehicleTruckCube = 0xF3816, + VehicleTruckProfile = 0xF381C, + Video = 0xF3822, + Video360 = 0xF3828, + Video360Off = 0xF382E, + VideoAdd = 0xF3834, + VideoBackgroundEffect = 0xF383A, + VideoBackgroundEffectHorizontal = 0xF3840, + VideoChat = 0xF3846, + VideoClip = 0xF384C, + VideoClipMultiple = 0xF3852, + VideoClipOff = 0xF3858, + VideoClipOptimize = 0xF385E, + VideoClipWand = 0xF3864, + VideoOff = 0xF386A, + VideoPerson = 0xF3870, + VideoPersonCall = 0xF3876, + VideoPersonClock = 0xF387C, + VideoPersonOff = 0xF3882, + VideoPersonPulse = 0xF3888, + VideoPersonSparkle = 0xF388E, + VideoPersonSparkleOff = 0xF3894, + VideoPersonStar = 0xF389A, + VideoPersonStarOff = 0xF38A0, + VideoPlayPause = 0xF38A6, + VideoProhibited = 0xF38AC, + VideoRecording = 0xF38B2, + VideoSecurity = 0xF38B8, + VideoSwitch = 0xF38BE, + VideoSync = 0xF38C4, + ViewDesktop = 0xF38CA, + ViewDesktopMobile = 0xF38D0, + VirtualNetwork = 0xF38D6, + VirtualNetworkToolbox = 0xF38DC, + Voicemail = 0xF38E2, + VoicemailArrowBack = 0xF38E8, + VoicemailArrowForward = 0xF38EE, + VoicemailArrowSubtract = 0xF38F4, + VoicemailShield = 0xF38FA, + VoicemailSubtract = 0xF3900, + Vote = 0xF3906, + WalkieTalkie = 0xF390C, + Wallet = 0xF3912, + WalletCreditCard = 0xF3918, + Wallpaper = 0xF391E, + Wand = 0xF3924, + Warning = 0xF392A, + WarningLockOpen = 0xF3930, + WarningShield = 0xF3936, + Washer = 0xF393C, + Water = 0xF3942, + WeatherBlowingSnow = 0xF3948, + WeatherCloudy = 0xF394E, + WeatherDrizzle = 0xF3954, + WeatherDuststorm = 0xF395A, + WeatherFog = 0xF3960, + WeatherHailDay = 0xF3966, + WeatherHailNight = 0xF396C, + WeatherHaze = 0xF3972, + WeatherMoon = 0xF3978, + WeatherMoonOff = 0xF397E, + WeatherPartlyCloudyDay = 0xF3984, + WeatherPartlyCloudyNight = 0xF398A, + WeatherRain = 0xF3990, + WeatherRainShowersDay = 0xF3996, + WeatherRainShowersNight = 0xF399C, + WeatherRainSnow = 0xF39A2, + WeatherSnow = 0xF39A8, + WeatherSnowShowerDay = 0xF39AE, + WeatherSnowShowerNight = 0xF39B4, + WeatherSnowflake = 0xF39BA, + WeatherSqualls = 0xF39C0, + WeatherSunny = 0xF39C6, + WeatherSunnyHigh = 0xF39CC, + WeatherSunnyLow = 0xF39D2, + WeatherThunderstorm = 0xF39D8, + WebAsset = 0xF39DE, + Whiteboard = 0xF39E4, + WhiteboardOff = 0xF39EA, + Wifi1 = 0xF39F0, + Wifi2 = 0xF39F6, + Wifi3 = 0xF39FC, + Wifi4 = 0xF3A02, + WifiLock = 0xF3A08, + WifiOff = 0xF3A0E, + WifiSettings = 0xF3A14, + WifiWarning = 0xF3A1A, + Window = 0xF3A20, + WindowAd = 0xF3A26, + WindowAdOff = 0xF3A2C, + WindowAdPerson = 0xF3A32, + WindowApps = 0xF3A38, + WindowArrowUp = 0xF3A3E, + WindowBulletList = 0xF3A44, + WindowBulletListAdd = 0xF3A4A, + WindowConsole = 0xF3A50, + WindowDatabase = 0xF3A56, + WindowDevEdit = 0xF3A5C, + WindowDevTools = 0xF3A62, + WindowEdit = 0xF3A68, + WindowFingerprint = 0xF3A6E, + WindowHeaderHorizontal = 0xF3A74, + WindowHeaderHorizontalOff = 0xF3A7A, + WindowHeaderVertical = 0xF3A80, + WindowInprivate = 0xF3A86, + WindowInprivateAccount = 0xF3A8C, + WindowLocationTarget = 0xF3A92, + WindowMultiple = 0xF3A98, + WindowMultipleSwap = 0xF3A9E, + WindowNew = 0xF3AA4, + WindowPlay = 0xF3AAA, + WindowSettings = 0xF3AB0, + WindowShield = 0xF3AB6, + WindowText = 0xF3ABC, + WindowWrench = 0xF3AC2, + Wrench = 0xF3AC8, + WrenchScrewdriver = 0xF3ACE, + WrenchSettings = 0xF3AD4, + XboxConsole = 0xF3ADA, + XboxController = 0xF3AE0, + XboxControllerError = 0xF3AE6, + Xray = 0xF3AEC, + ZoomFit = 0xF3AF2, + ZoomIn = 0xF3AF8, + ZoomOut = 0xF3AFE, } diff --git a/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf b/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf index ff92b39..aaf885a 100644 Binary files a/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf and b/seagull-icons/assets/FluentSystemIcons.ttf differ diff --git a/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf b/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf index 335ea74..7218e4b 100644 Binary files a/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf and b/seagull-icons/assets/SeagullFluentIcons.ttf differ diff --git a/seagull-icons/upstream b/seagull-icons/upstream index 75298a0..9dda654 160000 --- a/seagull-icons/upstream +++ b/seagull-icons/upstream @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 75298a01f53d5ebb99b6452056baff9254c9dbd6 +Subproject commit 9dda65409787d2f76a7ad261abae1a627ae3ae63