Creating a fully resposive, beautiful dashboard with Plotly Dash has never been easier!
dash-admin-components relies on shinydashboard implementation of AdminLTE3 template.
It comes with preloaded Bootstrap 4 stylesheet that is fully compatibile with dash-bootstrap-components.
You can install dash-admin-components with pip
pip install dash-admin-components
dash-admin-components was created by Quantee, a company providing statistical and data science solutions in the insurance sector. For our clients, it is extremely important to visualize results from statistical models and we have been looking for a powerful dashboard framework similar to shinydashboard. We have created a package on the top of Plotly Dash to simplify the implementation of dashboards and now, we share the results with you as an open-source solution!
You can analyze the example here and code behind the example here.
The documentation is available here.
dash-admin-components includes several high-level components and can be composed with other components from dash-core-components and dash-bootstrap-components.
For a full list of components, head over to example code.
This project was generated by the dash-component-boilerplate it contains the minimal set of code required to create your own custom Dash component.