This is a completely new and rewritten plug-in to interface an OpenSprinkler to a Vera or openLuup system.
It can discovery and control:
- Programs (turn on/off)
- Zones (turn on/off, length in minutes using a dimmer)
- Rain Delay and other attached sensors
All the devices are implemented as standard Vera device types.
In particular, I need help with
controller with a lot of zones (16/32+)controller with master valvecontroller with rain sensors- support for scenes
The plug-in is available via MiOS App Store. Plug-in ID is 9301 if you want to install it manually.
Go to your Vera web interface, then Apps, Install Apps and search for "Vera OpenSprinkler Plug-in". Click Details, then Install.
The plug-in is available via AltAppStore. Just search for it.
To install, simply upload the files in this directory (except readme) using Vera's feature (Go to Apps, then Develop Apps, then Luup files and select Upload) and then create a new device under Vera.
To create a new device, got to Apps, then Develops, then Create device.
Every time you want to map a new controller, just repeat this operation.
- Upnp Device Filename/Device File: D_VeraOpenSprinkler1.xml
- Upnp Implementation Filename/Implementation file: I_VeraOpenSprinkler1.xml
- Parent Device: none
After installation, ensure to change the "IP" variable under the master device (if not specified before). This is the OpenSprinkler Controller internal IP address (host name are supported too) and port (omit if 80, otherwise use format IP:port).
Password is set to "opendoor" (in MD5 format), but you need to change it (see next part).
Reload your Vera's engine (ie by executing luup.reload() in App, Develop apps, Test luup code) and wait for your zones and programs to appear.
OpenSprinkler use MD5-hashed passwords. Ensure to use a tool (such as and save the generated password in the corresponding variable.
This plug-in is suited for the latest firmware version of OpenSprinkler. If you're stuck on version >= 2.1.3 and < 2.1.9, try to set LegacyMode variable under the master device to 1 and then do a Luup reload.
- urn:bochicchio-com:serviceId:OpenSprinkler1 / DebugMode: set to 1 to have verbose logging
- urn:bochicchio-com:serviceId:OpenSprinkler1 / Password: set your MD5 password (default is opendoor, already setup at startup)
- urn:bochicchio-com:serviceId:OpenSprinkler1 / UpdateNameFromController: 0 if you want to override the device name and never sync it with controller, 1 to sync it if changed (default)
This is a standard humidity service, so you can get its value using the standard urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HumiditySensor1 / CurrentLevel variable.
Sensors are standard security service device, so you can get its value using the standard urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1 / Tripped variable.
Master, Zones and Program devices implements standard switch action: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 SetTarget
Master, Zones and Program devices implement standard HA action for toggle state: urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1 ToggleState
Zone devices implement standard dimmers action: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 SetTarget
Master has support to set Rain Delay via urn:bochicchio-com:serviceId:OpenSprinkler1 SetRainDelay passing newRainDelay (date and time in epoch format).
Starting from version 1.3, discovery of devices is done only on the first run. If you want to force it again, set Configured to 0.
Discovery is automatically performed each time the plug-in version is updated.
You can also force it by calling Reconfigure on service urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1.
luup.call_action("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", "Reconfigure", {}, masterID)
If you want to see more debug info, set DebugMode variable on the master device to 1. No need to reload luup engine. Just set back to 0 if you want to disable verbose logging.
The devices are working and supported under OpenLuup and AltUI. In this case, if you're using an old version of AltUI, just be sure the get the base service file from Vera (automatically done if you have the Vera Bridge installed).
Before asking for support, please:
- change DebugMode variable to 1 (on the device itself, not on the master)
- repeat your problem and capture logs
- logs could be captured via SSH or by navigating to
. More Info
If you need help, visit SmartHome.Community and tag me (therealdb).