Official Implement of ICCV 2019 oral paper "Bayesian Loss for Crowd Count Estimation with Point Supervision"
If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:
title={Bayesian loss for crowd count estimation with point supervision},
author={Ma, Zhiheng and Wei, Xing and Hong, Xiaopeng and Gong, Yihong},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
torch >= 1.0 torchvision opencv numpy scipy, all the dependencies can be easily installed by pip or conda
This code was tested with python 3.6
1、 Dowload Dataset UCF-QNRF Link
2、 Pre-Process Data (resize image and split train/validation)
python --origin_dir <directory of original data> --data_dir <directory of processed data>
3、 Train model (validate on single GTX Titan X)
python --data_dir <directory of processed data> --save_dir <directory of log and model>
4、 Test Model
python --data_dir <directory of processed data> --save_dir <directory of log and model>
The result is slightly influenced by the random seed, but fixing the random seed (have to set cuda_benchmark to False) will make training time extrodinary long, so sometimes you can get a slightly worse result than the reported result, but most of time you can get a better result than the reported one. If you find this code is useful, please give us a star and cite our paper, have fun.
Baidu Yun Link extract code: x9wc
Google Drive Link