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103 lines (76 loc) · 2.81 KB


File metadata and controls

103 lines (76 loc) · 2.81 KB

The zstash tool backs up directory archives to S3 based on a TOML file config. Archives will only be created and uploaded when the files have changed.

Config file

zstash config files are TOML files that describe one or more backup configs.

An example config file:

# The environment is imported, but you can define your own variables
# in the [env] section. Variables will be expanded in all strings
# in the config file.
BASE_SUBDIR = "sub/dir"
COMMON_BASE_DIR = "${HOME}/${BASE_SUBDIR}"  # HOME from the environment.

# Definitions in the optional [backups] section will be inherited by all
# backup configs. Backup configs can override values defined here.
# s3_bucket: The bucket to upload to. Required.
s3_bucket = "my-bucket-name"  # Inherited by the backup sections.

# The config file must contain one or more [backups.<name>] sections. Each
# will create a separate archive.
# Note that this config inherits s3_bucket from [backups].

# archive_prefix: Prefix for the generated archive name, which will look
# like "${archive_prefix}${date}-${hash}.tar.bz2". Optional.
archive_prefix = "dir1-backup-"

# s3_subdir: Subpath in the S3 bucket where the archive will live. Optional.
s3_subdir = "s3/sub/path"

# src_dir: The directory to archive and upload. Required.
src_dir = "${COMMON_BASE_DIR}/dir1"

# ignore: A gitignore-conforming set of file/directory patterns to ignore
# when creating the archive. Optional.
ignore = """

# The above config will create an archive of the non-ignored files
# under
#   ~/sub/dir/dir1
# with an archive name like
#   dir1-backup-2020-08-14T04:07:29+00:00-a2847b3ec04158f8.tar.bz2
# and upload it to
#   s3://my-bucket-name/s3/sub/path/

# An independent backup, creating its own archive, and uploading to a
# different S3 bucket.
# Overrides the s3_bucket value from [backups]
s3_bucket = "different-bucket"

# A different source directory.
src_dir = "${COMMON_BASE_DIR}/dir2"

# It's ok not to specify archive_prefix, s3_subdir, or ignore.


Perform the backups specified by ${HOME}/.config/zstash/backups.toml by running

$ zstash --config="${HOME}/.config/zstash/backups.toml"

To test a config, add the --dry_run option and it will do everything except upload to S3.



  • A good logging story. Would be nice if it rotated.
  • Reminder that the env is usually empty when running from cron, so it's better to avoid relying on things like $HOME.