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API reference

Reference to all exports of tailwind-merge.


function twMerge(
    ...classLists: Array<string | undefined | null | false | 0 | typeof classLists>
): string

Default function to use if you're using the default Tailwind config or are close enough to the default config. Check out basic usage for more info.

If twMerge doesn't work for you, you can create your own custom merge function with extendTailwindMerge.


function twJoin(
    ...classLists: Array<string | undefined | null | false | 0 | typeof classLists>
): string

Function to join className strings conditionally without resolving conflicts.

    'border border-red-500',
    hasBackground && 'bg-red-100',
    hasLargeText && 'text-lg',
    hasLargeSpacing && ['p-2', hasLargeText ? 'leading-8' : 'leading-7'],

It is used internally within twMerge and a direct subset of clsx. If you use clsx or classnames to apply Tailwind classes conditionally and don't need support for object arguments, you can use twJoin instead, it is a little faster and will save you a few hundred bytes in bundle size.

Why no object support? Read here.


function getDefaultConfig(): satisfies Config<DefaultClassGroupIds, DefaultThemeGroupIds>

Function which returns the default config used by tailwind-merge. The tailwind-merge config is different from the Tailwind config. It is optimized for small bundle size and fast runtime performance because it is expected to run in the browser.


function fromTheme<
    AdditionalThemeGroupIds extends string = never,
    DefaultThemeGroupIdsInner extends string = DefaultThemeGroupIds,
>(key: NoInfer<DefaultThemeGroupIdsInner | AdditionalThemeGroupIds>): ThemeGetter

Function to retrieve values from a theme scale, to be used in class groups.

fromTheme doesn't return the values from the theme scale, but rather another function which is used by tailwind-merge internally to retrieve the theme values. tailwind-merge can differentiate the theme getter function from a validator because it has a isThemeGetter property set to true.

When using TypeScript, the function only allows passing the default theme group IDs as the key argument. If you use custom theme group IDs, you need to pass them as the generic type argument AdditionalThemeGroupIds. In case you aren't using the default tailwind-merge config and use a different set of theme group IDs entirely, you can also pass them as the generic type argument DefaultThemeGroupIdsInner. If you want to allow any keys, you can call it as fromTheme<string>('anything-goes-here').

fromTheme can be used like this:

type AdditionalClassGroupIds = 'my-group' | 'my-group-x'
type AdditionalThemeGroupIds = 'my-scale'

extendTailwindMerge<AdditionalClassGroupIds, AdditionalThemeGroupIds>({
    extend: {
        theme: {
            'my-scale': ['foo', 'bar'],
        classGroups: {
            'my-group': [
                    'my-group': [
            'my-group-x': [{ 'my-group-x': [fromTheme<AdditionalThemeGroupIds>('my-scale')] }],


function extendTailwindMerge<
    AdditionalClassGroupIds extends string = never,
    AdditionalThemeGroupIds extends string = never,
    configExtension: ConfigExtension<
        DefaultClassGroupIds | AdditionalClassGroupIds,
        DefaultThemeGroupIds | AdditionalThemeGroupIds
    ...createConfig: ((config: GenericConfig) => GenericConfig)[]
): TailwindMerge
function extendTailwindMerge<
    AdditionalClassGroupIds extends string = never,
    AdditionalThemeGroupIds extends string = never,
>(...createConfig: ((config: GenericConfig) => GenericConfig)[]): TailwindMerge

Function to create merge function with custom config which extends the default config. Use this if you use the default Tailwind config and just modified it in some places.


The function extendTailwindMerge computes a large data structure based on the config passed to it. I recommend to call it only once and store the result in a top-level variable instead of calling it inline within another repeatedly called function.

You provide it a configExtension object which gets merged with the default config.

When using TypeScript and you use custom class group IDs or theme group IDs, you need to pass them as the generic type arguments AdditionalClassGroupIds and AdditionalThemeGroupIds. This is enforced to prevent accidental use of non-existing class group IDs accidentally. If you want to allow any custom keys without explicitly defining them, you can pass as string to both arguments.

type AdditionalClassGroupIds = 'aspect-w' | 'aspect-h' | 'aspect-reset'
type AdditionalThemeGroupIds = never

const customTwMerge = extendTailwindMerge<AdditionalClassGroupIds, AdditionalThemeGroupIds>({
    // ↓ Optional cache size
    //   Here we're disabling the cache
    cacheSize: 0,
    // ↓ Optional prefix from TaiLwind config
    prefix: 'tw-',
    // ↓ Optional separator from TaiLwind config
    separator: '_',

    // ↓ Optional config overrides
    //   Only elements from the second level onwards are overridden
    override: {
        // ↓ Theme scales to override
        //   Not all theme keys from the Tailwind config are supported by default.
        theme: {
            colors: ['black', 'white', 'yellow-500'],
        // ↓ Class groups to override
        classGroups: {
            // ↓ The `shadow` key here is the class group ID
            //      ↓ Creates group of classes which have conflicting styles
            //        Classes here: shadow-100, shadow-200, shadow-300, shadow-400, shadow-500
            shadow: [{ shadow: ['100', '200', '300', '400', '500'] }],
        // ↓ Conflicts across different groups to override
        conflictingClassGroups: {
            // ↓ ID of class group which creates a conflict with…
            //           ↓ …classes from groups with these IDs
            //   Here we remove the default conflict between the font-size and leading class
            //   groups.
            'font-size': [],
        // ↓ Conflicts between the postfix modifier of a group and a different class group to
        //   override
        conflictingClassGroupModifiers: {
            // You probably won't need this, but it follows the same shape as
            // `conflictingClassGroups`.

    // ↓ Optional config extensions
    //   Follows same shape as the `override` object.
    extend: {
        // ↓ Theme scales to extend or create
        //   Not all theme keys from the Tailwind config are supported by default.
        theme: {
            spacing: ['sm', 'md', 'lg'],
        // ↓ Class groups to extend or create
        classGroups: {
            // ↓ The `animate` key here is the class group ID
            //       ↓ Adds class animate-shimmer to existing group with ID `animate` or creates
            //         new class group if it doesn't exist.
            animate: ['animate-shimmer'],
            // ↓ Functions can also be used to match classes
            //   They take the class part value as argument and return a boolean defining whether
            //   it is a match.
            //   Here we accept all string classes starting with `aspec-w-` followed by a number.
            'aspect-w': [{ 'aspect-w': [(value) => Boolean(value) && !isNaN(value)] }],
            'aspect-h': [{ 'aspect-h': [(value) => Boolean(value) && !isNaN(value)] }],
            'aspect-reset': ['aspect-none'],
            // ↓ You can also use validators exported by tailwind-merge
            'prose-size': [{ prose: ['base', validators.isTshirtSize] }],
        // ↓ Conflicts across different groups to extend or create
        conflictingClassGroups: {
            // ↓ ID of class group which creates a conflict with…
            //              ↓ …classes from groups with these IDs
            //   In this case `twMerge('aspect-w-5 aspect-none') → 'aspect-none'`
            'aspect-reset': ['aspect-w', 'aspect-h'],
        // ↓ Conflicts between the postfix modifier of a group and a different class group to
        //   extend or create
        conflictingClassGroupModifiers: {
            // You probably won't need this, but it follows the same shape as
            // `conflictingClassGroups`.

Additionally, you can pass multiple createConfig functions (more to that in createTailwindMerge) which is convenient if you want to combine your config with third-party plugins.

const customTwMerge = extendTailwindMerge({}, withSomePlugin)

If you only use plugins, you can omit the configExtension object as well.

const customTwMerge = extendTailwindMerge(withSomePlugin)


function createTailwindMerge(
    ...createConfig: [() => Config, ...Array<(config: Config) => Config>]
): TailwindMerge

Function to create merge function with custom config. Use this function instead of extendTailwindMerge if you don't need the default config or want more control over the config.


The function createTailwindMerge computes a large data structure based on the config passed to it. I recommend to call it only once and store the result in a top-level variable instead of calling it inline within another repeatedly called function.

You need to provide a function which resolves to the config tailwind-merge should use for the new merge function. You can either extend from the default config or create a new one from scratch.

// ↓ Callback passed to `createTailwindMerge` is called when
//   `customTwMerge` gets called the first time.
const customTwMerge = createTailwindMerge(() => {
    const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig()

    return {
        cacheSize: 0,
        classGroups: {
            foo: ['foo', 'foo-2', { 'bar-baz': ['', '1', '2'] }],
            bar: [{ qux: ['auto', (value) => Number(value) >= 1000] }],
            baz: ['baz-sm', 'baz-md', 'baz-lg'],
        conflictingClassGroups: {
            foo: ['bar'],
        conflictingClassGroupModifiers: {
            baz: ['bar'],

Same as in extendTailwindMerge you can use multiple createConfig functions which is convenient if you want to combine your config with third-party plugins. Just keep in mind that the first createConfig function does not get passed any arguments, whereas the subsequent functions get each passed the config from the previous function.

const customTwMerge = createTailwindMerge(getDefaultConfig, withSomePlugin, (config) => ({
    // ↓ Config returned by `withSomePlugin`
    classGroups: {
        mySpecialClassGroup: [{ special: ['1', '2'] }],

But don't merge configs like that. Use mergeConfigs instead.


function mergeConfigs<ClassGroupIds extends string, ThemeGroupIds extends string = never>(
    baseConfig: GenericConfig,
    configExtension: ConfigExtension<ClassGroupIds, ThemeGroupIds>,
): GenericConfig

Helper function to merge multiple tailwind-merge configs. Properties with the value undefined are skipped.

When using TypeScript, you need to pass a union of all class group IDs and theme group IDs used in configExtension as generic arguments to mergeConfigs or pass string to both arguments to allow any IDs.

const customTwMerge = createTailwindMerge(getDefaultConfig, (config) =>
    mergeConfigs<'shadow' | 'animate' | 'prose'>(config, {
        override: {
            classGroups: {
                // ↓ Overriding existing class group
                shadow: [{ shadow: ['100', '200', '300', '400', '500'] }],
        extend: {
            classGroups: {
                // ↓ Adding value to existing class group
                animate: ['animate-shimmer'],
                // ↓ Adding new class group
                prose: [{ prose: ['', validators.isTshirtSize] }],


interface Validators {
    isLength(value: string): boolean
    isArbitraryLength(value: string): boolean
    isNumber(value: string): boolean
    isInteger(value: string): boolean
    isPercent(value: string): boolean
    isArbitraryValue(value: string): boolean
    isTshirtSize(value: string): boolean
    isArbitrarySize(value: string): boolean
    isArbitraryPosition(value: string): boolean
    isArbitraryImage(value: string): boolean
    isArbitraryNumber(value: string): boolean
    isArbitraryShadow(value: string): boolean
    isAny(value: string): boolean

An object containing all the validators used in tailwind-merge. They are useful if you want to use a custom config with extendTailwindMerge or createTailwindMerge. E.g. the classGroup for padding is defined as

const paddingClassGroup = [{ p: [validators.isLength] }]

A brief summary for each validator:

  • isLength checks whether a class part is a number (3, 1.5), a fraction (3/4), or one of the strings px, full or screen.
  • isArbitraryLength checks for arbitrary length values ([3%], [4px], [length:var(--my-var)]).
  • isNumber checks for numbers (3, 1.5)
  • isArbitraryNumber checks whether class part is an arbitrary value which starts with number: or is a number ([number:var(--value)], [450]) which is necessary for font-weight and stroke-width classNames.
  • isInteger checks for integer values (3).
  • isPercent checks for percent values (12.5%) which is used for color stop positions.
  • isArbitraryValue checks whether the class part is enclosed in brackets ([something])
  • isTshirtSizechecks whether class part is a T-shirt size (sm, xl), optionally with a preceding number (2xl).
  • isArbitrarySize checks whether class part is an arbitrary value which starts with size: ([size:200px_100px]) which is necessary for background-size classNames.
  • isArbitraryPosition checks whether class part is an arbitrary value which starts with position: ([position:200px_100px]) which is necessary for background-position classNames.
  • isArbitraryImage checks whether class part is an arbitrary value which is an iamge, e.g. by starting with image:, url:, linear-gradient( or url( ([url('/path-to-image.png')], image:var(--maybe-an-image-at-runtime)]) which is necessary for background-image classNames.
  • isArbitraryShadow checks whether class part is an arbitrary value which starts with the same pattern as a shadow value ([0_35px_60px_-15px_rgba(0,0,0,0.3)]), namely with two lengths separated by a underscore, optionally prepended by inset.
  • isAny always returns true. Be careful with this validator as it might match unwanted classes. I use it primarily to match colors or when I'm certain there are no other class groups in a namespace.


interface Config<ClassGroupIds extends string, ThemeGroupIds extends string> {  }

TypeScript type for config object. Useful if you want to build a createConfig function but don't want to define it inline in extendTailwindMerge or createTailwindMerge.


type DefaultClassGroupIds = 'accent' | 'align-content' | 'align-items' | 

TypeScript type for all class group IDs defined in the default config of tailwind-merge.


type DefaultThemeGroupIds = 'blur' | 'borderColor' | 'borderRadius' | 

TypeScript type for all theme group IDs defined in the default config of tailwind-merge.


type ClassNameValue = string | null | undefined | 0 | false | ClassNameValue[]

TypeScript type for arguments accepted by twMerge and twJoin. You might want to use it if you wrap any of those with your own function.

function myWrappedTwMerge(...args: ClassNameValue[]) {
    return twMerge(...args)


type ClassValidator = (value: string) => boolean

TypeScript type for class validators accepted in class definitions within extendTailwindMerge and createTailwindMerge.

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