The 2018 May DCPPC workshop will take place on May 30-31 in Boston in the Countway Library of Medicine at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, MA.
For up-to-date information on breakout sessions please visit the issues page
09:00 : Welcome : Lahey Room (#518) or
- Vivien Bonazzi
09:15 : Show and tell talks : Lahey Room (#518)
Each team shared some awesome things they have accomplished.
_For a video of each talk, visit [this playlist])(
- Copper - Charles Reid
- Argon - Carl Kesselman
- Calcium - Cricket Sloan
- Carbon - Paul Avillache
- Helium - Claris Castillo
- Nitrogen - Avi Ma'ayan
- Oxygen - Anu Gurujra
- Phosphorus - Jonathan Crabtree
- Sodium - Sarala Wimalaratne
- Xenon - Alison Leaf
- Hydrogen (NIH) - Chip Schwartz
- Data Stewards - Jos Bis
- Data Stewards - Kristin Ardlie
- Data Stewards - Laurent-Phillippe Albou
10:30 : Coffee break
11:30 : Planning for breakout group : Lahey Room (#518)
12:00 : Lunch
12:30 : Breakout groups
- Organization, Room 503
- Data access, Room 518
- Identifiers, Room 518
- Interactions between systems, Room 503
14:30 : Coffee break
- Project managers, Room 503)
- BDBAGs, Room 320
- Interactions staying in same place, Room 503)
- FAIRness, Room 518
16:00 : Debriefing : Lahey Room (#518)
16:50 : Closing : Lahey Room (#518)
_For a video of all May 31 talks, visit [this playlist])(
09:00 : Welcome : Lahey Room (#518) or
- Rayna Harris - Harmonizing the Commoners
- Sasha Wait Zaranek - Internal DCPPC webste
09:15 : Show and tell talks : Lahey Room (#518)
Each team shared some awesome things they are planning to accomplish.
- Data Stewards: TOPmed - Ben Heavner
- Data Stewards: GTEx - Jared Nedzel
- Data Stewards: AGR - Christopher Tabone
- Calcium and Xenon - Cricket Sloan
- Sodium - Mercè Crosas
- Phosphorus - Jonathan Crabtree
- Nitrogen - Daniel Clarke
- Helium - Jeremy Yang
- Carbon - Greg Versmee
- Argon - Carl Kesselman
- Nitrogen - Juergen Klenk
10:30 : Coffee break
12:00 : Lunch
12:30 : Breakout groups
- TOPMed overview, Room 518
- Demo planning and BDbags Room 403
- GTEx + Tools, Room 423
16:00 : Reconvene for session recaps : Lahey Room (#518)
16:15 : Closing : Lahey Room (#518)