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params Span<T>


Avoid heap allocation for implicit allocation of arrays in specific scenarios with params arguments.


params array parameters provide a convenient way to call a method that takes an arbitrary length list of arguments. However, using an array type for the parameter means the compiler must implicitly allocate an array on the heap at each call site.

If we extend params types to include the ref struct types Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T>, where values of those types cannot escape the call stack, the array at the call site may be created on the stack instead.

And if we're extending params to other types, we could also allow params IEnumerable<T> to avoid allocating and copying collections at call sites that have an IEnumerable<T> rather than T[].

The benefits of params ReadOnlySpan<T> and params Span<T> are primarily for new APIs. Existing commonly used APIs such as Console.WriteLine() and StringBuilder.AppendFormat() already have overloads that avoid array allocations for common cases and those overloads would need to be retained for backward compatibility.

public static class Console
    public static void WriteLine(string value);
    public static void WriteLine(string format, object arg0);
    public static void WriteLine(string format, object arg0, object arg1);
    public static void WriteLine(string format, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2);
    public static void WriteLine(string format, params object[] arg);

Detailed design

Extending params

params parameters will be supported with types Span<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>, and IEnumerable<T>.

A call in expanded form (§ to a method with a params T[] or params IEnumerable<T> parameter will result in an array T[] allocated on the heap.

A call in expanded form (§ to a method with a params ReadOnlySpan<T> or params Span<T> parameter will result in an array T[] created on the stack if the params array is within limits (if any) set by the compiler. Otherwise the array will be allocated on the heap.

Console.WriteLine(fmt, x, y, z); // WriteLine(string format, params ReadOnlySpan<object?> arg)

The compiler will report an error when compiling the method declaring the params parameter if the ReadOnlySpan<T> or Span<T> parameter value is returned from the method or assigned to an out parameter. That ensures call-sites can create the underlying array on the stack and reuse the array across call-sites without concern for aliases.

A params parameter must be last parameter in the method signature.

Two overloads cannot differ by params modifier alone.

params parameters will be marked in metadata with a System.ParamArrayAttribute regardless of type.

Overload resolution

Overload resolution will continue to prefer overloads that are applicable in normal form (§ rather than expanded form (§

For overloads that are applicable in expanded form, better function member (§ will be updated to prefer params types in a specific order:

When performing this evaluation, if Mp or Mq is applicable in its expanded form, then Px or Qx refers to a parameter in the expanded form of the parameter list.

In case the parameter type sequences {P1, P2, ..., Pn} and {Q1, Q2, ..., Qn} are equivalent (i.e. each Pi has an identity conversion to the corresponding Qi), the following tie-breaking rules are applied, in order, to determine the better function member.

  • If Mp is a non-generic method and Mq is a generic method, then Mp is better than Mq.
  • ...
  • Otherwise, if both methods have params parameters and are applicable only in their expanded forms, and the params types are distinct types with equivalent element type (there is an identity conversion between element types), the more specific params type is the first of:
    • ReadOnlySpan<T>
    • Span<T>
    • T[]
    • IEnumerable<T>
  • Otherwise if one member is a non-lifted operator and the other is a lifted operator, the non-lifted one is better.
  • Otherwise, neither function member is better.

Array creation expressions

Array creation expressions that are target-typed to ReadOnlySpan<T> or Span<T> will be created on the stack if the length of the array is a constant value within limits (if any) set by the compiler. Otherwise the array will be allocated on the heap.

Span<int> s = new[] { i, j, k };   // int[] on the stack
WriteLine(fmt, new[] { x, y, z }); // object[] on the stack for WriteLine(string fmt, ReadOnlySpan<object> args);

Array re-use

The compiler may reuse an implicitly allocated array across multiple uses within a single thread executing a method:

  • At the same call-site (within a loop) or
  • At distinct call-sites if the lifetime of the spans do not overlap, and the array length is sufficient, and
    • the element types are managed types that are considered identical by the runtime, or
    • the element types are unmanaged types of the same size.

An implicitly allocated array may be reused regardless of whether the array was created on the stack or the heap.

Lowering implicit allocation

For the params and array creation cases above that are target typed to Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T>, the compiler will lower the creation of spans using an efficient approach, specifically avoiding heap allocations when possible. The exact details are still to be determined and may differ based on the target framework and runtime.

The guarantee the compiler gives is the span will be the expected size and will contain the expected items at any point in user code.

Open issues

Is params Span<T> necessary?

Is there a reason to support params parameters of type Span<T> in addition to ReadOnlySpan<T>? Is allowing mutation within the params method useful?

Is params IEnumerable<T> necessary?

If the compiler allows params ReadOnlySpan<T>, then new APIs that require params could use params ReadOnlySpan<T> instead of params T[] because T[] is implicitly convertible to ReadOnlySpan<T>. And existing APIs could add a params ReadOnlySpan<T> overload where the existing params T[] simply delegates to the new overload.

There is no conversion from IEnumerable<T> to ReadOnlySpan<T> however, so allowing params IEnumerable<T> is essentially asking APIs to provide two overloads for params methods: params ReadOnlySpan<T> and params IEnumerable<T>.

Are scenarios for params IEnumerable<T> sufficiently compelling to justify that?

Array limits

The compiler may use heuristics to determine when to fallback to heap allocation for the underlying data for spans. If heuristics are necessary, experimentation should establish the limits we agree on.

Lowering approach

We need to determine the particular approach used to lower params and array creation expressions to avoid heap allocation.

For instance, one potential approach to represent a Span<T> of constant length N is to synthesize a struct with N fields of type T where the layout and alignment of the fields matches the alignment of elements in T[], and create the Span<T> from a ref to the first field of the struct.

With that approach, Console.WriteLine(fmt, x, y, z); would be emitted as:

internal struct __ValueArray3<T> { public T Item1, Item2, Item3; };

var values = new __ValueArray3<object>() { Item1 = x, Item2 = y, Item3 = z };
var span = MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref values.Item1, 3);
Console.WriteLine(fmt, (ReadOnlySpan<object>)span); // WriteLine(string format, params ReadOnlySpan<object?> arg)

Alternative approaches may require runtime support.

Explicit stackalloc

Should we allow explicit stack allocation of arrays of managed types with stackalloc as well?

public static ImmutableArray<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this ImmutableArray<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> map)
    int n = source.Length;
    Span<TResult> result = n <= 16 ? stackalloc TResult[n] : new TResult[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        result[i] = map(source[i]);
    return ImmutableArray.Create(result); // requires ImmutableArray.Create<T>([DoesNotEscape] ReadOnlySpan<T> items)

This would require runtime support for stack allocation of arrays of non-constant length and any type, and GC tracking of the elements.

Direct runtime support for stack allocation of arrays of managed types might be useful for lowering implicit allocation as well.

The GC does not currently track the lifetime of a stackalloc array so if the contents of the array have a shorter lifetime than the method, the compiler will need to zero the contents of the array so the lifetime of elements matches expectations.

Opting out

Should we allow opt-ing out of implicit allocation on the call stack? Perhaps an attribute that can be applied to a method, type, or assembly.

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