diff --git a/.bash_profile b/.bash_profile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b54df90 --- /dev/null +++ b/.bash_profile @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" +export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH" # homebrew ruby first in PATH +export PATH="${HOME}/.cargo/bin:$PATH" # rust binary installation path + +# bash completion and integration + +[[ -r "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" ]] && . "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" +test -e "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash" && source "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash" + +# pyenv + +eval "$(pyenv init -)" +if which pyenv-virtualenv-init > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"; fi + +export PYENV_VIRTUALENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 + +pyenv activate vv + +# direnv + +eval "$(direnv hook bash)" + + +# exports + +export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 +export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 +export EDITOR='subl -w' +export CC="/usr/local/bin/gcc-8" +export CXX="/usr/local/bin/g++-8" +# export HOMEBREW_CC="/usr/local/bin/gcc-8" +# export HOMEBREW_CXX="/usr/local/bin/g++-8" +export GPG_TTY=$(tty) + + +# aliases + +# iTerm hack +function cd { + builtin cd "$@" + if [ $ITERM_SESSION_ID ]; then + echo -ne "\033];${PWD##*/}\007"; + fi +} + +alias back="cd -" +alias ls="exa --all --group-directories-first --icons --level=2" # default level for --tree +alias ll="ls --long --sort=age --git --time=modified --time-style=iso" +alias h="history | tail -n 25" +alias cls="printf \"\033c\"" +alias dff="icdiff --highlight --line-numbers --numlines=3" +alias gcc="gcc-8" +alias moji="git status && git add . && pre-commit && gitmoji -c" +alias git-summary=/Users/david.de-lange/git/git-summary/git-summary +alias s='subl' +alias sm='smerge' + + +# modifications + +shopt -s histverify # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/4082 + + +# prompt + +export CLICOLOR=1 +export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad +PS1="⨊ 𝕯𝓭𝓵:\[\033[36m\]\w\[\033[m\]$ " # ⚛ ⨊ 𝓓𝔇𝒟ℓℒ㎗ 🍺 ℵ ∯ ∰ ∞ +# add working dir to tab name https://gist.github.com/phette23/5270658 +#if [ $ITERM_SESSION_ID ]; then +# export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033];${PWD##*/}\007"; ':"$PROMPT_COMMAND"; +#fi + + +# global bash history https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/1292 +# Avoid duplicates +export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups +# When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting it +shopt -s histappend +# After each command, append to the history file and reread it +export PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND$'\n'}history -a; history -c; history -r" + + +# functions + +# https://github.com/ddelange/yt +source "${HOME}/git/yt/yt.sh" + +# https://gist.github.com/ddelange/24575a702a10c2cb6348c4c7f342e0eb +kubelogs() { + # View logs as they come in (like in Rancher) using mktemp and less -r +F. + # Use ctrl+c to detach from stream (enter scrolling mode) + # Use shift+f to attach to bottom of stream + # Use ? to perform a backward search (regex possible) + # Use N or n to find resp. next or previous search match + # Set KUBELOGS_MAX to change amount of previous lines to fetch before streaming + # Set $KUBECONFIG to deviate from "$HOME/.kube/config" + if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then + echo "Usage: kubelogs " + return + fi + local namespace=$1 + local pod=$2 + local podname=`kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} -o wide | grep Running | grep -o -m 1 "^${pod}[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\b"` + if [[ ${podname} != ${pod}* ]]; then + echo "Pod \"${pod}\" not found in namespace \"${namespace}\"" + return + fi + local tmpfile=`mktemp` + local log_tail_lines=${KUBELOGS_MAX:-1000} + local sleep_amount=$((5 + log_tail_lines / 400)) + echo "kubectl logs --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} --since 24h --tail ${log_tail_lines} -f ${podname} > ${tmpfile}" + kubectl logs --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} --since 24h --tail ${log_tail_lines} -f ${podname} > ${tmpfile} & + local k8s_log_pid=$! + echo "Waiting ${sleep_amount}s for logs to download" + sleep ${sleep_amount} && less -r +F ${tmpfile} && kill ${k8s_log_pid} && echo "kubectl logs pid ${k8s_log_pid} killed" +} + +kubebash() { + # Execute a bash shell in a pod + # Set $KUBECONFIG to deviate from "$HOME/.kube/config" + if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then + echo "Usage: kubebash " + return + fi + local namespace=$1 + local pod=$2 + local podname=`kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} -o wide | grep Running | grep -o -m 1 "^${pod}[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\b"` + if [[ ${podname} != ${pod}* ]]; then + echo "Pod \"${pod}\" not found in namespace \"${namespace}\"" + return + fi + kubectl exec -ti --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} ${podname} bash +} + +kubebranch() { + # View a list of current branch[es] deployed for namespace [+ pod] + # Set $KUBECONFIG to deviate from "$HOME/.kube/config" + if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then + echo "Usage: kubebranch []" + return + fi + if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then + echo "Usage: kubebranch []" + return + fi + local namespace=$1 + if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then + local pod=$2 + local podname=`kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} -o wide | grep Running | grep -o -m 1 "^${pod}[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\b"` + if [[ ${podname} != ${pod}* ]]; then + echo "Pod \"${pod}\" not found in namespace \"${namespace}\"" + return + fi + kubectl get deployments --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} -o wide | sed -n '1!p' | awk '{print $8}' | uniq | tr "/:" "\t" | column -t | grep ${pod} + else + kubectl get deployments --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} -o wide | sed -n '1!p' | awk '{print $8}' | uniq | tr "/:" "\t" | column -t + fi +} + +# generate 3 safe random passwords with default length 42 +# takes one argument (pw length) +generate_password() { + local defaultsize=42 + ((test -n "${1:-$defaultsize}" && test "${1:-$defaultsize}" -ge 0) && \ + pwgen -s -N 3 -cny ${1:-$defaultsize}) 2>&-; +}; + +# run last modified py file in home directory +lastpy() { + local targetdir="$(pwd)" + local pypath=$(find ${targetdir} -name "*.py" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/ls -t | head -n 1) + echo "Running ${pypath}" # or ${pypath// /\ } [replace " " by "\ "] + echo "" + python "${pypath}" +# open -R "${pypath}" # reveal in Finder (Mac command) +} diff --git a/AX88179_178A_macintosh_Driver_Installer_v2.13.0.zip b/AX88179_178A_macintosh_Driver_Installer_v2.13.0.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37b1a7b Binary files /dev/null and b/AX88179_178A_macintosh_Driver_Installer_v2.13.0.zip differ diff --git a/Restore old iTunes playlists view.scpt b/Restore old iTunes playlists view.scpt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d55acaf Binary files /dev/null and b/Restore old iTunes playlists view.scpt differ diff --git a/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist b/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0634401 --- /dev/null +++ b/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist @@ -0,0 +1,7368 @@ + + + + + AllowClipboardAccess + + AlternateMouseScroll + + AppleAntiAliasingThreshold + 1 + ApplePressAndHoldEnabled + + AppleScrollAnimationEnabled + 0 + AppleSmoothFixedFontsSizeThreshold + 1 + AppleWindowTabbingMode + manual + BracketedPasteMode + + ConvertDosNewlines + + Default Arrangement Name + 2x4 + Default Bookmark Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + EscapeShellCharsWithBackslash + + GlobalKeyMap + + 0x19-0x60000 + + Action + 39 + Text + + + 0x9-0x40000 + + Action + 32 + Text + + + 0xa7-0x100000 + + Action + 25 + Text + Maximize Active Pane +Maximize Active Pane + + 0xf700-0x300000 + + Action + 7 + Text + + + 0xf701-0x300000 + + Action + 6 + Text + + + 0xf702-0x300000 + + Action + 2 + Text + + + 0xf702-0x320000 + + Action + 33 + Text + + + 0xf703-0x300000 + + Action + 0 + Text + + + 0xf703-0x320000 + + Action + 34 + Text + + + 0xf729-0x100000 + + Action + 5 + Text + + + 0xf72b-0x100000 + + Action + 4 + Text + + + 0xf72c-0x100000 + + Action + 9 + Text + + + 0xf72c-0x20000 + + Action + 9 + Text + + + 0xf72d-0x100000 + + Action + 8 + Text + + + 0xf72d-0x20000 + + Action + 8 + Text + + + + HapticFeedbackForEsc + + Hotkey + + HotkeyChar + 0 + HotkeyCode + 0 + HotkeyMigratedFromSingleToMulti + + HotkeyModifiers + 0 + IRMemory + 4 + JobName + + LoadPrefsFromCustomFolder + + NSNavLastRootDirectory + ~/git/new-mac-setup + NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode + {712, 448} + NSQuotedKeystrokeBinding + + NSRepeatCountBinding + + NSScrollAnimationEnabled + + NSScrollViewShouldScrollUnderTitlebar + + NSSplitView Subview Frames NSColorPanelSplitView + + 0.000000, 0.000000, 224.000000, 258.000000, NO, NO + 0.000000, 259.000000, 224.000000, 48.000000, NO, NO + + NSTableView Columns v2 KeyBingingTable + + YnBsaXN0MDDUAQIDBAUGNjdYJHZlcnNpb25YJG9iamVjdHNZJGFyY2hpdmVyVCR0b3AS + AAGGoK4HCA8aGxwdHh8gJjAxMlUkbnVsbNIJCgsOWk5TLm9iamVjdHNWJGNsYXNzogwN + gAKACoAN0xAJChEVGVdOUy5rZXlzoxITFIADgASABaMWFxiABoAHgAiACVpJZGVudGlm + aWVyVVdpZHRoVkhpZGRlblEwI0BowAAAAAAACNIhIiMkWiRjbGFzc25hbWVYJGNsYXNz + ZXNcTlNEaWN0aW9uYXJ5oiMlWE5TT2JqZWN00xAJCicrGaMSExSAA4AEgAWjLC0YgAuA + DIAIgAlRMSNAc7Gdsi0OVtIhIjM0Xk5TTXV0YWJsZUFycmF5ozM1JVdOU0FycmF5XxAP + TlNLZXllZEFyY2hpdmVy0Tg5VUFycmF5gAEACAARABoAIwAtADIANwBGAEwAUQBcAGMA + ZgBoAGoAbABzAHsAfwCBAIMAhQCJAIsAjQCPAJEAnACiAKkAqwC0ALUAugDFAM4A2wDe + AOcA7gDyAPQA9gD4APwA/gEAAQIBBAEGAQ8BFAEjAScBLwFBAUQBSgAAAAAAAAIBAAAA + AAAAADoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFM + + NSTableView Sort Ordering v2 KeyBingingTable + + YnBsaXN0MDDUAQIDBAUGFBVYJHZlcnNpb25YJG9iamVjdHNZJGFyY2hpdmVyVCR0b3AS + AAGGoKMHCA1VJG51bGzSCQoLDFpOUy5vYmplY3RzViRjbGFzc6CAAtIODxARWiRjbGFz + c25hbWVYJGNsYXNzZXNeTlNNdXRhYmxlQXJyYXmjEBITV05TQXJyYXlYTlNPYmplY3Rf + EA9OU0tleWVkQXJjaGl2ZXLRFhdVQXJyYXmAAQgRGiMtMjc7QUZRWFlbYGt0g4ePmKqt + swAAAAAAAAEBAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC1 + + NSTableView Supports v2 KeyBingingTable + + NSToolbar Configuration com.apple.NSColorPanel + + TB Is Shown + 1 + + NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert + 410 363 620 392 0 0 1440 877 + NSWindow Frame SharedPreferences + 243 306 937 514 0 0 1440 877 + NSWindow Frame iTerm Window 0 + 0 0 1440 877 0 0 1440 877 + NSWindow Frame iTerm Window 1 + 0 0 1440 877 0 0 1440 877 + New Bookmarks + + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + Yes + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 0.84999999999999998 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + InconsolataLGCNerdFontCompleteM- 11 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + + NoSyncAllAppVersions + + 3.3.9 + 3.2.8 + 3.3.0 + 3.3.7 + 3.3.6 + + NoSyncBFPRecents + + InconsolataLGC Nerd Font Mono + Monaco + InconsolataLGC Nerd Font + CodeNewRoman Nerd Font + + NoSyncCommandHistoryHasEverBeenUsed + + NoSyncFrame_SharedPreferences + + screenFrame + {{0, 0}, {1440, 900}} + topLeft + {310, 688} + + NoSyncHaveUsedCopyMode + + NoSyncHaveWarnedAboutPasteConfirmationChange + + NoSyncInstallationId + D1EDCF8D-C344-455B-BFEC-28BF5D3B2A4E + NoSyncLastTipTime + 593204423.13678098 + NoSyncLaunchExperienceControllerRunCount + 60 + NoSyncNextAnnoyanceTime + 586423558.37022698 + NoSyncOnboardingWindowHasBeenShown + + NoSyncPermissionToShowTip + + NoSyncRecordedVariables + + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + 1 + + + isTerminal + + name + presentationName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxRole + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + lastCommand + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + profileName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + termid + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + id + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + jobName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + columns + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tab.tmuxWindowTitle + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + hostname + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxClientName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + path + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + triggerName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + terminalIconName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxWindowPane + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxStatusRight + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + mouseReportingMode + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + iterm2 + nonterminalContext + 4 + + + isTerminal + + name + name + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxPaneTitle + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + rows + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + username + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tty + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + autoLogId + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + badge + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tab.tmuxWindowName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tab + nonterminalContext + 2 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxStatusLeft + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + autoNameFormat + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + autoName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + terminalWindowName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + creationTimeString + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + commandLine + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + jobPid + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + pid + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + 16 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.presentationName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.iterm2.localhostName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + style + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + frame + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.pid + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.terminalWindowName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.lastCommand + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.terminalIconName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab + nonterminalContext + 2 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.window + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + id + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.name + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + titleOverride + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.path + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.commandLine + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + number + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.hostname + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.tty + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.username + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + iterm2 + nonterminalContext + 4 + + + isTerminal + + name + titleOverrideFormat + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentTab.currentSession.jobName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + 2 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.commandLine + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + title + nonterminalContext + 1 + + + isTerminal + + name + title + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxWindowTitle + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.presentationName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + iterm2.localhostName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxWindowName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + window + nonterminalContext + 16 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.tty + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.jobName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.name + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.lastCommand + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + window + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + id + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + titleOverride + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.username + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + iterm2 + nonterminalContext + 4 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.path + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + titleOverrideFormat + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.hostname + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession.pid + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + tmuxWindow + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession + nonterminalContext + 1 + + + isTerminal + + name + currentSession + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + 4 + + + isTerminal + + name + pid + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + localhostName + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + isTerminal + + name + effectiveTheme + nonterminalContext + 0 + + + + NoSyncTimeOfFirstLaunchOfVersionWithTip + 577189105.40622306 + NoSyncTipsToNotShow + + 0009 + 0016 + 0023 + 0030 + 0059 + 0066 + 0073 + 0002 + 0038 + 0045 + 0052 + 0017 + 0024 + 0031 + 0067 + 0074 + 0003 + 0010 + 0039 + 0046 + 0053 + 0060 + 0018 + 0025 + 0032 + 0068 + 0075 + 0004 + 0011 + 0047 + 0054 + 0061 + 0019 + 0026 + 0033 + 0040 + 0069 + 0076 + 0005 + 0012 + 0048 + 0055 + 0062 + 0027 + 0034 + 0041 + 0077 + 0006 + 0013 + 0020 + 0049 + 0056 + 0063 + 0070 + 0028 + 0035 + 0042 + 0007 + 0014 + 0021 + 0057 + 0064 + 0071 + 0000 + 0029 + 0036 + 0043 + 0050 + 0008 + 0015 + 0022 + 0058 + 0065 + 0072 + 0001 + 0037 + 000 + 0044 + 0051 + 0078 + + NoSyncTurnOffMouseReportingOnHostChange + + OpenArrangementAtStartup + + OpenNoWindowsAtStartup + + PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 + + PasteSpecialChunkDelay + 0.01 + PasteSpecialChunkSize + 1024 + PasteSpecialRegex + + PasteSpecialSubstitution + + PasteSpecialUseRegexSubstitution + + PasteTabToStringTabStopSize + 4 + PointerActions + + Button,1,1,, + + Action + kContextMenuPointerAction + + Button,2,1,, + + Action + kPasteFromClipboardPointerAction + + Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeDown,, + + Action + kPrevWindowPointerAction + + Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeLeft,, + + Action + kPrevTabPointerAction + + Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeRight,, + + Action + kNextTabPointerAction + + Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeUp,, + + Action + kNextWindowPointerAction + + + PrefsCustomFolder + /Users/david.de-lange/git/new-mac-setup + Print In Black And White + + SUEnableAutomaticChecks + + SUFeedAlternateAppNameKey + iTerm + SUFeedURL + https://iterm2.com/appcasts/final_new.xml?shard=72 + SUHasLaunchedBefore + + SULastCheckTime + 2020-05-10T09:25:05Z + SUSendProfileInfo + + SUSkippedVersion + 3.3.9 + SUUpdateRelaunchingMarker + + ShowBookmarkName + + ShowFullScreenTabBar + + SoundForEsc + + SwitchPaneModifier + 4 + TabStyleWithAutomaticOption + 4 + ThreeFingerEmulates + + UseVirtualKeyCodesForDetectingDigits + + VisualIndicatorForEsc + + Window Arrangements + + 2x4 + + + Desired Columns + 80 + Desired Rows + 25 + Has Toolbelt + + Height + 877 + Hide After Opening + + Hiding Toolbelt Should Resize Window + + Initial Profile + + Is Hotkey Window + + Saved Window Type + 0 + Screen + 0 + Selected Tab Index + 0 + Tabs + + + Root + + Subviews + + + Subviews + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH" + colorls + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + 8BE8ADFF-50CB-47F6-9C21-688031EFDC1E + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359.5 + x + 0.0 + y + 0.0 + + + + Is Active + 1 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + B28A800B-A96C-4C00-AE83-612E001AA574 + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359.5 + x + 0.0 + y + 427.5 + + + + View Type + Splitter + frame + + height + 854 + width + 359.5 + x + 0.0 + y + 0.0 + + isVertical + + + + Subviews + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + 5EB2C252-BF07-487A-AE31-320DCDD83F21 + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359 + x + 0.0 + y + 0.0 + + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + BDC599FF-EC93-402E-955C-88E4C1F1CDCB + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359 + x + 0.0 + y + 427.5 + + + + View Type + Splitter + frame + + height + 854 + width + 359 + x + 360.5 + y + 0.0 + + isVertical + + + + Subviews + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + 25B131C5-3EDF-4553-A30F-0D9DFAE112A5 + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359 + x + 0.0 + y + 0.0 + + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + 92FD6C7E-0578-4B70-80A3-3F974A05BF66 + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359 + x + 0.0 + y + 427.5 + + + + View Type + Splitter + frame + + height + 854 + width + 359 + x + 720.5 + y + 0.0 + + isVertical + + + + Subviews + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + B512A1CA-A976-4C7D-BA02-EC91E423AAC1 + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359.5 + x + 0.0 + y + 0.0 + + + + Is Active + 0 + Session + + Bookmark + + ASCII Anti Aliased + + Ambiguous Double Width + + Ansi 0 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 0.3333333432674408 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Blue Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Green Component + 0.3333333432674408 + Red Component + 1 + + BM Growl + + Background Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Background Image Location + + Blinking Cursor + + Blur + + Bold Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Character Encoding + 4 + Close Sessions On End + + Columns + 80 + Command + + Cursor Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Cursor Text Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 1 + Red Component + 1 + + Custom Command + No + Custom Directory + No + Default Bookmark + No + Description + Default + Disable Window Resizing + + Draw Powerline Glyphs + + Flashing Bell + + Foreground Color + + Blue Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Green Component + 0.73333334922790527 + Red Component + 0.73333334922790527 + + Guid + 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131 + Horizontal Spacing + 1 + Idle Code + 0 + Jobs to Ignore + + rlogin + ssh + slogin + telnet + + Keyboard Map + + 0x2d-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x32-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x00 + + 0x33-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b + + 0x34-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1c + + 0x35-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1d + + 0x36-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1e + + 0x37-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1f + + 0x38-0x40000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x7f + + 0xf700-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2A + + 0xf700-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5A + + 0xf700-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6A + + 0xf700-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 + + 0xf701-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2B + + 0xf701-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5B + + 0xf701-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6B + + 0xf701-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 + + 0xf702-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2D + + 0xf702-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5D + + 0xf702-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6D + + 0xf702-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44 + + 0xf703-0x220000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2C + + 0xf703-0x240000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5C + + 0xf703-0x260000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;6C + + 0xf703-0x280000 + + Action + 11 + Text + 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43 + + 0xf704-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2P + + 0xf705-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2Q + + 0xf706-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2R + + 0xf707-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2S + + 0xf708-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [15;2~ + + 0xf709-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [17;2~ + + 0xf70a-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [18;2~ + + 0xf70b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [19;2~ + + 0xf70c-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [20;2~ + + 0xf70d-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [21;2~ + + 0xf70e-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [23;2~ + + 0xf70f-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [24;2~ + + 0xf729-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2H + + 0xf729-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5H + + 0xf72b-0x20000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;2F + + 0xf72b-0x40000 + + Action + 10 + Text + [1;5F + + + Mouse Reporting + + Name + Default + Non Ascii Font + Monaco 12 + Non-ASCII Anti Aliased + + Normal Font + CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12 + Option Key Sends + 0 + Prompt Before Closing 2 + + Right Option Key Sends + 0 + Rows + 25 + Screen + -1 + Scrollback Lines + 0 + Selected Text Color + + Blue Component + 0.0 + Green Component + 0.0 + Red Component + 0.0 + + Selection Color + + Blue Component + 1 + Green Component + 0.8353000283241272 + Red Component + 0.70980000495910645 + + Send Code When Idle + + Shortcut + + Silence Bell + + Sync Title + + Tags + + Terminal Type + xterm-256color + Transparency + 0.0 + Unlimited Scrollback + + Use Bold Font + + Use Bright Bold + + Use Italic Font + + Use Non-ASCII Font + + Vertical Spacing + 1 + Visual Bell + + Window Type + 0 + Working Directory + /Users/david + + Columns + 47 + Commands + + Directories + + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + + Environment + + PWD + /Users/david.de-lange + + Hostname to Shell + + david.de-lange@davids-MacBook-Pro.local + bash + + Hosts + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Host name + davids-MacBook-Pro.local + User name + david.de-lange + + + Is UTF-8 + + Name Controller State + + icon title stack + + window title stack + + + Program + + Command + login -fp "david.de-lange" + Type + Command + + Rows + 33 + Session GUID + 09CD6C0A-1C2C-4305-9400-F342D32356A3 + Short Lived Single Use + + Should Expect Current Dir Updates + + Should Expect Prompt Marks + + Substitutions + + Working Directory + /Users/david.de-lange/scoutbee + Working Directory Poller Disabled + + + View Type + SessionView + frame + + height + 426.5 + width + 359.5 + x + 0.0 + y + 427.5 + + + + View Type + Splitter + frame + + height + 854 + width + 359.5 + x + 1080.5 + y + 0.0 + + isVertical + + + + View Type + Splitter + frame + + height + 854 + width + 1440 + x + 0.0 + y + 0.0 + + isVertical + + + + + TerminalGuid + pty-07FE2DB1-11E2-4D9B-A654-C9A7716B12DD + Toolbelt + + Profiles + + iTermToolProfilesProfileListViewState + + iTermProfileListViewRestorableStateTagsFraction + 0.0 + iTermProfileListViewRestorableStateTagsVisible + + + + + Toolbelt Proportions + + proportions + + + heightAsFraction + 1 + name + Profiles + + + + Use Transparency + + Width + 1440 + Window Type + 0 + X Origin + 0.0 + Y Origin + 0.0 + + + + findMode_iTerm + 0 + iTerm Version + 3.3.9 + + diff --git a/iStat Menus Settings.ismp b/iStat Menus Settings.ismp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb5ee67 --- /dev/null +++ b/iStat Menus Settings.ismp @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ + + + + + build + 1090 + preferences + + Battery_MenubarCustomizeStates + 1 + Battery_MenubarModeCharged + + + key + 2 + uuid + 6829E7A0-567A-47AF-8458-D5D5282A20D5 + + + Battery_MenubarModeCharging + + + key + 3 + uuid + 598A3F79-46ED-49C6-9A8F-76EFB56F06D3 + + + key + 7 + uuid + 567A3CFA-A25B-4180-AEA6-2226EC00FA39 + + + Battery_MenubarModeDraining + + + key + 3 + uuid + 463F62C8-5AC2-4AC9-86D5-480BDF4EDC03 + + + key + 7 + uuid + 13826F2E-E87A-4185-8D7B-18C04A1AC6FD + + + CPU_MenubarCombineCores + 1 + CPU_MenubarGraphBreakdowns + 0 + CPU_MenubarMode + + + key + 0 + uuid + DF096E9F-6B13-49F5-AEC6-669ED864F3F0 + + + CPU_ProcessCount + 10 + Disks_MenubarItems + + + boot + + key + CA5ACC1E-A32B-4335-BAA6-20BD47A07AB2 + name + Macintosh HD + + + Disks_MenubarMode + + + key + 5 + uuid + C308B0A5-8FE5-4998-99CA-9EDF0A5C4064 + + + FanControl_Sets + + + model + MacBookPro14,1 + name + Medium + speeds + + uuid + 8A0F1396-B24C-4256-B693-54CC9164789E + + + model + MacBookPro14,1 + name + High + speeds + + uuid + 947A1301-0F9E-4AFC-B609-CBF6639FB908 + + + InstalledHelpers-mas + + Memory_MenubarMode + + + key + 1 + uuid + 1BB13A2D-E69B-436B-BB6F-310C32AD178D + + + MenubarGraphSize + 0 + MenubarSkinColor-Dark + 0 + Migrated_6.0 + + Migrated_6.22 + + Network_AppSort + 0 + Network_DecimalLevelKB + 0 + Network_DecimalLevelMB + 2 + Network_GraphMode + 1 + Network_GraphShowBackground + 0 + Network_MenubarMode + + + key + 1 + uuid + 433959A1-4630-49B3-838C-357A133678AC + + + key + 0 + uuid + 9F3571D4-A808-4F3C-8E53-8635BDBEBBEB + + + Network_ProcessCount + 10 + Notifications-Items + + + enabled + + notification-type + 1 + rule-type + 17 + uuid + 63FCC90A-6598-4FB7-9525-E9D487BFA0E0 + value + 1.00 + + + enabled + + notification-type + 0 + rule-type + 14 + uuid + A52C1271-0B88-477E-B63F-9008B0589422 + value + 10.00 + + + enabled + + notification-type + 1 + rule-type + 20 + uuid + 51FBDF8D-20FA-43C4-96AE-2008CDDAC4CC + value + 3.00 + + + Sensors-Limits-Updated + + Sensors_MenubarMode + + + key + 0 + uuid + 3F04CCE5-DBCE-47E6-A8B5-479025158D23 + + + StatusItems-Order + + 6 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + + Time_MenubarFormat + + + format + + + HH + ':' + mm + ':' + ss + + + + + + TimerFrequency + 3 + Zarya-TLE + + time + 1548943832.853934 + tle + ISS (ZARYA) +1 25544U 98067A 19024.69130787 .00000289 00000-0 11946-4 0 9991 +2 25544 51.6429 354.9058 0004630 308.2748 50.7575 15.53168972152956 + + + + version + 6.31 + + diff --git a/search-engine-export.sql b/search-engine-export.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6cc3e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/search-engine-export.sql @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +begin transaction; +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('RuTracker.org', 'rutracker.org', 'http://rutracker.org/forum/tracker.php?nm={searchTerms}', 'https://rutracker.org/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('DuckDuckGo', 'duckduckgo.com_', 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms}', 'https://duckduckgo.com/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('YouTube', 'youtube.com', 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'https://www.ebay.fr/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xr%C3%A9glisse+menthe.TRS0&_nkw={searchTerms}&_sacat=0', 'https://www.ebay.fr/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('nominatim.openstreetmap.org', 'nominatim.openstreetmap.org', 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?q={searchTerms}&polygon_geojson=1&viewbox=', 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('ebay.de', 'ebay.de', 'https://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC1.A0.H0.Xdahon+vybe.TRS0&_nkw={searchTerms}&_sacat=0', 'https://www.ebay.de/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('DuckDuckGo', 'duckduckgo.com', 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms}', 'https://duckduckgo.com/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('airflow.apache.org', 'airflow.apache.org', 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'https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/img/favicon.ico?v=4f32ecc8f43d'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('LMGTFY', 'lmgtfy.com', 'http://lmgtfy.com/?q={searchTerms}', 'https://lmgtfy.com/favicon-32x32.png'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('Wikipedia (en)', 'en.wikipedia.org', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search={searchTerms}', 'https://en.wikipedia.org/static/favicon/wikipedia.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('cyberport.de', 'cyberport.de', 'https://www.cyberport.de/tools/search-results.html?autosuggest=false&q={searchTerms}', 'https://www.cyberport.de/etc.clientlibs/webshop30/clientlibs/resources/images/favicons/favicon-32x32.png'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('PyPI', 'pypi.org', 'https://pypi.org/search/?q={searchTerms}', 'https://pypi.org/static/images/favicon.6a76275d.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('DEV Search', 'dev.to', 'https://dev.to/search?q={searchTerms}', ''); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('Aliexpress Shopping', 'aliexpress.com', 'http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?SearchText={searchTerms}&opensearch=true', 'http://img.alibaba.com/images/eng/wholesale/icon/aliexpress.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('whosampled.com', 'whosampled.com', 'https://www.whosampled.com/search/?q={searchTerms}', 'https://www.whosampled.com/static/images/favicon.ico'); +REPLACE INTO (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('amazon.de', 'amazon.de', 'https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords={searchTerms}', 'https://www.amazon.de/favicon.ico'); +end transaction; diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/Base File.sublime-settings b/sublime_text_user_settings/Base File.sublime-settings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b2afac --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/Base File.sublime-settings @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[ + { "keys": ["shift+ctrl+a"], "command": "alignment" } +] diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/BufferScroll.sublime-settings b/sublime_text_user_settings/BufferScroll.sublime-settings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ff6168 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/BufferScroll.sublime-settings @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "version": 7 +} diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4f101 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[ +] diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4f101 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[ +] diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4f101 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[ +] diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/Default.sublime-keymap b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default.sublime-keymap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4f101 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/Default.sublime-keymap @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[ +] diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/JavaScript (Babel).sublime-settings b/sublime_text_user_settings/JavaScript (Babel).sublime-settings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2495871 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/JavaScript (Babel).sublime-settings @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "extensions": + [ + "js" + ] +} diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/JavaScript.sublime-settings b/sublime_text_user_settings/JavaScript.sublime-settings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9fb4e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/JavaScript.sublime-settings @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "extensions": + [ + ] +} diff --git a/sublime_text_user_settings/JsPrettier.sublime-settings b/sublime_text_user_settings/JsPrettier.sublime-settings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8c2356 --- /dev/null +++ b/sublime_text_user_settings/JsPrettier.sublime-settings @@ -0,0 +1,500 @@ +{ + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Debug Mode + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "debug" + // @default false + // + // When enabled (true), additional debugging information about the command + // and configured settings will be printed to the Sublime Text Console; + // useful for troubleshooting purposes. + // + // Enabling debug mode also sets Prettier's "--loglevel" option to "debug" + // (when not overridden by "additional_cli_args"), for printing additional + // debug information to the console. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "debug": false, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Prettier CLI Path + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_cli_path" + // @default "" + // + // It's recommended to leave the "prettier_cli_path" value empty "". + // However, if Sublime Text has problems resolving the path to the + // `prettier` cli executable, you can explicitly specify the path here. + // + // If the `prettier_cli_path` setting is left empty (""), the path is + // resolved by searching locations in the following order, returning the + // first matched path: + // + // 1. Locally installed prettier relative to active view. + // 2. Locally installed prettier relative to the Sublime Text Project file's root directory. e.g.: `node_modules/.bin/prettier` and `node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js`. + // 3. The current user home directory. e.g.: `$HOME/node_modules/.bin/prettier`. + // 4. JsPrettier Sublime Text plug-in directory. + // 5. Globally installed prettier. + // + // macOS and Linux examples: + // + // "prettier_cli_path": "/usr/local/bin/prettier" + // "prettier_cli_path": "/some/absolute/path/to/node_modules/.bin/prettier" + // "prettier_cli_path": "./node_modules/.bin/prettier" + // "prettier_cli_path": "~/bin/prettier" + // "prettier_cli_path": "$HOME/bin/prettier" + // "prettier_cli_path": "${project_path}/bin/prettier" + // "prettier_cli_path": "$ENV/bin/prettier" + // + // Windows examples: + // + // "prettier_cli_path": "C:/path/to/prettier.cmd" + // "prettier_cli_path": "%USERPROFILE%\\bin\\prettier.cmd" + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "prettier_cli_path": "", + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Node Path + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "node_path" + // @default "" + // + // It's strongly recommended to leave the "node_path" value empty "". + // However, if Sublime Text has problems resolving the "absolute" path to + // `node`, you can explicitly specify the path here. + // + // macOS/Linux Examples: + // + // "node_path": "/usr/local/bin/node" + // "node_path": "/some/absolute/path/to/node" + // "node_path": "./node" + // "node_path": "~/bin/node" + // "node_path": "$HOME/bin/node" + // "node_path": "${project_path}/bin/node" + // "node_path": "$ENV/bin/node" + // + // Windows Examples: + // + // "node_path": "C:/path/to/node.exe" + // "node_path": "%USERPROFILE%\\bin\\node.exe" + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "node_path": "", + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Auto Format on Save + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "auto_format_on_save" + // @default false + // + // Whether or not to automatically format the file on save. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "auto_format_on_save": false, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Auto Format on Save Excludes + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {array} "auto_format_on_save_excludes" + // @default [] + // + // Ignore auto formatting when the target file, or its path resides in a + // particular location, and when `auto_format_on_save` is turned on. + // + // Example: + // + // "auto_format_on_save_excludes": [ + // "*/node_modules/*", + // "*/file.js", + // "*.json" + // ] + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "auto_format_on_save_excludes": [], + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Auto Format Requires Prettier Config File + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "auto_format_on_save_requires_prettier_config" + // @default false + // + // Enable auto format on save ONLY when a Prettier config file is found. + // + // The Prettier config file is resolved by first checking if a `--config ` + // is specified in the `additional_cli_args` setting, then by searching the + // location of the file being formatted, and finally navigating up the file + // tree until a config file is (or isn't) found. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "auto_format_on_save_requires_prettier_config": false, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Allow Inline Formatting + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "allow_inline_formatting" + // @default false + // + // Provides the ability to format selections of in-lined code, outside of + // the normally supported syntaxes and file types. For example, to format a + // selection of JavaScript code within a PHP or HTML file. When `true`, the + // JsPrettier command is available for use across all Sublime Text syntaxes. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "allow_inline_formatting": false, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Custom File Extensions + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {array} "custom_file_extensions" + // @default [] + // + // Additional custom file extensions to format. + // + // There's built-in support already for "js", "jsx", "mjs", "json", "html", + // "graphql/gql", "ts", "tsx", "css", "scss", "less", "md", "mdx", "yml" + // and "vue" and "component.html" (angular html) files. + // + // Additional file extensions MUST be specified here, and without the leading dot. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "custom_file_extensions": [], + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Maximum File Size Limit + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {int} "max_file_size_limit" + // @default -1 + // + // The maximum allowed file size to format in bytes. For performance + // reasons, files with a greater file size than the specified + // `max_file_size_limit` will not be formatted. + // + // Setting the `max_file_size_limit` value to `-1` will disable file size + // checking (default). + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "max_file_size_limit": -1, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Disable Tab Width Auto Detection + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "disable_tab_width_auto_detection" + // @default false + // + // IMPORTANT: By default, "tabWidth" is automatically set using the + // SublimeText configured value for "tab_size". To disable this + // behavior, you must first change the "disable_tab_width_auto_detection" + // value from false, to true. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "disable_tab_width_auto_detection": false, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Disable Prettier Cursor Offset Calculation + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {object} "disable_prettier_cursor_offset" + // @default false + // + // There's an apparent (and nasty) defect in Prettier that seems to occur + // during Prettier's cursor offset calculation, and when attempting to + // format large or minimized files (but not limited to just these cases). + // The issue effectively results in the CPU spiking to a constant 100%... + // indefinitely, or until the node executable/process running Prettier is + // forcefully terminated. + // + // To avoid this problematic behavior, or until the defect is resolved, you + // can disable the plug-in (JsPrettier) from ever passing the cursor offset + // position to Prettier by setting the `disable_prettier_cursor_offset` value to `true`. + // + // Related Issues: + // - https://github.com/jonlabelle/SublimeJsPrettier/issues/147 + // - https://github.com/jonlabelle/SublimeJsPrettier/issues/168 + // + // Prettier Cursor Offset Documentation: + // - https://prettier.io/docs/en/api.html#prettierformatwithcursorsource-options + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "disable_prettier_cursor_offset": false, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Additional CLI Arguments + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {object} "additional_cli_args" + // @default {} + // + // A key-value pair of additional arguments to append to the prettier + // command. + // + // Examples: + // + // "additional_cli_args": { + // "--config": "path/to/my/custom/.prettierrc", + // "--config": "~/.prettierrc", + // "--config": "$HOME/.prettierrc", + // "--config": "${project_path}/.prettierrc", + // "--config-precedence": "prefer-file", + // "--ignore-path": "${file_path}/.prettierignore", + // "--with-node-modules": "", + // "--plugin-search-dir": "$folder" + // } + // + // NOTE: If choosing to specify additional cli args, it is assumed that each + // argument is supported by the prettier-cli. Otherwise, the command will + // fail to run, and errors will be dumped out to the Sublime Text Console. + // + // You can also enable the debug setting to inspect the generated + // command-line output passed to prettier; which is also useful for quickly + // troubleshooting issues. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "additional_cli_args": {}, + + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Prettier Options + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // Native Prettier options are defined here. + // + // For a complete list of supported options and acceptable values, + // visit https://github.com/jlongster/prettier. + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "prettier_options": { + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // printWidth + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {int} "prettier_options.printWidth" + // @default 80 + // + // Fit code within this line limit. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "printWidth": 80, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // tabWidth + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {int} "prettier_options.tabWidth" + // @default 2 + // + // Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level. + // + // IMPORTANT: By default, "tabWidth" is automatically set using the + // SublimeText configured value for "tab_size". To disable this + // behavior, you must first change the "disable_tab_width_auto_detection" + // setting to "true". + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "tabWidth": 2, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // singleQuote + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "prettier_options.singleQuote" + // @default false + // + // If true, will use single instead of double quotes. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "singleQuote": false, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // trailingComma + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_options.trailingComma" + // @default "es5" + // + // Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible. + // + // Valid options: + // + // "none" - No trailing commas + // "es5" - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc) + // "all" - Trailing commas wherever possible (function arguments) + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "trailingComma": "es5", + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // bracketSpacing + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "prettier_options.bracketSpacing" + // @default true + // + // Controls the printing of spaces inside array and objects. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "bracketSpacing": true, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // jsxBracketSameLine + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "prettier_options.jsxBracketSameLine" + // @default false + // + // If true, puts the `>` of a multi-line jsx element at the end of + // the last line instead of being alone on the next line. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "jsxBracketSameLine": false, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // parser + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_options.parser" + // @default "babel" + // + // Which parser to use. Valid options are "flow", "babel", + // "typescript", "css", "json", "graphql", "markdown" and "yaml". + // + // NOTE: The `parser` option is automatically set by the plug-in + // (JsPrettier), based on the contents of current file or selection. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "parser": "babel", + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // semi + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "prettier_options.semi" + // @default true + // + // Whether to add a semicolon at the end of every line (semi: true), or + // only at the beginning of lines that may introduce ASI failures (semi: false) + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "semi": true, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // requirePragma + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "prettier_options.requirePragma" + // @default false + // + // Prettier can restrict itself to only format files that contain a + // special comment, called a pragma, at the top of the file. This is + // very useful when gradually transitioning large, unformatted codebases + // to prettier. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "requirePragma": false, + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // proseWrap + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_options.proseWrap" + // @default "preserve" + // + // (Markdown and YAML Only) By default, Prettier will wrap markdown text + // as-is since some services use a linebreak-sensitive renderer, e.g. + // GitHub comment and BitBucket. In some cases you may want to rely on + // SublimeText soft wrapping instead, so this option allows you to opt + // out with "never". + // + // Valid options: + // + // "always" - Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width. + // "never" - Do not wrap prose. + // "preserve" (default) - Wrap prose as-is. available in v1.9.0+ + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "proseWrap": "preserve", + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // arrowParens + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_options.arrowParens" + // @default "always" + // + // Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter. + // + // Valid Options: + // + // - "avoid" - Omit parentheses when possible. Example: `x => x` + // - "always" (default) - Always include parentheses. Example: `(x) => x` + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "arrowParens": "always", + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // htmlWhitespaceSensitivity + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_options.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity" + // @default "css" + // + // Specify the global whitespace sensitivity for HTML files. + // + // Valid Options: + // + // - "css" (default) - Respect the default value of CSS display property. + // - "strict" - Whitespaces are considered sensitive. + // - "ignore" - Whitespaces are considered insensitive. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css", + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Quote Props + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {string} "prettier_options.quoteProps" + // @default "as-needed" + // + // Change when properties in objects are quoted. Requires Prettier v1.17+. + // + // Valid options: + // + // - "as-needed" (default) - Only add quotes around object properties where required. + // - "consistent" - If at least one property in an object requires quotes, quote all properties. + // - "preserve" - Respect the input use of quotes in object properties. + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + "quoteProps": "as-needed", + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // vueIndentScriptAndStyle + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // @param {bool} "prettier_options.vueIndentScriptAndStyle" + // @default false + // + // (Vue files Only) Whether or not to indent the code inside