- Prevent NumberOfIndividualFilesToCompareAtATime from ever being zero and resulting in divide by zero error.
- Fix bug where external Git diff tool cannot be launched when the path in the .gitconfig file is enclosed in single quotes.
- Changed settings screen to separate the Diff Tool configuration from other settings.
- Reference newer version of LibGit2Sharp library to fix file path bug causing extension to not load properly on some Git repositories.
- Added support for Git, so extension now shows in the Git Changes and Git Commit Details windows.
- Changed settings to allow up to 9999 files to be diff'd at a time, instead of just 99.
- Attempting to fix bug where the extension will not load on some user's computers due to it being unable to load a specific version of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.*.dll files.
- Fixed bug where file name's extension's casing could affect if Diff All Files was able to close an external diff viewer window or not.
- Initial release of VS 2015 version of the extension.
- Known bug where the "Close All" button does not close external diff application, but wanted to get the VS 2015 version released asap.