- Prevent NumberOfIndividualFilesToCompareAtATime from ever being zero and resulting in divide by zero error.
- Fix bug where settings were not saved and would always revert back to defaults.
- Re-enable asynchronous loading on background thread, as VS 2019 v16.1+ now disables all synchronous extensions by default. This re-introduces the issue where the control shows an error instead of loading properly if it's visible right away at Visual Studio startup, but at least the extension will be usable again, and that error has an easy work around of just going to the Home tab in Team Explorer and then back to the Changes tab, until it can be fixed properly.
- Allow extension to be installed on all versions of Visual Studio 2019 (e.g. v16.x), not just v16.0.
- Remove asynchronous loading on background thread, as it would cause the UI to throw errors if the controls were visible right away at Visual Studio startup.
- Remove unnecessary dependencies preventing installation on some systems.
- Initial release of VS 2019 version of the extension.