Note: AR Studio requires a Mac so we everything here is written for Mac user, but everything should run ok on Windows once available.
- Node 8.5.0 or better
- Azure Functions core tools for Mac
- MongoDB for running local db on Mac
- ngrok for serving localhost as https (required for AR Studio)
- Start mongodb
- Start Azure Functions locally
func host start --debug VSCode
- Start ngrok https server
ngrok http 7071
- Clone the AR Studio game project and add your ngrok domain to whitelisted domains. (Refer to the readme for config instuctions.)
The API is available as Postman collection which can be imported into Postman app.
- LobbyCreate
- LobbyJoin
- LobbyDelete
- MatchReady
- MatchStatus
- MatchTurn
- MatchDelete
npm test
- Fork this repo
- Sign in to Azure portal
- Create new Azure Function
- Once your Azure Function is provisioned then update your Function app settings to use version 2 (beta)
- Create new Azure Cosmos DB and select MongoDB from the API options. Once it's provisioned then select 'Connection String' under Settings and copy your connection details including HOST, PORT, USERNAME, PRIMARY PASSWORD
- Back in your Azure Function add the following environment variables using your connection details:
- MongoDBHost
- MongoDBPort
- MongoDBUser
- MongoDBPass
- To deploy your Function app select
Platform Features > Deployment Options > Setup > GitHub
and choose your forked repo.