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videojitter FAQ

Are there setups videojitter may struggle with?

Yes. In general, the following situations make the videojitter analyzer's job harder and may lead to loss of precision or nonsensical results:

  • Light pollution on the instrument, e.g. attempting to measure in a bright room.
    • This is especially problematic if the room is illuminated by a light source that exhibits high frequency flicker, such as some LED lamps. In such cases videojitter may be confused into thinking your room lights are the display and will end up measuring them instead!
  • The warmup/cooldown pattern being interpreted as part of the test signal.
    • This will usually surface as problems in the first/last few seconds of the recording. The test signal may also be reported as being slightly longer than expected (e.g. 65 seconds instead of 60).
    • This is usually caused by the instrument being too close to the display, such that it only sees one "square" of the checkers pattern. Move the instrument away from the display so that it can see multiple squares.
  • Incorrect instrument recording levels.
    • If the recording level is set too low, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) may suffer.
    • If the recording level is set too high, or the instrument is saturated by excessive light levels, clipping may occur.
  • Instrument noise.
    • Completely random frame time variations around frame times, with no visible discrete steps nor patterns, are often caused by random background noise in the recording.
    • This takes the form of "fuzzy lines" on videojitter charts, and can be confirmed by looking at the raw waveform. See this example.
    • Signal-to-noise ratio can sometimes be improved by increasing display brightness, moving the instrument closer to the display, or increasing instrument gain.
    • Better instruments will produce less noise.
  • Video playback systems that exhibit tearing or make use of "frame blending", "motion interpolation" or similar techniques.
    • These make it impossible to tell when original video frames begin and end, and will confuse videojitter.
    • In particular, when measuring TVs, double check that any "motion smoothness" features are disabled - they are often enabled by default.
  • More generally, video playback systems that are not strictly "sample and hold" may confuse videojitter.
    • Examples of systems that are not "sample and hold" include "refresh type" displays such as CRTs and plasma, and displays that make use of motion blur reduction techniques such as "backlight strobing" or "black frame insertion" (BFI).
    • Such displays may "blink" white frames multiple times, confusing videojitter into reporting multiple transition for a single white video frame.
  • Displays that use PWM backlights may also confuse videojitter for the same reason as above.
    • Most PWM backlights have high enough frequency that videojitter will be able to "see past" them, but that is not always the case.
    • If your display uses a PWM backlight, it's a good idea to always set the backlight to 100% which should hopefully defeat PWM.
    • When measuring a display that uses PWM, a "PWM edge" may occur around the same time as a frame transition, leading to increased variance in transition timestamp estimates which takes the form of visible "noise" on the resulting videojitter chart.
  • Time-varying display backlight intensity may confuse videojitter and lead to loss of precision.
    • Examples include "dynamic contrast" and "local dimming", which lead to different transition shapes depending on frame duration, and can also make the warmup/cooldown pattern less effective.
    • Another example are ambient light sensors, which are sometimes enabled by default on smartphones and TVs.
    • Make sure these features are disabled while recording.
  • Frames that are too short in duration, such that the next transition occurs before the display and/or instrument has time to settle.
    • These make it difficult for videojitter to precisely time transitions, because the shape of "truncated" transitions is different from the shape of a "full" transition.
    • Ideally your instrument should settle faster than the frame duration you are trying to measure. Most photodiode-based instruments should be more than fast enough.
    • Even if your instrument is fast enough, at high enough frame rates, the display itself may be the bottleneck - consider that many LCD panels may struggle to fully transition between black and white in less than a few milliseconds.
    • In general, this is unlikely to be a problem when measuring 24 FPS video, because 24 FPS frames take an eternity as far as typical setups are concerned. >60 FPS video is usually where things get challenging.
    • See this example for a detailed discussion of how excessively slow transitions may look like.

In many of the cases described above, looking at the recording waveform (e.g. in an audio editor such as Audacity) will often provide visual hints as to what the problem may be. For example, the following waveform shows evidence of display backlight PWM in the form of a high-frequency, low-amplitude periodic signal superimposed on white frames only:

If you think videojitter should be able to do a better job analyzing a given recording, feel free to file an issue (include your spec and raw recording file) so that the problem can be looked at; it may be possible to improve videojitter to better handle certain scenarios. As a last resort, adjusting some videojitter-analyze-recording options such as --min-edge-separation-seconds, --min-frequency-ratio or --slope-prominence-threshold may help in some cases, but do file a report anyway as ideally videojitter users shouldn't have to touch these.

What is the purpose of the "warmup" and "cooldown" patterns?

By default, videojitter test videos include a 5-second "warmup" section and a 5-second "cooldown" section before and after the test signal itself. These serve multiple purposes:

  1. To ensure the boundaries of the test signal are clear to the analyzer.
    • Otherwise the analyzer could get confused and include some random activity before/after the test signal in the results.
  2. To provide some padding, allowing the video playback system to "settle down" before the actual measurement starts.
    • For example, this gives time for potential video player On-Screen Display (OSD) elements to fade out so that they don't interfere with the measurement.
    • Some video playback systems also tend to have some benign frame timing issues at the very beginning of playback that are not representative of steady state operation.
  3. To ensure that the average light level right before and after the test signal is roughly similar to the average light level of the test signal.
    • This is achieved using a blinking checkers pattern, which ensures that every pixel of the display sees the same on/off cycle as during the test signal.
    • The use of a checkers pattern, as opposed to full screen black/white, results in the overall pattern looking like "grey" to the instrument, assuming that it is located far enough away from the display for the light from the checker pattern to spatially integrate in the instrument. This ensures the analyzer won't mistake the pattern for the test signal.
      • One alternative could be to actually display a full screen grey color, but this is harder than it sounds because the correct color value would depend on gamma and on the effective duty cycle of the test signal on/off light output. The checkers pattern approach is more robust, though it is by no means perfect (e.g. it will fail to match the response of the test signal if the display uses "dynamic contrast").
    • The overarching goal is to prevent large, sudden average light level shifts at the beginning and end of the test signal, which would otherwise result in measurement artefacts especially with slow display/instruments and/or AC-coupled instruments.

You can adjust the length of these patterns, or remove them entirely, using the videojitter-generate-video --begin-padding and --end-padding options. This is especially useful if you want to measure the very beginning of playback. Of course, if you remove the padding, you will lose the aforementioned benefits, but the analyzer will do its best to make sense of your recording regardless.

What is "edge direction compensation"?

Edge direction compensation is a feature of the videojitter report generator that is aimed at suppressing distracting timing differences between transitions to white frames vs. transitions to black frames.

To understand why this is useful, it is important to realize that displays tend to exhibit different response curves (as in, light signal waveforms) when transitioning to white vs. transitioning to black. This can lead to videojitter measuring a consistent, systematic delay depending on the color of the frame being transitioned to.

To be clear, this is not a measurement artefact, per se - after all, these delays are, in fact, induced by the video playback system, and one could argue they should be reported as such. (This assumes the instrument itself does not come with its own asymmetric response. It is unclear if this assumption holds in practice.)

However, one could just as easily argue that these delays are misleading, because they will tend to suggest that there is systematic timing error between adjacent pairs of frames, but in reality this timing error is completely dependent on the source and destination color of the pixel being transitioned. In extreme cases this can lead to reports that suggest the presence of a 3:2 "24p@60Hz" pattern that isn't real, for example.

It is important to keep in mind that videojitter's goal is to measure when transitions occur and how much time elapses between them, not how individual transitions look like or how long they take. If you want to do that, you'd likely want to research the methods display hardware reviewers use to measure display pixel response. videojitter is more suitable for diagnosing issues upstream of the display itself, where frames are not being sent to the display at the right time.

For these reasons, videojitter will attempt to hide delays that uniformly affect transitions to frames of the same color. This is what "edge direction compensation" does.

Edge direction compensation is implemented by calculating the average delay in rising edges (transitions to a given color) and separately for falling edges (transitions to the opposite color). videojitter then uniformly applies a timing correction to all same-direction edges throughout the entire recording so that the difference disappears. The amount of correction applied is indicated in the "fine print" (the text below the chart).

Edge direction compensation can be disabled by passing the --no-edge-direction-compensation option to videojitter-generate-report. This will likely result in the chart showing two separate "lines" as the transition interval changes back and forth with every frame.

What is the purpose of the "intentionally delayed transition"?

If you look closely at the test video that videojitter generates, you will notice that there is a single frame exactly halfway through that is repeated, i.e. the same color is shown for two frames in a row. This is not a bug; videojitter duplicates that frame on purpose to create an intentionally delayed transition.

This is done for two reasons:

  1. To determine the polarity of the recording.
    • Intuitively, you'd expect a higher light level to translate to a higher signal level in the recording, but that is not always the case; with some instruments it's the opposite.
    • For user convenience, videojitter attempts to autodetect the polarity of the recording. The way this works is, videojitter looks at the recording level for the repeated frame, and since it knows what color the repeated frame is, it can deduce the mapping between signal level and frame color.
    • If the autodetection succeeds, videojitter will report frame colors (i.e. "black" or "white"); if it fails, the chart will only show edge direction (i.e. "falling edge" or "rising edge").
  2. To break up any patterns that affect the relative timing of successive pairs of transitions.
    • The textbook example is a 3:2 "24p@60Hz" pattern, where every other frame is displayed for a different amount of time.
    • If there was no delayed transition, the pattern would de facto induce a systematic delay in white frames (or black frames).
    • This is a problem because it would interact badly with edge direction compensation: indeed videojitter would be unable to tell whether the difference in duration between black frames and white frames is due to benign differences in display pixel response (which we don't care about), or whether it's caused by actual differences in frame presentation timing such as a 3:2 pattern (which we definitely do want to know about).
    • The goal of the delayed transition is to invert that relationship, decorrelating frame color from any frame timing pattern.

During report generation, videojitter will attempt to automatically locate the intentionally delayed transition among the other transitions in the recording and annotate it accordingly. Note this autodetection relies on heuristics (it's basically looking for a transition that "stands out" from its neighbors around the timestamp where the delayed transition is supposed to be), which means it doesn't always work. If autodetection fails, the delayed transition will not be annotated on the chart and frame colors won't be shown. It's also possible for videojitter to incorrectly locate the delayed transition, which means the annotation will be on the wrong transition, and the frame color information may be inverted as well.

You can omit the delayed transition from the test video (and subsequent analysis) by passing the --no-delayed-transition option to videojitter-generate-spec. Note that this will prevent videojitter from determining frame colors, and it will also disable edge direction compensation by default to avoid potentially misleading results.

What does "clock skew" mean?

Videojitter always reports timestamps and durations based on sample time from the recording WAV file. In other words, the reference clock is the clock of the instrument.

No clock is ever perfect, and the clock of the instrument does not run at the exact same speed as the clock that the video playback system uses to time frames. Therefore, a very small deviation (<0.1%) from expected frame durations is normal and expected. This is called clock skew.

Large clock skews, in the order of 1% or more, are more concerning and may be indicative of a potential problem. A very slow video clock (e.g. <0.9x) may indicate the video player is unable to keep up with the bitrate of the video (in this case, audio dropouts would be expected as well). Some video playback setups (hopefully rare nowadays) may speed up 24 FPS content to 25 FPS, resulting in the video playing ~1.04x faster than normal.

videojitter will automatically calculate and report clock skew in the "fine print" (the text below the chart) so that any issues may be quantified and dealt with.