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Var, Let, and Const

In ES6, these are the new ways to declare variables. Hooray for not having to use var and have all of the closure issues that came with it. Here's how it works from a Scope perspective:

  • var will be attached to the function it’s inside
  • let will be attached to the block it’s inside
  • let is not hoisted so has to be placed at the top of a block to make it available throughout the block

Immutable data with const

function immutable() {
  const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };
  const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

  obj.a = 'a';
  array.splice(1, 1);

  return { obj, arr };

An easy misunderstanding here could be to think that writing obj.a = 'a' will throw an error because it is a constant. It doesn't make the data immutable.

function immutableReference() {
  const obj = { a: 'a' };
  obj = { a: 'q' };

  return obj;

It does mean that the reference is immutable. When using const, we are free to reassign the value of obj.a, but we cannot change what value obj is referencing.

Block scoping

When using a regular var declaration, it is scoped to its closure. When using let and const, they are scoped to the block they are declared in, or the surrounding block.

function ifBlock() {
  if (3 > 1) {
    const x = 34;
    let y = 43;

  return { x, y };

So this will actually throw an error, because x and y are scoped to the if statement's block. If we had declared x and y using var, then our return statement would have had access the values through closure.

function block() {
    const x = 34;
    let y = 43;

  return { x, y };

And in fact, the block can doesn't have to be an if statement. It can just be a simple block like this, and the same logic will still apply.

function scoped() {
  let x = 10;

    const x = 20;

  return x;

And here, the value returned will be 10 since the const is only scoped to its block.

Fixing the for loop

There's been a problem with for loops for a long time in JavaScript where the value of i can cause some issues. We declare the value of i using var normally, which can give us some unexpected results if we manipulating data inside the for loop.

function forLoopExample() {
  const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
  const callbacks = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    callbacks.push(function cb() {
      return arr[i];

  return => callback());

We are looping through every item of the Array, and for each one we are pushing a callback function into a new Array called callbacks. The callback is nothing complicated, it just returns the value of arr[i]. At the end of the function, we loop through each callback and run it.

Expected outcome: We expect to loop through the callbacks Array, and see an Array created with the callbacks like this: [1, 2, 3, 4].

Actual outcome: We actually get an Array returned of [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]. Not ideal.


Let's break it down:

  • var is scoped to its closure which is the function it was declared in
  • Every time i is incremented, it's incrementing the value of i on a closure level
  • Each callback is referencing this i, and remember that it is not pushing arr[1] to the callback, it is pushing arr[i] with a reference to i
  • When each callback runs, it looks up the value of i and finds the i scoped to the closure
  • When the for loop has finished, i is 4 and each callback is going to look for arr[4] which returns undefined

How do we fix this?

It's as simple as replacing var i = 0 with let i = 0, and that's it. It works as expected.

  • Each callback is now referencing an i variable from its block rather than the closure thanks to let.
  • When each callback looks for arr[i], it will referencing an i variable which is only available to that callback.

Template Literals

Template Literals help us to make creating dynamic Strings more readable, and also give us a lot more JavaScript power with our Strings.


function interpolation() {
  const greeting = 'Hello';
  const name = 'Declan';

  return `${greeting}, ${name}`;

Instantly, this is a bit more readable than seeing a lot of +'s and other garbage to create a dynamic String.

Multiline Strings

function multiline() {
  return (`
    this is on a new line
    this is also on a new line

We can also declare a multiline String using template literals too. If you've ever had to write a HTML String, or had to add new lines to your string then you'll love this. You no longer have to use \n or indent multiple Strings in an attempt to make it look readable.


function tag() {
  const greeting = 'Hey';
  const name = 'Declan';

  return tag`I want to say: "${greeting}, ${name}!"`;

  function tag(stringParts, ...interpolations) {
    // {
    //   0: [ 'I want to say: "', ', ', '!"'],
    //   1: 'Hey',
    //   2: 'Declan'
    // }

    return arguments;

You can also use a tag to customize the String's construction using a function. In this simple example, it's not that useful but it can be useful.

Making HTTP requests:

     Content-Type: application/json
     X-Credentials: ${credentials}
     { "foo": ${foo},
       "bar": ${bar}}`(myOnReadyStateChangeHandler);

Construct a readable HTTP request prefix used to interpret the replacements and construction


The styled-components library allows you to create React components like this:

import styled from 'styled-components';

const StyledButton = styled.button`
  color: red;

export default StyledButton;

Behind the scenes, this is taking advantage of template literals to create a readable syntax which makes writing CSS in JavaScript seem natural. It will call styled.button() with the String, and return a React component which uses the String for the component's styling.


In ES6, these are the new ways to declare variables. Hooray for not having to use var and have all of the closure issues that came with it.

Simple destructuring

function getAverage() {
  const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
  // Not an Object, it's called a destructuring pattern. We give a pattern that we want to use to pull things out of obj
  const { a, b, c } = obj;
  return Math.floor((a + b + c) / 3.0);

This simple example shows how we can use destructuring to make our final return statement much cleaner and easier to understand. The {} we use when saying const { a, b, c } is not an Object, but is a destructuring pattern. The pattern we give here will be used to describe how to pull the values out of obj.

Nested destructuring

function getAverageTemp() {
  const weather = {
    location: 'Hong Kong',
    unit: 'Celsius',
    today: { max: 20, min: 18 },
    tomorrow: { max: 22, min: 19 },

  const {
    today: {
      max: maxToday,
      min: minToday,
    tomorrow: {
      max: maxTomorrow,
      min: minTomorrow,
  } = weather;

  return {
    max: (maxToday + maxTomorrow) / 2.0,
    min: (minToday + minTomorrow) / 2.0,
    unit: unit,

We can even destructure nested Objects to suit our needs. In this example, we've destructured the weather Object to get the unit, and then we go into the today and tomorrow Objects and destructure those as well. This kind of thing would be especially useful if we receive an API response, and we only want to pluck out certain pieces of data or assign certain pieces of data to specific names.

Destructuring an Array

function getFirstTwo() {
  const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
  const [firstItem, secondItem] = arr;

  return { firstItem, secondItem };

Just as easy to destructure an Array!

Destructuring specific items in an Array

function getItems() {
  const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
  const [firstItem, secondItem, , , fifthItem] = arr;

  return { firstItem, secondItem, fifthItem };

You can also pluck out specific items of an Array using the above. Rather than typing first, second, third, fourth, fifth to pluck out the first 5 items, we can choose to do nothing with the third and fourth items.

Nested destructuring with Arrays

function getItems() {
  const arr = [
    [1, 2, 3],
    ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    ['one', 'two', 'three'],
  const [
    [, secondNumber],
    [, secondLetter],
    [, secondWord]

  return { secondNumber, secondLetter, secondWord };

Just as easy as with Objets!

Destructuring a mix of Arrays and Objects

function getEnemy() {
  const info = {
    title: 'Once Upon A Time',
    protagonist: {
      name: 'Emma Swan',
      enemies: [
        { name: 'Regina Mills', title: 'Evil queen' },
        { name: 'Cora Mills', title: 'Queen of something' },
        { name: 'Peter Pan', title: 'The boy who never grew up' },
        { name: 'Zelena', title: 'The wicked witch' },

  const {
    protagonist: {
      name: protagonistName,
      enemies: {
        3: {
          name: enemyName,
          title: enemyTitle,
  } = info;

  return `${enemyName} ${enemyTitle} is an enemy of ${protagonistName} in ${title}`;

We can just apply the same principals and easily destructure something containing both Objects and Arrays. When we have a big Array like the enemies Array here, we can also use an Object syntax where we specify the index in the Array and it will fetch that index in the Array.

Setting default values

function defaultValues() {
  const bench = { type: 'Piano', adjustable: false };
  const {
    legs: legCount = 4,
  } = bench;

  return legCount;

By adding an =, it's really easy to set defaults for variables if they don't exist or aren't passed in. It's very common to see this kind of syntax in the arguments of a function, like this:

function reducer({ state = {}, action }) {

In Redux, it might be common to see this when creating a Reducer. If there is no state passed into the function, or if the state is null/undefined then it will default to {} which is something that our function can handle. Easy!

Object Literals


One confusing thing about using ES5 was prototype. It was used a lot to create a "class" like architecture, and with ES6 it's a lot easier.

const parent = {
  parentProp: 'parent',
  otherProp: 'other',

const child = Object.create(parent, {
  childProp: 'child',
  otherProp: {
    one: 'prop one',
    two: 'prop two',
    three: 'prop three',

What just happened here? Well, we just removed the need to use prototype. We created a new Object called child with parent as its prototype, and then replaced the otherProp in the process. And it gets even easier:

const child = {
  __proto__: parent,
  childProp: 'child',
  otherProp: {
    one: 'prop one',
    two: 'prop two',
    three: 'prop three',

// Don't forget to get the prototype like this
// Don't use `child.__proto__` to refer to the prototype

We can even declare the __proto__ in the Object literal, as weird as that may feel.

Method Shorthand

Once you start playing around with the class keyword and some libraries using ES6, you may start to notice "methods" being used too.

function myMethod() {
  const greeter = {
    sayHello: function sayHello(name) {
      return `Hello ${name}`

  return greeter.sayHello('Declan')

This is how we would have previously written methods on an Object. There's nothing wrong with it, but who likes seeing function written everywhere?

function myMethod() {
  const greeter = {
    sayHello(name) {
      return `Hello ${name}`

  return greeter.sayHello('Declan')

And now it's slightly easier to read.

Computed Property Names

Using dynamic property names within Objects, now that was something that was also very, very gruesome in ES5.

function propertyNames() {
  function makeCar(make, model) {
    const car = {}

    car[make] = make
    car[model] = model

  return makeCar('Ford', 'Mustang')

Using nearly the same syntax, we are able to just declare the dynamic property names inside the Object literal.

function propertyNames() {
  function makeCar(make, model) {
    const car = {
      [make]: make,
      [model]: model,

  return makeCar('Ford', 'Mustang')

It doesn't necessarily make the code any shorter, but it's definitely more logical to read. A useful point here is that you could put any expression you want inside [] as long as it returns a String.


There's nothing new to introduce regarding parameters, so I'm just going to point out that everything we learnt regarding destructuring can be applied to function parameters. We can set default values, rename values and all sorts. To sum it up, here's a really simple example:

function makePerson(
  firstName = requiredParam('first name'),
  lastName = requiredParam('last name'),
  fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`,
) {
  return { firstName, lastName, fullName }

function requiredParam(argName) {
  throw new Error(`${argName} is a required parameter`)

makePerson('Declan') // throws error
makePerson('Declan', 'Elcocks')

Rather than adding a bunch of lines to makePerson to check whether certain arguments are present, we simply set the default value of the argument as a function call. If lastName is not present, the requiredParam function will be called and throw an error. Easy!

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions, introduced in ES6, are anonymous functions which make use of lexical scoping. This means that they will "inherit" the scope from which they are called in.

Note: They are not a replacement for function().

Single line return function:

// ES5
function(a) {
  return a * 2;

// ES6
(a) => a * 2;

Standard function

// ES5
function(a, b) {

// ES6
(a, b) => {

Lexical Scoping

Typically with ES5, we would use .bind() or a self = this line to get over the pain of the this Object. With the lexical scoping of arrow functions in ES6, it's far simpler:

// ES5
function FooCtrl (FooService) {
  var self = this;
  // Note the use of `self = this` to allow us to call `self` inside the Service's method = 'Hello';

  FooService.doSomething(function(response) { = response;

// ES6
function FooCtrl (FooService) { = 'Hello';

  FooService.doSomething((response) => = response);

A lot simpler!

Note: It's important to note that this is not bound to the arrow function, but rather the this value is fetched lexically from the scope it sits inside.

Function Generators

Generators are "pausable" functions available within ES6. Together with a library like Bluebird, generators can make using Promise's a lot simpler and a lot nicer to read.

My First Generator

const myFirstGenerator = function* () {
  const one = yield 1;
  const two = yield 2;
  const three = yield 3;

  return 'Finished!';

const gen = myFirstGenerator();

Here's our first generator, which you can see by the function* syntax. The gen variable we declared will not run myFirstGenerator, but instead will basically say this generator is ready to use.

console.log( );
// Returns { value: 1, done: false }

When we run it will unpause the generator and carry on. Since this is the first time we have called it will run yield 1 and pause until we call again. When yield 1 is called, it will return to us the value that was yielded and whether or not the generator is done.

console.log( );
// Returns { value: 2, done: false }

console.log( );
// Returns { value: 3, done: false }

console.log( );
// Returns { value: 'Finished!', done: true }

console.log( );

As we keep calling it will keep going onto the next yield and pausing each time. Once there are no more yield's left, it will proceed to run the rest of the generator, which in this case simply returns 'Finished!'. If you call again, it will throw an error as the generator is finished.

Generators with Bluebird

When using a Promise library like Bluebird, we can take advantage of some of their features to make using Promises and generators really simple.

Synchronous API Calls

Promise.coroutine(function* () {
  const tweets = yield $.get('tweets.json');
  const profile = yield $.get('profile.json');

  console.log(tweets, profile);

Consider the above generator. It will run our API call for tweets.json, then fetch profile.json, then log the results to the console. When you look at it, it looks a million times simpler than using multiple .then() calls.

Asynchronous API Calls

Promise.coroutine(function* () {
  const data = yield {
    tweets: $.get('tweets.json');
    profile: $.get('profile.json');

  console.log(data.tweets, data.profile);

Bluebird also allows you to make multiple API calls asynchronously. In this example, it will fetch tweets.json and profile.json at the same time, and wait until both API calls have finished before unpausing the generator. This kind of behaviour could be very useful if you need to initiate your page with various data from various API endpoints.

Build your own generator library

Let's build our own generator library which will function in the same way as the co library. This section was taken from a great youtube video about generators.

run(function* () {
  const API_URL = '';

  const response = yield $.get(API_URL);
  const post = yield response.json();
  const title = yield post.title;

  return title;
.catch(err => console.error(err.stack))
.then(result => console.log('Result:', result));

This is what we want to be able to run. We want to be able to call run(generator) and it will proceed to run through all of the yield calls and finally return a value. Inside .then() we will have access to the result returned at the end of our generator.

The simple API call we make will fetch a sample blog post from jsonplaceholder. After fetching it, we want to convert it into a nice JSON Object, and then extract and return the post's title value.

Process the Promises from our generator

function run(generator) {
  // Prepare the generator for action
  const iterator = generator();

  // Recursive function to iterate through the generator
  // Each time it "iterates", it will be calling the next `yield`
    function iterate(iteration) {
    // Check if this was the last possible iteration of our generator
    // If it was, `done` will be `true` and we can return the final
    // value that our generator returned
    if (iteration.done) return iteration.value;

    // If it wasn't the last `yield`, we extract out the Promise from the yield's response
    // and iterate once more using the value it returns
    const promise = iteration.value;
    return promise.then(x => iterate(;

  // The `iterate` function will keep calling itself until the generator is finished
  // Once all the yields have been called, `iterate` will return the final return value from the generator
  return iterate(;