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File metadata and controls

113 lines (76 loc) · 6.85 KB

Image Relocation

Before installing a bundle, the user may wish to relocate the images referenced by the bundle to a suitable registry.

A highly desirable property of image relocation is that the image digests of the relocated images are the same as those of the original images. This gives the user confidence that the relocated images consist of the same bits as the original images.

Using your own registry has several advantages:

  • You can control when images are updated or deleted.
  • You can host the registry on a private network for security or other reasons.
  • You won't be impacted by outages of other registries.

Relocating Image Names

An image name consists of a domain name (with optional port) and a path. The image name may also contain a tag and/or a digest. The domain name determines the network location of a registry. The path consists of one or more components separated by forward slashes. The first component is, by convention in some registries, a user name providing access control to the image.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • The image name refers to an image with user name istio residing in the docker hub registry at
  • The image name projectriff/builder:v1 is short-hand for which refers to an image with user name projectriff also residing at
  • The image name refers to an image with user name cf-elafros residing at

When an image is relocated to a registry, the domain name is set to that of the registry and the path modified so that it starts with a given value such as the user name that will own the image.

The path of a relocated image may:

  • Include the original user name for readability.
  • Be “flattened” to accommodate registries which do not support paths with more than two components.
  • End with a hash of the image name (to reduce the risk of collisions).
  • Preserve any tag in the original image name.
  • Preserve any digest in the original image name.

For instance, when relocated to a registry at with user name user, the above image names might become something like this:


The hash added to the end of the relocated image path should not depend on any tag and/or digest in the original image name. This ensures a one-to-one mapping between repositories. In other words, if:

x maps to y

where x and y are image names without tags or digests, then

x:t maps to y:t (for all tags t)


x@d maps to y@d (for all digests d).

duffle relocate

duffle relocate relocates the images referenced by a bundle and creates a relocation mapping file which captures the mapping from original to relocated image names. Relocation is restricted to images with type "docker" and "oci". Images of other types are not relocated.

The --repository-prefix flag determines the repositories for the relocated images. Each image is given a name starting with the given prefix and pushed to the repository.

The --relocation-mapping flag is the path of a relocation mapping file which is created by the relocate command and which should be passed to other commands (install, upgrade, run, and uninstall) when the relocated images are to be used.

For example, if the repository prefix is, the image istio/proxyv2 is relocated to a name starting with and pushed to a repository hosted by

Issue duffle relocate -h for more information.

Example Scenarios

Thin Bundle Relocation

The Acme Corporation needs to install some "forge" software packaged as a thin bundle (forge.json). Acme is used to things going wrong, so they have evolved sophisticated processes to protect their systems. In particular, all their production software must be loaded from Acme-internal repositories. This protects them from outages when an external repository goes down. It also gives them complete control over what software they run in production.

So Acme needs to pull the images referenced by forge.json from external repositories and store them in an Acme-internal registry. This will be done in a DMZ with access to the internet and write access to the internal registry.

Suppose their internal registry is hosted at and they have created a user smith to manage the forge software. They can use duffle relocate to relocate the images to their registry as follows:

duffle relocate forge.json --bundle-is-file --relocation-mapping relmap.json

They can now install the forge software using the original bundle together with the relocation mapping file:

duffle install forge.json --bundle-is-file --relocation-mapping relmap.json ...

The invocation image is loaded from the internal registry and installs the software such that its images are also loaded from the internal registry.

Thick Bundle Relocation

Gringotts Wizarding Bank (GWB) needs to install some software into a new coin sorting machine. For GWB, security is paramount. Like Acme, all their production software must be loaded from internal repositories. However, GWB regard a networked DMZ as too insecure. Their data center has no connection to the external internet.

Software is delivered to GWB encoded in Base64 and etched on large stones which are then rolled by hand into the GWB data center, scanned, and decoded. The stones are stored for future security audits.

GWB obtains the new software as a thick bundle (sort.tgz) and relocates it to their private registry as follows:

duffle relocate sort.tgz --bundle-is-file --relocation-mapping relmap.json

This loads the images from sort.tgz into the private registry. Relocating from a thick bundle does not need access to the original image repositories (which would prevent it from running inside the GWB data center).

They can now install the sorting software using the original bundle together with the relocation mapping file:

duffle install sort.tgz --bundle-is-file --relocation-mapping relmap.json ...

Again the invocation image is loaded from the internal registry and installs the software such that its images are also loaded from the internal registry. Since relocation does not modify the original bundle or produce a new bundle, GWB can use the original stones in security audits.