Our experimental results are:
Model | Pretrain model | FrameAP@0.5 | VideoAP@0.2 | @0.5 | @0.75 | 0.5:0.95 | Download |
ucf_dla34_K7_rgb_coco.pth | COCO | 73.14 | 78.81 | 51.02 | 27.05 | 26.51 | model |
ucf_dla34_K7_flow_coco.pth | COCO | 68.06 | 76.59 | 46.57 | 18.96 | 21.35 | model |
K7 RGB + FLOW COCO | COCO | 78.01 | 82.81 | 53.83 | 29.59 | 28.33 | |
ucf_dla34_K7_rgb_imagenet.pth | ImageNet | 70.69 | 75.37 | 50.47 | 25.61 | 25.96 | model |
ucf_dla34_K7_flow_imagenet.pth | ImageNet | 68.90 | 77.30 | 47.94 | 19.41 | 21.98 | model |
K7 RGB + FLOW ImageNet | ImageNet | 76.92 | 81.26 | 54.43 | 29.49 | 28.42 |
Model name: task\_(split)\_backbone_K?\_rgb\flow_pretrain.pth
Model | Pretrain model | FrameAP@0.5 | VideoAP@0.2 | @0.5 | @0.75 | 0.5:0.95 | Download |
K7 RGB + FLOW COCO | COCO | 70.79 | 77.33 | 77.19 | 71.69 | 59.08 | models |
K7 RGB + FLOW ImageNet | ImageNet | 67.95 | 76.23 | 75.41 | 68.46 | 53.98 | models |
# in our Supplementary Material | (this reproduction result is slightly differnet from the original paper) | |||
K7 RGB + FLOW UCF | UCF | 73.52 | 81.05 | 80.92 | 75.10 | 60.65 | models |
All these models are available at our Google drive
Copy models to ${MOC_ROOT}/experiment/result_models
Firstly, we will get detection results using previous models.
please run
python3 det.py --task normal --K 7 --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --batch_size 94 --master_batch 10 --num_workers 8 --rgb_model ../experiment/result_model/$PATH_TO_RGB_MODEL --flow_model ../experiment/result_model/$PATH_TO_FLOW_MODEL --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR --flip_test --ninput 5
# handle remained chunk size
python3 det.py --task normal --K 7 --gpus 0 --batch_size 1 --master_batch 1 --num_workers 2 --rgb_model ../experiment/result_model/dla34_K7_rgb_coco.pth --flow_model ../experiment/result_model/dla34_K7_flow_coco.pth --inference_dir /data0/liyixuan/speed_test/test --flip_test --ninput 5
# ==============Args==============
# --task during inference, there are three optional method: "normal", "stream", "speed", use "normal" by default
# --K input tubelet length, 7 by default
# --gpus gpu list, in our experiments, we use 8 NVIDIA TITAN XP
# --batch_size total batch size
# --master_batch batch size in the first gpu
# --num_workers total workers
# --rgb_model path to rgb model
# --flow_model path to flow model
# --inference_dir path to save inference results, will be used in mAP step
# --flip_test flip test during inference, will slightly improve performance but slow down the inference speed
# --ninput 5 stack frames, 1 for rgb, 5 for optical flow
# additional scripts for jhmdb
# --dataset hmdb
# --split 1 there are 3 splits
# --hm_fusion_rgb 0.4 for jhmdb, 0.5 for ucf, 0.5 by default
is downloading rgb model.
is downloading flow model.
is path to save inference results.
More details for flip_test
can be found in Tips.md #1.
[Attention] Using --N 10
and removeing --flip_test
will increase the inference speed but get a lower performance. More details are in Tips.md #4.
If you want to run on JHMDB dataset, please add --dataset hmdb --split 1 --hm_fusion_rgb 0.4
for split 1.
After inference, you will get detection results in $INFERENCE_DIR
We use the evaluation code from ACT.
The evalution time will depend on CPU.
If you want a faster evaluation, please choose a small --N
during inference step.
- For frame mAP, please run:
python3 ACT.py --task frameAP --K 7 --th 0.5 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
Choose a small --N
when inference will speed up this step. More details an be found in Tips.md #2.
- For video mAP, please build tubes first:
python3 ACT.py --task BuildTubes --K 7 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
Then, compute video mAP:
# change --th
python3 ACT.py --task videoAP --K 7 --th 0.2 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
# 0.5:0.95
python3 ACT.py --task videoAP_all --K 7 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
- [Optional] More scripts
# for jhmdb dataset, please add '--dataset hmdb --split 1' for split 1
# add '--exp_id XXX' the mAP results will be saved in XXX
# add '--model_name YYY' it can distinguish different models in XXX
# for safety, tube results will be saved in $INFERENCE_DIR, add '--redo' to ignore previous tube results
MOC can be also applied for the real-time video stream after some engineering modifications. For video stream, MOC will use only previous K-1 frames and current frame.
Since the backbone feature can be extracted only once, we save previous K-1 frames' features in a buffer. When getting a new frame, MOC's backbone first extracts its feature and combines with the previous K-1 frames' features in buffer. Then, the K frames' features are fed into MOC's three branches to generate tubelet detections. Finally, the linking algorithm builds video-level detection results with these new tubelets at once. After that, update the buffer with current frame's feature for subsequent video stream's detection.
Now we provide a new inference method called 'stream_inference', which can handle real-time video stream online.
Each backbone feature will compute only once and save in a buffer, which avoids redundant computation.
please run:
python3 det.py --task stream --K 7 --gpus 0 --batch_size 1 --master_batch 1 --num_workers 0 --rgb_model ../experiment/result_model/$PATH_TO_RGB_MODEL --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR --dataset hmdb --split 1 --flip_test
We use JHMDB because its valuation set is small.
You may notice some lags during stream_inference, please see this: Tips.md #3.
It can be modified for real-time video stream.
We provide codes for testing our online detection FPS (Tubelets Per Seconds, actually).
python3 det.py --task speed_test --K 7 --gpus 0 --batch_size 1 --master_batch 1 --num_workers 0
--rgb_model ../experiment/result_model/$PATH_TO_RGB_MODEL --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
This code uses fake image data for eliminating lags and we do not recommend adding --flip_test
in online setting (see Tips.md #1.).
On a single NVIDIA TITAN Xp with batch size = 1
, our online detection results are (on UCF dataset with RGB as input):
We also provide bash file for evaluation. Please refer ucf_normal_inference.sh and jhmdb_stream_inference.sh.
Now we support DLA-34 and ResNet-18. Please refer to Backbone.