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redfish_storage_controller resource
redfish_storage_controller Resource - terraform-provider-redfish
This Terraform resource is used to configure the storage controller. We can read the existing configurations or modify them using this resource.

redfish_storage_controller (Resource)

This Terraform resource is used to configure the storage controller. We can read the existing configurations or modify them using this resource.

Example Usage

Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

variable "rack1" {
  type = map(object({
    user         = string
    password     = string
    endpoint     = string
    ssl_insecure = bool


Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

rack1 = {
  "my-server-1" = {
    user         = "admin"
    password     = "passw0rd"
    endpoint     = ""
    ssl_insecure = true
  "my-server-2" = {
    user         = "admin"
    password     = "passw0rd"
    endpoint     = ""
    ssl_insecure = true

Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    redfish = {
      version = "1.5.0"
      source  = ""

provider "redfish" {
  # `redfish_servers` is used to align with enhancements to password management.
  # Map of server BMCs with their alias keys and respective user credentials.
  # This is required when resource/datasource's `redfish_alias` is not null
  redfish_servers = var.rack1

Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

# redfish_storage_controller is used to configure the storage controller
resource "redfish_storage_controller" "storage_controller_example" {
  for_each = var.rack1

  redfish_server {
    # Alias name for server BMCs. The key in provider's `redfish_servers` map
    # `redfish_alias` is used to align with enhancements to password management.
    # When using redfish_alias, provider's `redfish_servers` is required.
    redfish_alias = each.key

    user         = each.value.user
    password     = each.value.password
    endpoint     = each.value.endpoint
    ssl_insecure = each.value.ssl_insecure

  # Required params for creating

  # Storage ID.
  storage_id = "RAID.Integrated.1-1"
  # Controller ID.
  controller_id = "RAID.Integrated.1-1"

  # Apply Time. Required for creating and updating.
  # Accepted values: `Immediate`, `OnReset`, `AtMaintenanceWindowStart`, `InMaintenanceWindowOnReset`
  # When updating `controller_mode`, ensure that the `apply_time` is `OnReset`.
  # When updating `security`, ensure that the `apply_time` is `Immediate` or `OnReset`.
  apply_time = "Immediate"

  # System ID. Optional for creating.
  # ID of the system resource. If `system_id` is not provided, the first system available from the iDRAC will be used.
  # system_id = "System.Embedded.1"

  # Optional params for creating and updating

  # Reset Type. 
  # Accepted values: `ForceRestart`, `GracefulRestart`, `PowerCycle`. 
  # Default value is `ForceRestart`.
  # reset_type = "ForceRestart"

  # Reset Timeout. 
  # Default value is 120 seconds.
  # reset_timeout = 120

  # Job Timeout.
  # It is applicable only when `apply_time` is `Immediate` or `OnReset`.
  # Default value is 1200 seconds.
  # job_timeout = 1200

  # Maintenance Window.
  # It is required when `apply_time` is `AtMaintenanceWindowStart` or `InMaintenanceWindowOnReset`.
  # maintenance_window = {
  #   # The start time for the maintenance window to be scheduled. Format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss<offset>.
  #   # <offset> is the time offset from UTC that the current timezone set in iDRAC in the format: +05:30 for IST.
  #   start_time = "2024-10-15T22:45:00-05:00"

  #   # duration in seconds for the maintenance_window
  #   duration = 600
  # }

  # Please update any one out of `storage_controller` and `security` at a time.
  storage_controller = {
    oem = {
      dell = {
        dell_storage_controller = {
          # Controller Mode. 
          # Accepted values: `RAID`, `HBA`.
          # When updating `controller_mode`:
          #   - the `apply_time` should be `OnReset`
          #   - no other attributes from `storage_controller` or `security` should be updated.
          # Specifically when updating to `HBA`:
          #   - the `enhanced_auto_import_foreign_configuration_mode` attribute needs to be commented.
          #   - ensure that the security key is not present, if present first delete it using `RemoveControllerKey` action.
          # controller_mode = "RAID"

          # Check Consistency Mode. 
          # Accepted values: `Normal`, `StopOnError`.
          # check_consistency_mode = "Normal"

          # Copyback Mode.
          # Accepted values: `On`, `OnWithSMART`, `Off`.
          # copyback_mode = "On"

          # Load Balance Mode. 
          # Accepted values: `Automatic`, `Disabled`.
          # load_balance_mode = "Disabled"

          # Enhanced Auto Import Foreign Configuration Mode.
          # Accepted values: `Disabled`, `Enabled`.
          # When updating `controller_mode` to `HBA`, this attribute needs to be commented.
          # enhanced_auto_import_foreign_configuration_mode = "Disabled"

          # Patrol Read Unconfigured Area Mode.
          # Accepted values: `Disabled`, `Enabled`.
          # patrol_read_unconfigured_area_mode = "Enabled"

          # Patrol Read Mode.
          # Accepted values: `Disabled`, `Automatic`, `Manual`.
          # patrol_read_mode = "Automatic"

          # Background Initialization Rate.
          # background_initialization_rate_percent = 30
          # Reconstruct Rate.
          # reconstruct_rate_percent = 30

    controller_rates = {
      # Consistency Check Rate.
      # consistency_check_rate_percent = 30
      # Rebuild Rate.
      # rebuild_rate_percent = 30


  # Please update any one out of `security` and `storage_controller` at a time.
  # When updating `security`, ensure that the `apply_time` is `Immediate` or `OnReset`.
  # When updating `controller_mode` to `HBA`, ensure that the security key is not present.
  security = {
    # Action.
    # Accepted values: `SetControllerKey`, `ReKey`, `RemoveControllerKey`.
    # action = "ReKey"

    # When `action` is set to `SetControllerKey`:
    #   - `key_id` and `key` need to be set.
    #   - `old_key` and `mode` need to be commented.
    # When `action` is set to `ReKey`:
    #   - `key_id`, `key`, `old_key` and `mode` need to be set.
    # When `action` is set to `RemoveControllerKey`:
    #   - `key_id`, `key`, `old_key` and `mode` need to be commented.

    # Key ID.
    # key_id = "testkey"

    # Key.
    # key = "Test123##"
    # Old Key.
    # old_key = "Test123###"

    # Mode.
    # Accepted values: `LKM`, `SEKM`.
    # mode = "LKM"


After the successful execution of the above resource block, the storage controller would have been configured. More details can be verified through state file.



  • apply_time (String) Apply time of the storage controller attributes. (Update Supported)Accepted values: Immediate, OnReset, AtMaintenanceWindowStart, InMaintenanceWindowOnReset. Immediate: allows the user to immediately reboot the host and apply the changes. OnReset: allows the user to apply the changes on the next reboot of the host server.AtMaintenanceWindowStart: allows the user to apply at the start of a maintenance window as specified in maintenance_window.InMaintenanceWindowOnReset: allows to apply after a manual reset but within the maintenance window as specified in maintenance_window. When updating controller_mode, ensure that the apply_time is OnReset. When updating security, ensure that the apply_time is Immediate or OnReset.
  • controller_id (String) ID of the storage controller
  • storage_id (String) ID of the storage


  • job_timeout (Number) job_timeout is the time in seconds that the provider waits for the resource update job to becompleted before timing out. (Update Supported) Default value is 1200 seconds.job_timeout is applicable only when apply_time is Immediate or OnReset.
  • maintenance_window (Attributes) This option allows you to schedule the maintenance window. (Update Supported)This is required when apply_time is AtMaintenanceWindowStart or InMaintenanceWindowOnReset . (see below for nested schema)
  • redfish_server (Block List) List of server BMCs and their respective user credentials (see below for nested schema)
  • reset_timeout (Number) Reset Timeout. Default value is 120 seconds. (Update Supported)
  • reset_type (String) Reset Type. (Update Supported) Accepted values: ForceRestart, GracefulRestart, PowerCycle. Default value is ForceRestart.
  • security (Attributes) This consists of the attributes to configure the security of the storage controller. Please update any one out of security and storage_controller at a time. When updating security, ensure that the apply_time is Immediate or OnReset. When updating controller_mode to HBA, ensure that the security key is not present. (see below for nested schema)
  • storage_controller (Attributes) This consists of the attributes to configure the storage controller. Please update any one out of storage_controller and security at a time. (see below for nested schema)
  • system_id (String) ID of the system resource. If the value for system ID is not provided, the resource picks the first system available from the iDRAC.


  • id (String) ID of the storage controller resource

Nested Schema for maintenance_window


  • duration (Number) The duration in seconds for the maintenance window. (Update Supported)
  • start_time (String) The start time for the maintenance window to be scheduled. (Update Supported)The format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. is the time offset from UTC that the current timezone set in iDRAC in the format: +05:30 for IST.

Nested Schema for redfish_server


  • endpoint (String) Server BMC IP address or hostname
  • password (String, Sensitive) User password for login
  • redfish_alias (String) Alias name for server BMCs. The key in provider's redfish_servers map
  • ssl_insecure (Boolean) This field indicates whether the SSL/TLS certificate must be verified or not
  • user (String) User name for login

Nested Schema for security


  • action (String) Action to create/change/delete the security key. Accepted values: SetControllerKey, ReKey, RemoveControllerKey. The SetControllerKey action is used to set the key on controllers and set the controller in Local key Management (LKM) to encrypt the drives. The ReKey action resets the key on the controller that support encryption of the of drives. The RemoveControllerKey method erases the encryption key on controller. CAUTION: All encrypted drives shall be erased.
  • key (String) New controller key.
  • key_id (String) Key Identifier that describes the key. The Key ID shall be maximum of 32 characters in length and should not have any spaces.
  • mode (String) Mode of the controller: Local Key Management(LKM)/Secure Enterprise Key Manager(SEKM). Accepted values: LKM, SEKM.
  • old_key (String) Old controller key.

Nested Schema for storage_controller


  • controller_rates (Attributes) This type describes the various controller rates used for processes such as volume rebuild or consistency checks. (see below for nested schema)
  • oem (Attributes) The OEM extension to the StorageController resource. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for storage_controller.controller_rates


  • consistency_check_rate_percent (Number) This property describes the controller rate for consistency check
  • rebuild_rate_percent (Number) This property describes the controller rate for volume rebuild

Nested Schema for storage_controller.oem


Nested Schema for


Nested Schema for


  • background_initialization_rate_percent (Number) Background Initialization Rate Percent
  • check_consistency_mode (String) Check Consistency Mode. Accepted values: Normal, StopOnError.
  • controller_mode (String) Controller Mode. Accepted values: RAID, HBA. When updating controller_mode, the apply_time should be OnReset and no other attributes from storage_controller or security should be updated. Specifically, when updating controller_mode to HBA, the enhanced_auto_import_foreign_configuration_mode attribute needs to be commented and also ensure that the security key is not present, if present first delete it using RemoveControllerKey action.
  • copyback_mode (String) Copyback Mode. Accepted values: On, OnWithSMART, Off.
  • enhanced_auto_import_foreign_configuration_mode (String) Enhanced Auto Import Foreign Configuration Mode. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled. When updating controller_mode to HBA, this attribute needs to be commented.
  • load_balance_mode (String) Load Balance Mode. Accepted values: Automatic, Disabled.
  • patrol_read_mode (String) Patrol Read Mode. Accepted values: Disabled, Automatic, Manual.
  • patrol_read_unconfigured_area_mode (String) Patrol Read Unconfigured Area Mode. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled.
  • reconstruct_rate_percent (Number) Reconstruct Rate Percent


Import is supported using the following syntax:

Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

# system_id is optional. If system_id is not provided, the resource picks the first one from system resources returned by the iDRAC.
terraform import redfish_storage_controller.storage_controller_example '{"storage_id":"<storage_id>","controller_id":"<controller_id>","username":"<username>","password":"<password>","endpoint":"<endpoint>","ssl_insecure":<true/false>}'

# terraform import with system_id
terraform import redfish_storage_controller.storage_controller_example '{"system_id":"<system_id>","storage_id":"<storage_id>","controller_id":"<controller_id>","username":"<username>","password":"<password>","endpoint":"<endpoint>","ssl_insecure":<true/false>}'

# terraform import with redfish_alias. When using redfish_alias, provider's `redfish_servers` is required.
# redfish_alias is used to align with enhancements to password management.
terraform import redfish_storage_controller.storage_controller_example '{"storage_id":"<storage_id>","controller_id":"<controller_id>","redfish_alias":"<redfish_alias>"}'
  1. This will import the Storage Controller configuration into your Terraform state.
  2. After successful import, you can run terraform state list to ensure the resource has been imported successfully.
  3. Now, you can fill in the resource block with the appropriate arguments and settings that match the imported resource's real-world configuration.
  4. Execute terraform plan to see if your configuration and the imported resource are in sync. Make adjustments if needed.
  5. Finally, execute terraform apply to bring the resource fully under Terraform's management.
  6. Now, the resource which was not part of terraform became part of Terraform managed infrastructure.