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File metadata and controls

287 lines (239 loc) · 10.7 KB

##2014-07-15 - Supported Release 1.1.1 ###Summary

This release merely updates metadata.json so the module can be uninstalled and upgraded via the puppet module command.

2014-04-14 Supported Release 1.1.0


This release primarily focuses on extending the httpd 2.4 support, tested through adding RHEL7 and Ubuntu 14.04 support. It also includes Passenger 4 support, as well as several new modules and important bugfixes.


  • Add support for RHEL7 and Ubuntu 14.04
  • More complete apache24 support
  • Passenger 4 support
  • Add support for max_keepalive_requests and log_formats parameters
  • Add mod_pagespeed support
  • Add mod_speling support
  • Added several parameters for mod_passenger
  • Added ssl_cipher parameter to apache::mod::ssl
  • Improved examples in documentation
  • Added docroot_mode, action, and suexec_user_group parameters to apache::vhost
  • Add support for custom extensions for mod_php
  • Improve proxy_html support for Debian


  • Remove NameVirtualHost directive for apache >= 2.4
  • Order proxy_set option so it doesn't change between runs
  • Fix inverted SSL compression
  • Fix missing ensure on concat::fragment resources
  • Fix bad dependencies in apache::mod and apache::mod::mime

####Known Bugs

  • By default, the version of Apache that ships with Ubuntu 10.04 does not work with wsgi_import_script.
  • SLES is unsupported.

2014-03-04 Supported Release 1.0.1


This is a supported release. This release removes a testing symlink that can cause trouble on systems where /var is on a seperate filesystem from the modulepath.

####Features ####Bugfixes ####Known Bugs

  • By default, the version of Apache that ships with Ubuntu 10.04 does not work with wsgi_import_script.
  • SLES is unsupported.

2014-03-04 Supported Release 1.0.0


This is a supported release. This release introduces Apache 2.4 support for Debian and RHEL based osfamilies.


  • Add apache24 support
  • Add rewrite_base functionality to rewrites
  • Updated README documentation
  • Add WSGIApplicationGroup and WSGIImportScript directives


  • Replace mutating hashes with merge() for Puppet 3.5
  • Fix WSGI import_script and mod_ssl issues on Lucid

####Known Bugs

  • By default, the version of Apache that ships with Ubuntu 10.04 does not work with wsgi_import_script.
  • SLES is unsupported.

2014-01-31 Release 0.11.0


This release adds preliminary support for Windows compatibility and multiple rewrite support.

Backwards-incompatible Changes:

  • The rewrite_rule parameter is deprecated in favor of the new rewrite parameter and will be removed in a future release.


  • add Match directive
  • quote paths for windows compatibility
  • add auth_group_file option to
  • allow AuthGroupFile directive for vhosts
  • Support Header directives in vhost context
  • Don't purge mods-available dir when separate enable dir is used
  • Fix the servername used in log file name
  • Added support for mod_include
  • Remove index parameters.
  • Support environment variable control for CustomLog
  • added redirectmatch support
  • Setting up the ability to do multiple rewrites and conditions.
  • Convert spec tests to beaker.
  • Support php_admin_(flag|value)s


  • directories are either a Hash or an Array of Hashes
  • Configure Passenger in separate .conf file on RH so PassengerRoot isn't lost
  • (docs) Update list of apache::mod::[name] classes
  • (docs) Fix apache::namevirtualhost example call style
  • Fix $ports_file reference in apache::listen.
  • Fix $ports_file reference in Namevirtualhost.

2013-12-05 Release 0.10.0


This release adds FreeBSD osfamily support and various other improvements to some mods.


  • Add suPHP_UserGroup directive to directory context
  • Add support for ScriptAliasMatch directives
  • Set SSLOptions StdEnvVars in server context
  • No implicit entry for ScriptAlias path
  • Add support for overriding ErrorDocument
  • Add support for AliasMatch directives
  • Disable default "allow from all" in vhost-directories
  • Add WSGIPythonPath as an optional parameter to mod_wsgi.
  • Add mod_rpaf support
  • Add directives: IndexOptions, IndexOrderDefault
  • Add ability to include additional external configurations in vhost
  • need to use the provider variable not the provider key value from the directory hash for matches
  • Support for FreeBSD and few other features
  • Add new params to apache::mod::mime class
  • Allow apache::mod to specify module id and path
  • added $server_root parameter
  • Add Allow and ExtendedStatus support to mod_status
  • Expand vhost/_directories.pp directive support
  • Add initial support for nss module (no directives in vhost template yet)
  • added peruser and event mpms
  • added $service_name parameter
  • add parameter for TraceEnable
  • Make LogLevel configurable for server and vhost
  • Add documentation about $ip
  • Add ability to pass ip (instead of wildcard) in default vhost files


  • Don't listen on port or set NameVirtualHost for non-existent vhost
  • only apply Directory defaults when provider is a directory
  • Working mod_authnz_ldap support on Debian/Ubuntu

2013-09-06 Release 0.9.0


This release adds more parameters to the base apache class and apache defined resource to make the module more flexible. It also adds or enhances SuPHP, WSGI, and Passenger mod support, and support for the ITK mpm module.

Backwards-incompatible Changes:

  • Remove many default mods that are not normally needed.
  • Remove rewrite_base apache::vhost parameter; did not work anyway.
  • Specify dependencies on stdlib >=2.4.0 (this was already the case, but making explicit)
  • Deprecate a2mod in favor of the apache::mod::* classes and apache::mod defined resource.


  • apache class
    • Add httpd_dir parameter to change the location of the configuration files.
    • Add logroot parameter to change the logroot
    • Add ports_file parameter to changes the ports.conf file location
    • Add keepalive parameter to enable persistent connections
    • Add keepalive_timeout parameter to change the timeout
    • Update default_mods to be able to take an array of mods to enable.
  • apache::vhost
    • Add wsgi_daemon_process, wsgi_daemon_process_options, wsgi_process_group, and wsgi_script_aliases parameters for per-vhost WSGI configuration.
    • Add access_log_syslog parameter to enable syslogging.
    • Add error_log_syslog parameter to enable syslogging of errors.
    • Add directories hash parameter. Please see README for documentation.
    • Add sslproxyengine parameter to enable SSLProxyEngine
    • Add suphp_addhandler, suphp_engine, and suphp_configpath for configuring SuPHP.
    • Add custom_fragment parameter to allow for arbitrary apache configuration injection. (Feature pull requests are prefered over using this, but it is available in a pinch.)
  • Add apache::mod::suphp class for configuring SuPHP.
  • Add apache::mod::itk class for configuring ITK mpm module.
  • Update apache::mod::wsgi class for global WSGI configuration with wsgi_socket_prefix and wsgi_python_home parameters.
  • Add to document the apache::mod::passenger usage. Added passenger_high_performance, passenger_pool_idle_time, passenger_max_requests, passenger_stat_throttle_rate, rack_autodetect, and rails_autodetect parameters.
  • Separate the httpd service resource into a new apache::service class for dependency chaining of Class['apache'] -> <resource> ~> Class['apache::service']
  • Added apache::mod::proxy_balancer class for apache::balancer


  • Change dependency to puppetlabs-concat
  • Fix ruby 1.9 bug for a2mod
  • Change servername to be $::hostname if there is no $::fqdn
  • Make /etc/ssl/certs the default ssl certs directory for RedHat non-5.
  • Make php the default php package for RedHat non-5.
  • Made aliases able to take a single alias hash instead of requiring an array.

2013-07-26 Release 0.8.1


  • Update apache::mpm_module detection for worker/prefork
  • Update apache::mod::cgi and apache::mod::cgid detection for worker/prefork

2013-07-16 Release 0.8.0


  • Add servername parameter to apache class
  • Add proxy_set parameter to apache::balancer define


  • Fix ordering for multiple apache::balancer clusters
  • Fix symlinking for sites-available on Debian-based OSs
  • Fix dependency ordering for recursive confdir management
  • Fix apache::mod::* to notify the service on config change
  • Documentation updates

2013-07-09 Release 0.7.0


  • Essentially rewrite the module -- too many to list
  • apache::vhost has many abilities -- see for details
  • apache::mod::* classes provide httpd mod-loading capabilities
  • apache base class is much more configurable


  • Many. And many more to come

2013-03-2 Release 0.6.0

  • update travis tests (add more supported versions)
  • add access log_parameter
  • make purging of vhost dir configurable

2012-08-24 Release 0.4.0


  • include apache is now required when using apache::mod::*


  • Fix syntax for validate_re
  • Fix formatting in vhost template
  • Fix spec tests such that they pass

##2012-05-08 Puppet Labs - 0.0.4

  • e62e362 Fix broken tests for ssl, vhost, vhost::*
  • 42c6363 Changes to match style guide and pass puppet-lint without error
  • 42bc8ba changed name => path for file resources in order to name namevar by it's name
  • 72e13de One end too much
  • 0739641 style guide fixes: 'true' <> true, $operatingsystem needs to be $::operatingsystem, etc.
  • 273f94d fix tests
  • a35ede5 (#13860) Make a2enmod/a2dismo commands optional
  • 98d774e (#13860) Autorequire Package['httpd']
  • 05fcec5 (#13073) Add missing puppet spec tests
  • 541afda (#6899) Remove virtual a2mod definition
  • 976cb69 (#13072) Move mod python and wsgi package names to params
  • 323915a (#13060) Add .gitignore to repo
  • fdf40af (#13060) Remove pkg directory from source tree
  • fd90015 Add LICENSE file and update the ModuleFile
  • d3d0d23 Re-enable local php class
  • d7516c7 Make management of firewalls configurable for vhosts
  • 60f83ba Explicitly lookup scope of apache_name in templates.
  • f4d287f (#12581) Add explicit ordering for vdir directory
  • 88a2ac6 (#11706) puppetlabs-apache depends on puppetlabs-firewall
  • a776a8b (#11071) Fix to work with latest firewall module
  • 2b79e8b (#11070) Add support for Scientific Linux
  • 405b3e9 Fix for a2mod
  • 57b9048 Commit apache::vhost::redirect Manifest
  • 8862d01 Commit apache::vhost::proxy Manifest
  • d5c1fd0 Commit apache::mod::wsgi Manifest
  • a825ac7 Commit apache::mod::python Manifest
  • b77062f Commit Templates
  • 9a51b4a Vhost File Declarations
  • 6cf7312 Defaults for Parameters
  • 6a5b11a Ensure installed
  • f672e46 a2mod fix
  • 8a56ee9 add pthon support to apache