sdmpy -- P. Demorest, 2015/03
Simple classes for reading VLA/ALMA Science Data Model (SDM) XML and data files. The structure of the SDM is a set of tables, which contain rows of data. The main goal of this is to have a straightforward, relatively dependency-free way of doing simple or low-level stuff with SDMs (e.g., for situations where invoking CASA is unnecessary).
Most of the sdmpy functionality is accessed via one of the following three classes:
SDM class -- for reading or editing SDM XML tables.
BDF class -- for reading data from Binary Data Format (BDF) files. This code can be used directly on standalone BDF files, there is no need for a full SDM to be available.
Scan class -- provides higher-level access to a full SDM+BDF data set, including most commonly needed metadata (times, frequencies, source names, antenna names, etc.)
There are also a handful of command-line programs making use of sdmpy in the scripts/ directory. Most can be run with '-h' option for usage information.
Example ipython session illustrating use of the SDM class:
In [1]: import sdmpy
In [2]: s = sdmpy.SDM('15A-105_sb30463808_1.57082.53091797454')
In [3]: s.tables
In [4]: s['Field'][0].keys
In [5]: s['Field'][0].fieldName
Out[5]: 'J1728+0427'
In [6]: for row in s['Field']: print row.fieldName
In [7]: len(s['Main'])
Out[7]: 24
ipython session showing use of the BDF class to access visibility data. Note that this has been developed mainly for VLA/WIDAR data and is likely not complete for use with ALMA data. Example usage (see docstrings for more info):
In [1]: import sdmpy
In [2]: b = sdmpy.BDF('uid____evla_bdf_1433189755525')
In [3]: b.numAntenna
Out[3]: 25
In [4]: b.numBaseline
Out[4]: 300
In [5]: b.numIntegration
Out[5]: 180
In [6]: b.basebands
Out[6]: ['AC_8BIT', 'BD_8BIT']
In [7]: i = b.get_integration(17) # Get integration number 17
In [8]: d = i.get_data(0) # Get spw 0 data
In [9]: d.shape
Out[9]: (300, 1, 64, 4)
In [10]: d[10,0,:,0]
array([ -1.92527496e-03+0.00236825j, -1.01333787e-03-0.0019273j ,
3.88602726e-04-0.00326904j, 3.37082194e-04+0.0035117j ,
4.74026240e-03-0.00303986j, -1.39878283e-03+0.00315546j,
4.75925812e-03+0.00384983j, -6.46819070e-04-0.00230185j,
1.04035577e-03-0.0033494j , 4.77438327e-04+0.00407107j,
-7.42492499e-03-0.00551728j, -4.23104153e-04-0.00136438j,
-1.09272427e-04-0.00189404j, 2.70528137e-04+0.00265754j,
9.03953623e-04+0.00172536j, -2.13428610e-03+0.00210991j,
4.50677879e-04+0.00092774j, 2.75413692e-03+0.00105019j,
2.04323884e-03+0.00331562j, -4.14338522e-03+0.00393523j,
2.90520466e-03-0.00068069j, -7.84504786e-03+0.0031926j ,
-1.59289513e-03-0.00068654j, -8.57894833e-04+0.00268888j,
-4.27102018e-03+0.00065515j, 3.69449146e-03-0.00241908j,
4.95729037e-04+0.00161663j, -1.60046294e-03-0.00291464j,
-2.17019930e-03-0.00133767j, -3.01234191e-04-0.00817809j,
5.38951717e-05-0.00192556j, -5.56168333e-03-0.00130252j,
5.06524229e-05+0.00059094j, 1.00876275e-03+0.00976392j,
-6.54946594e-03+0.00503897j, -2.47276877e-03-0.0019854j ,
3.56894545e-03+0.00648416j, -1.66386040e-03-0.00040906j,
3.25945253e-03-0.0011268j , 6.37905393e-03+0.00060488j,
2.66728364e-03-0.00056195j, 2.84236716e-03+0.00086546j,
3.23694502e-03+0.00111199j, 6.35888521e-03+0.00346222j,
-3.01071745e-03+0.0015606j , 6.97700772e-04+0.00021654j,
-5.21393435e-04+0.00208696j, 2.45397002e-03-0.00393461j,
-1.13227195e-03+0.00167564j, -2.68122321e-03-0.00271649j,
-1.96605665e-03-0.00489836j, 2.49449024e-03+0.0007483j ,
-7.28207640e-04+0.00322795j, -3.14944983e-03-0.00022846j,
9.21148807e-04+0.00533055j, -9.83621459e-04+0.00440285j,
-4.31790622e-03-0.00243727j, -4.21724096e-03-0.00223194j,
1.09594746e-03+0.00397917j, -2.94885552e-03-0.00085458j,
7.17548071e-04-0.00044755j, -2.99423118e-05-0.00164009j,
1.18584884e-03+0.00028139j, -5.73034631e-04+0.00078536j], dtype=complex64)
ipython session showing use of the Scan class:
In [1]: import sdmpy
In [2]: sdm = sdmpy.SDM('16B-248_TEST_L.57686.804786203706')
In [3]: for scan in sdm.scans(): print scan.idx,scan.source,scan.intents
1 1331+305=3C286 ['SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION']
4 J1600-3053 ['OBSERVE_TARGET']
6 J1600-3053 ['OBSERVE_TARGET']
In [4]: s = sdm.scan(3)
In [5]: s.freqs()
array([[ 9.88000000e+08, 9.89000000e+08, 9.90000000e+08, ...,
1.11300000e+09, 1.11400000e+09, 1.11500000e+09],
[ 1.11600000e+09, 1.11700000e+09, 1.11800000e+09, ...,
1.24100000e+09, 1.24200000e+09, 1.24300000e+09],
[ 1.24400000e+09, 1.24500000e+09, 1.24600000e+09, ...,
1.36900000e+09, 1.37000000e+09, 1.37100000e+09],
[ 1.62800000e+09, 1.62900000e+09, 1.63000000e+09, ...,
1.75300000e+09, 1.75400000e+09, 1.75500000e+09],
[ 1.75600000e+09, 1.75700000e+09, 1.75800000e+09, ...,
1.88100000e+09, 1.88200000e+09, 1.88300000e+09],
[ 1.88400000e+09, 1.88500000e+09, 1.88600000e+09, ...,
2.00900000e+09, 2.01000000e+09, 2.01100000e+09]])
In [6]: s.startMJD
Out[6]: 57686.808208912036
In [7]: b = s.bdf # Get BDF object for this scan
In [8]: d = b.get_data() # Read full visibility data array for the scan
ipython session showing how to read the SysPower table:
In [1]: import sdmpy
In [2]: import sdmpy.bintab
In [3]: s = sdmpy.SDM('17B-390_TEST_004.57994.73380716435')
In [4]: sp = sdmpy.bintab.unpacker(s['SysPower'])
In [5]: sp.unpack()
In [6]: sp.row
rec.array([ ('Antenna_12', 'SpectralWindow_0', 0, 5010745004500000768, 1000000512, 2, [-0.95052397, -1.26523304], [ 8.90080357, 11.66342068], [ 0.015625, 0.015625]),
('Antenna_12', 'SpectralWindow_1', 0, 5010745004500000768, 1000000512, 2, [ 1.625651 , 1.82755697], [ 30.64261436, 27.64795876], [ 0.015625, 0.015625]),
('Antenna_12', 'SpectralWindow_2', 0, 5010745004500000768, 1000000512, 2, [-0.40402299, -0.38874799], [ 17.41805077, 14.52512169], [ 0.015625, 0.015625]),
('Antenna_7', 'SpectralWindow_5', 0, 5010752180500000768, 1000000512, 2, [ 0.26653701, 0.311874 ], [ 21.20673752, 24.39814377], [ 0.022736, 0.022736]),
('Antenna_7', 'SpectralWindow_6', 0, 5010752180500000768, 1000000512, 2, [ 0.270816 , 0.28408101], [ 20.47394753, 22.51699257], [ 0.020782, 0.022675]),
('Antenna_7', 'SpectralWindow_7', 0, 5010752180500000768, 1000000512, 2, [ 0.31178999, 0.27066699], [ 22.78490829, 22.75772285], [ 0.021698, 0.021759])],
dtype=[('antennaId', 'S32'), ('spectralWindowId', 'S32'), ('feedId', '<i4'), ('timeMid', '<i8'), ('interval', '<i8'), ('numReceptor', '<i4'), ('switchedPowerDifference', '<f4', (2,)), ('switchedPowerSum', '<f4', (2,)), ('requantizerGain', '<f4', (2,))])