diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c5566766..62f13f78 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@
Light with ui_separator
option on
-![Light with separators on](https://i.imgur.com/HP4EqoZ.png)
+![Light with separators on](https://i.imgur.com/xiiPGbC.png)
Mirage with ui_separator
option off
-![Mirage with separators off](https://i.imgur.com/GJpZ2yT.png)
+![Mirage with separators off](https://i.imgur.com/noq6faB.png)
Dark with ui_separator
option on
-![Dark with separators on](https://i.imgur.com/ruMY2eJ.png)
+![Dark with separators on](https://i.imgur.com/YrNneOD.png)
### Settings
diff --git a/ayu-dark.sublime-theme b/ayu-dark.sublime-theme
index 46911727..f5a35c0d 100644
--- a/ayu-dark.sublime-theme
+++ b/ayu-dark.sublime-theme
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@
"class": "title_bar",
"bg": [15, 20, 25],
- "fg": [81, 92, 102]
+ "fg": [230, 225, 207]
"class": "title_bar",
diff --git a/ayu-dark.tmTheme b/ayu-dark.tmTheme
index 8412cdae..7b93a214 100644
--- a/ayu-dark.tmTheme
+++ b/ayu-dark.tmTheme
@@ -479,19 +479,6 @@ a {
- name
- Decorators
- scope
- tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js, tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js
- settings
- fontStyle
- italic
- foreground
- #F07178
JSON Key - Level 8
diff --git a/ayu-light.sublime-theme b/ayu-light.sublime-theme
index cd378e5c..8f5f86a7 100644
--- a/ayu-light.sublime-theme
+++ b/ayu-light.sublime-theme
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@
"class": "title_bar",
"bg": [250, 250, 250],
- "fg": [133, 136, 140]
+ "fg": [110, 117, 128]
"class": "title_bar",
diff --git a/ayu-light.tmTheme b/ayu-light.tmTheme
index 870a58b7..42318992 100644
--- a/ayu-light.tmTheme
+++ b/ayu-light.tmTheme
@@ -479,19 +479,6 @@ a {
- name
- Decorators
- scope
- tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js, tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js
- settings
- fontStyle
- italic
- foreground
- #F07171
JSON Key - Level 8
diff --git a/ayu-mirage.sublime-theme b/ayu-mirage.sublime-theme
index 34405359..59fc3c48 100644
--- a/ayu-mirage.sublime-theme
+++ b/ayu-mirage.sublime-theme
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@
"class": "title_bar",
"bg": [33, 39, 51],
- "fg": [115, 134, 153]
+ "fg": [217, 215, 206]
"class": "title_bar",
diff --git a/ayu-mirage.tmTheme b/ayu-mirage.tmTheme
index d93b2411..77865c39 100644
--- a/ayu-mirage.tmTheme
+++ b/ayu-mirage.tmTheme
@@ -479,19 +479,6 @@ a {
- name
- Decorators
- scope
- tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js, tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js
- settings
- fontStyle
- italic
- foreground
- #F28779
JSON Key - Level 8
diff --git a/src/templates/old.yaml b/src/templates/old.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b2f2bae..00000000
--- a/src/templates/old.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-# [PackageDev] target_format: plist, ext: xml
-# prefix=""
-# sublime=""
-# ext="yml"
-name: ayu
-author: Ike Ku
-uuid: 0e709986-46a0-40a0-b3bf-c8dfe525c455
-colorSpaceName: sRGB
-semanticClass: ayu."{theme}"
-- settings:
- activeGuide: '#"{syntax.active_guide.hex}"'
- background: &bg '#"{common.bg.hex}"'
- inactiveBackground: *bg
- caret: &accent '#"{common.accent.hex}"'
- findHighlight: &constant '#"{syntax.constant.hex}"'
- findHighlightForeground: *bg
- foreground: &fg '#"{common.fg.hex}"'
- guide: &gutter '#"{syntax.gutter.hex}"'
- accent: *accent
- gutter: *bg
- gutterForeground: *gutter
- invisibles: '#FF0000'
- lineHighlight: '#"{syntax.line.hex}"'
- selection: &selection '#"{syntax.selection.hex}"'
- selectionBorder: *selection
- inactiveSelection: '#"{syntax.selection.hex}"88'
- shadow: '#00000010'
- stackGuide: '#"{syntax.stack_guide.hex}"'
- popupCss: |
- html, body {
- background-color: #"{ui.panel.bg.hex}";
- color: #"{common.fg.hex}";
- }
- body {
- padding: 1px 3px;
- }
- a {
- color: rgba("{syntax.tag.rgb}", .7);
- }
-- name: Comments
- scope: comment, punctuation.definition.comment
- settings:
- fontStyle: italic
- foreground: &comment '#"{syntax.comment.hex}"'
-# Punctuation
-- name: Separators, Comma and alike
- scope: punctuation.separator, punctuation.terminator
- settings:
- foreground: '#"{common.fg.hex}"dd'
-- name: Variable
- scope: variable
- settings:
- foreground: *fg
-- name: Keyword, Storage
- scope: keyword, storage.type, storage.modifier
- settings:
- foreground: &keyword '#"{syntax.keyword.hex}"'
-- name: Operator, Misc
- scope: constant.other.color, meta.tag, punctuation.separator.inheritance.php, punctuation.section.embedded, keyword.other.substitution
- settings:
- foreground: &operator '#"{syntax.operator.hex}"'
-- name: Tag
- scope: entity.name.tag, meta.tag.sgml
- settings:
- foreground: &tag '#"{syntax.tag.hex}"'
-- name: Function, Special Method, Block Level
- scope: entity.name.function, meta.function-call, variable.function, support.function, keyword.other.special-method, meta.block-level
- settings:
- foreground: &function '#"{syntax.func.hex}"'
-- name: Other Variable, String Link
- scope: support.other.variable, string.other.link
- settings:
- foreground: &markup '#"{syntax.markup.hex}"'
-- name: Number, Constant, Function Argument, Tag Attribute, Embedded
- scope: constant.numeric, constant.language, support.constant, constant.character, variable.parameter, keyword.other.unit
- settings:
- foreground: *constant
-- name: String, Symbols, Inherited Class
- scope: string, keyword.other.template, constant.other.symbol, constant.other.key, entity.other.inherited-class, meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js
- settings:
- fontStyle: normal
- foreground: &string '#"{syntax.string.hex}"'
-- name: Class, Support
- scope: entity.name.class, entity.name.type.class, support.type, support.class, support.orther.namespace.use.php, meta.use.php, support.other.namespace.php
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: Sub-methods
- scope: entity.name.module.js, variable.import.parameter.js, variable.other.class.js
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: Language methods
- scope: variable.language
- settings:
- fontStyle: italic
- foreground: *tag
-- name: Invalid
- scope: invalid
- settings:
- foreground: &error '#"{syntax.error.hex}"'
-- name: Deprecated
- scope: invalid.deprecated
- settings:
- background: *keyword
- foreground: &white '#FFFFFF'
-- name: Html punctuations tags
- scope: punctuation.definition.tag.end, punctuation.definition.tag.begin, punctuation.definition.tag
- settings:
- foreground: '#"{syntax.tag.hex}"90' # opacity of tag verson of &tag_punctag
-- name: Attributes
- scope: entity.other.attribute-name
- settings:
- foreground: *keyword
-- name: Regular Expressions and Escape Characters
- scope: string.regexp, constant.character.escape
- settings:
- foreground: ®exp '#"{syntax.regexp.hex}"'
-- name: URL
- scope: '*url*, *link*, *uri*'
- settings:
- fontStyle: underline
-- name: Search Results Nums
- scope: constant.numeric.line-number.find-in-files - match
- settings:
- foreground: *comment
-- name: Search Results Lines
- scope: entity.name.filename.find-in-files
- settings:
- foreground: *string
-# ES6
-- name: Decorators
- scope: tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js, tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js
- settings:
- fontStyle: italic
- foreground: &special '#"{syntax.special.hex}"'
-- name: ES7 Bind Operator
- scope: source.js constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js
- settings:
- fontStyle: italic
- foreground: *tag
-- name: entity.name.method.js
- scope: entity.name.method.js
- settings:
- fontStyle: italic
- foreground: *special
-- name: meta.method.js
- scope: meta.class-method.js entity.name.function.js, variable.function.constructor
- settings:
- foreground: *special
-- name: JSON Key - Level 8
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 7
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 6
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 5
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 4
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 3
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 2
- scope: source.json meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 1
- scope: source.json meta meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: JSON Key - Level 0
- scope: source.json meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json, source.json meta.structure.dictionary.json punctuation.definition.string - meta.structure.dictionary.json meta.structure.dictionary.value.json punctuation.definition.string
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-# Markup and Markdown
-- name: Markup Heading
- scope: markup.heading
- settings:
- fontStyle: bold
-- name: Markup headings
- scope: markup.heading punctuation.definition.heading
- settings:
- foreground: *keyword
-- name: Markup h1
- scope: markup.heading.1 punctuation.definition.heading
- settings:
- foreground: '#ec5f67'
-- name: Markup Links
- scope: string.other.link, markup.underline.link
- settings:
- foreground: *operator
-- name: Markup Italic
- scope: markup.italic
- settings:
- fontStyle: italic
-- name: Markup Bold
- scope: markup.bold
- settings:
- fontStyle: bold
-- name: Markup Bold/italic
- scope: markup.italic markup.bold | markup.bold markup.italic
- settings:
- fontStyle: bold italic
-- name: Markup punctuation
- scope: (text punctuation.definition.italic | text punctuation.definition.bold)
- settings:
- foreground: *markup
-- name: Markup Code
- scope: markup.raw
- settings:
- background: '#"{common.fg.hex}"07'
-- name: Markup Code Inline
- scope: markup.raw.inline
- settings:
- background: '#"{common.fg.hex}"10'
-- name: Markdown Separator
- scope: meta.separator
- settings:
- background: '#"{common.fg.hex}"10'
- fontStyle: bold
- foreground: *comment
-- name: Markup Blockquote
- scope: markup.quote
- settings:
- foreground: *constant
- fontStyle: italic
-- name: Markup List Bullet
- scope: markup.list.numbered.bullet, markup.list punctuation.definition.list_item
- settings:
- foreground: *regexp
-- name: Markup Inserted
- scope: markup.inserted
- settings:
- foreground: *string
-- name: Markup Deleted
- scope: markup.deleted
- settings:
- foreground: *keyword
-- name: Markup - Strike
- scope: markup.strike
- settings:
- foreground: *special
-- name: Markup - Table
- scope: markup.table
- settings:
- background: '#3cadd71a'
- foreground: *tag
-- name: Markdown - Markup Raw Inline
- scope: text.html.markdown markup.raw.inline
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: Markdown - Line Break
- scope: text.html.markdown meta.dummy.line-break
- settings:
- foreground: *comment
-- name: Markdown - Raw Block Fenced
- scope: markup.raw.block.fenced.markdown
- settings:
- background: '#"{common.fg.hex}"10'
- foreground: *fg
-- name: Markdown - Fenced Bode Block
- scope: punctuation.definition.fenced.markdown, variable.language.fenced.markdown
- settings:
- background: '#"{common.fg.hex}"10'
- foreground: *comment
-- name: Markdown - Fenced Language
- scope: variable.language.fenced.markdown
- settings:
- foreground: *comment
-# GitGutter
-- name: GitGutter Added
- scope: markup.inserted.git_gutter
- settings:
- foreground: *string
-- name: GitGutter Changed
- scope: markup.changed.git_gutter
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: GitGutter Deleted
- scope: markup.deleted.git_gutter
- settings:
- foreground: *keyword
-- name: GitGutter Ignored
- scope: markup.ignored.git_gutter
- settings:
- foreground: *comment
-- name: GitGutter Untracked
- scope: markup.untracked.git_gutter
- settings:
- foreground: *comment
-- name: GutterColor
- scope: gutter_color
- settings:
- foreground: *white
-# AceJump
-- name: AceJump Label - Blue
- scope: acejump.label.blue
- settings:
- background: *tag
- foreground: *white
-- name: AceJump Label - Green
- scope: acejump.label.green
- settings:
- background: *string
- foreground: *white
-- name: AceJump Label - Orange
- scope: acejump.label.orange
- settings:
- background: *keyword
- foreground: *white
-- name: AceJump Label - Purple
- scope: acejump.label.purple
- settings:
- background: *markup
- foreground: *white
-# SublimeLinter
-- name: SublimeLinter Warning
- scope: sublimelinter.mark.warning
- settings:
- foreground: *tag
-- name: SublimeLinter Gutter Mark
- scope: sublimelinter.gutter-mark
- settings:
- foreground: *white
-- name: SublimeLinter Error
- scope: sublimelinter.mark.error
- settings:
- foreground: *error
diff --git a/src/templates/sublime.syntax.xml b/src/templates/sublime.syntax.xml
index 76038589..b2cea919 100644
--- a/src/templates/sublime.syntax.xml
+++ b/src/templates/sublime.syntax.xml
@@ -479,19 +479,6 @@ a {
- name
- Decorators
- scope
- tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js, tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js
- settings
- fontStyle
- italic
- foreground
- #"{syntax.markup.hex}"
JSON Key - Level 8
diff --git a/src/templates/sublime.ui.json b/src/templates/sublime.ui.json
index 05944293..4c638dc8 100644
--- a/src/templates/sublime.ui.json
+++ b/src/templates/sublime.ui.json
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@
"class": "title_bar",
"bg": ["{common.bg.rgb}"],
- "fg": ["{ui.fg.rgb}"]
+ "fg": ["{common.fg.rgb}"]
"class": "title_bar",