Customer deposits money by pressing button deposit
of corresponding coin in wallet.
Then presses button of product to buy.
If deposited money is not enough to buy selected product, it'll show message Deposited money is not enough
Customer at any time could press Withdraw
to withdraw deposited money.
Initial state of customer wallet:
- 10 coins of 1 rub
- 30 coins of 2 rub
- 20 coins of 5 rub
- 15 coins of 10 rub
Initial state of vending machine wallet:
- 100 coins of 1 rub
- 100 coins of 2 rub
- 100 coins of 5 rub
- 100 coins of 10 rub
Vending machine products:
- Tea, 10 cups, 13 rub/cup
- Сoffee, 20 cups, 18 rub/cup
- Сoffee with milk, 20 cups, 21 rub/cup
- Juice, 15 cups, 35 rub/cup
Build Docker image
$ make install
Star application
$ make start
Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
Stop application
$ make stop