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249 lines (174 loc) · 7.46 KB

AutoGrad v1.2.5 Release Notes

  • SpecialFunctions -> 2.0 (Deniz Yuret)
  • defensive programming for old grad interface (Deniz Yuret)
  • T.mutable -> ismutable(x) for 1.7 compat (Deniz Yuret)
  • rolled back PR #75 tape confusion fix because it was breaking #671, need to find another fix.

AutoGrad v1.2.4 Release Notes

e94af8f 2020-12-26

  • update travis to julia-1.5
  • @zerograd argmax, argmin, sizeof
  • show() more robust to garbage collected tape nodes
  • make gcnode a Ref
  • match type fo delta to x during gradcheck
  • simplified AutoGrad docs
  • add SpecialFunctions 1.0 to Project.toml
  • handle dotview(::Value)

AutoGrad v1.2.3 Release Notes

3c78a1e 2020-07-24

  • Fix #116, #121: Sparse values and indices should be Vector{Any}

AutoGrad v1.2.2 Release Notes

2230d03 2020-05-20

  • Support for bessel derivatives.

AutoGrad v1.2.1 Release Notes

28017b9 2020-02-01

  • New version of SpecialFunctions.

AutoGrad v1.2.0 Release Notes

b6d4e68 2019-10-25

  • Enhancements and bugfixes for the AutoGrad.Sparse type.

AutoGrad v1.1.6 Release Notes

1dcce22 2019-09-30

  • Gradients returned can now be of type AutoGrad.Sparse to make large lookup parameters more efficient.
  • Refactoring: UngetIndex -> Sparse, sum_outgrad -> addto!, Tape.list back to normal order.
  • Timer messages include tape position so we can see which op takes how much time forw/back.

AutoGrad v1.1.5 Release Notes

ca0d03f 2019-09-20

  • Fixed single-argument permutedims.
  • SpecialFunctions lgamma->loggamma transition.
  • Support for stdm and varm.
  • Typo fix in params.
  • gcnode now takes Tape as a second argument.

AutoGrad v1.1.4 Release Notes

0a4fcd2 2019-05-25

  • High order gradient fixes.

AutoGrad v1.1.3 Release Notes

c80fa9c 2019-01-20

  • Use broadcasted rather than broadcast as primitive, allows p .-= g where p::Param.
  • Define efficient params(::Tape).
  • doc updates.

AutoGrad v1.1.2 Release Notes

deeb980 2019-01-04

  • Support for broadcasting user defined functions.
  • gcheck and @gcheck for gradient checking with Params. (with @ekinakyurek)
  • Added @primitive2 and @zerograd2 for broadcast-only primitives.
  • Handle functions where result is not the last thing on tape.

AutoGrad v1.1.1 Release Notes

0ec058b 2018-09-30

  • General performance improvements.
  • Val()->Arg{}
  • Result(x, f, args...; kwargs...)->Result(x, f, args, kwargs)
  • Improved display for Tapes.
  • Using TimerOutputs to profile core.jl. Use AUTOGRAD_TIMER environment variable.
  • Added gcnode() to save memory, overriding in Knet to free GPU arrays.
  • Added Node.children to be used by gcnode in Knet.

AutoGrad v1.1.0 Release Notes

5642caf 2018-09-05

  • Solved tape confusion issue.
  • Allow setindex! on Values if not differentiating.
  • Added gradloss.
  • Improved display for Array Params.
  • Added the @diff macro, preferred to the differentiate function.
  • Added the opt field to Param.
  • Switch to using grad instead of gradient.

AutoGrad v1.0.1 Release Notes

c3a91a8 2018-08-25

  • Using forw and back methods instead of the recorder function generator and the Grad type.
  • New gradcheck method checks all arguments, handles tuples and dicts as well as arrays.
  • Memory saving by erasing outgrads from tape after use (@ekinakyurek).
  • Fixed integer powers and matrix powers.
  • Fixed sum_outgrads_array bug causing incorrect grad when indexing into a matrix of vectors #73.
  • Fixed sum_outgrads bug so arrays of different types can be added #71.
  • Robust Float32 testing added #87 (@ekinakyurek).
  • Cleaned up and documented the handling of broadcasting.
  • Codecov support added.

AutoGrad v1.0.0 Release Notes

bb5e356 2018-08-19

  • Julia 1.0 compatibility release (pre-0.7 Julia versions no longer supported) (@rened, @CarloLucibello).
  • Higher order gradient bug fixed (@MikeInnes).
  • Improved unit tests (@ekinakyurek).

AutoGrad v0.1.0 Release Notes

b6b5863 2018-05-30

  • Pre-0.6 Julia versions no longer supported.
  • LinAlg support (@CarloLucibello): det, logdet, inv, dot, diag, diagm, trace, logabsdet, kron, triu, tril, chol, lq, qr, svd
  • Added grads for std, var, Int^Int (@CarloLucibello)
  • Added f(Rec(::Type{T}) = f(T) for eltype, ndims, one, zero (@CarloLucibello)
  • Fixed reduction of scalars, e.g. grad(sum)(3.1) (@CarloLucibello)
  • Fixed similar(::Rec{KnetArray}, ::Dims)

AutoGrad v0.0.10 Release Notes

823ea16 2017-11-28

  • Fixed gradient output type for erf family (@CarloLucibello).
  • Added mean(x,dims) (@CarloLucibello).
  • Added support for Dict iteration.
  • Added profiling support inspired by TimerOutputs.jl.

AutoGrad v0.0.9 Release Notes

0c27dd8 2017-10-18

  • Added SpecialFunctions for Julia 0.6+.
  • Fixed test problem with broadcast#log.
  • Implemented cat1d, an efficient cat function for many arguments.

AutoGrad v0.0.8 Release Notes

2f9f7f3 on 2017-09-08

  • Julia v0.6.0 compatibility fixes by @ylxdzsw #24. Now compatible with Julia v4, v5, and v6.
  • Switched to new Base.Test functionality added in Julia v0.5.
  • Fix size(rec,d1,d2,ds...) from @CarloLucibello #19.
  • Fix depwarn from @mdpradeep #23.
  • Generalize cat implementation to work with any number of arguments.
  • Fix sign bug in derivatives for minabs/maxabs.

AutoGrad v0.0.7 Release Notes

71a99da on 2017-05-17

  • Fixed getindex bug effecting repeated indices.

  • Fixed minor bug in @zerograd which did not handle some type declarations.

  • dumptape() and AutoGrad.debugtape(::Bool) utilities for debugging.

AutoGrad v0.0.6 Release Notes

(e0530fe on Feb 23, 2017)

  • Fixed typo effecting broadcast comparison operators like .<

  • Added scalar support to Ac_mul_B etc. which were causing trouble with expressions like Array'*Scalar.

AutoGrad v0.0.5 Release Notes

(558a217 on Feb 13, 2017)

  • gradloss is added as an alternative to grad. gradloss(f) generates a function that returns a (gradient, result) tuple.

  • gradcheck is added as an alternative gradient checking mechanism. It performs sampling to handle large arrays, and automatically constructs a scalar function to handle array functions.

  • Added gradients for vecnorm, (.!=), (), linearindexing, vec, permutedims, ipermutedims.

  • sum_outgrads{T}(a::AbstractArray{T},b::AbstractArray{T}) was not type preserving, now fixed.

AutoGrad v0.0.4 Release Notes

(f7aaac8 on Oct 23, 2016)

  • The word value was being used for too many things. The type Value has been renamed Rec. The field Node.value got renamed to Node.rec.

  • Added reshape to gradients of matmul, unbroadcast etc. Julia array math handles missing rightmost dimensions as 1 so for example rand(1,2)*rand(2) works. Gradients should be careful to preserve the input shape.

  • vcat and hcat are now defined in terms of cat and they should handle arrays of any dimensionality and gradients should preserve the original input shape.

  • getval and fixdomain not exported any more. fixdomain is deprecated. getval should not be necessary because Recs should never be exposed outside AutoGrad.