- Reduce to subproblem
- make a first move
- solve a problem of the same kind (subproblem)
- Safe move
- A move is called safe if there is an optimal solution consistent with this first move
- Often greedy moves are not safe
- Make a greedy move
- Prove that it is a safe move
- reduce to a subproblem
There are N gas stations along a circular route, where the amount of gas at station i is gas[i].
For a car with an unlimited gas tank and it costs cost[i] of gas to travel from station i to its next station (i+1). The journey starts with an empty tank at one of the gas stations.
Return the starting gas station's index if it can travel around the circular route once, otherwise return -1.
Given 4 gas stations with gas[i]=[1,1,3,1], and the cost[i]=[2,2,1,1]. The starting gas station's index is 2.
The solution is guaranteed to be unique.
O(n) time and O(1) extra space
- Suppose we start from
$$i$$ , and keep counting summation$$sum$$ =+$$gas[j] - cost[j]$$ , when sum becomes negative at j, we know that the journey cannot continue => i cannot be starting point. - What if we start at one of the station from
$$i+1$$ to$$j$$ ? Because we already knew that$$i$$ can go to$$k$$ , so$$i + k$$ cannot go to$$j$$ . - In other words, when we have a
$$sum$$ is negative, reset our starting point to$$j+1$$ , and reset$$sum$$ to 0 in order to remove previous records. - Eventually, we will obtain an optimum starting point. We can prove that if the total gas >= total cost, there must be a solution, which is the optimum starting point.
sum := 0
total := 0
start_index := 0
for j in 1 .. n
diff := gas[j] - cost[j]
sum += diff
total += diff
if sum < 0 then
start_index := j + 1
sum := 0
if total < 0 then
return -1
return start_index
Given 2*n + 1 numbers, every numbers occurs twice except one, find it.
Given [1,2,2,1,3,4,3], return 4
- 0 ^ anything = 0
- anything ^ itself = 0
Given 3*n + 1 numbers, every numbers occurs triple times except one, find it.
If all numbers are 32bits integer, we can count number of 1s for each bit. Because we know, final count for the ith bit must be following:
3i * 0 + 3j * 1 + 0 or 1, where i + j = n
so, for each count, we have that if count % 3 == 1
, the except number is set at the bit, otherwise, it is unset.
bit_count = {0,0, ... ,0} // 32 length
for number as n in arr
mask = 1
for i in 32 .. 1
if i & mask != 0 then
bit_count[i] := bit_count[i] + 1
mask := mask << 1
binary_form = ""
for count as c in bit_count
if c % 3 != 0 then
add '1' into binary_form
add '0' into binary_form
return an integer with the binary_form
Given 2*n + 2 numbers, every numbers occurs twice except two, find them.
Suppose the two exceptions are x, y. By doing xor of all numbers, we will get x ^ y.
The rightmost set bit x ^ y represents a set bit from either x or y, which means, if we divide all numbers into two groups, one for all numbers that have that bit set, the other one for the rest. In other words, we will have x, y seperate into two groups.
x_xor_y = 0
for integer as i in arr
x_xor_y := x_xor_y ^ i
# find the right most set bit as a mask
mask = x_xor_y & -x_xor_y
# seperate integers into two groups
group_one = {}
group_two = {}
for integer as i in arr
if i & mask > 0 then
group_one append i
group_two append i
# find x from group_one
# x is now the only one with single occurrence
x = 0
for integer as i in group_one
x := x ^ i
# find y from group_two
y = 0
for integer as i in group two
y := y ^ i
return x, y
Given an array of integers, the majority number is the number that occurs more than half of the size of the array. Find it.
Given [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], return 1
Linear Time Majority Vote Algorithm: O(n), Space O(1)
count := 0
majority_element := null
for element as e in arr
if count == 0 then
majority_element = e
count := 1
if e == majority_element then
count := count + 1
count := count - 1
# majority_element is a potential result.
# we need to make sure it by count its occurrences.
if count of majority_element > arr.length / 2 then
majority_element is the acutal result.
Find the all majority elements that are more than
Misra-Gries Alogrithm
For example, [3,2,1,3,2,1,4,1,4,4,1], k = 3
4 1
4 1
3 2 1
3 2 1
4, 1 are candidates, we need to check each of them by counting again.
bins := empty hashmap
for numbers as n in arr
if bins contains key n then
increase n's value by 1
else if bins contains less than k-1 keys
bins put (n, 1)
for each key in bins
decrease key's value by 1
if value == 0 then
remove key from bins
# remaining numbers are all candidates
Make an extra traversal to check for frequency of each
remaining number, if it is larger than 1/k of arr.len,
then the number is a majority number.
Given a list of non negative integers, arrange them such that they form the largest number. The number can be very big, so return it in string.
Given [1, 20, 23, 4, 8], the largest formed number is 8423201.
From intuitive, if we convert integers to string, we find following principals to arrange them:
- For each pair of digit pattern a & b, we compare the result of concatenation of them in two different orders ab & ba:
1. if ab > ba, we adopt ab, where we put a on the left of b
2. if ab < ba, we adopt ba, where we put a on the right of b
3. if ab == ba, if does't matter.
12, 121 => 12|121 > 121|12 => 12121
12, 123 => 12|123 < 123|12 => 12312
123,124 => 123|124 < 124|123 => 124123
All in all, we perform a string sorting following above principals, and then concatenate them to create the largest number.
Complexity: O(nlogn), Space: O(n)
num_string = {convert n to string for n in arr}
sort num_string based on following compare method
# numbers could be all zeros => {"0", "0"} => "00" => "0"
if num_string[0] == "0"
return "0"
return concatenate of all str in num_string
define cmp(a, b)
# return -1: put a on the left of b
# return 0: order of a and b doesn't match
# return 1: put a on the right of b
ab := a concatenate b
ba := b concatenate a
if ab > ba then
return -1
else if ab < ba then
return 1
else then
return 0
Given string A representative a positive integer which has N digits, remove any k digits of the number, the remaining digits are arranged according to the original order to become a new positive integer. Make this new positive integers as small as possible.
N <= 240 and k <= N
Given an integer A="178542", k=4
return a string "12"
Look at "178542" each digits, we can easily find that for each round:
- remove 8 => 17542
- remove 7 => 1542
- remove 5 => 142
- remove 4 => 12
They are all the first digit that is larger than its next digit in their round. Following this rule, we can return the result with O(nk) complexity (O(n) for k rounds).
However, we don't need to start from the beginning for next round. After remove 8, we can backtrack to 7 and start from there. By doing so, we can make sure that all digits before starting point are smaller or equals to starting point.
Be careful that, if digits are in sorted order, eventually we will meet the last digit which doesn't has next digit to compare with and should be removed.
For duplicates, we can safely pass them.
i := 0
while k > 0:
if i == arr.length - 1 then
remove the ith digit from arr
k := k - 1
i := i - 1
if arr[i] > arr[i+1] then
remove the ith digit from arr
k := k - 1
i could be the first digit
which cannot backtrack to previous digit
example: 5,4,3,2,1
if i != 0
i := i - 1
i := i + 1
return all remaining digits in arr.
Given an array of non-negative integers. Each element in the array represents a maximum jump length at that position. Determine if we are able to reach the last index when starting from the first index.
A = [2,3,1,1,4], return true.
A = [3,2,1,0,4], return false.
We can keep calculating the maximum index we can reach by adding jump length at that position to its index (i + arr[i]). Remember that if current index larger than maximum index, it means this position is not reachable, and we cannot jump anymore which means the last index is also not reachable.
max_index := 0
for i in 1 .. arr.length
if i > max_index then
return False
current_max := i + arr[i]
if current_max > max_index then
max_index = current_max
if max_index >= arr.length - 1
return True
Also return the minimum number of steps that we need to jump from the first index to the last index.
We just need to count the each step we extend the maximum index.
max_index := 0
count := 0
for i in 1 .. arr.length
if i > max_index then
# cannot reach the last index
return -1
current_max := i + arr[i]
if current_max > max_index then
max_index = current_max
# add counter here
count := count + 1
if max_index >= arr.length - 1
return count
Given a list of integers, which denote a permutation. Find the next permutation in ascending order.
For [1,3,2,3], the next permutation is [1,3,3,2]
For [4,3,2,1], the next permutation is [1,2,3,4]
The list may contains duplicate integers.
Start from the end of list, we are looking the first decreasing point (arr[i] < arr[i+1]). We know that we can generate next permutation by replace the decreasing point next larger number, and then sort rest numbers on its right in acsending order.
For example:
1|2|543 => 1|3|245
, 3 is next avaliable number for 21|2|432 => 1|3|224
, 3 is next avaliable number for 24321
, if we cannot find the decreaing point, that means we reach a last permutation, then we can simply reverse entire list to start over.
tail := arr.length
head := tail
while head > 0 then
head := head - 1
if arr[head] < arr[head+1] then
we found the first decreasing point, break loop
# find next available larger number
i = tail
while i > head then
if arr[i] > arr[head] then
swap the ith element with head element
we found next available larger number, break loop
i := i - 1
if i == head:
# we cannot find next available larger number.
reverse the entire list
reverse rest numbers from head+1 to tail
return arr (It stores next permutation now)