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File metadata and controls

259 lines (183 loc) · 9.86 KB

Language Specification

Java file

.java file without file name

It is valid. It can be compiled and run with inner public class name.

Java file without a public class

It runs normally. If a class has the same name as Java file name, it is default to be public.

The main Method

  • Every application must contain a main method whose signature is:

    public static void main(String[] args)
  • Without public or static: Runtime error.

  • Can be overloaded.

  • Can be final.


  • Package/class can imported multiple times but JVM will load only once.
  • Static import: access static method without qualify it by the class name.
  • JAR hell: if we have different versions of jar files on the same class path, the classloader will load the first one on the class path. The class we import will come from that version of jar file.

final, finally, finalize

The final keyword

Initialize final variable

// 1
class A {
	final int x = 10;

// 2
class A {
	final int x;
	A(int x) { this.x = x; }

// 3
// error: cannot assign a value to final variable x
class A {
	final int x;
	A(int x) { init(x); }
	void init(int x) { this.x = x; }

Only 1 & 2 can be used. A final variable that is not initialized at the time of declaration, can be initialize only in constructor.

  • final object still can change value. (e.g. Array)
  • final method cannot be overridden.
  • final class cannot be inherited.

The finally block

finally block will not be executed if program exits system.exit() or fatal error (e.g. OutOfMemoryError).

The finalize method

finalize is a method can be called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object. It performs like a destructor in C++.

  • Can be overridden.
  • If an uncaught exception is thrown by the finalize method, the exception is ignored and finalization of that object terminates.
  • The finalize method is never invoked more than once by a Java virtual machine for any given object.

Reference Types

Strong References

Regular object reference: not eligible for GC.

Weak Reference (java.lang.ref.WeakReference<T>)

WeakReference<Cacheable> weakData = new WeakReference<Cacheable>(data);

Will be collected at the next GC cycle. A example of it is WeakHashMap.

Soft Reference (java.lang.ref.SoftReference<T>)

Like a weak reference but it is less likely to be GC. Soft references are cleared at the discretion of the garbage collector in response to memory demand.

Phantom Reference (java.lang.ref.Phantom<T>)

  • Cannot be used to retrieve the object.
  • It gets enqueued into a ReferenceQueue when the object is physically removed.
  • It is the only way to determine exactly when an object was removed from memory.


Abstract class don't have Lazy-loading feature

instanceof vs getClass()

class A
class B extends A
class C extends B

A a = new C()
B b = (B) a;
C c = (C) a;

a instanceof A, B, C // true
b instanceof A, B, C // true
c instanceof A, B, C // true

a,b,c getClass() // C

If an object is instanceof of class, that means the object can do either upcasting or downcasting to that class.


What is a serialiable object?

A serialiable object can be converted into a binary string, so that it can be transfered via Internet or saved to a file.

This is done by ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(obj) and ObjectOutputStream.readObject().

Serialization vs Deserialization

Serialization: convert a serializable object into a binary stream which can be persisted into disk or sent over network to any other running JVM.

  • For an class, each level of fields need to be serializable (regarding transient) to perform serialization.
  • For an class, it must has at less one superclass that is serializable to perform serialization.

Deserialization: a reverse process of serialization.

  • Deserialization will construct the object directly without calling its constructor. However, if the class is subclass, then it will call constructors of its superclass which are not serializable.

Override Default Serialization

We can provide following method to override default serialization:

1. private void writeObject( out) throws IOException
2. private void readObject( in) throws IOException
  • Why we want to override it?
    Because if super class become serializable, we can throw NotSerializableException to prevent current class from serialization.

What is the purpose of SerialVersionUID?

It is a private static final long variable. It is a class uuid that guarantees serialization and deserialization are performed on the same class.

If deserialize an object with a different SerialVersionUID, Java Serialization API will throw

note: If SerialVersionUID is not provided, normally system will use hashCode instead.

transient keyword

It is used to indicate that a field should not be serialized.

  • We can put transient before any class.
  • We can put transient before any field.
  • Static fields will not be serialized, because it is implicitly transient.

Create a deep copy using serializable

note: If an object implements serializable at each level, then deep copy of the object can be made via serializable.

What happens if a Serializable class contains a member which is not serializable? How to fix it?

In this case, NotSerializableException will be thrown at runtime.

To fix this problem, if the member is not necessary to be serialized, we make the member transient. Otherwise we need to transfer its state into binary stream manually:

  1. make it transient.
  2. In writeObject, first call defaultWriteObject() to serialize other fields, then call other writeXXX() methods to serialize individual properties of the non-serializable object.
  3. In readObject, first call defaultReadObject to deserialize other fields, then call other readXXX() methods for individual properties of the non-serializable object.


It is a subinterface of Serialiable which contains two methods:

  1. void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
  2. void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out).

note: readExternal and writeExternal supersede any specific implementation of writeObject and readObject methods.

It provides complete control on format and content of Serialization process to application which can be leverage to increase performance and speed of serialization process. (e.g. encryption)

However, it is not flexible due to the complete responsibility to control serialization when we change the class definition.

  • transient has no effect in externalizable object.
  • externalizable class will only invoke default constructor of the object (no invocation of superclass constructors) to deserialize.


Annotations, a form of metadata, provide data about a program that is not part of the program itself.

  • If there is just one element named value, then the name can be omitted.
  • Java 8 supports repeating annotations (applying same types of annotations)
  • Java 8 supports type annotation.
  • Annotation is a form of interface.

Declaring an Annotation Type

@interface Name {
	String firstName();
	String lastName() default "N/A";

Platform Environment


  • Extends Hashtable -> Dictionary
  • Life Cycle:
  1. Starting Up
// create and load default properties
Properties defaultProps = new Properties();
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("defaultProperties");

// create application properties with default
Properties applicationProps = new Properties(defaultProps);

// load properties from last invocation
in = new FileInputStream("appProperties");
  1. Running 1. contains(Object value), contains(Object key) 2. getProperty(String key), getProperty(String key, String default) 3. list(PrintStream s), list(PrintWriter w) 4. keys(): keys for itself, propertyNames(): keys for itself and default(inherited keys). Both returns Enumeration 5. stringPropertyNames(): returns names of properties where both key and value are strings. The Set object is not backed by the Properties object. 6. size() 7. setProperty(String key, String value) 8. remove(Object key)

  2. Exiting

// save application properties
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("appProperties");, "---No Comment---");

Environment Variables

  • System.getenv() returns a read-only Map where the map keys are the environment variable names, and values are the environment variable values.

  • System.getenv(String varName) returns the value for environment variable named varName or returns null if it is not defined.

    Note: To maximize portability, never refer to an environment variable when the same value is available in a system property.

  • Create a new process: ProcessBuilder.

System Properties

System class maintains a Properties object that describes the configuration of the current working environment.

  • The runtime system re-initializes the system properties each time its starts up. That is, changing the system properties within an application will not affect future invocations of the Java interpreter for this or any other application.

CLASSPATH variable

The CLASSPATH variable is one way to tell applications, including the JDK tools, where to look for user classes.

  • default value: "."
  • Using -cp, -classpath command line switch to override default value for each application without affecting other applications.
  • We can also set CLASSPATH directly.