Our Management System is developed for the Schools to ensure all academic processes or management in an organized manner. The basic objective of this system is to facilitate the administrative and students. The system was created to solve problems and to provide a standardized means for the students.
The current problem in high schools in Pakistan is that the management doesn’t have a systematic data arrangement.
- Lack Of Data Arrangement that is recorded by using a manual system (paper, registers, etc.) to record the student's information, results, and performance.
- The manual system is difficult to search or maintain properly about the students information.
- Some information released by the school is not known by the parents or teachers. (notices, etc.).
The objectives of this system are
In this project, we apply waterfall model.
This system process includes these phases
In the Waterfall Model, each phase has to be completed to start the next phase.
In this project, we are using a 3-Tier Architecture Pattern.
This pattern consist of 3 layers
- Presentation Layer The presentation layer is the front-end layer in a 3-tier system and consists of a user interface. This user interface is often graphical and accessible through a web-based app to display the content.
- Application Layer The Application layer contains the functional business logic that drives an application's core capabilities. It’s often written in C#, Python, JavaScript, C++, etc.
- Data Layer The data layer comprises of the databases/data storage system and the data access layer using database query languages. The application layer accesses data via API calls.
Set Up Git:
- git config --global user.name "Your Name"
- git config --global user.email youremail@domain.com
Follow the Picture Shown Step for Coping (url)
Clonning Command:: git clone (url paste here)
After Cloning Project From Git:: you can use this MySQL Database Script for running the Project MySQL Database
Creating New Branch of your own
Branch Command:: git checkout -b "BRANCH NAME"
If you feel your work on the project is completed let's add your work on your branch
Files Adding Command:: git add (file names) "add passing file name" and (git add .) uses to add all files
After Adding Files Commit it means to give the message to file so that another master of the branch can understand what's happening in your code
Commit Command:: git commit -m "(committed message)
After Committing you need to push your project to github
Pushing Command:: git push -u origin ("BRANCH NAME") default is set to be on ==> master
- Change Directory Command:: cd "DIRECTORY NAME/"
- Remote Repositry Command:: git remote add origin master (url)
- Github Commands Cheatsheet
- Github Cheatsheet
Credits:: Ahsan804❤️