Magento module to send orders data to The plugin supports the Magento Community and Enterprise edition.
Magento Keen IO uses Composer and Magento Composer Installer to handle installation of the module and its dependencies. To install Magento Keen IO you will need a copy of composer.phar in your path. If you do not have it availble, run the following commands from your terminal.
$ curl -sS | php
$ chmod a+x composer.phar
If you are already using Magento Composer Installer and have an existing composer.json, add to the repositories list and deved-it/magento-keen-io as a required dependency for your project. That's it!
If you do not have an existing Magento Composer Installer composer.json file defined, you can use the following template.
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer": "*",
"deved/magento-keen-io": "*"
To install Magento Keen IO and its dependencies just run composer.phar.
$ ./composer.phar install
Open the Magento Admin interface and go to configuration->DEVED KEEN IO->Keen IO Configuration and fill in the fields with your Project ID and Write key. When you will receive a new order, all order data will be sent to your project.