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372 lines (314 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

372 lines (314 loc) · 12.8 KB


Online API documentation can be found at {endpoint}/docs.

mosaicJSON path

Every method to cogeo-mosaic-tiler accepts a url parameter, which allows for describing the path to the MosaicJSON, and further allows using different backends, such as an internet URL over HTTP, a file on S3, or a DynamoDB table.


For example:

  • S3:
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=s3://{bucket}/{key}
  • HTTP:
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=http(s)://
  • DynamoDB. If you don't pass a region, the local region is assumed. Note that if you don't pass a region you need three ///.
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=dynamodb://{AWS region}/{mosaicid}
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=dynamodb:///{mosaicid}
  • Local file. Note if you pass file:/// you need three ///.
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=file:///path/to/local/file
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=/path/to/local/file
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=./relative/path/to/local/file
    • https://{endpoint-url}/{method}?url=relative/path/to/local/file

Historically, a mosaicid is a 56-character hexadecimal string (matching [0-9A-Fa-f]{56} regex), usually created using sha224sum mymosaic.json.gz.

$ cogeo-mosaic create mylist.txt -o mosaic.json.gz

$ sha224sum mosaic.json.gz
92979ccd7d443ff826e493e4af707220ba77f16def6f15db86141ba8  mosaic.json.gz

Using mosaicid

Most of the GET requests support using mosaicid in the path (prefix) instead of passing an url. When using mosaicid, the tiler will reconscruct a file s3 url and then result to s3://{bucket}/mosaics/mosaicid.json.gz, with {bucket} set in the environment variable.

def _create_mosaic_path(
    mosaicid: str,
    bucket: str = os.environ["MOSAIC_DEF_BUCKET"],
    prefix: str = os.environ.get("MOSAIC_PREFIX", "mosaics"),
) -> str:
    """Translate mosaicid to s3 path."""
    key = f"{prefix}/{mosaicid}.json.gz" if prefix else f"{mosaicid}.json.gz"
    return f"s3://{bucket}/{key}"


$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/92979ccd7d443ff826e493e4af707220ba77f16def6f15db86141ba8/info

will give the same result as

$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/info?url=s3://{bucket}/mosaics/92979ccd7d443ff826e493e4af707220ba77f16def6f15db86141ba8.json.gz

- Create MosaicJSON (Experimental)


  • methods:POST
  • body
    • content: List of files
    • format: json
  • returns: mosaic definition (application/json, compression: gzip)

Note: equivalent of running cogeo-mosaic create locally

$ curl -X POST -d @list.json https://{endpoint-url}/create`

- Add MosaicJSON


  • methods:POST
  • body
    • content: mosaicJSON (created by cogeo-mosaic create)
    • mosaicid: string matching [0-9A-Fa-f]{56} regex
    • format: json
  • returns: mosaic info (application/json, compression: gzip)
$ curl -X POST -d @list.json https://{endpoint-url}/add`

  "id": "d4c05a130c8a336c6..........2cbc5c34aed85feffdaafd01ef", "status": "READY"

- Mosaic Metadata


  • methods: GET
  • url (in querytring): mosaic definition url
  • returns: mosaic defintion info (application/json, compression: gzip)
$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/info?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz
    "bounds": [],                // mosaic bounds
    "center": [lon, lat, zoom],     // mosaic center
    "maxzoom": 22,                  // mosaic max zoom
    "minzoom": 18,                  // mosaic min zoom
    "name": "0505ad234b5fb97df134001709b8a42eddce5d03b200eb8f7f4540d6", // mosaic basename
    "quadkeys": [],              // list of quakeys (not returned for dynamoDB backend)
    "layers": [] ,               // dataset band names (not returned for dynamoDB backend)

- Mosaic GeoJSON


  • methods: GET
  • url (in querytring): mosaic definition url
  • returns: mosaic-json as geojson (application/json, compression: gzip)
$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/geojson?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz
            "id":"Tile(x=21, y=20, z=7)",
                "title":"XYZ tile Tile(x=21, y=20, z=7)",

- TileJSON (2.1.0)


  • methods: GET
  • url (required): mosaic definition url
  • tile_format (optional, str): output tile format (default: "png")
  • tile_scale (optional, int): output tile scale (default: 1 = 256px)
  • kwargs (in querytring): tiler options
  • returns: tileJSON defintion (application/json, compression: gzip)
$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/tilejson.json?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz
    "bounds": [],
    "center": [lon, lat, minzoom],
    "maxzoom": 22,
    "minzoom": 18,
    "name": "s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz",
    "tilejson": "2.1.0",
    "tiles": [



  • methods: GET
  • url (in querytring): mosaic definition url
  • tile_format (optional, str): output tile format (default: "png")
  • tile_scale (optional, int): output tile scale (default: 1 = 256px)
  • title (optional, str): layer name (default: "Cloud Optimizied GeoTIFF Mosaic")
  • kwargs (in querytring): tiler options
  • returns: WMTS xml (application/xml, compression: gzip)
$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/wmts?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz
            <ows:Title>Cloud Optimizied GeoTIFF Mosaic</ows:Title>
            <ows:ServiceType>OGC WMTS</ows:ServiceType>
            <ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
                        <ows:Get xlink:href="https://{endpoint-url}/wmts?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmymosaic.json">
                            <ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
            <ows:Operation name="GetTile">
                        <ows:Get xlink:href="https://{endpoint-url}/wmts?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmymosaic.json">
                            <ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
                <ows:Title>Cloud Optimizied GeoTIFF Mosaic</ows:Title>
                <ows:WGS84BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:2:84">
                    <ows:LowerCorner>-75.98703377403767 44.93504283303786</ows:LowerCorner>
                    <ows:UpperCorner>-71.337604724099 47.096855991923235</ows:UpperCorner>
                <Style isDefault="true">
                <ows:Abstract>GoogleMapsCompatible EPSG:3857</ows:Abstract>
            <TopLeftCorner>-20037508.34278925 20037508.34278925</TopLeftCorner>
            <TopLeftCorner>-20037508.34278925 20037508.34278925</TopLeftCorner>
            <TopLeftCorner>-20037508.34278925 20037508.34278925</TopLeftCorner>
        <ServiceMetadataURL xlink:href='https://{endpoint-url}/tiles/wmts?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmymosaic.json'/>

- Image tiles

  • /<int:z>/<int:x>/<int:y>.<ext>

  • /<int:z>/<int:x>/<int:y>@2x.<ext>

  • methods: GET

  • z: Mercator tile zoom value

  • x: Mercator tile x value

  • y: Mercator tile y value

  • scale: Tile scale (default: 1)

  • ext: Output tile format (e.g jpg)

  • url (required): mosaic definition url

  • indexes (optional, str): dataset band indexes (default: None)

  • rescale (optional, str): min/max for data rescaling (default: None)

  • color_ops (optional, str): rio-color formula (default: None)

  • color_map (optional, str): rio-tiler colormap (default: None)

  • pixel_selection (optional, str): mosaic pixel selection (default: first)

  • resampling_method (optional, str): tiler resampling method (default: nearest)

  • compression: gzip

  • returns: image body (image/jpeg)

$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/8/32/22.png?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz&indexes=1,2,3&rescale=100,3000&color_ops=Gamma RGB 3&pixel_selection=first

- Vector tiles

Note that generating vector tiles depends on the optional dependency rio-tiler-mvt. If the vector tile endpoint is requested and the dependency is not installed, an error will be raised.


  • methods: GET
  • z: Mercator tile zoom value
  • x: Mercator tile x value
  • y: Mercator tile y value
  • ext: Output tile format (e.g jpg)
  • url (required): mosaic definition url
  • tile_size: (optional, int) Tile size (default: 256)
  • pixel_selection (optional, str): mosaic pixel selection (default: first)
  • feature_type (optional, str): feature type (default: point)
  • resampling_method (optional, str): tiler resampling method (default: nearest)
  • compression: gzip
  • returns: tile body (application/x-protobuf)
$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/8/32/22.pbf?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz&pixel_selection=first

- Point Value


  • methods: GET
  • lng (required, float): longitude
  • lat (required, float): lattitude
  • url (required): mosaic definition url
  • compression: gzip
  • returns: json(application/json, compression: gzip)
$ curl https://{endpoint-url}/point?url=s3://my_bucket/my_mosaic.json.gz&lng=10&lat=-10