This repository contains terraform codes to interact with GitLab resources, like users, groups, projects and more. Take a tour and check the files so you can have a good understanding of what is happening and how the provider is defined. It's better to implement the example once after you read and check the code so you can learn more about it.
Copy the terraform.tfvars.exmaple
and rename it to terraform.tfvars
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
Then you can use below commands to test the provider.
terraform init
Now it's time to actually using apply.
terraform apply
Deletes and removes Terraform-managed infrastructure
terraform destroy
- Create a project
- Manage a file within a repository
- Manage license of a project
- Create a new branch
- Create a tag
- Manage labels of a project
- Manage scheduled pipeline
- Manage pipelines
Contributions are always welcome!