creates a secert to share, an array of shares to share and a verifaction vector
Object an instance of bls-libnumOfShares
Number the number of share to createthreshold
Number the number of share needed to recover the secret
Returns Object the return value contains verifcationVector
, and array of shares
and a random secert
renew shares and verification vector, while keeping the secret
Object an instance of bls-libshares
Number the array of shares to be renewed (it is not possible to renew only some shares ; all must be). This array will not be modified, and new shares appear in the return object.threshold
Number the number of share needed to recover the secretoldVvec
Returns Object the return value contains the new verifcationVector
, an array containing the new shares
, and the secret
(which has not changed in respect to the original shares)
verifys a share again a verifcation vector
Returns Boolean
verifys a share again a verifcation vector
Array an array of unque shares containing threshold number of shares
Returns Uint8Array the recovered secret