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feat: [IC-1247] Add replica signatures to Query responses

This MR adds replica signatures to Query responses.

A hash of a Query is computed as described in [PR#136](dfinity/interface-spec#163), signed with `sign_basic` and included in the query response.

Part of IC-1247
Closes NET-1500

Co-authored-by: Shuo Wang \
Co-authored-by: Martin Raszyk 

Closes NET-1500

See merge request dfinity-lab/public/ic!13833
  • Loading branch information
DSharifi committed Sep 13, 2023
2 parents efe4ff6 + 73dbd34 commit 0130bdb
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Showing 25 changed files with 608 additions and 218 deletions.
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions Cargo.lock

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions hs/spec_compliance/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -789,6 +789,7 @@ haskell_library(
Expand All @@ -798,6 +799,7 @@ haskell_library(
Expand Down
145 changes: 132 additions & 13 deletions hs/spec_compliance/src/IC/Test/Agent.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ module IC.Test.Agent
ReqResponse (..),
ReqStatus (..),
NodeSignature (..),
QueryResponse (..),
AgentConfig (..),
DelegationCanisterRangeCheck (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +86,9 @@ module IC.Test.Agent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +139,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Char
import Data.Default.Class (def)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List (find, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Row
import qualified Data.Row.Variants as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
Expand All @@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ import IC.Certificate.Value
import IC.Crypto
import qualified IC.Crypto.DER as DER
import qualified IC.Crypto.DER_BLS as DER_BLS
import qualified IC.Crypto.Ed25519 as Ed25519
import IC.HTTP.CBOR (decode, encode)
import IC.HTTP.GenR
import IC.HTTP.GenR.Parse
Expand All @@ -165,6 +171,7 @@ import IC.Id.Forms
import IC.Id.Fresh
import IC.Management
import IC.Test.Options
import IC.Types (rawEntityId)
import IC.Version
import Network.Connection
import Network.HTTP.Client
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,7 +209,8 @@ cborToBlobPair r = assertFailure $ "Expected list of pairs, got: " <> show r
-- * Agent configuration

data AgentSubnetConfig = AgentSubnetConfig
{ tc_node_addresses :: [String],
{ tc_subnet_id :: Blob,
tc_node_addresses :: [String],
tc_canister_ranges :: [(W.Word64, W.Word64)]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,10 +272,10 @@ preFlight os = do
let Httpbin httpbin = lookupOption os
let PollTimeout to = lookupOption os
let AllowSelfSignedCerts allow_self_signed_certs = lookupOption os
let TestSubnet (_, _, _, test_ranges, test_nodes) = lookupOption os
let test_agent_subnet_config = AgentSubnetConfig (map (fixUrl "node") test_nodes) test_ranges
let PeerSubnet (_, _, _, peer_ranges, peer_nodes) = lookupOption os
let peer_agent_subnet_config = AgentSubnetConfig (map (fixUrl "node") peer_nodes) peer_ranges
let TestSubnet (test_id, _, _, test_ranges, test_nodes) = lookupOption os
let test_agent_subnet_config = AgentSubnetConfig (rawEntityId test_id) (map (fixUrl "node") test_nodes) test_ranges
let PeerSubnet (peer_id, _, _, peer_ranges, peer_nodes) = lookupOption os
let peer_agent_subnet_config = AgentSubnetConfig (rawEntityId peer_id) (map (fixUrl "node") peer_nodes) peer_ranges
makeAgentConfig allow_self_signed_certs ep [test_agent_subnet_config, peer_agent_subnet_config] httpbin to

-- Yes, implicit arguments are frowned upon. But they are also very useful.
Expand All @@ -286,6 +294,9 @@ endPoint = tc_endPoint agentConfig
subnets :: (HasAgentConfig) => [AgentSubnetConfig]
subnets = tc_subnets agentConfig

root_subnet :: (HasAgentConfig) => AgentSubnetConfig
root_subnet = fromJust $ find (any (\(a, b) -> wordToId' a <= wordToId' 0 && wordToId' 0 <= wordToId' b) . tc_canister_ranges) subnets

agentManager :: (HasAgentConfig) => Manager
agentManager = tc_manager agentConfig

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,9 +401,16 @@ senderOf :: GenR -> Blob
senderOf (GRec hm) | Just (GBlob id) <- HM.lookup "sender" hm = id
senderOf _ = anonymousUser

addNonceExpiryEnv' :: GenR -> IO (Blob, GenR)
addNonceExpiryEnv' req = do
req <- addNonce req >>= addExpiry
env <- envelopeFor (senderOf req) req
return (requestId req, env)

addNonceExpiryEnv :: GenR -> IO GenR
addNonceExpiryEnv req = do
addNonce req >>= addExpiry >>= envelopeFor (senderOf req)
(_, req) <- addNonceExpiryEnv' req
return req

envelopeFor :: Blob -> GenR -> IO GenR
envelopeFor u content | u == anonymousUser = return $ rec ["content" =: content]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,9 +501,11 @@ sync_height cid = forM subnets $ \sub -> do

-- | Add envelope to CBOR request, add a nonce and expiry if it is not there,
-- post to "read", return decoded CBOR
queryCBOR :: (HasCallStack, HasAgentConfig) => Blob -> GenR -> IO GenR
queryCBOR :: (HasCallStack, HasAgentConfig) => Blob -> GenR -> IO (Blob, GenR)
queryCBOR cid req = do
addNonceExpiryEnv req >>= postQueryCBOR cid >>= okCBOR
(rid, req) <- addNonceExpiryEnv' req
res <- postQueryCBOR cid req >>= okCBOR
return (rid, res)

type HTTPErrOr a = Either (Int, String) a

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,6 +642,12 @@ data ReqResponse = Reply Blob | Reject Natural T.Text (Maybe T.Text)
data ReqStatus = Processing | Pending | Responded ReqResponse | UnknownStatus
deriving (Eq, Show)

data NodeSignature = NodeSignature {node_sig_timestamp :: Natural, node_sig_signature :: Blob, node_sig_identity :: Blob}
deriving (Eq, Show)

data QueryResponse = QueryReply Blob [NodeSignature] | QueryReject Natural T.Text (Maybe T.Text) [NodeSignature]
deriving (Eq, Show)

prettyPath :: [Blob] -> String
prettyPath = concatMap (("/" ++) . shorten 15 . prettyBlob)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -768,19 +794,29 @@ callResponse =
error_code <- optionalField text "error_code"
return $ Reject code msg error_code

queryResponse :: GenR -> IO ReqResponse
queryResponse :: GenR -> IO QueryResponse
queryResponse =
asExceptT . record do
s <- field text "status"
case s of
"replied" ->
Reply <$> field (record (field blob "arg")) "reply"
"replied" -> do
reply <- field (record (field blob "arg")) "reply"
signatures <- field (listOf parseNodeSignature) "signatures"
return $ QueryReply reply signatures
"rejected" -> do
code <- field nat "reject_code"
msg <- field text "reject_message"
error_code <- optionalField text "error_code"
return $ Reject code msg error_code
signatures <- field (listOf parseNodeSignature) "signatures"
return $ QueryReject code msg error_code signatures
_ -> throwError $ "Unexpected status " <> T.pack (show s)
parseNodeSignature :: Field NodeSignature
parseNodeSignature = record $ do
t <- field nat "timestamp"
s <- field blob "signature"
n <- field blob "identity"
return $ NodeSignature t s n

isReject :: (HasCallStack) => [Natural] -> ReqResponse -> IO ()
isReject _ (Reply r) =
Expand All @@ -790,6 +826,77 @@ isReject codes (Reject n msg _) = do
("Reject code " ++ show n ++ " not in " ++ show codes ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack msg)
(n `elem` codes)

assertLen :: String -> Int -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
assertLen what len bs
| BS.length bs == fromIntegral len = return ()
| otherwise = assertFailure $ what ++ " has wrong length " ++ show (BS.length bs) ++ ", expected " ++ show len

checkQueryResponse :: (HasCallStack, HasAgentConfig) => Blob -> Blob -> QueryResponse -> IO ()
checkQueryResponse cid rid r = do
cert <- getStateCert defaultUser cid [["subnet"]]
(subnet_id, ranges) <-
case cert_delegation cert of
Just d -> do
let subnet_id = del_subnet_id d
del_cert <- decodeCert' $ del_certificate d
ranges <- certValue @Blob del_cert ["subnet", subnet_id, "canister_ranges"] >>= asCBORBlobPairList
return (subnet_id, ranges)
Nothing -> do
let subnet_id = tc_subnet_id root_subnet
ranges <- certValue @Blob cert ["subnet", subnet_id, "canister_ranges"] >>= asCBORBlobPairList
return (subnet_id, ranges)
unless (checkCanisterIdInRanges' ranges cid) $ assertFailure $ "Canister range check failed"
let sigs = case r of
QueryReply _ sigs -> sigs
QueryReject _ _ _ sigs -> sigs
void $ forM sigs $ \sig -> case sig of
NodeSignature t s n -> do
der_pk <- certValue @Blob cert ["subnet", subnet_id, "node", n, "public_key"]
pk <- case DER.decode der_pk of
Left err -> assertFailure $ "Node public key is not DER-encoded: " ++ show err
Right (suite, pk) -> do
assertBool "Node public key is not Ed25519" $ case suite of
DER.Ed25519 -> True
_ -> False
return pk
let hash = case r of
QueryReply payload _ ->
requestId $
[ "status" =: GText "replied",
"reply" =: GBlob payload,
"timestamp" =: GNat t,
"request_id" =: GBlob rid
QueryReject code msg error_code _ -> do
requestId $
rec $
[ "status" =: GText "rejected",
"reject_code" =: GNat code,
"reject_message" =: GText msg,
"timestamp" =: GNat t,
"request_id" =: GBlob rid
++ ["error_code" =: GText err | Just err <- [error_code]]
let msg = "\x0Bic-response" <> hash
assertLen "Ed25519 public key length" 32 pk
assertLen "Ed25519 signature length" 64 s
assertBool "Node signature verification failed" $ Ed25519.verify pk msg s
return ()

isQueryReject :: (HasCallStack, HasAgentConfig) => Blob -> [Natural] -> (Blob, QueryResponse) -> IO ()
isQueryReject cid codes (rid, r) = do
checkQueryResponse cid rid r
aux r
aux (QueryReply r _) =
assertFailure $ "Expected reject, got reply:" ++ prettyBlob r
aux (QueryReject n msg _ sigs) = do
assertBool ("Number of signatures " ++ show (length sigs) ++ "is not equal to one") (length sigs == 1)
("Reject code " ++ show n ++ " not in " ++ show codes ++ "\n" ++ T.unpack msg)
(n `elem` codes)

isErr4xx :: (HasCallStack) => HTTPErrOr a -> IO ()
isErr4xx (Left (c, msg))
| 400 <= c && c < 500 = return ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -823,6 +930,18 @@ isReply (Reject n msg error_code) =
showErrCode ec = ", error_code: " ++ T.unpack ec

isQueryReply :: (HasCallStack, HasAgentConfig) => Blob -> (Blob, QueryResponse) -> IO Blob
isQueryReply cid (rid, r) = do
checkQueryResponse cid rid r
aux r
aux (QueryReply b sigs) = do
assertBool ("Number of signatures " ++ show (length sigs) ++ "is not equal to one") (length sigs == 1)
return b
aux (QueryReject n msg error_code _) =
assertFailure $ "Unexpected reject (code " ++ show n ++ (maybe "" showErrCode error_code) ++ "): " ++ T.unpack msg
showErrCode ec = ", error_code: " ++ T.unpack ec

-- Convenience decoders

asWord32 :: (HasCallStack) => Blob -> IO Word32
Expand Down

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