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How to run

  docker-compose up

Local URL: http://localhost:19006

How to build

This project based on the create-react-app, to build using docker-compose:

  docker-compose run frontend npm run build

Env parameters

Available networks: mainnet, ropsten, kovan, polygon, fork (mainnet fork), mumbai, polygon_fork

General network

REACT_APP_DEFAULT_ETHEREUM_NETWORK - network selected in the app on the first enter (optional), default value: mainnet

REACT_APP_SUPPORTED_ETHEREUM_NETWORKS - list of supported ethereum networks, comma separated

REACT_APP_ENABLE_CACHING_BACKEND - enable aave-caching-server support, default value: false REACT_APP_RATES_HISTORY_ENDPOINT - enable rates history endpoint support, optional

Fiat onboard

This interface includes libraries to connect with fiat on-ramp services. They are disabled by default and it is the sole responsibility of the users running the interface to provide credentials in order the run them.

REACT_APP_ONRAMP_API_KEY - Ramp network API key, disabled by default (optional)

REACT_APP_TRANSAK_API_KEY - Transak API key, disabled by default (optional)

REACT_APP_ENABLE_NASH - disabled by default, set true to enable


REACT_APP_AUTHEREUM_API_KEY - Authereum wallet API key, disabled by default (optional)

REACT_APP_PORTIS_DAPP_ID - Portis wallet API key, disabled by default (optional)

REACT_APP_FORTMATIC_KEY_MAINNET - Fortmatic wallet production API key(for mainnet), disabled by default (optional)

REACT_APP_FORTMATIC_KEY_TESTNET - Fortmatic wallet development API key(for testnets), disabled by default (optional)

Bug tracking and misc

It is possible to configure the interface to integrate with standard bug tracking (Sentry) and analytics services (GTM). Both are disabled by default and we put emphasis on using them with responsibility, with users' privacy always in mind.

REACT_APP_GTM_ID - Google tag manager id (optional)

REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN - Sentry dsn url (optional)

Connecting to forks

If you want to run the app against a custom fork set corresponding params in the browser localStorage

  forkNetworkId // chainId you will set in metamask
  forkRPCUrl // the url of the http fork RPC
  forkWsRPCUrl // the url of the ws fork RPC
  fork_enabled // enable the fork

Updating GraphQL Schemas

  npm run gql-gen