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Vcon package API Documentation


The py-vcon package is available via pip. It can be installed using:

pip3 install py-vcon

Most of the functionality in the py-vcon package is contained in the vcon.Vcon class. The following categories of methods are implemented on the Vcon class.

Methods to access or modify Vcon Analysis objects


add_analysis(self, dialog_index: 'typing.Union[int, typing.List[int]]', analysis_type: 'str', body: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, vendor: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, schema: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, encoding: 'str' = 'json', **optional_parameters) -> 'None'

Add a generic analysis for the indicated dialog.

dialog_index (Union[int, list[int]]): index or list of indices to the dialog in the vCon dialog list that this analysis was generated from.
vendor (str): string token for the vendor of the audio to text transcription service
schema (str): schema label for the transcription data. Used to identify data format of the transcription for vendors that have more than one format or version.
optional_parameters (dict[str, Any]) - additional parameters to add to the analysis object.

Return: none


add_analysis_transcript(self, dialog_index: 'int', transcript: 'dict', vendor: 'str', schema: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, analysis_type: 'str' = 'transcript', encoding: 'str' = 'json', **optional_parameters: 'typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]') -> 'None'

Add a transcript for the indicated dialog.

dialog_index (str): index to the dialog in the vCon dialog list that this trascript corresponds to.
vendor (str): string token for the vendor of the audio to text transcription service.
schema (str): schema label for the transcription data. Used to identify data format of the transcription for vendors that have more than one format or version.

Return: none

Methods to access or modify Vcon Attachment objects


add_attachment_inline(self, body: 'bytes', sent_time: 'typing.Union[str, int, float, datetime.datetime]', party: 'int', mime_type: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, file_name: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None) -> 'int'

Add an attachment object for the given file body

body (bytes): bytes for the audio or video recording (e.g. wave or MP3 file).
send_time (str, int, float, datetime.datetime): Date, time the attachment was sent. string containing RFC 2822 or RFC3339 date time stamp or int/float containing epoch time (since 1970) in seconds.
party (int): party index of the sender
mime_type (str): mime type of the recording
file_name (str): file name of the recording (optional)

(int) index of the added attachment

Methods to access or modify Vcon Dialog objects


add_dialog_external_recording(self, body: 'bytes', start_time: 'typing.Union[str, int, float, datetime.datetime]', duration: 'typing.Union[int, float]', parties: 'typing.Union[int, typing.List[int], typing.List[typing.List[int]]]', external_url: 'str', mime_type: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, file_name: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, sign_type: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = 'SHA-512', originator: 'typing.Union[int, None]' = None) -> 'int'

Add a recording of a portion of the conversation, as a reference via the given URL, to the dialog and generate a signature and key for the content. This method has the limitation that the entire recording must be passed in in-memory.

body (bytes): bytes for the audio or video recording (e.g. wave or MP3 file).
start_time (str, int, float, datetime.datetime): Date, time of the start of the recording. string containing RFC 2822 or RFC 3339 date time stamp or int/float containing epoch time (since 1970) in seconds.
duration (int or float): duration of the recording in seconds
parties (int, List[int], List[List[int]]): party indices speaking in each channel of the recording.
external_url (string): https URL where the body is stored securely
mime_type (str): mime type of the recording (optional)
file_name (str): file name of the recording (optional)
sign_type (str): signature type to create for external signature default= "SHA-512" use SHA 512 bit hash (RFC6234) "LM-OTS" use Leighton-Micali One Time Signature (RFC8554)
originator (int): by default the originator of the dialog is the first party listed in the parites array. However , in some cases, it is difficult to arrange the recording channels with the originator as the first party/channel. In these cases, the originator can be explicitly provided. The value of the originator is the index into the Vcon.parties array of the party that originated this dialog.

Index to the added dialog


add_dialog_inline_email_message(self, smtp_message: 'str', file_name: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None) -> 'int'

Add a new text dialog and any attachments for the given SMTP email message.

SMTP message should include To, From, Subject, Cc, Date headers and may include a simple text or MIME body. Attachments are added to Vcon.

smtp_message (str) - string containing the contents of a SMTP messages including headers and body.

index (int) of the dialog added for the text body of the message


add_dialog_inline_recording(self, body: 'bytes', start_time: 'typing.Union[str, int, float, datetime.datetime]', duration: 'typing.Union[int, float]', parties: 'typing.Union[int, typing.List[int], typing.List[typing.List[int]]]', mime_type: 'str', file_name: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None, originator: 'typing.Union[int, None]' = None) -> 'int'

Add a recording of a portion of the conversation, inline (base64 encoded) to the dialog.

body (bytes): bytes for the audio or video recording (e.g. wave or MP3 file).
start_time (str, int, float, datetime.datetime): Date, time of the start of the recording. string containing RFC 2822 or RFC3339 date time stamp or int/float containing epoch time (since 1970) in seconds. duration (int or float): duration of the recording in seconds
parties (int, List[int], List[List[int]]): party indices speaking in each channel of the recording.
mime_type (str): mime type of the recording
file_name (str): file name of the recording (optional)
originator (int): by default the originator of the dialog is the first party listed in the parites array. However , in some cases, it is difficult to arrange the recording channels with the originator as the first party/channel. In these cases, the originator can be explicitly provided. The value of the originator is the index into the Vcon.parties array of the party that originated this dialog.

Number of bytes read from body.


add_dialog_inline_text(self, body: 'str', start_time: 'typing.Union[str, int, float, datetime.datetime]', duration: 'typing.Union[int, float]', party: 'typing.Union[int, list[int]]', mime_type: 'str', file_name: 'typing.Union[str, None]' = None) -> 'int'

Add a dialog segment for a text chat or email thread.

body (str) - bytes for the text communication (e.g. text or multipart MIME body).
start_time (str, int, float, datetime.datetime) - Date, time of the start time the sender started typing or if unavailable, the time it was sent. String containing RFC 2822 or RFC3339 date time stamp or int/float containing epoch time (since 1970) in seconds.
duration (int or float) - duration in time the sender completed typing in seconds. Should be zero if unknown. party (int) - index into parties object array as to which party sent the text communication.
mime_type (str) - mime type of the body (usually MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN or MIMETYPE_MULTIPART)
file_name (str) - file name of the body if applicable (optional)

Index of the new dialog in the Dialog Object array parameter.


decode_dialog_inline_body(self, dialog_index: 'int') -> 'typing.Union[str, bytes]'

Get the dialog recording at the given index, decoding it and returning the raw bytes.

dialog_index (int): index the the dialog in the dialog list, containing the inline recording

(bytes): the bytes for the recording file


find_transcript_for_dialog(self, dialog_index: 'int', transcript_accessor_exists: 'bool' = True, transcript_accessors: 'typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str, str]], None]' = None) -> 'typing.Union[int, None]'

Find the index to the transcript analysis for the indicated dialog.

dialog_index (int) - index to a recording dialog
transcript_accessor_exists (bool) - only consider transcript analysis objects for which a transcript_accessor exist.

(int or None) - index of the transcript type analysis object in this Vcon or None if not found.


get_dialog_body(self, dialog_index: 'int') -> 'typing.Union[str, bytes]'

Get the dialog body whether it is inline or an externally reference URL

dialog_index (int) - index of the dialog in the Vcon, from which to retrieve the body

(str) or (bytes) for the dialog body


get_dialog_external_recording(self, dialog_index: 'int', get_kwargs: 'typing.Union[dict, None]' = None) -> 'bytes'

Get the externally referenced dialog recording via the dialog's url and verify its integrity using the signature in the dialog object, blocking on its return.

dialog_index (int) - index into the Vcon.dialog array indicating which external recording is to be retrieved and verified.
get_kwargs (dict) - kwargs passed to requests.get method defaults to {"timeout": = 20} seconds

verified content/bytes for the recording


get_dialog_text(self, dialog_index: 'int', find_transcript: 'bool' = True, generate_transcript: 'bool' = False) -> 'typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]'

Get the text for this dialog.

If this is a text dialog, return the text. If this is a recording dialog try to find the transcript for this dialog in the analysis objects and return the text from the transcript.

dialog_index (int) - index to the dialog in this Vcon's dialog objects list.
find_transcript (bool) - try to find transcript for this dialog in the analysis objects list and get the transcript text.
generate_transcript (bool) - if the transcript for this dialog is not found in the analysis objects, generate the transcript using the default transcript type FilterPlugin.

list of dicts where each dict contains the following: * "party" (int) - index to the party that typed or spoke the given text * "text" (str) - the typed or spoken text * "start" (str) - the RFC3339 time stamp at which the text started/spoken/transmitted * "duration" (int) - optional duration over which the text was typed or spoken

Text dialogs will return a single dict, recording dialogs may return one or more dicts.

Methods to access or modify Vcon Party objects


add_party(self, party_dict: 'dict') -> 'int'

Add a new party to the vCon Parties Object array.

party_dict (dict) - dict representing the parameter name and value pairs Dict key must beone of the following: ["tel", "stir", "mailto", "name", "validation", "gmlpos", "timezone"]

int: if success, positive int index of party in list


find_parties_by_parameter(self, parameter_name: 'str', parameter_value_substr: 'str') -> 'typing.List[int]'

Find the list of parties which have string parameters of the given name and value which contains the given substring.

parameter_name (String) - name of the Party Object parameter to be searched.
paramter_value_substr (String) - substring to check if it is contained in the value of the given parameter name

List of indices into the parties object array for which the given parameter name's value contains a match for the given substring.


set_party_parameter(self, parameter_name: 'str', parameter_value: 'str', party_index: 'int' = -1) -> 'int'

Set the named parameter for the given party index. If the index is not provided, add a new party to the vCon Parties Object array.

parameter_name (String) - name of the Party Object parameter to be set. Must beone of the following: ["tel", "stir", "mailto", "name", "validation", "gmlpos", "timezone"]
parameter_value (String) - new value to set for the named parameter
party_index (int) - index of party to set tel url on (-1 indicates a new party should be added)

int: if success, positive int index of party in list

Methods to encrypt or decript a Vcon`


decrypt(self, private_key_pem_file_name: 'str', cert_pem_file_name: 'str') -> 'None'

Decrypt a vCon using private and public key file.

vCon must be in encrypted state and will be in signed state after decryption.

private_key_pem_file_name (str): the private key to use for decrypting the vcon.
cert_pem_file_name (str): the public key/cert to use for decrypting the vcon.

Returns: none


encrypt(self, cert_pem_file_name: 'str') -> 'None'

encrypt a Signed vcon using the given public key from the give certificate.

vcon must be signed first.

cert_pem_file_name (str): the public key/cert to use for encrypting the vcon.

Returns: none

Methods to serialize or deserialize from/to the given Vcon


dump(self, vconfile: 'typing.Union[str, typing.TextIO]', indent: 'typing.Union[int, None]' = None) -> 'None'

dump vcon in JSON form to given file

vconfile (str, TextIO) - if string, file name else file like object to write Vcon JSON to.
index (None, int) - apply indenting/pretty printing to JSON

Return: none


dumpd(self, signed: 'bool' = True, deepcopy: 'bool' = True) -> 'dict'

Dump the vCon as a dict representing JSON.


signed (Boolean): If the vCon is signed locally or verfied, True: serialize the signed version False: serialize the unsigned version

deepcopy (boolean): make a deep copy of the dict so that the Vcon data is not much with. True (default): make deep copy of the dict holding Vcon JSON data (highly recommended) False: pass reference to Vcon data as dict (dangerous)

Returns: dict containing JSON representation of the vCon.


dumps(self, signed: 'bool' = True, indent: 'typing.Union[int, None]' = None) -> 'str'

Dump the vCon as a JSON string.

signed (Boolean): If the vCon is signed locally or verfied,
True: serialize the signed version
False: serialize the unsigned version

String containing JSON representation of the vCon.


get(self, uuid: 'str', base_uri: 'str' = 'http://{host}:{port}{path}', host: 'str' = 'localhost', port: 'int' = 8000, path: 'str' = '/vcon/{uuid}', get_kwargs: 'typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]' = {'timeout': 20, 'headers': {'accept': 'application/json'}}) -> 'None'

HTTP GET the Vcon from the given base_uri and path.

uuid (str) - UUID of the vCon to retrieve
base_url (str) - template URL for HTTP post
host (str) - host IP or DNS name to use in URL
port (int) - HTTP port to use
path (str) - template path for the URL
get_kwargs (dict) - extra args to pass to requests.get

Return: none


load(self, vconfile: 'typing.Union[str, typing.TextIO]') -> 'None'

Load the Vcon JSON from the given file_handle and deserialize it. see Vcon.loads for more details.

Parameters: vconfile (str, TextIO) - if string, file name else file like object to write Vcon JSON to.

Returns: none


loadd(self, vcon_dict: 'dict') -> 'None'

Load the vCon from the JSON style dict. Assumes that this vCon is an empty vCon as it is not cleared.

Decision as to what json form to be deserialized is:

  1. unsigned vcon must have a vcon and one or more of the following elements: parties, dialog, analysis, attachments
  2. JWS vCon must have a payload and signatures
  3. JWE vCon must have a cyphertext and recipients

vcon_dict (dict): dict containing JSON representation of a vCon

Returns: none


loads(self, vcon_json: 'str') -> 'None'

Load the vCon from a JSON string. Assumes that this vCon is an empty vCon as it is not cleared.

Decision as to what json form to be deserialized is:

  1. unsigned vcon must have a vcon and one or more of the following elements: parties, dialog, analysis, attachments
  2. JWS vCon must have a payload and signatures
  3. JWE vCon must have a cyphertext and recipients

vcon_json (str): string containing JSON representation of a vCon

Returns: none


post(self, base_uri: 'str' = 'http://{host}:{port}/vcon', host: 'str' = 'localhost', port: 'int' = 8000, post_kwargs: 'typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]' = {'timeout': 20}) -> 'None'

HTTP Post this Vcon from the given base_uri and path.

base_url (str) - template URL for HTTP post
host (str) - host IP or DNS name to use in URL
port (int) - HTTP port to use
post_kwargs (dict) - extra args to pass to

Return: none

Methods to perform operations on Vcon's


filter(self, filter_name: 'str', options: 'vcon.filter_plugins.FilterPluginOptions') -> 'Vcon'

Run this Vcon through the named filter plugin.

See vcon.filter_plugins.FilterPluginRegistry for the set of registered plugins.

filter_name (str) - name of a registered FilterPlugin options - passed through to plugin. The fields in options are documented by the specified plugin.

the filter modified Vcon


jq(self, query: 'typing.Union[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'typing.Union[list[str], dict[str, any]]'

Perform jq syle queries on the Vcon JSON

query (Union[str, dict[str, str]]) - query(s) to be performed on this Vcon query can be a single query string or a dict containing a names set where the values are query strings.

if query is a str, a list containing the query result is returned
if query is a dict, a dict with keys corresponding to the input query where the values are the query result.

Methods to access or modify Vcon Meta Data


set_created_at(self, create_date: 'typing.Union[int, float, str, None]') -> 'None'

Set the Vcon creation date.

create_date (typing.Union[int, float, str, None]) - epoch time as int or float, date string as RFC3339 or RFC822 format. passing a value of None will use the current time.

Returns: None


set_subject(self, subject: 'str') -> 'None'

Set the subject parameter of the vCon.

subject - String value to assign to the vCon subject parameter.

Returns: None


set_uuid(self, domain_name: 'str', replace: 'bool' = False) -> 'str'

Generate a UUID for this vCon and set the parameter

domain_name: a DNS domain name string, should generally be a fully qualified host name.

UUID version 8 string (vCon uuid parameter is also set)

Methods to sign or verify a signed Vcon


sign(self, private_key_pem_file_name: 'str', cert_chain_pem_file_names: 'typing.List[str]') -> 'None'

Sign the vcon using the given private key from the give certificate chain.

private_key_pem_file_name (str): the private key to use for signing the vcon.
cert_chain_pem_file_names (List[str]): file names for the pem format certicate chain for the private key to use for signing. The cert/public key corresponding to the private key should be the first cert. THe certificate authority root should be the last cert.

Returns: none


verify(self, ca_cert_pem_file_names: 'typing.List[str]') -> 'None'

Verify the signed vCon and its certificate chain which should be issued by one of the given CAs

ca_cert_pem_file_names (List[str]): list of Certificate Authority certificate PEM file names to verify the vCon's certificate chain.

Returns: none

Raises exceptions for invalid cert chaind, invalid cert dates or chain not issued by one of the given CAs.



verify_dialog_external_recording(self, dialog_index: 'int', body: 'bytes') -> 'None'

Verify the given body of the externally stored recording for the indicted dialog. Using the signature and public key stored in the dialog, the content of the body of the recording is verifyed.

dialog_index (int): index of the dialog to be verified
body (bytes): the contents of the recording which is stored external to this vCon

Returns: none

Raises exceptions if the signature and public key fail to verify the body.