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File metadata and controls

149 lines (114 loc) · 10.7 KB

Custom language support

There are a couple of custom languages that the Android plugin needs to support. Implementations were added over time and by different people, so they don't all follow the same conventions, but all are based on Grammar-Kit, which is the recommended way of creating parsers. This document was written while implementing SQL support, so most examples are from the androidSql package. Documentation for adding a new language to the IDE is available in the IntelliJ SDK docs, but here we keep additional notes that may be useful for engineers tackling this problem in the future.

Note that the process of parsing e.g. Java (as well as the generated trees) is quite different, because the parser and all other pieces are hand-written and customized/optimized as needed.


There are three stages to parsing: finding tokens (lexing), building the AST and building the PSI tree. These parts are defined in a ParserDefinition extension class (see e.g. AndroidSqlParserDefinition).


The job of a lexer is to be able to find the next "token" (or "lexeme"). Given a CharSequence and some initial state, the lexer is asked to advance and then asked how far it went and what's the type of token that was just consumed. The type is IElementType which is a class used to represent types of both tokens and AST nodes. Conceptually lexers are deterministic finite automata: they have very little state (in IJ the whole state needs to fit into one int) and are generated from an ordered list of regular expressions.

There is no JVM object representing a "token", but the parsing machinery keeps track of the segment of input recognized and its type. Later in the pipeline a leaf AST node is created for every token.

IJ lexers always needs to consume all the input given. This also means that they need to generate tokens for whitespace (these are ignored by the parsers). Our whitespace tokens use the standard IElementType defined in TokenTypes.WHITE_SPACE, but in general the types of whitespace tokens is defined in the ParserDefinition and used by PsiBuilderImpl. Note that Grammar-Kit's live preview feature needs to have a concept of whitespace: the heuristic it uses it look for a token type that matches a space and is not used otherwise. Some of our grammars include such a token definition (in the tokens section of the *.bnf file) just to make live preview work.

We define our tokens in the *.bnf files. They can be:

  • Defined implicitly by just using the string in question. In the BNF grammar files, any (potentially quoted) word that is not a reference to a rule is considered a token that will match this exact word. This is how we handle SQL keywords.
  • Defined explicitly in the tokens section. If the value starts with regexp:, the given regular expression will be used to recognize the token. An explicitly defined token (like COMMA=',') can still be used in the grammar using it's value (',') for readability, but the name (COMMA) will be used to define the IElementType constant.

Based on this, Grammar-Kit generates an IElementType for every type of token, as well as a *.flex file, which (through a right-click action provided by the Grammar-Kit plugin) can be used to generate a Flex lexer, e.g. _AndroidSqlLexer. We use the standard FlexAdapter class to turn this into a Lexer instance.

Here's an example of how all of this (may not) work together. Suppose we define a token for comments in the *.bnf file:

  // ...
    // ...

When the user types foo /* bar and the IDE decides to re-run the lexer, our COMMENT token will not get recognized (because we can't find the closing */) and so the lexer will emit DIV token for / and MUL for * and carry on, recognizing bar as an identifier. When the user finishes typing and we end up with foo /* bar */ baz, IDE will restart the lexer somewhere around the last edit position. The lexer will now find a space and then emit MUL token for * and DIV for / and recognize baz as an identifier. You can see this is not what we wanted. Now if you change something in foo, IDE will restart the lexer at the beginning of the line and the comment will be correctly recognized. So we end up with "undeterministic" lexing results. See LexerEditorHighlighter.documentChanged for details of how incremental lexing is started in the last place lexer was in "initial state". The correct way to handle this depends on whether an unterminated token is valid:

  • For comments, make the closing sequence (*/) optional. This way everything until the end of file is considered a comment, which is what we want usually.

Building the AST

AST is built by an instance of PsiParser (ours are generated by Grammar-Kit) recording the recognized parts of the tree in a PsiBuilder as it reads more tokens from the lexer. See more details in IntelliJ SDK docs. Our parsers are generated by Grammar-Kit and are reasonably easy to read and debug, since they implement the simple recursive descent algorithm. Note that the content of a *.bnf file is a Parser Expression Grammar (PEG), not a Context Free Grammar (CFG). This may be different from what you're used to from other parser generators or CS education. Please read the wikipedia entry on PEGs and Grammar-Kit's documentation for details, but here are some highlights:

  • There's no ambiguation: for every valid input, there's exactly one parse tree.
  • Alternatives are tried in order (from left to right) and the rule "finishes" when the first alternative is matched. This means that a rule like reference ::= identifier | identifier '.' identifier will never match because the first alternative succeeds before the second has a chance to run.
  • "Repeating operations" are naively greedy and don't backtrack: rule ::= a* a will never succeed because the first part will consume all the a symbols before the second part has a chance to match anything.
  • Every rule can be used as a predicate for unlimited lookahead, e.g. rule ::= !(a a a) (a | b)+ will match any sequence of a and b except for the ones starting with three a symbols.
  • Grammar-Kit rejects left-recursive grammars (which would make the parser go into an inifnite loop), but there's a special case for parsing arithmetic-like expressions, see Grammar-Kit docs.

Parsers generated by Grammar-Kit call methods in GeneratedParserUtilBase when they are have recognized a node. By default (if a language doesn't provide a custom ASTFactory), this ends up creating instances of LeafPsiElement and CompositeElement. If we ignore the Psi in LeafPsiElement for a moment, we can see that the AST is pretty boring: every node knows the range of text that it represents (or contains) as well as its children, parent and type (of IElementType).

Because every character in the file is processed by the lexer (and so assigned an IElementType) and there's a leaf AST node for every token, you can think of the AST as a "range tree" for the file characters. This also means that there's always more than one "element under cursor": exactly one leaf plus all its parents.

Building the PSI

As we noticed above, AST is quite boring. The whole point of building it is to re-use its "shape" for the PSI: a proper graph of java objects of different types that have interesting methods etc.

We use Grammar-Kit to create the PSI classes as well (there's one for every non-private rule in the grammar). They inherit from ASTWrapperPsiElement and there's one such wrapper PsiElement created for every AST node (and vice-versa). Code for mapping the IElementType of an AST node to a constructor of the right PSI class is generated by Grammar-Kit in the Factory class and ends up called by ParserDefinition.createElement.

Note that not every PSI tree is backed up an AST: that's the whole point of stub indexes. See IntelliJ SDK docs for more.

Find Usages

Extremely simplified process of find usages:

When looking for usages of a PsiElement, IntelliJ starts by identifying a string by which this element is expected to be referenced. Usually this string is PsiNamedElement::name, but this can be overridden, to do this, you need to implement a reference searcher (see RoomReferenceSearchExecutor). For every PsiElement there is SearchScope, taken from the PsiElement useScope. It is also intersected with the scope define by the user in the UI and union with scopes from useScopeEnlarger extension point.

With help of word index Intellij collects files that contain string from given search scope. In every collected file we find all offsets there string occurs. For every offset we check all PsiReferences at this offset and if PsiReference.referenceResolvesTo(PsiElement) returns true we add it to result. This is based on when using the DefaultFindUsagesHandler, and the references and the target element are typically matched in the SingleTargetRequestResultProcessor.

If you want references from your custom language (e.g. ProGuard/R8) to elements defined in an existing language (e.g. Kotlin) to be found, there are three important components:

  1. Correct search scope.
  2. Correct word index for your files.
  3. Correct references.

Correct search scope

Intellij optimizes search and restricts search scope. For example, in Java for package-visible classes to package, private members search scope to files and so on. If your custom language allows using elements outside of their "real" visible scope, you should extend search scope for such elements through useScopeEnlarger extension point. See RoomUseScopeEnlarger and ProguardR8UseScopeEnlarger. This should be done carefully, as it can ruin refactoring performance.

Correct word index for your files

During search process Intellij checks only the files whose word index contains word we are looking for. If you haven't specified ScanningIdIndexer for you language Intellij would build word index by using SimpleWordsScanner. It breaks text into words at boundaries of sequences of English letters. If your language contains "words" that SimpleWordsScanner could not recognise e.g. words that contains special symbols, you should add your implementation of ScanningIdIndexer through idIndexer extension point. See ProguardR8IdIndexer and AndroidSqlIdIndexer. It is recommended to always provide idIndexer that relies on lexer for your language.

Correct references

Make sure that your reference not only resolves to element what you are looking for but that reference offset is the same as offset of the word you are looking for.