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Governance as

File metadata and controls

255 lines (208 loc) · 9.2 KB

Define Your Trust Ecosystem Governance

1. Schemas

Schemas are used to define attributes related to credentials. To define schemas for your trust ecosystem, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the API through the Governance Cloud API.
  2. Authenticate with governance. + APIKEY role.
  3. Generate a new schema with a POST to the following API endpoint: /v1/definitions/schemas.

An example of a successful response to generate a DID:

  "id": "PWmeoVrsLE2pu1idEwWFRW:2:test_schema:0.3.0",
  "name": "test_schema",
  "version": "0.3.0",
  "attribute_names": ["speed"]

2. Creating Tenants

Creating new tenants in the multi-tenant environment for the various tenant types in the Trust Ecosystem:


Tenants are custodial wallets created within the Trust Ecosystem's multitenant AcaPy agent. To create new tenants for your trust ecosystem, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the API through the CloudAPI-Multitenant-Admin.
  2. Authenticate with tenant-admin. + APIKEY role.
  3. Create a new tenant with a POST to the following API endpoint: /tenant-admin/v1/admin/tenants/, using the example request body below.
  "wallet_label": "Demo Issuer",
  "wallet_name": "Faber",
  "roles": [
  "group_id": "API demo",
  "image_url": ""

An example of a successful response to create a new Issuer Tenant:

  "access_token": "tenant.eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ3YWxsZXRfaWQiOiIwNTYxODM2Mi1iMDI0LTQ2YzUtYjgzYy02YzZiOGM3NzkyZDgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDAxMjgxNTN9.x_0xa9glFFW44PbfoBiEQY0Lt0dOBLVJgUkdavgusWU",
  "wallet_id": "05618362-b024-46c5-b83c-6c6b8c7792d8",
  "wallet_label": "Demo Issuer",
  "wallet_name": "Faber",
  "created_at": "2023-11-16T09:49:13.067595Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-11-16T09:49:13.111843Z",
  "image_url": "",
  "group_id": "API demo"


Tenants, functioning as custodial wallets, are established within the Trust Ecosystem's multitenant AcaPy agent. Follow the steps below to create new tenants for your trust ecosystem:

  1. Access the API through CloudAPI-Multitenant-Admin

  2. Authenticate using the tenant-admin.+APIKEY role

  3. Generate a new tenant with a POST request to the API endpoint /tenant-admin/v1/admin/tenants/ using the request body detailed in the example below

     "wallet_label": "Demo Verifier",
     "wallet_name": "Acme",
     "roles": [
     "group_id": "API demo",
     "image_url": ""
  4. Below is an example of a successful response to the creation of a new Verifier Tenant:

     "access_token": "tenant.eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ3YWxsZXRfaWQiOiIwNTYxODM2Mi1iMDI0LTQ2YzUtYjgzYy02YzZiOGM3NzkyZDgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDAxMjgxNTN9.x_0xa9glFFW44PbfoBiEQY0Lt0dOBLVJgUkdavgusWU",
     "wallet_id": "05618362-b024-46c5-b83c-6c6b8c7792d8",
     "wallet_label": "Demo Verifier",
     "wallet_name": "Acme",
     "created_at": "2023-11-16T09:49:13.067595Z",
     "updated_at": "2023-11-16T09:49:13.111843Z",
     "image_url": "",
     "group_id": "API demo"


Similar to Verifiers, Tenants for Holders are created within the Trust Ecosystem's multitenant AcaPy agent. Follow these steps to create new Holders for your trust ecosystem:

  1. Access the API through CloudAPI-Multitenant-Admin

  2. Authenticate using tenant-admin.+APIKEY role

  3. Generate a new tenant with a POST to the API endpoint /tenant-admin/v1/admin/tenants/ using the request body in the example below

     "wallet_label": "Demo Holder",
     "wallet_name": "Alice",
     "group_id": "API demo",
     "image_url": ""
  4. Here is an example of a successful response to creating a new Holder Tenant:

     "access_token": "tenant.eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ3YWxsZXRfaWQiOiI0ZTBjNzBmYi1mMmFkLTRmNTktODFmMy05M2Q4ZGY5Yjk3N2EiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDAxMTkzMjJ9.lXrNVWN_bzRXkkBfOd1Yey6D0iqsHpOuXt6aZYwMLp4",
     "wallet_id": "4e0c70fb-f2ad-4f59-81f3-93d8df9b977a",
     "wallet_label": "Demo Holder",
     "wallet_name": "Alice",
     "created_at": "2023-11-16T07:22:02.086605Z",
     "updated_at": "2023-11-16T07:22:02.105980Z",
     "image_url": "",
     "group_id": "API demo"

3. Credential Definitions

Credential definitions are expected to be created by all Issuers within the trust ecosystem who wish to issue credentials to holders. The Trust Authority, which administers the trust ecosystem and enables tenants to write to the Indy Ledger, acts as the Transaction Endorser of the Trust Ecosystem. Meanwhile, Issuers serve as Transaction Authors within the Trust Ecosystem. For additional information on Transaction Endorsers and Transaction Authors, please refer to Aries Transaction Endorser Support.

To create credential definitions through the Transaction Endorser Protocol for trust ecosystem issuers, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the CloudAPI-Tenant Swagger UI

  2. Authenticate as an Issuer using tenant.+JWTKey x-api-key

  3. Create a new schema with a POST to the API endpoint /v1/definitions/credentials using the request body illustrated in the example below.

    NOTE: The schema ID should already exist in the ledger and be accessible in the Trust Registry

      "tag": "default",
      "schema_id": "JPqFhPEM4UiR2ZNK9CM4NA:2:test_schema:0.3.0"
  4. Below is an example of a successful response to writing a credential definition:

      "id": "EfFA6wi7fcZNWzRuHeQqaj:3:CL:8:default",
      "tag": "default",
      "schema_id": "JPqFhPEM4UiR2ZNK9CM4NA:2:test_schema:0.3.0"

4. Trust Registry

To query entries in the Trust Registry, adhere to the following steps:

  1. Access the CloudAPI-Public Swagger UI

  2. Authenticate as an Issuer using tenant.+JWTKey role

    NOTE: The Trust Registry is currently public and accessible to anyone on the internet

  3. The trust-registry has 5 GET endpoints:

    • GET /v1/trust-registry/schemas will return all schemas on the trust registry


        "did": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf",
        "name": "Proof of Person",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "id": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf:2:Proof of Person:0.1.0"
        "did": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf",
        "name": "Proof of Address",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "id": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf:2:Proof of Address:0.1.0"
        "did": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf",
        "name": "Proof of Medical Aid",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "id": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf:2:Proof of Medical Aid:0.1.0"
        "did": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf",
        "name": "Proof of Bank Account",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "id": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf:2:Proof of Bank Account:0.1.0"
    • GET /v1/trust-registry/schemas/{schema_id} will return the schema based on id passed


      "did": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf",
      "name": "Proof of Bank Account",
      "version": "0.1.0",
      "id": "GXK1Ubc58DvZDe48zPYdcf:2:Proof of Bank Account:0.1.0"
    • GET /v1/trust-registry/actors will return all actors on the trust registry

    • Optionally one of the following query parameters can be passed to get a specific actor:

      • actor_did
      • actor_id
      • actor_name


        "id": "9bdbc626-1499-48e2-a5db-878d347e290b",
        "name": "",
        "roles": [
        "did": "did:sov:J1Sg8UHXyuyBCUUpRY3EeZ",
        "didcomm_invitation": "http://localhost:8100?oob=eyJAdHlwZSI6ICJodHRwczovL2RpZGNvbW0ub3JnL291dC1...Y29tbS5vcmcvZGlkZXhjaGFuZ2UvMS4wIl19"
        "id": "fe523496-e0b5-4aea-a038-6ed6cbd686b8",
        "name": "",
        "roles": [
        "did": "did:key:z6MkkUK3zRys1WezsaoAtXZtAJrhP7dh5qxbpJMe6cbDcW3s",
        "didcomm_invitation": "http://localhost:8100?oob=eyJAdHlwZSI6ICJodHRwczovL2RpZGNvbW0ub3JnL291dC1vZi1iYW...jb21tLm9yZy9kaWRleGNoYW5nZS8xLjAiXX0="
        "id": "cf058a03-1f88-4fa9-97dc-96a9cabf8d3e",
        "name": "Bank Issuer & Verifier",
        "roles": [
        "did": "did:sov:UhJ5C8hgSiNzpoAYwVcnW9",
        "didcomm_invitation": "http://localhost:8100?oob=eyJAdHlwZSI6ICJodHRwczovL2RpZGNvbW0ub3Jn...odHRovL2RpZGNvbW0ub3JnL2RpZGV4Y2hhbmdlLzEuMCJdfQ=="
    • GET /v1/trust-registry/actors/issuers will return all actors with issuer as a role
    • GET /v1/trust-registry/actors/verifiers will return all actors with verifier as a role