This project welcomes contributions.
You may send a PR for adding new feature specifications or update SDKs' development status.
For questions or discussions, please open an issue.
Each language's SDK has it's own codebase. Contributions are welcome.
Before you start work on a new feature, please check the project's issues.
You may pick one and comment on the open issue to let folks know you're workin on the item.
You may also create a new issue for a feature that you'd like to work on if it's not listed in the README. When adding a new issue, include a link to the feature specification document in the issue description. Example: diem/client-sdk-python#202.
For pull request to be accepted by any Diem projects, a CLA must be signed. You will only need to do this once to work on any of Diem's open source projects.
When submitting a pull request (PR), the diem-github-bot
will check your submission for a valid CLA. If one is not found, then you will need to submit an Individual CLA for yourself or a Corporate CLA for your company.