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Developer guide

Dale Wahl edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 10 revisions

Interested in contributing to 4CAT or extending it with your own modules? The following pages offer the information you need to do this:

Developing in Docker

Docker's containerized approach allows you to easily change 4CAT and its environment and redeploy your local application. You can make changes locally in your cloned 4CAT repository, shutdown you running 4CAT instance with docker-compose down, and then recreate the application with docker-compose up --build -d. This will rebuild your application following the docker-compose.yml file (ensure you use that file as opposed to docker-compose_prod.yml since the prod file pull images directly from Docker Hub). Note: if you wish to remove all collected data as well, use docker-compose down -v which removes the volumes as well.

Often it is not necessary to rebuild the entire application. If you only change certain files or create new processors/datasources, you can copy those files directly into your Docker 4CAT containers. docker cp path/to/file 4cat_backend:/usr/src/app/path/to/file will copy a file to the 4cat_backend container. Remember to also copy the same files to the 4cat_frontend container which works as a mirror to the backend. The frontend will generally pick up all changed files automatically so long as you refresh your browser, however, the backend will need to be restarted. You could restart the container or run docker exec 4cat_backend python3 restart.

You can also connect directly to the containers with either the Docker GUI or the command docker exec -it 4cat_backend /bin/bash where you can run commands, test your python3 environment and files, and even edit files directly. (You could install your preferred text editor if you wish with a command such as apt-get install nano directly in the container.)

4CAT tips

  • 4CAT containers inherit the git repository you cloned, so if you are using git to track changes and manage branches, you can use all of git's functionality inside the containers.
  • Logs are stored by default in /usr/src/app/logs. This is a shared volume so it is accessible via both 4cat_backend and 4cat_frontend. Main logs are generally shown in the docker logs as well, but this is not always the case (particularly the backend).
  • Additional backend commands:
    • python3 status
    • python3 stop
    • python3 start
  • Containers do not need to be running to copy files to and from them (helpful if an error causes a container to crash!)
  • docker-compose essentially relies on the docker-compose.yml file and your .env file, but also uses the docker\Dockerfile to build the 4cat image environments and the docker/ file which runs every time the 4cat_backend container starts.
  • You can open additional ports by adding them to docker-compose.yml. For example, if you wished to directly connect to the database from your local machine, just add the line ports: - 5432:5432 to the db container under services and recreate 4CAT.

Helpful Docker commands

  1. View container logs docker container logs container_name
  2. Stop running container docker stop container_name
  3. Start stopped container docker start container_name
  4. Remove container docker container rm container_name Useful to remove then recreate with new parameters (e.g. port mappings)
  5. Remove image docker image rm image_name:image_tag Useful if you need to change Dockerfile or and rebuild
    • Note: must also remove any containers dependent on image; you could alternately create a new image with a different name:tag
  6. Copy files into container docker cp path/to/file container_name:/full/path/to/container/directory/ Can update and change files (e.g. or other configuration files) Note: may require restarting the container to take effect


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