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415 lines (315 loc) · 14.1 KB

File metadata and controls

415 lines (315 loc) · 14.1 KB


About this project

spark-pipeline project is a solutions to solve all challenges below when we are working with apache spark in huge projects and complex solutions.

  • Create pipeline flows declared by step managing all executions
  • Manage input variables by application argumments, environment variables, getting from files and other implementations
  • Manage dataset reading, transformation and loading through pipelines
  • Manage log configuration programmatically for all application, this project and even apache spark
  • Give us a way to mock reading and loading actions by conditions as you prefer

Simple example using spark-pipeline

Simple example using pipeline

.init() // spark session will be created as default config
.read("DATASET_1", ReaderCSV.init("${DATASET_1_PATH_INPUT}").hasHeader(true))
.anyRunning(context -> context.datasetByKey("DATASET_1").show())
.transform("DATASET_1", context -> context.datasetByKey("DATASET_1").filter(...))
.transformSql("DATASET_1", context -> "select * from `DATASET_1` where ...")
.anyRunning(context -> context.datasetByKey("DATASET_1").show())
.transform("DATASET_2", context -> context.datasetByKey("DATASET_1").groupBy(...)))
.transformSql("DATASET_3", context -> "select * from `DATASET_1` where ...")
.write(("DATASET_3", WriterCSV.init("${DATASET_1_TRANSF_PATH_OUTPUT}"))
.execute(); // all steps are functional callings and will be run only right here

Implement dependency in your project

All core source is place in ./core/src/*

Download from git

git clone

Add as sourceControl and use as multimodule

add into setting.gradle file

sourceControl {
  gitRepository("") {

add into build.gradle dependencies

dependencies {
  implementation('sparkpipeline.core:core') {
      version {
          branch = 'main'

Required Gradle 4.x to use sourceControl example above in your project


Your project must contain:

  • Version source java8+
  • Spark core dependencie
  • Spark sql dependencie

exampĺe at build.gradle

sourceCompatibility=1.8 // java8+
targetCompatibility=1.8 // java8+

dependencies {
    // Spark core dependencie
    implementation 'org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.13:3.3.0'
    // Spark sql dependencie
    implementation 'org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.13:3.3.0'

All example source are place in ./example/src/*

Context Builder

When creating a pipeline with .init() will be used default settings


If you need add custom setting into context on pipeline executions use PipelineContextBuilder

// declare contextBuilder
PipelineContextBuilder contextBuilder = PipelineContextBuilder

    // collect vars into context
    .addVarCollector(...) // custom implementation

    // log settings

    // settings to limit rerun steps and pipeline

    // add custom spark config configuration
    // add actions into start-cycle context as folow in the next order

// creating pipeline with contextBuilder created above
    .anyRunning(context -> { 
      /* running any peace of code with custom settings in context  */

Code Examples

Customizing logs programmatically

LogConfig logConfig = LogConfig.init()
  // .logConsolePattern("%d{HH:mm:ss.sss} %p %25.25c : %m%n")
  .logConsoleLevel("org.apache.spark", Level.WARN) // silent spark logs
  .logConsoleLevel("sparkpipeline.core", Level.INFO)
  .logConsoleLevel("", Level.INFO);

PipelineContextBuilder contextBuilder = PipelineContextBuilder

  // all step declaration here...

Complete example for log settngs in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Handle arguments, variables and external configurations

spark-pipeline has by default 3 implementations to collect variables into context:

  • by Arguments
  • from Map<String,Object>
  • file reading ( file will be reading by sparkSession )

We can use variables declaring as ${VAR} or ${VAR:default_value}

PipelineContextBuilder contextBuilder = PipelineContextBuilder
	.collectVarsFromArgs(args) // collect vars from application vars
	.collectVarsFromMap(Map.of("ENVIRONMENT", "prd")) // collect from map
	.collectVarsFromFile("vars1.env") // collect from file
	.collectVarsFromFile("vars2-${ENVIRONMENT}.properties") // collect from file using var already added before
	.addVarCollector(new MyCollectorVars()); // collect using customized implementation

	.anyRunning(context -> {
		System.out.println("ENVIRONMENT: " + context.varByKey("ENVIRONMENT"));
	.read("DATASET1", ReaderCSV.init("${DATASET_1_PATH_INPUT}")) // get path from context vars
	.write(DATASET_1, WriterCSV.init("${DATASET_1_TRANSF_PATH_OUTPUT}")) // get path from context vars

Complete example for args and env settings placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Add and retrieve vars into context

	// saving var into context
	.anyRunning(context -> {
		context.newVar("VAR_1", "value_var_1");
	// retrieving vars from context
	.anyRunning(context -> {
		String var1AsString =  context.varByKey("VAR_1",String.class);
		String var1WithCast =  (String) context.varByKey("VAR_1");
		String varUsingVarDeclarations = context.handleStringFromContextVars("var1 = ${VAR_1}, var-not-found ${VAR_NOT_FOUND:default_value}");

Complete example for saving vars into context placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Customizing spark configurations

PipelineContextBuilder contextBuilder = PipelineContextBuilder
	// set vars be used in .sparkConfigBuilder(...)
	// set sparkConfigBuilder
	.sparkConfigBuilder(context -> 
		new SparkConf()

        // all step declaration here...

Complete example for Customizing spark configurations placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Transform datasets in pipeline steps

.read(DATASET_1, ReaderCSV.init(DATASET_1_PATH_INPUT))
// transform dataset with methods
.transform(DATASET_1, context -> context.datasetByKey(DATASET_1).filter(col("category").notEqual("A")))
// transform dataset with sqlContext
.transformSql(DATASET_1, context -> String.format("select * from %s where category <> 'B'", DATASET_1))
// transform dataset with methods into new dataset
.transform(DATASET_2, context -> context.datasetByKey(DATASET_1).groupBy("category").agg(sum("value")))
// transform dataset with sqlContext into new dataset
.transformSql(DATASET_3, context -> String.format("select * from %s where category is not null", DATASET_1))

We can persti, unpersist and remove datasets from context as follows:

.read(      "dataset1", ...)
.read(      "dataset2", ...)
.persist(   "dataset1", "dataset2")
.unpersist( "dataset1", "dataset2")
.remove(    "dataset1", "dataset2")
// all next steps

If you need use specifics methods in dataset on context, use context.datasetByKey("datasetKey") inside any step

Complete example for transformations placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Read and writing datasets

We read and write dataset using implementations of sparkpipeline.core.reader.AbstractReader and sparkpipeline.core.reader.AbstractWriter

.read("DATASET_KEY_READ_NEW_DATASET",  sparkpipeline.core.reader.AbstractReader() )
.write("DATASET_KEY_TO_WRITE",  sparkpipeline.core.reader.AbstractWriter() )

There are 5 reading implementations as default until now:


There are 2 writing implementations as default until now:


When using and Pipeline.write() we got all benefits for context vars, mock executions and functional exectution in pipeline steps.

Mock reading and writing in steps

All implementations of sparkpipeline.core.reader.AbstractReader and sparkpipeline.core.reader.AbstractWriter has a way to mock their actions

WriterCSV reader ReaderCSV.init("${PATH_READ}")
  .mockEnable(context -> context.varByKey("MOCK_DATASET",Boolean.class))
  .mockReader(context -> createMockDataset(context));

WriterCSV writer = WriterCSV.init("${PATH_WRITE}")
	.mockEnable(context -> context.varByKey("MOCK_DATASET",Boolean.class))
	.mockWriter(context -> System.out.println("Pretending writing dataset"));

	.anyRunning(context -> context.newVar("MOCK_DATASET", true)) // set mock on
	.read("DATASET_1", reader) // using reader with mock
	.write("DATASET_1", writer)  // using writer with mock

Complete example for mocks placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Manage flow of running in pipeline steps

if you have needs to rerun steps, abort pipeline or restart pipeline execuction... you can manage step flows from context.controllerExecution()in any step

PipelineContextBuilder contextBuilder = PipelineContextBuilder.init()
	.setMaxAmountReRunEachStep(3) // limit max rerun for steps
	.setMaxAmountReRunPipeline(2);  // limit max rerun for whole pipeline

	// rerun current step
	.anyRunning(context -> {
	// rerun all pipeline
	.anyRunning(context -> {
  	// rerun current step when throw reading
	.read("DATASET_1", ReaderCSV.init("any-path-not-found").whenThrowError(
		(error ,context) -> {
	// rerun current step when throw wrinting
	.write("DATASET_1", WriterCSV.init("any-path-not-found").whenThrowError(
		(error ,context) -> {
  // abort all pipeline
	.anyRunning(context -> {

Complete example for flow management placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/

Adding Custom functions to spartk session

You can prepare pipelineContext in PipelineContextBuilder before declare all steps:

PipelineContextBuilder contextBuilder = PipelineContextBuilder
	.afterStartContext(context -> {
			(String sufix,String text) -> text + sufix ,

	.read("DATASET_1", ReaderCSV.init(DATASET_1_PATH_INPUT))
	// transform dataset using custom functions
	.transformSql("DATASET_1", context -> "select addSufix('-SUFIX', name) from DATASET_1")
	.anyRunning(context -> context.datasetByKey("DATASET_1").show())

If you need use variables from context use afterRetrieveAllContextVars() instead of afterStartContext()

Complete example for adding Custom functions placed in ./example/src/sparkpipeline/example/