ROS driver for the e-consystems See3CAM_Stereo (Tara) camera based on the uvc_camera package.
Creates a stereo image node pair (left/image_raw
and right/image_raw
) from any connected Tara devices. This is for compatibility with any other ROS modules which support stereo cameras.
Added support for setting and getting exposure and brightness.
Added support for getting IMU data.
The following nodes will be created upon launching this driver.
The Camera preview can be seen using any basic ROS camera application. rqt_image_view
can be used for simplicity.
To Install and use rqt_image_view
sudo apt-get install ros-jade-rqt-image-view
- To check the exposure of the camera at run time:
rostopic echo /stereo/get_exposure
- To check the brightness of the camera at run time:
rostopic echo /stereo/get_brightness
- To change the exposure of the camera at run time:
rostopic pub -1 /stereo/set_exposure std_msgs/Float64 "data: <value>"
e.g. :
rostopic pub -1 /stereo/set_exposure std_msgs/Float64 "data: 20000"
- To change the brightness of the camera at run time:
rostopic pub -1 /stereo/set_brightness std_msgs/Float64 "data: <value>"
e.g. :
rostopic pub -1 /stereo/set_brightness std_msgs/Float64 "data: 6"
- To read the inclination of the camera using the built-in IMU:
rostopic echo /stereo/get_inclination
- To read the angular velocity and linear acceleration of the camera using built-in IMU:
rostopic echo /stereo/get_IMU
- The directory which stores the camera config files (yaml) has to be created manually for the first time after driver installation (catkin_make).
mkdir ~/.ros/camera_info -p