Here we provide some examples to show how to use ingress to access your Ray cluster.
- Example: AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) Ingress support on AWS EKS
- Example: Manually setting up NGINX Ingress on KinD
Follow the document Getting started with Amazon EKS – AWS Management Console and AWS CLI to create an EKS cluster.
Follow the installation instructions to set up the AWS Load Balancer controller. Note that the repository maintains a webpage for each release. Please make sure you use the latest installation instructions.
(Optional) Try echo server example in the aws-load-balancer-controller repository.
(Optional) Read to understand the mechanism of aws-load-balancer-controller.
# Step 1: Install KubeRay operator and CRD
pushd helm-chart/kuberay-operator/
helm install kuberay-operator .
# Step 2: Install a RayCluster
pushd helm-chart/ray-cluster
helm install ray-cluster .
# Step 3: Edit the `ray-operator/config/samples/ray-cluster-alb-ingress.yaml`
# (1) Annotation ``
# 1. Please include at least two subnets.
# 2. One Availability Zone (ex: us-west-2a) can only have at most 1 subnet.
# 3. In this example, you need to select public subnets (subnets that "Auto-assign public IPv4 address" is Yes on AWS dashboard)
# (2) Set the name of head pod service to ``
eksctl get cluster ${YOUR_EKS_CLUSTER} # Check subnets on the EKS cluster
# Step 4: Create an ALB ingress. When an ingress with proper annotations creates,
# AWS Load Balancer controller will reconcile a ALB (not in AWS EKS cluster).
kubectl apply -f ray-operator/config/samples/alb-ingress.yaml
# Step 5: Check ingress created by Step 4.
kubectl describe ingress ray-cluster-ingress
# [Example]
# Name: ray-cluster-ingress
# Labels: <none>
# Namespace: default
# Address: k8s-default-rayclust-....${REGION_CODE}
# Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
# Rules:
# Host Path Backends
# ---- ---- --------
# *
# / ray-cluster-kuberay-head-svc:8265 (
# Annotations: internet-facing
# ${SUBNET_1},${SUBNET_2}
# Environment=dev,Team=test
# ip
# Events:
# Type Reason Age From Message
# ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
# Normal SuccessfullyReconciled 39m ingress Successfully reconciled
# Step 6: Check ALB on AWS (EC2 -> Load Balancing -> Load Balancers)
# The name of the ALB should be like "k8s-default-rayclust-......".
# Step 7: Check Ray Dashboard by ALB DNS Name. The name of the DNS Name should be like
# ""
# Step 8: Delete the ingress, and AWS Load Balancer controller will remove ALB.
# Check ALB on AWS to make sure it is removed.
kubectl delete ingress ray-cluster-ingress
# Step 1: Create a KinD cluster with `extraPortMappings` and `node-labels`
# Reference for the setting up of kind cluster:
cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config=-
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP
# Step 2: Install NGINX ingress controller
kubectl apply -f
sleep 10 # Wait for the Kubernetes API Server to create the related resources
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \ \
# Step 3: Install KubeRay operator
pushd helm-chart/kuberay-operator
helm install kuberay-operator .
# Step 4: Install RayCluster and create an ingress separately.
# If you want to change ingress settings, you can edit the ingress portion in
# `ray-operator/config/samples/ray-cluster.separate-ingress.yaml`.
# More information about change of setting was documented in
# and `ray-operator/config/samples/ray-cluster.separate-ingress.yaml`
kubectl apply -f ray-operator/config/samples/ray-cluster.separate-ingress.yaml
# Step 5: Check the ingress created in Step 4.
kubectl describe ingress raycluster-ingress-head-ingress
# [Example]
# ...
# Rules:
# Host Path Backends
# ---- ---- --------
# *
# /raycluster-ingress/(.*) raycluster-ingress-head-svc:8265 (
# Annotations: /$1
# Step 6: Check `<ip>/raycluster-ingress/` on your browser. You will see the Ray Dashboard.
# [Note] The forward slash at the end of the address is necessary. `<ip>/raycluster-ingress`
# will report "404 Not Found".