BIMS is a Django app.
Note that BIMS is under development and not yet feature complete.
The latest source code is available at
- Developers: See our project setup guide and developer guide
Refer to project setup guide for in depth information.
Make sure ansible is installed, all.yml file is configured, and project already opened using PyCharm. Then run these command:
make ansible-check
This will check and dry-run ansible tasks
make setup-ansible
This will generate project file configuration.
For deployment we use docker so you need to have docker running on the host. HealthyRivers is a django app so it will help if you have some knowledge of running a django site.
git clone git://
make build
make permissions
make web
# Wait a few seconds for the DB to start before to do the next command
make migrate
make collectstatic
# Finally we can rebuild our search indexes if needed
make rebuildindex
So as to create your admin account:
make superuser
To use some feature, there are keys that needs to be included on the project. Please put the keys on the
The keys are:
- To show bing map, use your key of bing ( and put it in core/settings/ with key BING_MAP_KEY
- To show openmaptile map (terrain and other style), use your key of maptile ( and put it in core/settings/ with key MAP_TILER_KEY
Thank you to the individual contributors who have helped to build HealthyRivers:
- Tim Sutton (Lead developer):
- Dimas Ciptura:
- Irwan Fathurrahman:
- Anita Hapsari: