- Airport systems with web technology
- Hired Marwa as intern, didn't see that much difference from HvA Student
- Interns in general a pretty difficult to get up and running with
- Students should be up to date with latest tech
- Culture: Only coding girl. Not that good at asking questions. Spend to much time to fix it by herself.
- Do it again? yes
- CTO at Screen6, cross medium advertisment.
- 2 internship
- Doesn't care about specific skills. HYF skills not applicable
- Hired Samir, went really well, learned quickly in 3 months. Then offered him a job position. COA/Uitkering sheiz was difficult, almost refused. But in the end full hire. They helped him a bit with getting fam to NL, especially getting him a house in Adam
- Different having him working: not much different in terms of culture. Fits well.
- Then interviewed (Hadi, One of the guys from eritrea)
- Didn't hire either. Not on technical skills. One socially not fit. Other didn't have focus (way too long story). Kept sending in the hiring-interview-test over and over again. We should screen more for enthusiasm.